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War Services of Colonels Betired by Sale, Sfc. 613
from 3rd July 1857 during the siege operations before Delhi, assault and capture of the city, with the final attack on
and occupaiion of the palace on 20th Sept. 1858, and was thanked in despatch of Commander in Chief in India " for
gallant conduct" when on the main Piciuet at Hindoo Eaoo before Delhi (Brevet of Major, Medal and Clasp).
"* Colonel Wm. Campbell served with the 71st Light Infantry in the Crimea from the 20th Dec. 1854 to the 8th July
1855, and from the 20th Oct. to loth Nov. 1855; present in the Trenches at the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and on
the expedition to Kertch (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
'' Colonel Carmichael served with the 32ud Kegt. at the first and second siege operations before Mooltan, and was
at the action of Soorjkoond; led the Right Column of attack at the storm and capture of the city of Motiltan (wounded)
—mentioned in General Fred. Markham's despatch ; and was present at the surrender of the fortr<;ss, as also at the
surrender of the Fort and garrison of Cheniote, and at the battle of Goojerat (Medal with two Cla.sps). Served
with the 32nd Regiment agamst the Hill Tribes on the Peshawur frontier in 1851-52 (Meilal with Clasp). Served
thi'oughout the Oude campaign in 1858. Commanded the 32nd Light Intantry at the successful attack on the en¬
trenched position at Dehaign, cajjture of the Fort of Tj-rhool, action of Daod;)ore,—thanked by Sir Alfred Horsford
" for the able manner in which he commanded the Infantry;" affair at Jugdespore, surrender of the Forts of Amethee
and Shunkerpore. On the ist Dec. 1858 was appointed I)y Lord Clyde to the command of a Movable Column, which,
acting in conjunction with his Lordship's force, was sent in pursuit of the rebel chief Beni Maddoo, to drive him and
his troops across the River Gogra—this object the Column successfully accomplished; mentioned in Lord Clyde's
despatch as " distinguished for the decision and celerity of his movements " (Medal and CB.).
20 Colonel Hon. Aug. M. Cathcart accompanied the 93rd Highlanders to Turkey, and on the embarkation for the
Crimea he was appointed Extra Aide de Camp to his uncle Sir George Cathcart, with whom he was present at the
battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman (promoted Brevet Major), where Sir George was killed; rejoined the
g3rd, but having been appointed a Deputy Assistant Adjutant General, he was attached to the Light Division, and
was present in all the operations in wh'ch it was engaged, including both attacks on the Reda ti and fall of Sobastopol
—mentioned in despatches (Medal with four Clasps, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and stU
Class of the Medjidiel.
="'t Colonel H. S. Cochrane served as Adjutant of the 86th Regt. in the Central India campaign under SirHugh Rose,
and was present at the storm and capture of the Hill Fort of Chandairee (slightly wounded), battle of Betwa (three
horses shot under him), siege storm and capture of the city and fortress of jhansi,'where, under a tremendousflre
from the fort, he planted the British flag on the top of the Palace ; battle and cai)turc of Koonch, various actions
before Calpee from 15th to 2ist May 1S58, battle of Gowlowlee, capture of the city and fortress of Calpee, battle of
Morar, battle before and capture of the city and fortress of Gwalior ; commanded Irregular Cavalry under Sir
Robert Napier in pursuit of Tantia Topee and Feroze Shah in the jungles of Central India (twice mentioned in de¬
spatches, "Victoria Cross, Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Major). Served as Major of Brigade with the Eusofzye
Field Force during the Indian N.'W. frontier war of 1863 (Medal with Clasp).
21 Colonel Cockell served with the 14th Regt. at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore in 1825-26 (Medal).
22 Colonel Cole served in the Crimea with the 17th Regt. from the 7th February 1855, and commanded it at ths
siege of Sebastopol, and at the assault of the Redan on the 18th June—mentioned in desjjatches (Medal with
Clasp, CB., 5th Class of the Mediidie, and Turkish Medal).
^ Colonel A. S. Cooper served with the 27th Regiment on the North-'West Frontier during the Indian mutiny in
1857-58 (iledal). Commanded thestation of Kussowlie in 1858, when the Barracks were fired by incendiaries, and
■was mentioned on that occasion as having been " mainly instrumental both by his exertions and example in savins
a very large amount of stores and Government buildings." Commanded the 33rd in the Abyssinian campaign in
1867-68, and led the Regiment (which formed the storming party) at the assault on Magdala (mentioned in des¬
patches of Lord Napier and Sir Charles Staveley, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal, and CB.).
