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567c' Gn (val Officers Uttircd on Full vr Iieiircd Fay 0, on a Fension—War Services.
the stoi-m and capture of Ghuznee (Medal) and of Khelat. He served ; Iso the campuig-n in the Southern Mahratta
country in 1844 (including the storm of the Fortress of Punella), and th. t in the Concan in 1845 ; he commanded the
storming paity at the Western Heights of Pmiella (wounded). Served also in the campaign of i860 in China (Medal,
anil CB.).
'■"•^ Major General G. N. Johnstone served in the Burmese war in 1852-53 (Medal with Clasp for Pegu). With the
Saugor Field Division in quelling the mutiny in India, including the affair at Kubrai, battle of Banda, taking of
Kirwee, and affair of Imleepanee (Medal for Central India).
-'« Major General H. C. Johnstone served in Bundlecund in 1842-43. Commanded the Murree Volunteers in Sept.
and October 1857, and aided in suppressing a rebellion among the surrounding Hill Tribes (Medal). Served on
the staff of Brigadier General Chamberlain as Surveyor with the expedition against the Cabool Kheyl Wuzeerees
in lieo. 1859 and Januar.v i£6o; and in the same capacit.y with the expedition against the Mabsood Wuzeerees in
April and May i860. Served throughout the Eusofzie campaign of 1863-64 including the advance to and destruction
of Mulka and operations at Umbeyla. Also the Hazara campaign of 1868 and expedition to the Black Mountain
(mentioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps, and CH.).
"■H Major General C. F. Keays served with the column under Brigadier Coghlan against the Arabs and at the
Etorm of the village and fort of Sheik Othman, near Aden, on the 18th March, 1858.
*=' Major General H. F. Kennedy served with the 60th Rifles in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, and was present
during the second siege operations at Mooltan (including the siege and storm of the town and capture of the
citadel), battle of Goojerat, pursuit of the Sikh army until its final suiTCnder at Rawul Pindee, the occupation of
Attock and Pcshawur, and expulsion of the Affghan Force beyond the Khyber Pass (Medal with two Clasps).
Served also in the expedition against the Affredies in the Kohat Pass in February 1850 (Medal with Clasp).
"** Major General J. W. A. Kennedy served under Admiral SirT. Cochrane in the operations against the Pirates in
Borneo during August 1845 ; was actively engaged on shore in the attack on Brune, the destruction of a stockade, and
thecaptureof a battery of guns together with large quantities of ammunition; tervedsulisequently in the foremost line
of boats at the attack on the Pirate stronghold of Malloodoo, and on the boom being broken, was landed with the
Marine force which drove the pirates from their entrenchments and pursued them up the country. In 1846 he
served with the force under Colonel Despard in the operations in New Zealand, and was actively engaged in the
advance cm, siege and capture of, the Ruajiekopeka stockade, an event which ended that wnr (Medal).
"' Maji r General W. H. Kerr sei ved in the Indian campaign and commanded the LeU Wing 13th jlight Infantry
in a genei al action at Amorah on 17th April 1858, also on 25th April he commanded 150 men in an action before the
same place ; on 2gth April commanded the Left Wing 13th Light Infantrj' at the attack and capture of the Fort of
Nuggur (mentioned in dt spatches); and on 9th June at the attack of the rebels' position at Amorah ; and was at
Hnrriah when attacked by the lebels on 29th August (Brevet of Ma or, and Medal).
*™ Major General Kirkland served the Eastern campaign of 1854, and up to 4th Aug. 1855, as Deputy Assistant Ad¬
jutant General at head quarters, including the battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman, and siege of Sebastopol
(Medal with four Clasps, Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and sth Class of the
Medjidie). He was commissioned in the autumn of 1857 to raise the 2nd Battalion 5th Fusiliers, and having in less
than eight weeks procured 1068 approved recruits, was gazetted on the Sth Jan. 1858 its Lt.Colonel. This
Battalion embarked for the Mauritius in August 1858.
'^ Major General J. B. Knocker was actively employed during the mutiny against the insurgents in the
Sumbulpore district in 1857-58.
3'2 Major General C. F. G. Lamb was wounded (charger also wounded) at the defeat of the mutineers at
Mooltan'on the 31st Aug. 1857 (Medal).
2«s Major Genera! Langford served with the Battalion in Spain from June 1836 to Sept. 1840, and was present in the
actions of Fuenterrabia and Hernani, besides various m.inor afi'airs. While serving in H.M.S. North Star, from Sept.
