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"Hills, Sir ,Tas, KCB....T,
— John, CB 51,
HBVTrevor, Arthur Wm.
Hillyard, G. Anson m,
BSlaon, Arch. H. MD. .
Hilton, James Poord no,
— Francis Foord
— Murray "Venables
Hime, Albert Henry ...
— Frederick 96,
— Henry W. Lovett 107,
iSiachiubroke, Edward
Geo. Hen. Vi»p....6gj
ilmchliff, Cha. Henry
yind, John Wm
ilicnde, Benjamm, MD.
— Francis Henry
— George Langlord
— John Henry Edward
— "William Henry
;Svndle, John William ...
HiiidB, Georsje Parker 5
— Philip L. A
— Thos. Clowes
— "Wm. Rich. G. MD .
Hinge, Daniel Isaac
"Siagston, Clayton W. J.
Socnon, James
Hinsman, Henry Chas.
— Rowley Willes
Hipkin, Thomas
Hippisley, Wm. H
-Bich. L
Hipwell, Alfred Geo. ...
-Hire, Sydney Joseph ...
Hitchhis, C.Tatham 69,
— Charles Henry il. ...
— Henry "Wliite
— Horatio Otto 71,
— Thos. Martyn
Hobart,Geo.Bertie B.97,
— llpn. Horace Miles ..,
— Beorge
"Ho1*s, F. FitzWm. T. .
— George Radley
— Herbert T. De 0
— Joseph Scovell
— Jcsiah W. Pearse
— Simpson Hackett B.
Hobday, Bdm. A. P. ...
— Thos. Francis ... 105,
— James Ramsay
Hobsdn, Fred.Taylor79,
— Julian Campbell
— See. F. W
Hockey, John
Hockin, Chas. Home S.
Hocking, Bci). J.J/^-l. ...
iJockley, Julius Joseph
"Ko<Uler, P. W. L. MB...
— "William Morgan
Hodding, Geo. Carr 69,
— Edward Francis
Hodges, Henry B\ E. ...
— Thomas T.. 79,
Hoilgetts, Thomas
Hclgins, Jacob
Hodglrinson.Chas. Cad.
— H. S. B
"Hodgson, Chas. James
— Charles Nesbit
— Prancis George
— George Robert
— Godfrey Beckett
— Henry Burdon
— Hugh Norris
— James Owen
— Joseph Hamilton
— Septimus
— Studholme John 23S,
Hodnett.W. Patrick 108,
Hodson, Joseph Storr...
— Fu>bt. Doveton
Hoey, John
Hog, T. Ignatius M. 45,
Hogan, Edward, MA....
— Henry Hunt
Hogarth, J. H. H. S. D.
Hoge, David
Hogg, Adam 99,
— Adam G. Forbes..47,
— Arthui' Melville...115,
— G«o. Crawford
— George Forbes ... 42,
i77,Ho,»g, Hardinge C 518
223] — Jarnes D. il'Garel-... 133
1331— S/»'James M.M'Garel-
356; Bart. ECB 606
453[— John Roberts 100, 206
318;— Tiieodore Williamioo, 417
2731—George H. W 74,414
205 — William B 171
206 Hngge, Arth. Pountaino 428
169 — Cliarles 424
— George Sapte 278
229'—John William 424
609I— SomerviUeGeo.C. 49, 293
237iHoilc, Edmond, J/T). ... 380
378!Hojel, Abraham Kixon 528
451 Holbcch, Walter Henry 304
378:nolbeche, Richard 347
278;HoIberton, Thos. N. 50, 183
2i3iHolbourne, Alfred Jas. 573
8olHolbrook, E. Nicoll W. 400
32ml Holden, Harry R. L. ... 230
2381— Harry Winton 293
609!—Henry 606
3811—Henry CapelL 173
395!— Robert 532™
379!— Thos Hungerford 107, 208
3oijnoldsworth, J. Kc'ly 70, 166
46|Hole, Frederick 105, 487
573!—Lewis Blyth 76, 242
i44|Holiord, George L 133
2ii|Hollnnd,Arth. Gambler 157
367 — Ellis (;has. F 173
540 — George Forbes
297 — Harry Francis
413 — Henry William, CB,
360 — Herbert Christian
546 — John
177 — John
106 — John Yate .-
168 — Launcelot 604
558 — Lumley H. H 546
400 — Percy 276
372 — Thomas Wollams 546
369 — Trevenan Jas. CB.... 555
308 HoUey, Edm. Hunt 108, 169
272 — George Hunt 532/
