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Keelan, Bernard Callan 529
Kei-n, Fred. John,CiJ.73, 415
Keene, Ai red 173
— Christopher T. P 269
— Edmund Ruck 609
Keep, Wm. Thornton ... 57
Kbcr, .Touathan 547
Keeshan, John 285
Keess. James, MD 504
Keiffhley, Chas. Marsh... 422
— Hi-rbert Hope 361
Keir, Jolm L 173
— Wilham, MD 380
Keith, George Silver 98, 485
— Jariies 169
— James Blaikie 5321
■—Jose nil Forbes, Mi}.... 529
— Robert, .T/i> 3S1
— William q6, 206
Kekewich, Robert Geo. 237
— Samuel B 72^ 124
Kennedy, Chas. Henry 401 Kidd, James Gordon ... '^28
— Charles Henry Scott 308 — Leonard, JIB 377
— rhessborougli G. M. 532? — William Archibald ... 371
— Claude 250 Kidston, A. Fei'rier m, 286
— Edw. Chas. Wm. M... 259 Kiernander, W. C 529
— Edw. Douglass 270 Kilborn, John 572
George Edw. deVere. 1+7 Kilgour, Frederick 99, 485
Henry Friend 547 — Henry 108, 240
Henry John Shaw ... 579 Kilkelly, Charles, MD. 45;
Herbert John W. M... 245 Killeen, Roger 558
Hugh 558 Killery, St. John, IfZ).. 379
Irving Francis 568 Kiliick, Geo. Lionel B. 305
James Joseph ..: 487.—Thos Alex 395
John Henry 294 Kilmarnock, ZordC. G.,
— JohnPitt,.! S71I 113, 135
^JohnW. Alex 547lKiIroy, Philip Lefeuvre 381
I — Lorikhart M. Hartlc.y532i'Kinahan, .lolin, MD.
— SirUich.K.EVSI. 3, 223:Kmcaid, Chas. Style ..333
— Robert Blair 404'—William 48, 482
-Thos. Fra. Arch 286 — Wm. Fras. H. Style 213
■ Thomas Francis 386 Kinchant, J. Charl. 114,153
Kelaart, Gerald Talbot... i72J_ Thos. Gdbert, CJ?. 42, 413,Kinder, Dcnett Thomas 249
Kelawalii, M. J 506 — Walter Craufiird 372iKinder^ley, Chas. P. W. 231
Kelham, Henry Robert 317—William D 3671 King, Alex. C. Newton . 2S5
Kirkpatrick, Ivoiie 326
— Thomas David 259
- Win. John Johnston 347
— Wm. Johnston 311
Kirkwood, Jleo. George 396
— Hendley P 208
— James Nicholson S. 518
John Knox 297
Kingston Dodd L. ... 383
Richard Ha-mmett ... 249
— Thomas Moore 380
Kirsopp. Jas. Joseph ...5324
Kirtikar, Kanoba R 530
Kirton, Wm. Henrj' 453
Kirwan, Albert 382
Charles John 591
379 — George 532?