1841 to Sept. 1846, he participated in the operations of the Expeditionary Force in China, including the blockade of
the Woosung River (Medal). On the termination of hostilities with China he proceeded in the A'ortk Star to New
Zealand; and was landed with all the detachments of Royal Marines from H.M. ships present, and appointed to
command that force, together with a detachment of the 96th Begt., with which he was actively employed in the
field against the insurgent chiefs, whose strongly-stockaded Pahs, or Villages, were successfully attacked and
destroyed: for these services he obtained the Brevet rank of Major (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Accom¬
panied the expedition to the Baltic in 1854 (Medal).
*63t Major General G. C. Lanibert served in the Sutlej campaign in 1826, and was present at the battle of Sobraon
(Medal). Burmese wsir of 1852-53, including the relief i.f tie garrison of Pegu on 14th Dec, operations in the
vicinity, storm and re-capluie of J-ielin (Medal). Served in the Indian N.W. Frontier war of 1863, and was present
at the attack and capture of the Crag Piquet, the Conical Hill, and Umbeyla (Medal with Clasp).
^o* Major General T. G. M. Lane was emploj-ed during the mutiny against the insurgents in the Sumbulpore
district in 1858.
'" Major General E. G. Langmore served in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, including the battle of Perozcshah
(Medal). Served also in the Bhootan campaign in 1865 and was present at the recapture of Dewangiri (Medal
with Clasp).
266 Major General R. T. Leigh served in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, including the battle of Ferozeshab
(Medal). Present at several operations against the rebels in Sumbulpore in 1857-58 (Medal).
2K Major (Jeneral A. F. V. Lennox served in the Crimean campaign from July to October 1855, including the siege
and fall of Sebastopol (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
="* Major General J. P. Lester served in the campaign in the Southern Mahratta Country in 1844-45.
8'" Major General Edmund L'Kstrange served with the Bombay Column in the Punjaub camjiaigu of 184S-49, and
was present at the siege and surrender of Mooltau (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Persian Expedition in
1856-57 (Medal with Clasp).
-■" Major General R. G. Lewis was employed in suppressing the insurrection in the Pariah Kimedy district in.
1856 and 1857.
«' Major General A. Light was present at Meerut on the outbreak of the mutiny there on the loth May 1857.
Marched in command of two i8-poniiders with Brigadier Wilson's Force on 27th May and present at the actions
of the 29th and 3otli May on the Hindun (mentioned in despatches as having done "excellent service with
his i8-pcunders "), battle of Budle-ke-Serai (wounded), and siege of Delhi from 8th June to i6th September,
when forced to leave from illness. Acted as Orderly Officer to Sir Thomas Seaton with his Force in the Dooab
and present at the actions of Gungairee (mentioned), Puttialee, and Mynpooree—mentioned (Modal with Clasp,
and Brevet of Major).
''''^ MajorGeneral A. C. Lill.y served with the field force under Colonel Orr, and was present in action with a
party of Bohillas near Bedur in April 1859,
2"^'Major General A.M. Lindsay served in suppression of the Indian mutiny, includirg the battle of Nujjufghur,
siege and capture of Dellii (mentioned in despatches, twice slightly wounded on the 14th Aug. 1857, and again at
the assault on 14th Sept.), action of Shumshabad, siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal with two Clasps).
''* MajorGeneral B.P.Lloyd served with the Field Force in Bundlecund in 1842-43, including the action ofBhugora.
Gwalior campaign and present at the battle of Maharajpore on 29th Dec. 1843 (Bronze Star). Surrender of Kote
Kangra in June 1846. Was Superintendent of Neemuch when the Native Brigade at that station mutinied on 3rd
J\ine 1857 ; regained possession on the 6th June with a few Native Horsemen and Police, and succeeded in holding
it until reinforced by some Kotah and Boondee Troops, and restored British authority in the Neemuch district; ])re-
sent at the action at Jeerum; conducted the duties of Commandant throughout the defence of Neemuch, when the
garrison was besieged by the rebels (Brevet of Major, Medal, mentioned in despatches, thanked by the Commander
in Chief of the Bombay Army, and received a letter under date nth June i860 from the Secretary of State conveying
the gracious approbation of the Queen of his conduct during the rebellion).
2"^ Major General E. T. Lloyd served with the Army of the East from May to Oct. 1855 as Commanding Royal Engi¬
neer at Constantinople, and from 14th Oct. to the termination of hostilities as Commanding Royal Engineer with
the Army in the Crimea, during which period the total desti-uction of the Docks at Sebastopol was efl'ected under
his directions. He has the Crimean Medal, the Turkish Medal, and is a Knight of the Legion of Honor.
^'" Major General G. A. Lockhart served with the 78th Highlanders in the Persian war in 1857, including the night
attack and battle of Kooshab, and bombardment of Mohuim-ah (Medal with Clasp). Ser\ed in Bengal in the several

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