240 Hollingsworth, T. S. ... 59^
291 Hollingworth, Christian 532i
174 Hollinshead, Laurence
421 Brock- 294
423 HoUist, E.Ommaney ...53
237 HoUoway, Benjamin ... 573
546—Benjamin 2"
603 — Edward Geo.'Vere 98, 4
573—Edward Leigh 207
28li, — JamesIjowis, CB .... 377
457 Holhvay, Charles 532c
558—Edmund John 276
381 — James Clinton 246
213 HoUyer, Walter .. 2g_
462 Holman, Herbert W. L. 401
534 Holme, Bryan Francis . 237
357 Holmes.Arth.L'E.K.ioi, 41
254 — Arthur Parker, MD. 454
277 — George Beresford B. 551
555 — George Edward 546
160 —Henry Rich. L 426
520 — Henry Stanhope 285
291 —.lames 591
546 — Jas. GuS. Hamilton 584
430 —James Nicol 609
5461—Percy Lee 546
51S — I'oiisonby Ross ...loi, 399
428 — Robert Andr. K. MB. 455
546 — Thos. Jas. Paul, MB. 381
546 — William B 76, 219
173 — William Nassaii 573
246 — AVilliam Prescodii3, 3,
404 Holmested, Thomas ... 529
534 Ilolroyd, Charles 546
283 — George 7,411
2S8 — Wm.RiceMorland74, 414
3S4'Holt, R.Wm.Prancis:i3, 400
505—William John ...loi, 236;
Home, lloti. W. S. D. 69, 229
Home -Drummond - Mo¬
ray, AVm. Augustus 233
Homfray, Ang.Devereuj; 265;
— J.R.McKenzie 450
Hone, Thomas 149
Honner, Wm. James ... 174
Sony wood, Wvndha-m 267
aood, Arthur FuUer-
Acland 357
— Charles 538
— Charles f^lifton 532A
Francis Edward C... 384
Francis Wheler,T'iMY. 532
George 246
— John Cockburn 8, 411
— Thomas Cockburn 110,284
— William Charles 236
Hook, Chas. Campbell 609
Lionel 551
Hooke,H. Hodson...loS, 289
Hoole, James 532/
Hooper, George Stanley' 405
Lucas George 595
— Robert Poole 252J
William Roe 454
Willoughby W 406;
Hope, Adiian Henry ... 269
Archibald Hugh 546
Charles 30,,
— Charles Erroll ...79, 269
— George 573
Hugh Richard 502
James 269
John Edward 546
Lewis A 367
— Montagu 109, 321
Thomas 519
William, CB 537
Hopegood, Wm. Vere... 294
Ho]okins, Cha. Harrie I. 270
Edward 378
Francis Powell 609
— George Robert 551
— Henry Castell 151
Mauley Ogden 172
Nathaniel 529
Thomas George
William 367
William Friend, CB.. 546
Hopkinson, Hy. CSI. 7, 410
"VVilliam 450
Hopton, Edward 71, 334
Hopwood, Arthur Robt. 356
— Edwin James 377
Horan, William 369
Hore, Charles Owen ... 28
— Edward C. F_ 240
— F. Standish 532^
— John Christopher 103, 399
— Walter 289
— Walter Stuart 52
Horman, Sev. Duhamel 396
Horn, Sir¥veA.KCB. 261, 534
— John 386
Hornblower,Edward... 36S
Hornby, Cecil R 274
— Cecil Lumsden 292
— Edm. John Phipps... 174
— Geoffreys. P 35
— JohnFrederic ...113, 154
— Le.yland no, 275
Home, Chas. Jas. ... 73, 255
— Edmund Garland 6u9
— Edward Wm 317
— George 589
— George Ernest 346
— Henry Sinclair 174
— John Charles 47, 412
Homil.'low, Arthur E.... 401
^ Frank Herbert 213
- Thomas
Hornsby.AIf.W.Hatchell 487
— Geo.MackcnzieB. 106, 168
— Henry Francis 53
Holton, Francis, Jl/iJ.... 377
Holwell, W. A 603
31K Home, Sir A. D. KCB. 377
269 — Hon. Cospatrick D.... 356
573 — David Milne 77, 135
516 — Ferdinand C. Logan 234
517 — Francis 606
517 — Frederick Jervis 103, 219
379'— James 286
406 — Robert 72, 219
514 — Samuel Brown 450
Horrocks, Alex. M.
