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War Servicetj of Colonels Retired liij Sale, SfX. 615
'7 Sir Francis Edmund Macnaprhten seiTcd the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 8th Hussars, including the-
battles of Alma, Halaklava, and Inkerman, affairs of Bulganak and M'Kenzie's Farm, and siege of Sobastopol
(Medal with four Clasps, and Turkish Medal). Served inRajpootana and Central India in 1858-59, and was jiresent
at the captm-e of Kotiih, reoccupation of Chundaree, battle of Kotah ke Serai, capture of Gwalior, actions of
Koondrye (horse wounded) and Boordah (Mediil with Clasp).
<* Colonel T. W. Marten served wirh the Eoj-al Fusiliers at the siege of Sebastopol from 17th June 1855, including;
the assaults of the Redan on the i8th June and 8th Sept., on which last occasion he succeeded to the command of
the Regiment, led it across the Ditch of that work, and subsequently brought it out of action—mentioned in
despatches (Medal v.'ith Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian N.W. Frontier war of 1S6;? with the
Eusafzye Field Force, present at the defence of the SungaUs at the Umbeyla Pass, and commanded the Right Wing
7th Fusiliers at the attack on and storming of the Conical Hill and destruction of Lalloo on 15th Dccemljer, and.
also in the action at Umbeyla and destruction of the village at the foot of the Bonair Pass on the 16th December,
which ended in the complete rout of the enemy and the submission of the hill tribes on the 17th December (Medal
with Clasp).
^s Colonel F. C. Maude commanded the Royal Artillery throughout the operations with General Havolock's
Column in 1857, including the defeat of the rebels at Fnttelipore, actions of Aoung. Pandoo Nuddee, Cawnpore,
Oonao, Buseerutgunge, Mungarwar, relief and defence of the Residency of Lucknow; with Outram's Force at
the Alumbagh from Jan. to March 1858; also at the siege and capture of Lucknow (repeatedly mentioned in.
despatches, Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, CB., Victoria Cross, Medal with Clasps, and a year's service).
'1 Colonel J. Miller volunteered and commanded the combined force (English and Danish) during the insurrection
at Tortola, W.I., in August 1853. On his arrival martial law was proclaimed, and enforced for a period of sis
weeks, the natives, amounting to 7,000, having completely destroyed the tomi, and threatened the lives of the
European inhabitants, who fled for refuge to St. Thomas. He suppressed the rebellion, and restored the island to a
state of order and tranquillity, and after re-estabUshing civil authority, received the thanks of the Pi-esidoiit and
Council, and was most favourably reported to the Colonial Office.
'2 Colonel Monkland served with the 74th Highla.nders in the Kaffir war in 1851 (Medal).
" Cohmol Muter served in the Pun.jaub campaign in 1848-49, including the siege and capture of Mooltan, liattlc of
Goojerat, pursuit and surrender of Shore Singh, occupation of Attock and Pesha.wur (Medal with tivo Clasps).
Served tlio campaign of 1857-58 against the mutineers in India; commanded a Wuigof 60th Rifles at Meer'ut in
suppressing insurgent villagers from loth May to 26th Aug. ; present with the ist Battalion from 6th Sciit. :it the
siege of Delhi, assault and capture of the city on 14th Sept. with the final attack on and occupation of the Palace 011
20th Sept.—succeeded to the command of the attacking Column on Kishingunge on 14th Sept. on the fall of ,Major
Reid (Brevet of Major). Served as D. A. Adjutant General to the Roorkoo Field Force under Brigadier Jones dur¬
ing the campaign in Rohilcund, includmg the actions of Bvigawaila and Nngena, relief of Moradabad, action on the-
Dojura, assault and capture of Bareilly, attack and bombardment of Shahjeiianpore, defeat of the rebels and relief
of the garrison, ea])ture of the Fort of Bunnai, pursuit of the enemy to the left bank of the Goomtee, and destruction
of the Fort of Jilahomdee (Modal with Clasp, and Brevet of Lt.Colonel). Was on board the troop-ship Eastern-
Monarch when she blow up and was burnt on 3rd June 1859.
'=• Colonel Ouvry sei'ved the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49 with the 3rd Light Dragoons, and commanded a Squad¬
ron at the affair of Ramnuggur (iiorse shot under him) ; the iiassage of the Chenab, action of Sadoolaporo, and
battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps). Commanded gth Lancers befi re Delhi in 1857 until
appointed Aide de Camp to Sir A. Wilson, whom ho attended during the assault (received tnanks of Governor
General in Council, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, and CB.). After the fall of Delhi commanded the Cavalry Brigade of the
Movable Column, incl uding actions at Bolmidshur, AUyghur, and battle of Agra. Commanded the Force at the
action of Kanoj, and the Cavalry at the relief of Lucknow under Sir Colin Campbell (thanks of Governor Generalin
Council, Medal with two Clasps).
