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532S War Services of the Beserve of Officers.
1" Lt.Golonel N. J. C. Stevens served in suppression of the mutiny in Bengal in 1857-58, including the occu¬
pation of the Alumhagh under Outram, capture of Lucknow, passage of the Goomtee at SuUanpore, and several
minor affairs in Oude (Medal wiih Clasp).
'••■' Lt.Colonel W. A. Kay served with the 68th Light Infantry in the New Zealand war in 1864-66, and was present
at the attack on Gate Pah (iledal).
"^ Lt.Colonel J. E. V. Rogers served the campaign in Oude from June to Dec. 1S58, including the occupation of
Fyzabad, capture of Sultanpore, passage of the Goomteo, action of Shahpore, capture of the Fort of Kaili, and other
minor affairs (Medal).
'■"^ Lt.Colonel Arthur Jebb served with the 31st Regiment throughout the campaign in the north of China in
i860, including the action of Shiho and storming of Tangku (Medal with Clasp for the Taku Forts). Served
against the Taepings in the vicinity of Shanghai in 1862, and was acting Aide de Camp to General Staveley at the
recapture of Kading (mentioned in despatches).
"" Lt.Colonel J. E. Harden served with the 101st Fusiliers in the Indian N.W. Frontier war of 1863, and was
present at the attack and capture of the Crag Piquet, the Conical Hill, and Umbe.vla (Medal with Clasp).
'♦' Lt.Colonel R. B. M'Ewen .=ierved in the Central India campaign in 1858, iucludiiig the actions of Rajghur,
Mungrowlie, Sindwaho, and Koi-ai (Medal).
^^" Lt.Colonel N. E. Carr served in the Indian campaign of 18 57-58 whilst employed on the Public Works of
India, and was engaged with the Dacca Mutineers at Chusanbunda. in Bhootaii on the 12th December 1S57 (Medal).
Served with the Abyssinian Expeditionary Force in 1867-6S on the personal Staff of the Director of the Transport
Train, and was mentioned in despatches ibr zeal atid ability (Medal).
'*' Lt.Colonel S. P. T. NicftioU served in the New Zealand war during 1864-66 (Medal), and wasthanked by H.R.H.
the Commander in Chief on account of good service in the action of the Gate Pah (wounded in the head).
'=^ Lt.Colonel F. "W. Durrant strved with the 33rd Regiment throughout the Abyssinian camjiaign of 1867-68, and
was present at the storming and capture of Magdala (Medal).
^^ Lt.Colonel .1. T. Rogers served with the 91st Highlanders in the Zulu war of 1S79, and was present in the
action of Gingindhlovu and relief of Ekowe (Medal with Clasp).
'" Lt.Colonel G. B. Luxford embarked for the Gold Coast with the 2nd Battalion 23rd Fusiliers, and served in
the second phase of the Ashanti war, in 1874 (Medal with Clasji).
'^^ Lt.Colonel W. H. St. Hill served in the New Zealand war of 1860-61 and that of 1863-65. In 1860-61 he was
Aide de Camp to the Governor, ))ut.ioined his Regiment in the field during the time active oj^erations were being
carried on. On tiie outbreak of the war in Waikato in 1863 he was appointed Aide de Camp to Sir Duncan
Cameron, served in that capacity and also for some time as Acting Military Secretfiry throughout the subsequent
operations, being present with General Cameron at every action that took place, with one exception,—viz.:—
the actions of Koheroa, Rangiriri.Waiari, Raugiawhia, Hairini (horse shot), Orakan, Gate Pah, Nukumaru, Ka-
karamea, besides several minor skirmishes (repeatedly mentioned in despatches. Medal, Unattached Company by
purchase, and Brevet of Major).
i=s Colonel J. W. Fry served in the 86th Regiment with the Central India Field Force under Sir Hugh Rose in
1857-58, and was present at the actions of Koonoh, all the operaticjiis before Calpee from 15th 10 22nd May, battle of
Golowlie, capture of the town and fortress of Calpee, battle of Morar, batt'e before and cai)ture of the town and
fortress of Gwalior, and taking of Pourio (Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Major). Has received a Gold Medal of
Honor from the President of the French Republic and the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving
a lady from drowning in the sea at Boulogne-sur-Mer.
"'"Lt.Colonel John Creagh served with the 5th Fusiliers throughout the Indian mutiny campaigns of 1857-59,
and was present with Havelock's Force at the assault and relief of Lucknow, subsequent defence of the Residency,
occupation of the Alnmbagh under Outram, capture of Lucknow and subsequent operations in Oude, the greater
pjirt of the time as Adjutant of the 5th Fusiliers (Medal with two Clasps, and one year's service).
"'•' Lt.t'olonel M. W. Hyslop served with the 93rd Highlanders in the Crimea from the 14th July 1855, including the
siege and tall of Sebasto|)ol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served also in the Indian campaigns of 1857-
58, including the relief of Luckuow by Lord Clyde, defeat of the Gwalior Contingent at Cawnpore and pursuit to
Seraighai, actions of Pusgaon and Russulpore, and evacuation of the Fort of Mithowlie (Medal with Clasp).