George Hastings 309
— John Denis 172
— Wm. Fra. Maitland... 579
Kitchener, Fred. W. ... 253
— Henry E. C 276
— Honvy Horatio 606
Horatio Herbert 211
Kell, Waldegrave C. F. 282 — William Horace 305 — Anthony Singleton ... eoe'Kitching.Cha.Wra. Ross 401
Kellett, Kdwai'd Young 595 — Willoughby Pitcairn 519 — Augustus Carter 265|Kitson, iicc. E.B 396
•E'lward Chamier ... 519
■George Jerome 456
^ James 21
— James, lf7> 595
— Robt. Howden 2r
KeUman, James Cragg 369
Kelly, Anderson Lindsay 267
— Arthur D. D 278, 367
— Arthur .James 21
— Chas. Henry 262
— Edward 60:
— Edward Harvey 395
^ Francis Uenr.v 213
— George Charles 555
— Har?e.v Hamilton ... 48
— SctJ. Henry 396
— Heni-y Clin,. Thomas 401
^Hy. Hold5w'j.''th 110,397
— James 503
— James, MD 434
— Jas. Bennett 380
^ James Graves 421
— James William 574
— John 163
— John 185
— John Lovell 532c
— Patrick 361
— Philip 147
— K/-RichardD.,irCJJ.3, 346
— Richard M. B. F 173
— Thomas 284
— Thomas Jas. P 288
— Thos. Conyng., CB... 536
— Waldron E. Roper 115,237
— William 264
— Wdliam Freeman 279
— William Patrick 532/
— William Pierce 504
Kelly-Kenny,Thos. 78, 236
Kelsall, Gustavus Nic. 568
— Edw. W;n 383
— John R 532f
— Richard Edward 249
Kelsey. Walter Fred. 106, 318
Kemball, .Sir Arnold Bur-
rowes, CB.KCSI. ...3, 183
— Arnold Henry G 234
— Charles Arnold 254
— George Vero 174
-—John Shaw 547
Kemble, Edw. Arthur... 250
— Henry 274
— Henry Charles 40
Thomas Albert 5321
Kemmis, Thomas Hj'.... 241
— William 97, 167
Kemp, John 609
— Walter Henry 395
Kemjjster, Francis G. 7, 480
— Francis James 346
Kemnt, Francis Seton... 552
Kendall, Henry, MD.
Kennard, Hugh C. D.
Kennaway, Cha. Wm
Kennedy, Alex. Clark
— io?*d Alex 2S6
-- Alex. Ken. Clark 547
— Arthui- H. Clark- 489
— Charles Arthur 583
Kellie, Arch. Henry 401 Kennett, B. H. B 295
— Charles W. i73]Kenney,Artbur Herbert 212
' "' ' Kenney-Herbert, A. R... 502
Kennion, Thomas Edw. 69
Kenny, Edw. Evans ... 488
— Henry Torrens .. 347
— William Heurv 606
— Wm. Walla,ce, MB. . 3S4
Kensington, Edgar 169
— Charles H. M 509
William, Lord 606
Kent, Edm. Watkin ... 609
Fred. Edniond 173
Henry 41
Kentish, James 113, 156
Hoiace .T. J 283
Kenyon, Edw. Ranul]ih 212
Kenyon-Slaney, Wm. S.
71, 229
Walter Rupert 356
Koogh, Alfrc'l, jlfi> 384
Anthony Robert 609
John Woulfe 110,310
— Lynch .John 592
Keough, William ... 100, 250
Keppel, Hon. A. A. C. .. 233
~ Edward George 317
Kerans, Percy Geo 426
Wm. Rob 379
Kerby, William 532^
Cerin, Michael Wm. ... 384
Keniagban, Thos. Jas. 3^9
Korr, B. Cowan,.')/jD 378
— Charles Robert ...114, 348
— .John Hanmer 532A:
— John Macgregor 406
— John Manners 373
Lord Mark, CB 3, 252
— Mark Ancrum 256
io;-(« Ralph D.,C5. ... 49
Robert Scott 230
Schomberg 357
William Fred 108, 237
— William Henry 517
William Henry 264
Kerrich, Edmund 535
— George Si.euart 489
Lsonard W. C 252
— Walter Edmund 175
Walter D'Oyly ... 44, 181
Kerridge, Charles Jas. 574
Kerrison, Edra. R.A. ... 173
Kersteman, J. B. ...100, 346
Ketchen, Isaac 72, 181
— James 528
W. D. Brodie 502
Kettle, James 395
Robert 55S
Kettlewell, Edw. Alex. 329
George 457
Thomas 70, 514
Kevill-Davies, Somerset
E. O'B 321
Key, Aston M'N. Cooper 175
— Geo. William 157, 534
