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1st Madras Cavalry (Baised in October ijS'j—formerly the ^th Begt.). 491-495
879-80."—Head Quarters at Bangalore. Uniform, French Qrey.
-"Afghanistan, i
Pale Buff, LacP, Silaer.
Rank, Names, and Cokps.
Lt.Colonel E. M. Cherry, late i Cav...
Lt.Colonel A. D. Parsons, late i Cav..
Lt.Colonel G. S. Hooper, late i Cav...
Major H. R. Hope, Gen. List
20 Aug. 78
18 Oct. 79
I Oct. 77
4 Nov. 80
Captain A. AV. H. Hornsby, Staff Corps 26 July 76
Lieut. E. E. M. Lawford, Staff Corps ...1 9 Aug. 73
Lieut. A. P. Westlake, St.aff Corps 29 Nov. 77
Lieut. G. S. Kerrich, Staff Corps '19 Sept.79
Surgeon G. L. Dobie
Commandant, 27 May 81.
'2nd in Command and Squadron Commander, 6 July 81.
Squadron Commander, 16 May 77.—With 2 Cav.
'Squadron Commander.
Squadron Commander, 6 July 81.—Sick Eurluigh.
Squadron Commander, 6 July 81.
Squadron Officer. [Central India.
Squadron Officer, 17 Oct. 76.—Offg. Gov. Gen.'s Assist. Agent,
y Sqnn.dron Officer, 20 Aug. 81.—Offg. Squadron Commander
(. a.nd Adjutant.
Squadron Officer, 20 Aug. 81.
In medical charge, 4 June 8t.
2nd Madras Cavalry (Stevenson Pater.—Beceived into the British Service 1"]^^).
*' Seringapataii."—Head Quarters at Kamptee. Uniform, French Grey. Facings, Pale Biijf. Lace, Silver.
Colonel R. S. J.Prendergast,late 2 Cav.!2o Mar. 79!Commandant, 22 Dec. 78. [Cav.
Lt.Colonel G. S. Hooper, late I Cav 1 i Oct. 77!Offg. 2nd in Command and Squadron Commander.—From i
Major F. M. Onslow, Gen. List, Cav. ...j 4 Sept. 8o|Squadron Commander, 29 Feb 80.—Furlough.
Major W. B. Warner, Gen. List, Cav \ i July 8i;Squadron Commander, 12 May 80.—Sick Furlough.
Captain W. H. M'Causland, Staff Corps; 12 Jan. 78'Officiatiug Squadron Commander.—From 3 Cav. [mandor.
Lieut. E. E. Forbes, Stuff Corps in Feb. 75 Squadron Officer and Adjutant, 30 Jan. 78.—Offg. Squadron Com.-
Lieut. R. G. Jones, Staff Corps 13 Juno 74 Squadron Officer, 8 Jan. 79.
Lieut. F. L. Jones, Staff Corps iio Sept. 77 Squadron Officer, 9 Doc. 80.—With 3 Cav.
Lieut. E. T. C. N. Marten, Staff Corps ...10 Jan. 72 Olliciating Squadron Officer.
Surgeon Major B. T. Suffrein ! iln medical charge, i Nov. 76.
Baised a,t Arcot in May 1784 —formerly the 2ndBegt.)
Quarters at Secunderabad. French Grey. Facings, Pale Buff". Lace, Silver.
July 79 Commandant, 29 Sept. 70. [Furlough.
Nov. 80 2nd in Command and Squadron Commander, 10 Feb. 76.—Sick
June 79'Squadron Commander, 18 June 77.—Sick Furlough.
Sept. 8o;Squadron Commander, 16 July 7S.—Offg. 2nd in Command.
Sept.64'Squadron Commander, 26 Jan. 69.
Deo. 8o'Squadrou Officer, 24 Apr. 71.
Oct. 77;Squadron Officer, 29 Nov. 69.—Offg. Squadron Commander.
July 8ojSquadron Officer, 19 Jan. 77. 78!Squa,dron Officer, 10 Ma.y 72.—With 2 Cav.
Feb. 77 Officiating Squadron Officer.
Sept.77 Officiating Adjutant.—From 2 Cav.
In medical charge.—Sick Furlough.
3rd Madras Cavalry (Murray.
" Seeisgapatam"—"Mahidpoke."—Head
Colonel G. A. Arbuthnot, Cavalry
Colonel F. Horsley, Staff Corps
Lt.Colonel W. Thompson, late 7 Cav. ...
lit.Colonel J. M. Kerr, late 3 Cav
Major H. C. Stevens, late 4 Cavalry
Lt.Colonel T. H. T. Chalon, late 3 Cav..
Major H. .A.. Yates, Gen. List, Cav
Major H. Cracroft, Gen. List, Cav
Captain W. H. M'Causland, Staff Corps,
Lieut. H. Eardley Wilmot. Stall'Coips.
Lieut. F. L. Jones, Staff Corps
Surgeon Major D. F. Batemau
-Baised in May 1785—'
4th Madras Cavalry {Prince of Wales' Own) (Younge.
formerly the 3rd Regiment).
" Seeingapatam"—"Ass.ate"—" Mahidpore." Prince of Wales' Plume.
Head Quarters at Bellary.— Uniform, French Grey. Facings, ScarUf. Lace, Silver.