''' Colonel Patience was present at the surrender of Martinique and at the capture of the Saintes and Guadaloupo
'* Colonel Pratt sei-ved with the 82nd Regiment at the siege and capture of Copenhagen in 1807 ; in Portugal and
Spain in 1808-09, including the battles of Roleia and Vimiera, retreat to and battle of Corunna (War Medal with>
three Clasps). At Walcheren in 1809, and was severely wounded at the investment of Flushing. In 1813 he was
appointed to the Quarter Master General's Staff of the Armj' on the eastern coast of Spain, and served with a por¬
tion of that Army in Italy and in the South of France until the close of the war in 1814.
'' Colonel J. A. Price served in the Crimean campaign from Dec. 1854, including the siege and fall of Sobastopol
(wounded), in the Trenches with the siege train, and at the bombardments of gth April, 6th and 17th June (Medal
with Clasp, Knight of the Legion of Honour, and Turkish Medal).
*» Colonel Reynardson served with the 3rd Battalion Grenadier Guards in the Eastern campaign of 1854, includ¬
ing the battles of Alma, Balaklava, and commanded the Grenadier Guards at Inkerman (horse shot), siege of Se¬
bastopol (Medal with fom- Clasps, CB., and Turkish Medal).
SI Colf)nel J. P. Robertson served in the 31st Eegt. throughout the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, including the
battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshah, Buddiwal, Aliwal, and Sobraon (Medal and three Clasps). Served in the Crimea
from 22nd May 1855, including the siege and fall of Soba.stopol, and attacks on 18th June and 8th Sept. (Medal
with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Commanded the Military Train, acting as Cavalry, in the Indian campaigns of
1857-58, daily engaged with the enemy at the relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, and was in command at Dilkoosha
during the enemy's grand attack on 22nd Nov.; afterwards served with the force in occuiiation of the Alumbagh
under Outram from Nov. 1857 until March 1858, including actions of the 23rd Dec, T2t'n and i6th, 15th 21st and
25th Feb., and many other minor affairs; commanded the small Force which repulsed the enemy's Cavalry, 3,000
strong, in their attack of the Camp on the i6th Mfl,rch 1858 ; took part in the operations ending in the fall of
Lucknow; afterwards commanded the Cavalry of Lugard's Field Force, and was present at the relief of Azimghur,
capture of Jugdespore, and almost daily engaged with Omer Singh's Force between gth May and loth June
1858 (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, CB., Medal with two Clasps, and a year's service for Lucknow, and was frequently
mentioned in despatches).
s^ Lord Sinclair served with the 57th Regiment in the Crimean campaign from the 23rd September 1854,
including the battles of Balaklava and Inkerman (horse shot under him), siege of Sobastopol, and attack on the
Redan iSth June—severely wounded; acted as Assistant Adjutant General to the Forces on the Bosphorus,
Dardanelles, &c., from July 1855 to Aug. 1856 (Medal with three Clasps, Brevet of Major, Sardinian and Turkish
Medals). Served in the New Zealand war in 1S61, and acted as Assistant Military Secretary and Aide de Camp to
Sir Duncan Cameron in New Zealand in 1862 (Medal).
8* Colonel Shute joined the Persian expedition in March 1857 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the 64th Regt. in
Bengal and N.W. Provinces in suppressing the mutiny in 1S57-58; present with Ilavelock's Column in the aclions
ef Futtehpore, Aoung, Pandoo Nuddee, Cawnpore, Onao, Buseerut Gunge (first and second), Boorljeakochowkee,
Bithoor, Mungurwara, Alumbagh, and first relief of Lucknow; present in three sorties, two of which he com¬
manded (thanked by the Governor General in Council). Served in defence of Cawnporo and defeat of the Gwalior
mutineers; also in t-he actions of Kala Nuddee and Kerkerouli, capture of Bareilly, affairs at Shahjehanpore, Buu-
nie, and Mahomdie (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, and a year's service for Lucknow).
85 Colonel Sillery proceeded to the East with the 30th Regt. in May 1S54. Served at Scutari as Commandant of
the Depot formed at that station in June on the Army proceeding to Bulgaria, and was Assistant Adjutant General
there from Nov. 1854 to Feb. 1856, when he was removed from the 30th Regt. and appointed by Commission Com¬
mandant of the Hospital and Convalescent Establislrment at Scutari, which appointment he held until the conclu¬
sion of the war. Served in New Zealand during the Maori war of 1860-61 as Deputy Quarter Master General, was
present at several affairs, and was slightly wounded at Mahoetahi (Medal).
8« Colonel Skipwith commanded the 43rd Light Iirfantry in the Kaffir war of 1851-53 (Medal).
8' Colonel Slade served in the Crimea with the 6th Dragoons from 14th July 1855, and was present >at tlie battle of
the Tchemaya, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served with the 71I1 Hussars
in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-58, including the affair of Meeangunge, siege and capture of Lucknow
severely wounded (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
88 Colonel Sulivan served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the Scots Greys, including the affair of M'Ken-

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