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Bengal Staff Corps.—War Services. 470
â– during the operations in Bundlecnnd vmder Brigadier Wheler in 1859; and as Brigade Major with the Cachar
column of the Looshai Expeditionary Force under Sir G. Bourchicr in 1871-72 (mentioned in despatches. Medal
with Clasp, and Brevet of Major).
""Lt.Colonel J. C. Minto served with the Irregular Forces under Sir George Cathcart during the Kaffir war
of 1852-53 (Medal).
*25 Lt.Colonel H. Collett served with the expedition under Sir Sydney Cotton on the Eusofzaie Frontier in 1858, and
was present at the affairs of Chingli and Sittana (Medal with Clasp). Oude campaign of 1858-59, including the
«torm and capture of the fort of Rampore Kussea (Medal). Served with the force in the Cossyah and Jynteah
Hills during the rebellion of 1862-63, and was present at ^^^ storm and capture of Oomkoi, Nungarai, and Oom-
krong (sevei-ely wounded).
^'^ Lt.i'olonel E. L. Ommanney served at the siege assault and capture of Delhi in 1857 (Med8,lwith Clasp).
^-" Lt.Colonel H. M. B.Barlton served with the 8th Foot in various skirmishes at Agra in 1858. Served with Meade's
Horse at the capture of Gwalior; commanded the Regiment during the pursuit of the rebels by Sir Robert Napier
and was present at the action of Joura Alipore; commanded a detachment of Meade's Horse on field service in
operations against Tantia Topee and other rebels from October 1858 to February 1859 (Medal).
^^8 Lt.Colonel R. C. W. Mitford served throughout the Indian mutinj' campaign of 1857-59 and was present at the
action of the 5th July near Agra with the Neemuch mutineers, the battle of Agra on the loth Oct. 1857, aifair of
Futtehpore-Sirkee, and other minor actions in the Agra District. Present with Hodson's Horse at the capture of
Lucknow; commanded a detachment of the Regiment in the action of Nawabgunge, Bara Benkee, and Selimpore
(charger wounded), and was highly mentioned by the Governor General for "gallantry in capturing a paity of
rebelsin the village of Behipore with 20 dismounted sowars." Proceeded with 150 sabres to join the force under
Major Bulwer at Jabrowlee, and on the i6th October charged and defeated a large body of rebel Infantry, receiving
a slight wound. In the subsea,uent action of Jabrowlee on the 23rd October 1858 the detachment of Hodsou's Horse
under his command captured three guns and cut up a large numberofthe enemy's Infantry—was severely wounded
in this action whilst assistingan Officerof the Uncovenanted Civil Service who was attacked byseveral of the rebels
and would probablj- have been cut down but for timely aid. On partially recovering from his wound he rejoined
the 3rd Regiment of Hodson's Horse as Adjutant and served the Trans-Gogra campaign of 1859 up to the final
surrender of the rebels in December (Medal, and recommended by Lord Clyde for the Victoria Cross).
S29 Lt.Colonel A. FitzHugh commanded a detachment of the 4th Sikh Infantry in three afi'airs against the Momunds
near Fort Shahkudr in December 1863 and January 1864 (mentioned in despatches, Jledal with Clasp). Commanded
the 4th Sikh Infantry in the expedition to the Dour Valle.y in Feb. 1872 (mentioned in despatches). Commanded
the 4th Punjab Infnntry throughout the Jowaki campaign of 1877-78 (mentioned in despatches. Clasp). Com¬
manded the 5th Goorkhas throughout the Afghan war of 1878-80. Was in command of the advance party in
the attack on the Spingawi Kotal on 2nd December 1879, and of the Regiment as rearguard on 13th December
in the Sapri Pass (mentioned in despatches). Was present in the engagement at Charasiab and in the operations
around Cabul in December 1879—wounded (several times mentioned in despatches). Accompanied Sir Frederick
Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of
Lt.Colonel, CB., Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).
'^" Lt.Colonel R. B. P. P. Campbell .served with the ist Bengal European Fusiliers at the siege and capture of Delhi
in 1857, f^^d with the 2nd European Fusiliers in the subsequent operations in the Meerut, Jhujjur, and Rawareo
districts. Was attached to the faithful remnants of the nth Native Infantry, and engaged in rescuing the Rohilcund
refugees. Served with the 2nd Punjaub Cavalry at the siege and capture of Lucknow, action of Koorsee, capture
of Rooya, action of AUygunge, capture of BarelUy, action of Rohanpore, and against the rebels in theTerai (Medal
with two Clasps). Served with the expeditionary force under Brigadier General Chamberlain against the Cabool
Kheel Wuzeerees in 1859-60 (Medal with Clasp). Commanded a det-ached squadron of the Corps of Guides Cavalry
throughout the Hazara campaign of 1868, including the Black Mountain expedition (mentioned in despatches).
Comnianded the Coros of Guides throughout the Jowaki Afreedee expedition m 1877-78 (mentioned in despatches.