2* Colonel J. H. Cooper served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 7th Fusiliers, including the sortie of
•26th Oct., battle of Inkerman, and siege of Sebastopol; appointed Aide de Camp to Colonel Yea, and also present
a-t the attack on the Quarries on 7th June (wounded 8th June), and assault of the Redan on i8th June (Medal with
two Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
^'^ Colonel Cure ser\'ed with the 55th Eegt. in the Crimea from 5th June 1855, including the siege and fall of
Sebastopol; commanded the party of the 55th at the attack on the Quan'ies, and commanded the Regiment from the
middle of June to the 3th September, including the attacks of the on the i8th fm^e and 8th Sejrt.—severely
wounded (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of the Medjidie).
26 Colonel Deedes served with the ist Battalion 60th Rifles the campaign of 1857-58 against the mutineers in
India, including the actions on the Hindun, battle of Budieo ke Serai, and taking the Heights before Delhi, the
subsequent siege operations (wounded on 12th June), assault and capture of the city, with the final attack on and
occupation of the palace. Served as Aide de Camp to Brigadier General Jones during the campaign in Rohilcund,
including the actions of Bugawalla a-nd Nugena, relief of Moradabad, action on the Dojura, assault and capture of
Bareilly, attack and bombardment of Shahjehanpore, defea,t of the rebels and relief of the garrison, capture of the
Fort of Bunnai, pursuit of the enemy to the left bank of the Goomtee, destruction of the Fort of Mahomdee.
Served as extra Aide de Camp to Sir A. Wilson at the siege and capture of Lucknow; and as Orderly Officer to
Brigadier Barker in the operations in Oude from 3rd Dec. 1858 to ist Feb. 1859 (Medal with two Clasps, and
Brevet of Major).
2" Colonel D'Arcy served in the Southern Mahratta and Sawunt Warrie campaign in 1845-46. In March 1861
■organized an expedition against the robber king of Baddeboo, River Gambia, and commanded the Militia Artillery
at the battle of Saba. In 1866 he led the storming party of 4th "W. I. Regt. and Gambia Volunteers to the assault
and capture of the stockaded town of Tubabecolong, Lieuts. Kelly and Jenkins, and four men of the 4th W.I. Regt.,
were killed around him and 60 badly wounded, 300 of the enemy were also killed. For this ex])loit the European
merchants of Bathurst presented him with a sword of honour value 120 guineas, inscribed on the blade " devoted
l)ravery at the stockaded town of Tubabocolong, River Gambia, and to mark their appreciation of his government."
Private Samuel Hodge, 4th W. I. Regt. who followed Col. D'Arcy through the stockade, received the Victoria Cross.
-' Colonel Denny served 36 3'ears in the 71st Regt., and was 14 years in command of either the ist or of Reserve
Battalion. Served under Lord Seaton in the Canadian revolt in 1838-39 ; was in command of the Advanced Guard
-of the Army on capture of Napierville, and was employed on especial and particular service; placed in command of
the frontier line, afterwards in command of south side of the St. Lawrence. Landed in the Crimea in Jan. 1855 in
command of the 71st Regt. and was invalided in June following (Medal with Clasp for Sebastopol, 5th Class of the
iledjidie, and Turkish Medal).
™ Colonel Donovan served against the Pitcani tribe in 1828 under Colonel Somerset. Commanded an advanced
post in the neutral territory. Cape of Good Hope, in 1832 and 1833. Served against the insurgent Boers in 1S45. Was
actively employed throughout the whole of the Kaffir war of 1846 and 47 (Medal), a,nd commanded the Advanced
Guard in forcing the passage of the Fish river Jungle from Fort Peddie to Trompoter's Drift in May 1846, when
the Troops were engaged with the whole of Pato's tribe for upwards of three hours; previous to the action on the
■Gwanga he led as a volunteer a small party into tlie jungle, where he had a personal rencontre with four armed
Kaffirs (the chief Zeto and one of his captains being of the party), two of whom he .slew single-handed. For the
above services he received the Brevet rank of Major. Commanded the Troops in the Sovereignty during the KaflSr
-war of 1851-53 ; crossed the Orange River in Feb. 1851 (effecting the passage with guns, wagons, &c., in a temporary
boat constructed on the occasion) to assist in the protection of the Alliert district, and on the 28th March following
with one Troop Cape M. Rifles, one six-pounder, and a small Burgher Force, defeated a large body of Tambookies
■and Basutos, under the chiefs Moocroso, Umhal, and Spopere, leaving upwards of 300 of the enemy dead on the field.
™t Lord Dorchester served with the Coldstream Guards in the Crimean campaign from the i8th Oct. 1854, including
the battles of Balaklava and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, 5th Class of the
Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
31 Lord EUenborough served with the 9th Lancers in the Sutlej campaign in 1846, including the battle of Sobraou
'i! Colonel M. R. Eden landed with the 56th Regiment in the Crimea on the 25th August 1855, served at the siege
of Sebastopol, and was present at the final assault (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
3' Colonel F. C. Evelegh served with the 20th Regt. the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, and was present at the
battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman, both attacks on the Redan, and through the whole of the siege opera¬
tions before Sebastopol without being absent from a single tour of duty in the Trenches; also at the capture of

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