Keyes, SirC. P. A'CB. 7
Keys, Chris W. M. MD. 383
Keyser, Fred. Chas. io5, 243
ICevworth, John VValter532/
Kharegat, M. P 506
Kidd, Sev. Daniel W. ... 506
Henry Cornelius 532/iJirJght, Alfred 552
— Hem-y John 6c6 — Arnold More 606
— Henry Somerset 213 — C.A.Rou.-'e-Boughton 265
Henry Thomas 3481—Frederick Chas 583
— James 278
James Gerard 571
— James Stewart 518
John 275
John Robert 80, 167
John Rooper 277
— Percy Macgregor. .^... : 63
■;Sir R. Duckworth, S<. 5681—William Henry 70
Rt. Ambrose Cecil ... i72JKnightley, Edward 265
Robert Fiiday 369'Knipe, William 606
Theodore 532_/',Knocker, Herbert Paget 208
ThOB. Fraser 293!—Cuthbert G 262, 567
Uriah Henry 574!—John Bedingfleld ... 547
— Walter Gaw'en, 3fii... 505:Knollys, Arth. Cyprian 233
— William 152
William 253
— William Affleck 609
William Frederick ... 173
William Michael 369
Augustus Henry.i,48,165I—G. Antrew Noble ... 583
— Arthm'Charles i56|— Gerard Charles 305
— Charles Cooper 398!—James Edward 373
— Cha,rle3 Dickson 175'Klingender, William ...532A
- Charles Edward ...78, 2S1 iKnaggs, Henry 378
— Cha. EdgHr Croker... 373lKnapp, Charles BaiTctt 592
— Charles Richard 555J—William Frederick ... 529
— Dudley G. Alan 285!Knapp-0'Brien, T 53^^
— Edward R 552 KnatchbuU, Charles 246
— Frederick Henry II
— George, jVii 454
— George S., MD 597
— Henry 242
— Henry, JfJJ 504
— Francis 72, 245
— Norton 532a
— Reginalds 543
Kneebone, Frederick ... 609
Kneller, Godfrey T.C.S. 373
— Henry 171
— Henry John 318
— Henry Palmer 211
—■ Henry Raleigh 237
—^ Henry Sellers G.S. ... 555
— Lesvis Edward 7
Thomas 374
— Henry 115, 169
— LouisF., CM6. ...114. 270
—litHon. Sir W.T. KCB.
3°8, 533
William W 70
. 170
William Ross 607 Knott, Charles John ... 254
2fi — Stephen 395
— William 574
Knowles, C B., CB. 50, 281
— Francis Edw 389
— Frederick 99, 417
— Robert Townley 234
Knox, Charles Eilmond 297
— Charles William 281
— Francis Blake 170
— Fra Robt. B 425
— George Williams...49, 233
— Howe James 115, 265
— James 568
— J-)hn Hunter 77, 156
John Simpson 609
— Maurice 382
Richard 5J8
Richard 114, 155
—RichardAniiesley 106, 238
^ Robert John 329
— Thomas E., CB 537
— Thos. Fran. Edmund532i
— Vicesimus 114, 308
— William 163
— William 606
— William George 105, 171
— Jlon. William rituart 609
Knyvett, Wm. L. N. 75, 483
Koe, Fred. Wni. B 401
Konarski, Samuel P. L. 269
Koyaji, Beraiiji Nasar-
vangi 530
Kreyer, Fred. August C. 21
Kinglake, Hamilton A.
Kingscote, Henry B. ..
Howard 108,
R. N. Fitzhardinge,
Ktiigsley, James Bell...
Wm. Henry Bell 78, 281
Kingston, Thomas, Jl/i». 382
Kington, W. Miles N.... 5326
Kinloch, Alex.A. A. 77, 304
David Alex 230
GeorgeH.AnchiteioS, 252
— Henry Anstruther ... 305
Thomas 280
Kinsey, William Henry532fc
Kinsman, Edward 583
Harold John 103, 178
— William James 555
Kintore, A. H. T.Earlofs32j
Reo. V. W 457
Kippen, Horatio Nelson 555
Kii'by, Thomas H 532
— Wm. Humphreys 532, 538
Kirchhoffer, Robert B. 400
Kirk, B.ei). C 531
— Hugh 156
— Robert 602
Kirkbride, Tlioma,8 W. 186
Kirke, Henry Philip ... 451
— John Henry 535
— St. Geo. Mervyn 209
Kirkland, J. Ag. Vesey 547
Kirkpatrick, H. C. MD. 384

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