"<- Lt.Colonel A. Cook served with the 40th Regiment during the latter part of the war in New Zealand of 1860-61.
Also throughout that of 1863-64, and was jjreseiit at the battle of Rangariri and at the assault and capture of
Orakau. Was mentioned in despatches for repulsing the Maories on the Great South Road at the commencement
of the latter war (Medal).
1" Lt.Colonel J. W. llaynes served throughout the Ashanti war of 1873-74, including the engagements of the
27th October (slightly wounded) and 3rci November near Dunquah (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
■"^ Major A. J. Rait served in the Okamundel campaign of 1859, and was present at the siege of Dwarka and
subsequent operations. Served in the New Zealand'war in 1863-64 in command of the Drivers of his Batterr
acting as Cavalr.v, and was present at the action at Katikara, skirmi.-hes at Kei rikerri. Piikekohe, and Raugiawhia,
and engagements atNeurini (horse shot) and Orakau (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Accompanied Sir Garnet
Wolseley to the Gold Coast in September 1873 on special service. Orgauised '" Haits Artillery " anil commanded
it throughout the Ashanti War of 1873-74, includiiig the action of the 2;tu October S73 near Duuquah, relief of
Abrakrampa, battle of Amoatul, capture and destruction of Bei'quah, hattle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassis
(several times mention»d in despatches. Brevet of Major, CD., Mi daf with Clasp).
"■* Lt.Colonel C.W. Cragg served with the Rifle Brigade in the Crimean campaign from the 6th Sept. 1S55, includ¬
ing the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Tarkieh Medai). Served throughout the Intlian cam¬
paign of 1857-58, including the aflair at jSecundra, siege and capture of Lucknow, battle of Naviabgunge (slightlj
wounded), capture of Fort Birwah as one of the storming party (meniioiied in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
Served with the 4th Bengal Irregular Cavalry during the campai,gn in Bunillecund under Brigadier General F.
Wheeler in 1859-60, and commanded the 1st Division Bundlecuud Flying Column from April i86o to May 1861.
'"" Lt.Colonel J. H. Culme-Seymour served with the 68th Light Infantry in the Crimea from the 17th June 1855,
and was present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, aud Turkish Medal). Served also in the
Now Zealand war in 1864-66, including the latter part of the oper.atious against the Gate Pah, engagement at Te
Ranga (mentioned in despatches); also the West Coast campaign and action at Kakaramea; and served with the
Field Force in January 1S66, which co-operated in the dense forest inland of Mount Egmont in support of Major
General Chute's Field Force (Medal).
'"' Lt.Colonel G. B. Perryn served with the 90th Light Infantry in the Indian campaign of iS';7-58, including the
defence of the Alumbagh, relief of Lucknow by LordClyde, defence of the Alumbagh under Outram, siege and cap¬
ture of Lucknow, and subi-equent operations in Oude (Medal with two Clasps, aud a year s service for Lucknow).
i"2 Lt.Colonel J. D. Bradley served in the Crimea from loth Jan. 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol
and assault of the 18th June (Medal wiih Clasp, aud Turkish Medal).
'"i> Lt.Colonel E. F. Angelo served with the 28lh Regt. in the Crimea from August 1855, including the siege and
fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medai).
'"» Lt.Colonol H. W. Kcays-Young served with the Bombay Rifles the Persian campaign of 1P56-57, inchiding
the storming of Reshire, .surrender of Bushire, night attack on British Rear Guard, aud baitle of Kooshab (Medal
with Clasp). Also, with the same Regiment and the Poonah Irregular Horse, the Indian campaigns of 1857-50.
present in operations against the Bhecls in the Nassick and Kandei.-^h Hills; commanded during four monthu
eiirly in 1858 the frontier post of Rajapore; afterwards with the Saipojra Field Force against the Rohillasand
Bheels in the Viiidh.\ a mountains ; and subsequently in 1858-59 on the Divisional Staff of Sir John Michel against
the rebels under Tantia Topee in Central India (Medal).
1" Lt.Colonel H. C. Sit well served at General Wiudham's actions with the Gwalior Contingent at PandooNuddee
on 26th Nov., and at Cawnpore on 27th aud 2Sth Nov. 1837, and subsequent defence of Cawnpore. Served with
the 9th Lancers at the battle of Cawnpore on 6th December, pursuit and action at Seraighat 9th December, actip»
at Kalee Nuddee, and reoccupation of Fvitteghur, capture of Meangunge, siege of Lucknow and subsequent
operations, the summer campaign including the attack on the Fort of Rooyah, action at 'AUagunge, battle of
Bareilly, actions of 18th and 24th May at Shahjehanpore, and pursuit to Mohumdee (.Medal with Clasp).
I's Lt.Colonel H. M. Moorsom served with the Rifle Brigade in the campaign in the Doab in 1S57, and was j^rerti*
at the capture of Lucknow in 1858 (Medal with Clasp).

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