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General Officers B.etirecl under Euijal Warrant—War Services. 540'-^
"+ General T. S. Conway served throughout the operations in Scinde, including the battles of Mecanee and
Hyderabad (Medal); and he commanded the Light Company (detached) at the previous defence of the Residencyat
Hyderabad. He served also the campaign in the Southern Mahratta Coimtry, and was present at the investment.
and capture of PanuUa and Pownghur.
'^ General H. B. Longden served with the loth Regt. in the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, and was present at the
battle of Sobraon (Medal). He served also the Puujaub campaign of 1848-49, and was present during the whole of tiio
siege operations before Mooltan, including the affair of the 9th Sept., storming the enemy's strongly-entrenched posi¬
tion before Mooltan i?th Sept.; action of Soorjkoond, carrying the heights on 27th Dec. in command of the Regt., and
surrender of the fortress as Field Engineer: afterwards present at the surrender of the Fort and garrison of Cheniote,
and battle of Goojerat (Medal with two Clasps, and Brevet of Major). Served in the Indian campaign of 1857-58,
—commanded a Field Force in the Azimghur and Jounpore districts in 1857, including the capture of the Fort of
Atrowleea ; commanded an advanced guard of picked marksmen and guns of Franks' Force in its advance to Luck-
now, including the actions of Chanda, Umeerpore, and Sitltanporc, and attack on the Fort of Douraha; was attached,
to the Goorkha Troops at the siege and captm-e of Lucknow; present at the storming of the Begum's House and
Serai, storming of the Emaumbara and Kaiserbagh, attack on the Moolvie in Abbasoodowlah's Kunbullah—men¬
tioned in despatches; present with a Wing of the 13th Light Infantry at the first relief of Azimghur; appointed Chief
of the Staff to Lugard's Force, and present at the passage of the Touse, second relief of Azimghur, captare of Jugdes-
pore, and several skirmishes in its vicinity (Modal with Clasp).
'* Sir James TallmtAirey served as Aide de Camp to Major General Elphinstone in Affghanistan in 1841-42, and w\as
present at the storming of'the Khoord CaboolPass on the 12th Oct. 1841 under Sir Robert Sale, and had his hoi-se shot
under him. He served during the insurrection at Cabool from 2n(l November 1S41 till January 1842; was present at tne
storming of the Rickarb Bashee and the neighbouring forts; also in the action on the heights on the 13th Kovomber.
and the battle of Beymar«D on 23rd November. Delivered up as a hostage tothe AfTghausontheaistDec. i84i,and
remained a prisoner in their hands until the 17th Sept. 1842. On release joined the force proceeding to the Kohistau
as second in command of Khuzzilbash Horse, under Sir John M'Caskill, and was present at the storming and:
capture of Istaliff. Was present with the Buffs in the Gwalior campaign of 1843, and in the battle of Punniar
(Bronze Star). Served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1S54-55 as Assistant Quarter Master General of the
Right Division; on the 14th September 1854 captured and brought into camp at Old Fort 75 Russian waggons
laden with forage and flour on their wav to Sebastopol; present at the affair of Bulganack, battles of Alma (hors&
shotthrough the neck), Balaklava, and'Inkorman. Served as Quarter Master General of the Expedition to Kertch
under Sir George Brown in May 1855, and succeeded as senior olHcer to the command of the EngUsh troops on the
departure of that General to Anapa; returned to Sebastopol on the 18th June ; present the entire siege of Scbas-
topol and the attack of the Redan on the Sth September (Medal with four Clasps, CJl., Knight of the Legion of
Honor, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
'= General Bradford served in the Eastern campaign of 1854, and up to 9th Feb. 1855 with the 2nd Battalion Rifle-
Brigade, including the battle of Alma and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with Two Clasps, Turkish Medal, and 5th.
Class of the Medijidie).
1" General W. T. Layard was in the Royal Navy for nearly four years before he entered the Ai-my, and served
in the Burmese war, having been present atthe taking of Rangoon, the capture of Syriam, and various other engage¬
ments ; after which he accompanied the combined Naval and Military expeditio'n up the Bassein river, and was-
present at the capture of Negraes and Bassoin; has received the Medal for Ava. Commanded the Troops in tho
district of Kornegalle, Ceylon, during the rebelhon of 1848.
1" General Laye served with the 56th Regiment as Captain during the New Zealand war of 1845-47, and was-
actively engaged in the assault and capture of Kawiti's Pah on the nth January 1846 (mentioned in orders); was
also engaged in several minor affairs in the Southern Province. Commanded the Troops at Wanganui, and waa
instrumental in the capture of five Natives who had barDarously murdered and mutilated the famil.y of a settler.