Honorary Colonel—Field Marshal HUM. Albert Edward. Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall,
Colonel E. M. Jjawford, late 4 Cavalry ...
Ijt.Colonel C. S. Steward, late 4 Cavalry
Lt.Colonel V. S. Cherry, late 4 Cavalry
Major W. W. Hooper, late 7 Cavalry
Major C. M. A. Morant, Gen. List
Lieut. A. B. Fenton, Staff Corps
Lieut. C. Stevens, Staff Corps
Lieut. L. W. C. Kerrich, Somersetshire)
Regt. (13 F.) f
Surgeon Major J. M. Donnelly
Surgeon E. Fawcett
20 Ma.y77iCommaudant, 20 Sept, 78.
24 May 77|2nd in Command and Squadron Commander, 21 July 76.—FurL
3 May So'SquadronCommander, 21 Jul.y 76.—Offg. 2nd in Command.
20 Apr. 78:Squadron Officer, 7 Apr. 66.—Officiating Squadron Commander;
20 Sept. 81 Squadron Officer, 16 July 78.—Offg. Squadron Commander.
]2 Nov. 73!3quadron Officer, 20 Oct. 76.—Officiating Adjutant.
4 Mar. 78iOfficiating Squadron Officer.
22 Jan. 79 Officiating Squadi'on Officer.
Iln medical cha,rgo, 4 June 81.—Sick Fuidough.
loiffoiating in medical charge.
Corps of Madras Sappers and Miners (Queen's Own).
The Royal Cypher within the Garter.
" Sekingapatam"—"Java"—"Egypt"—"Assaye"—"MiniDPouE"—"Nagpore"—"Ava'
"Cevtbat. I.fDii "—"Tub Sphinx"—" Apgu-anistan, 1878-80."
A Company—"China" (with the Dragon)—"Pegu"—"Taku Forts"—"Pekin." B Company—"China"
the Dragon)
pany—"Takd Forts"-
A Company,—Bangalore.
B Company,—Bangalore.
0 Company,—Banjjaiore.
D Company,—Bangalore.
Honorary Colonel—
Pegu"—"Persia." C Company—"Meeanp.e" a.nd "Hyderabad 1843"—"Pegu.'
F Company—"China" (with the Dragon). G and H Companies—"Abyssinia."
Lt.Colonel C. A. Sim, R. Eng. 22 Nov. 79
Head Quarters at Bangalore.
E Company,— Bangalore. I I Company,—Bangalore.
F Company,—Rangoon. K Compan.y,—Bangilore.
G Company, — Bangalore.
H Company,—Secunderabad. |
Field Marshal HBH. AUiert Edward, Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall
E Com-.
K Corn-
Major R. P.Pennefather, R. E
Major A. F. Hamilton,R. Eng.
Major E.W.Begbie, Gen. List.
Capt. G. Henry, R Eng
Lieut. C. B. Wilkieson, R. Eng
Lieut. A.W.Cockburn, R. Eng.
Jjieut. W. H. Goldney, R.Bng.
Lieut. T. Digby, R. Eng
Ijieut. C. H. Darling, R. En?.
I Oct. 77
77 Apr. 78
4 Apr. 79
C Bangalore ;
j \ Inst. Mil. Sig.
29 Jul3' 80 K Comp.
23 July 7o!.\djutaut.
2 Aug. 71 Quarter Master.
15 Dec. 71 :B Comp.
2 Ma,y 72 I Comp.
12 Sent.72'A <'omn.
Lieut. P. B. Ba.ldwin, R. Eng.
Lieut. W. D. Conner, H. Eug.
Lieut. W. D. Liudley, R. Eug.
Lieut. F. W. T. Attree, R. Bug.
Lieut. G. E. Shuto, R. Kng....
Lieut.A. C. MacDonneU,R.Eng.
Lieut. H. E.Goodwyn, R. Eng.
Surgeon Major J.Ross, MB....
Surg.MajorW. Farquhar.iTfZ).
9 Jan. 73 F Comp.
9 Jan. 73 E Comp.
9 Jan. 73 Furlough.
9 Jan. 73 H Comp.
II Sept. 73 C Comp.
17 Aug. 74'Sick Furlough..
28 Jan. 75 D Comp.
fin med. charge, 29 Sept.
( 79—Sick Furlough.
Establishment:—10 Companies : CouiLuanUaiit; AdjuLant; (.^uarLcr AiasLerj 20 Officers; i Conductor; 1 (Sergeant
Major; i Quarter Master Sergeant; 20 Sergeants ; 20 First Corporals; 20 Socond Corporals; i Assistant Apothe¬
cary ; I Second Dresser; loSubadars; 10 Jemadars ; i Havildar Major ; 43 Havildars ; i Honorary Havildar;
80 Naicks; 20 Buglers; 1,050 Privates; 24 Recruit Boys; 32 Pensiou Boys; 10 Regimental Lascars; 11
Puckallies; i Bheasty; 2-Moonshees; i Bricklayer Maistry; i Stone C\itrer; i Cooper; 1 Armourer- 10
(Jarijenters; lo Smiths ; 10 Hammermen ; 10 Bellows Bo.ys ; i Chouciry; 2 Peonp, and i Chuckler.
c c

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