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Bengal Staff Coijis.— War Services. 474
at Jugdospore in August 1S57 ; with Havelock's Force as Assistant Field Engineer, including tlie actions of Mungarwar
and Aluinbagh, relief of Lucknow, and subsequent defence of the Residency; subsequent defence of the Alumbagh,
and final assault and capture of Lucknow (Medal with two Clasps).
^^^ Captain Voyle served throughont the Jowaki expedition of 1S77-78 under Brigadier-General Keyes (Medal
with Clasp). Served also in the Afghan campaign of 1878-79 with the Koorum Field Force ; and was present at
the affair of 28th November 1878, and at the storming and capture of the Spingawai Kotal, Peiwar Heights, on
2nd December 1878 (Medal with Clasp).
"' Major W. T, Stuart served throughout the Indian mutinycampaign of 1857-58; marched with the Sappers and
Miners to Meerut at the outbreak of the mutiny; present at the actions of the 30th and 31st May on the Hindunt
battle of Budleekeserai and storming of the heights before Delhi on the 8th June 1857, throughout the siege assault
and capture of Delhi, actions of AUyghur and Agra, at Futtehpore Sikree, capture of Fort Mittowlee, actions of Ally-
ghur and Biswah (Medal with Clasp, and promoted to the rank of Ensign).
'^'^ Lt.Colonel G. N. Channer served in the Umbeyla campaign of 1863 and was present at the actions of the i6th
and 17th December (Medal with Clasp). Afterwards served with General Wilde's Column in Jadoon Country in 1864.
Looshai field operations in 1871-72. Served with the ist Goorkhas in the Malay Peninsula in 1875-76, with the
Malacca Column in operations in Snnghie Ujong, Terrachee, and Srimenanti; led the advanced party at the surprise
and capture of Malay Stockades in Bukit Putus Pass (mentioned in despatches, Victoria Cross, Brevet of Major,
Medal with Clasp). Served with the 29th Punjab Infantry in the Afghan war of 1878-S0 with the Koorum Field
Force, and was present in command of the Regiment at the attack and capture of the Peiwar Kotal (mentioned in
despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel. Medal with Clasp).
"■^1 Major Holmes commanded a Troop of the 7th Hussars attached to Horse Artillery under Captain Otlay, sent on
6th December 1863 for the relief of Fort Shubkudder. The force being benighted and without guides Lieut. Holmes
volunteered to gallop forward and ascertain the entrance to the fort, which duty he effected, exposed between two
fires, and was reported " as being instrumental in saving a great deal of inconvenience and danger to the party
entering." Served in command of a Troop of the 7th Hussars comprising part of the Doaba Field Force employed
against native tribes on the N.W. Frontier of India in Nov. and Dec. 1863 and Jan. 1864, and was present at the
action of Shubkudder (horse wounded). Had the honour of being called to the front on parade and thanked by the
Commander in Chief, Sir Hugh Rose, for his services in the field (mentioned in despatches).
'^^ Lt.Colonel H. B. Hanna served as a volunteer and local Lieutenant throughout the mutinies of 1857-59,—the
latter rank was conferred on him for services in the field. In the Rohilcund campaign ho received a sabre and
a bullet wound and his charger three sabre cuts, and he was mentioned in despatches. In the Oudo cam¬
paign he was brought to the notice of the General Commanding for gallant conduct in the field (reins and
accoutrements cut). Accompanied Sir A. Horsford in his advance into Nepaul, and afterwards with the outposts
left on the River Raptee (Medal). Received a complimentary letter from Lord Stanley, then Secretary of State
for India, conferring on him a commission for his services during the mutiny. Served with the Army tha.t occupied
Tientsien at the couolusion of the Chin.a war of 1S60-61. Served in the Hazara Ca,mpaignof 186B (Medal with Clasp).
667 Major J. B. P. Mosley served with the 6th Punjaub Infantry during the Umbej'la campaign of 1863 (Medal
with Clasp). Also in an engagement with the Bezotee Afreedees in March 1868.
"'' Major F. Knowles served as an Assistant Field Engineer atthe siege and capture of Delhi, at the siege and
capture of Lucknow, and relief of Azimghur—wounded (Medal with two Clasps).
^~^ Captain E. H. H. CoUen served throughout the Abyssinian campaign from the 6th Feb. 1868, and was employed
on Special Survey Duty from the 23rd March until the'end (Medal).
^'* Captain Patch served with the 55th Regt. on the Bhootan expedition in 1865 (Medal with Clasp).