Clasp). Commanded the troops engaged in the operations against the Ranizai village of Skhakat on 14th March
1878 (received the thanks of Government) ; and was also with the Corps of Guides at tho attack on the Utman
Kheyl villages on 21st March 1878. Served in the Afghan war of 1878-79, and was present at the capture of AH
Musjid aud m the engagements around Cabul in December 1879, and at Charasiab (mentioned in despatches. Brevet
of Lt.Colonel, M^dal with two Clasps).
5^1 Lt.Colonel A. G. Owen was present at the battleof Budleekeserai and in all the subsequentengagements under
the walls of Delhi in 1857, including the action of Nujjuffghur; also present at the storm and capture of Delhi—
dangerously wounded (Medal with Clasp).
"^ Lt.Colonel R. A. Wauchope served in 1857 with the 4'!^ Sikhln&ntry at the siege and capture of Delhi, and was
engaged at the repulse of many of the enemy's attacks; on the 14th September he commanded 50 men at the
storming of the Water Bastion; was engaged at the subsequent six days' street fighting in the city, and on the
19th September commanded a Detachment at the capture of the Burn Bastion (Medal with Clasp). In 1860-61
served with Rattray's Sikhs against the hill tribes in Sikkim with the force under Colonel Gawler (mentioned in
despatches). In 1863 served in the 23rd Pioneers with the Euzofzie Field Force in the Umbeyla campaign, and was
engaged at the storming of the Conical Hill, capture of Lalloo, and final defeat of the enemy at the Bonair Pass
(Medal with Clasp). In 1864-65 served duringthcBootan war, and engaged at Dalimkote, Cliamoorchi, Bala, and
Buxa (twice mentioned in despatches, Cla,sp). In 1874-75 served with the Duffla expedition under Brigadier General
Stafford (mentioned in despatches). Commanded the Transport Corp.-< with the force under Colonel Nutiall in the
operations against Naga Hill Tribes on ibe North Eastern frontier ofludia in 1875 (mentioned in despatches).
Commanded the 14th Sikhs throughout the Jowaki expedition of 1877-78 (mentioned in despatches). Served
throughout the Afghan war of 1878-9 (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal).
^^^ Lt.Colonel H. A. Lewes was present at the outbreak of the mutiny at Meemt on the loth May 1857, and was
severely wounded. Served with the Meerut Volunteer Horse raised for service in thatdistrict, and afterwards with
vth Punjaub Infantry at the actions of Gungereo and Puttiallee, attack on and reoccupation of Mynpoorie, also at
Buugaon, assault and capture of Forts Dehain and Tirroul, operations of Brigadier Kelly's Force in the Terai, and
forcing of the enemy's position in the Jurwah Pass, lower Nepaul Range (Medal). Sei'ved as Adjutant 30th Punjaub
Infantry during the Bhootan campaign in 1864-65, and was engaged at the capture of Forts Dalimkote and Cha-
moorchee, and at the Bala Pass, and Nagoh stockades (Modal with Clasp). Served in the Afghan war in 18/9-ao
with the Koorum Valley Force (Medal).
^"' Lt. Colonel H. G. Saunders served during the Indian Mutiny campaign of 1857-5S including the action of tho
5th July 1857 near Agra with the Neemuch mutineers, and affair at Shereghat (Medal).
^^0 Lt.Colonel R. M. Skinner served in the defence of the Kumaon Hills and Rohilcund against the rebels in
^857-58, and present at the actions of Huldwauee on the 17th Sept. 1857 and ist Jan. 1858, and (jherpoorah on i8th
Feb. 1858, and saved the life of his commanding Officer at the risk of his own (Medal).
"8 Lt.Colonel F. P. W. Freeman served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1858 and was present at tho final
capture or' Jugdespore (Medal).
5^'-* Lt.Colonel R. Wheeler served as Interpreter to the 7th Hussars during the Indian matiny campaign of
1858-59, including the advance into Nepavd, attack a.nd ca])ture of the enemy's position and guns at Sitkaghat
(Medal). Served with the 20th Native Infantry throughout the Umbeyla campaign of 1863 (Medal with Clasp).
"' Lt.Colonel H. Morton served in Oude and was present at the pursuit and capture of the rebel Rajah of
Tofllseepore. Served durmg the Indian mutiny campaign of 1857-59,—against the rebels in Bundlecund in 1859,
and comtnanded a detachment of two guns, a squadron of Irregular Cavalry and 3 companies of Native Infantry for
about two months in frequent expeditions against the rebel leaders Dowlut Singh and Buojore Singh near the
Sind river (Medal).
°*^ Major A. R. ('liapman served throughout the siege of Delhi including the battle of Budleekeserai, skirmishes
in the Subzee Mundee from tho gth June to the r3th Aug. 1857, assault and capture of the city; was afterwards
present at the actions of Narnoul, Gungeeree, Pattialee and Mynpoorie, siege and capture of Lucknow, action of
Baree, and subsequent operations in Oude (Medal with two Clasps).
s*' Major E. C. Codringtou served during the Indian mutiny campaign of 1857-58 and was present during the
occupation of the Alumbagh from the i6th January to the loth March 1858, including the repulse of three separate
.attacks on the j6th January, affair of the 15th February, repulse of the night attacks on tho 19th and 2i8t, aifair of

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