— Alex. Macintosh 349
— Hen. Charles 400
Horsbrugh, Arch. 3. ... 282
Horsey, Edw. Ralph ... 558
Horsfall, Eeo. Thomas .. 533
— Edwin C. O'Brien ... 450
— Norman M. Thos. 100, 417
Horslev, Frank 48, 482
— William H 55,
Hort, Eev. Charles J. ... 603
Hort, Sir Jn. ^.,Bt. CB. 537
Horton, James 139
— J.A. Beale, J/D 385
Thomas 311
Hosack, John 5321
HoseasoB, Henry 546
Hoskins, Arthur Reg. ... 551
— R eginald 532<;
— William Henry ...102, 486
Hoskyn, Chas. Reg ,. 211
Hoskyns, Chandos 210
— John 532/
Hossack, George 551
Hoste, Dixon E. Ci. ... 546
Dixon Edward 175
Hotham, Henry Edw.... 270
— John 172
— William 279
Houghton,AlbertEvelyn 401
— Ernest 369
— Henry Hughan 568
— Richmond 76, 484
— William 238
— William Robert ... 41, 513
Houlditch, Henry 532*
Houston, J. ^lc\)oi\.MD. 504
— ,]oiai, MD 504
Houstoun,James Flower 5321
Howa rd de"\V"alden,Fred-
ei'ick George, ZortZ ... 609
Howard, C.yrus Cosmo.. 172
— Cecil Arthur 173
— Edward 594
— Francis 356
— Francis,-Vi) 380
— Frederic 170
— FrederickCompton... 356
— George Aug. H 265
— Henry Richard L... 158
— Henry Stanley ...102, 281
— Kenneth 579
— Thomas ni, 207
— Walter 106, 374
— William 325
Howard-'\'yse,Gra.W.R. 172
Howarth,VVin. Conquest 237
Howden, John Dowling 304
Howe, R.W.P.,£nr/256, 536
— Randall Chas. A 311
— Thomas Herrick 279
Howell, Horace 115, 420
— John Alexander 529
— Llewellyn James 287
— Reuben 386
— Wm. Henry 590
Howes, Albert Joseph 405
— Fred. Augustus... 71, 221
Howett, Henry HoUis... 591
Howey, William 404
Howie, Thos. Stickney 172
Howland, Joseph 367
Howlett, Arthur, CB. 7, 480
— Arthur 488
Howley, John 606
— Patrick Albert 532/
Howlin, Abraham J. ... 278
Hoyes, Alexander 346
— John 555
Hoysted, Isaac 378
— John 3S3
— Thomas Norton 378
Hozier, John Wallace 75, 144
Hubback, Henry W. J. log
Hubbard, Cecil John 69, 229
— ii!eti.BdwardJas.Jf.^. 457
— Henry ^■j'l
— Henry William 385
Hubbersty, Rich. N. 109, 333
Huddart,"Arth. Kerl ... 346
Uuddleston, G. Croft 53261-
Hudulefctone, Thomas... 372
Hudlestou, John ...102, 486
— Josiah 551
— Wilfred 551
Hudson, Alex. R. MB... 378
— Alfred Henry 5321^
— Anth. Tho. Philip ... 583
— Han-j' Chalmers 456
— Have ock 292
— Henry S 173
— Herbert Edw 289
James 606
iobn.CB 66, 414
BeD. Joseph, J/il 603
Joseph Henry 606
— J.H.F. Harrington ... 606
Huggius,ii«).A.W.I.lf.4 457

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