^"^ Capta,in Abbott served as Adjutant of the 42nd Assam Light Infantry in the following expeditions : Against
the Looshai hill tribes in 1871-72 with the foice under General liourchier (Medal with Clasp). Against the Duflla
hill tribes, Northern Assam, in 1874-75 with the force under General Stafford. Against the Nag.a hill tribes in
1875 with [he force under Colonel Nuttall. In the Afghan war in 1879 with the force under Sir Frederick Roberts,
and with the Punjaub Chiefs' Contingent under Brigadier General Watson (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Also
served a,gainst the Angami Naga Hill tribes in 1879-80, and commanded the expedition into the Kacha Naga Hills,
and at the occupation of Paplongmai.
^'^ Major Gaselee served with the 93rd Highlanders in the Umbeyla campaign of 1863 (Medal with Clasp). Served
as Staff Officer to the Director of Transports on the Highlands throughout the Abyssinian campaign in 1868, and
was present at the capture of Magdala (mentioned in despatches. Medal). Served with the Hazara Field Force in
1868. Served with the 4th Punjaub Infantry at the surprise of the Bezotee village of Gara on the 25th Feb. 1869
(mentioned in despatches, and thanked by the Governor General). Served with the 4th Punjaub Infantry
throughout the Jowaki Afreedee expedition of 1877-78 (mentioned in despatches. Clasp). Served throughout the
Afghan war of 1878-80 in the QuMrter Master General's Department, and was present in the engagements at Ahmed
Kheyl and Oorzoo near Ghuzni (mentioned in despatches), and at the recounai-ssanco on 31st Augirst 1880 near
Candahar and at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with two Clasps, and
Bronze Decoration).
^'J Captain C. F. Massy served with the Transport Train in the Abyssinian campaign in 186S (Medal).
'''_^ Captain J. Corse-Scott served as a Sub Assistant Commissary General in the Abyssinian campaign (Medal).
^"^ Major J. Biddulph served in the Indian Mutiny Campaign in 1858-59, and was present at the action of
Doundoakera, taking of the Forts of Chandaand Manjeedea, andaction on the banks of the Raptec (Medal).
'*" Captain L. R. H. D. Campbell served as Orderly Officer to Major General Wilde commanding the Hazara Field
Force in 1868, including the expedition against the tribes on the Black Mountain (Medal with Clasp).
'^' Major A. G. Hammond served with the Corps of Guides throughout the Jo vaki Afreedee expedition in
1S77-78 under General Keyes (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Present in the operations against the
Ranizai village of Skhakat on 14th March 187', and also in the attack on the Utman Kheyl villages on 21st March
1878. Served with the Corps of Guides in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present at the capture of Ali Musjid
and in the engagements around Cabul in December 1879, and at Charasiab (mentioned in despatches, Medal with
two Clasps).
'''^ Captain J.F. J. Miller served-svith the igthPoot in the Hazara campaign in i868, including the expedition against
the tribes on the Black Mountain (Medal with Clasp).
"^■^ Captain R. A. Gilchrist served with the 26th Camoronians in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868 (Medal).
^'* Captain Maltliy served with the Transport Department throughout the Afghan war of 1878-80 (Medal).
^'^ Captain P. H. Wallerstein was attached to the 24th Bengal Native Infantry during the Hazara campaign of
1868, including the subsequent operations in the Black Mountain (Medal with Clasp).
f^"*' Captain A. D. Strettell served in the Aliyssinian campaign in 1868 with the Transport Ti'ain (mentioned in
despatches for " ability, energj', and zeal," Medal).
'i^'* Lieut. Jameson served in the A.fghia war of 1878-80 as Adjutant and Quarter Muter 5th Punjab Infantry
with the Koorum Field Force, and was present at the affair on the 22nd November 1878 and at the capture of the
Peiwar Kotal, the engagement at Charasiab ou 6th October 1879, and in the various operations around Cabul in
December 1879, and the subsequent defence of Sherpore (Medal with three Clasps). Served as Adjutant and
Quarter Master 5th Punjab Infantryin the Mahsood Wuzeeree expedition under Brigadier General Gordon in 1881.
'^'"> Lt. Colonel M. G. Gerard served in the Abyssinian campaign with the Transport Train from the 13th March 1S68
mentioned in despatches for " ability, energy, and zeal," and Medal).
^'^' Major W. H. Browne served with the loist Fusiliers in the Indian North-West Frontier war of 1S63, and was
present at the storm and capture of the Crag Piquet (Medal with Clasp).
«'^ Captain E. B. Nixon has received the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving the life of a
"'^ Captain M. K. Martin served with the Buffs throughout the operations in the Malay Peninsula in 1875-76,
ncluding the actions of the 4th, 14th, and 20th January, and 4th February, and the reconnaissance of the 22nd
"^' Captain G. S. Byre has been awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society.
''5 Lieut. C. H. Manners Smith served with the 3rd Sikh Infantry in the Jowaki expedition of 1877-78 (men¬
tioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Served with the Koorum Field Force in the survey party throughout

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