The Chiefs of the District, wlio were nearly related to the culpi-its, assembled a war party of 700 men for their
rescue, while the British force consisted of only 170 men, notwithstanding which Captain Laye ordered a Court
Martial, composed of subalterns, for the tria.l of the murderers, and on their conviction had four of them hanged
as soon as possible. Tbe execution was followed by an attack upon the settlement by the war party, and which.
was repulsed with great loss. Governor Sir George Grey, in two despatches to Earl Grey, the Secretary of State;
for the Colonies, reported,—"that the Jirmnesa and decision with which Captain Laye acted had saved the country
from serious and protracted rebellion." He received the special approbation of Her Majesty through Earl Grey
in the following terms,—" I liave it especially in command to assure .you of the sense which Her Majesty entertains
of the firmness with which Captain Laye acted upon the occasion of the attack of the Natives on the town of
Wanganui, and of the gallant conduct of himself and the detachment under his orders on that occasion." He
was mentioned in the Gcjvernment Gazette and despatches, received the Brevet of Major, and Medal. In 1855 he
joined the Staff in Turkey, and was appointed Assistant Military Secretary to Lord William Paulet commanding
the Troops on the Bosphorus.
'' General Baumgartner served in tho Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the 28th Regt., including the battles
of Abna and Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and affair on the iSth .June in the Cemetery (succeeded to the
command of the Regt.); was wounded in the Trenches 17th Aug. 1855 (Medal with three Clasps, CS., Sardinian and
Turkish Medals, and 4th Class of the Medjidie).
*> General Pordyce served the Eastern campaign of 1854, and up to the 16th June 1855, with the 47tb
Regt., including the battles of Alma (contusion of left foot) and Inkerman, capture of Balaklava, siege of Sebas¬
topol. and sortie of 26th October 1854 (Medal withfour Clasps, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, CB., 5th Class of the Medjidio
and Turkish Medal).
''^ General Leith served in the ist Bombay Fusiliers in Karack, in the Persian Gulf, from 1838 to 1841. Punjaub-
campaign of 1848-49, present at the siege and capture of Mooltan, led the storming party at the capture of the city
(Brevet of Major), and was dangerousl.y wounded, losing his left arm, which was twice severed by sabre cuts from
two of the enemy, both of whom he cut down; ball in right shoulder (still uuextracted), besides other sabre cuts on
right arm, &c. (Medal with Clasp); highly complimented for liis distingui.shcd g^illantry, and ajipointed to the Staff
of the Army in the Adjutant General's Department. Reappointed Adjutant General of Division from 1S54 to i860,,
during the mutinies, under General Sir Henry Roberts.
^ General Kelly served with the 31st Itegt. in the Crimea from 22nd May to the end of June 1855, including
the attack of the outworks of Sebastopol on the i8th of June (Medal with Clasp,"sth Class ol'the :Mcdjidie, and 'Rirkish
Medal). Served in the Indian campaign of 1857-58; commanded a Wing of tlie 38th Re.giment at the battle of
Cawnpore on 6th Dec. 1857, and the same day commanded a Brigade in tho defence of the enemy's captured camp
repulsing two attacks and capturing three guns; commanded three Companies of tho 33tli with a Troop of 9th Lan¬
cers and some Punjaub Cavalry against the villages of Whera and Niittypore; commanded tho 38th Regt. when
escorting the siege-train from Mynpore to Cavnipore, also at the storm and capture of Meeangunge, and attack of
the Dilkoosha; present atthe taking of the Martiniere; 2nd in Command of the Regt. at the siege and capture
of Lucknow; commanded the Right Wing 38th Regt., with two Companies of the 84th a)id two of tho 90th,attached,
for the capture of the Queen's Palace—nine guns of various calibre fell into his hands; commanded tho 38th from
23rd March to 9th June 1858, and was present at the affairs of ]3arree andNuggur in Oudo and action at Nawab-
gunge; commanded the 3rd Brigade from 27th March 1858 until its reduction (slightl,y wounded on tho head by a
musket-ball on 15th March, repeatedl.y mentioned in dosiiatches. Medal with Clasp, and CB).
'' Sir Frederick Ponsonby served in the Crimean campaign with tlie Grenadier Guards Irom the 13th August 1855:
to the end of the Russian 'war, and was present at tho siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class-
of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
2* General Erskine served with tho 33rd Regt. in the Eastern campaign of 1834-55, including the battle of
Inkerman and siege of Sebastopol; he commanded the piquets of the Light Division on the 14th Oct. 1854, when they
repulsed the attack made on them by the enemy (Medal with t\vo Clasps, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, 5th Class of the
Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
^' General Wynyard served with the Grenadier Guards in the Crimea from April 1855, including the siege
and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
^" General Ingall served the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46 with the 62nd Regiment, including the battles of
Ferozeshah (wounded) and Sobraon (Medal and one Clasp). Served also in the Crimea from 13th Nov. 1854 to i8th

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