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Bengal Medical Department.
Boyd, Herbert
Lloyd, John, MD
Courtney, William Michael
Euttledge, Edward Butler
Robinson, Thomas, MB
Martin, Daniel Nicholas, 3X-D. ...
Strahau, Alexander Bannerman...
Eoe, William Alexander Crauford
Meadows, Charles John Walford
Keefer, \Villiam Napier
Deane, Andrew
Murray, William Flood, MB
Surgeons, rank as Lieutn.^ hutafter
six years'eeroice they rank as Capts.
M'Connell,.James Fred.Parry,3fiJ.
O'Brien, Joseph, MD
M'Donuell, James O'Malley, MD.
Reid, James, MD
Mackenzie, Gilbert Proby, MB ...
Crombie, Alexander, MD
Murphy, William Reed
Joubert, Charles Henry, lf.B
Russell, Edgar Geer, MB
Scully, John
Hall, Geoffrey Craythorne
Roy, Gopaul Chunder, MD
Reid, Adam Seott, MB
Lawric, Edward, MB
Wilson, Joseph, MD
Mulvany, Edward
Zorab, John Manook, 3fJ?
Dutt, Russick Lall, MD
Bookey, John Thomas Brownrigg
M'Gregor, Alexander
Young, James, MB
Duke, Joshua
Gupta, Bankabehari, MB
M'Conaghey, John, ifZ)
Palmer, Edward
Williams, Alfred Henry, MB
Holmes, Robert AndrewKing.lfi).
Ferris, John Kdwai'd Charnock...
Moriarty, Matthew Denis, MB....
Price, Gordon, MD
Bovill, Edward, MB
O'Brien, Bartholomew, MD
Diindas, George Albert
Hill, Henry Walter, TllB
Ahmed, Zalnooi'Alleo, MD
Gilligan, Williarn Arthur
Griffiths, William Edwin
Wilkie, David, MB
Wall, Alfred John, MD
Tuohy, Francis Joseph, JlfZ)
Moynan, Wm. Bdw. Bonsall, MD.
Ma'cdonald, Denis Peter, MD
Baker, Oswald
Wright, Frederick William, jlfi?...
Willcocks, Alexander John, MB..
Moloney, Timothy,' MD
Deakin, Chas. Washington Shirley
M'Kay, Henry Kellock
Swaine, Frederick Robert, MB ..
Corbett, John Lane, MD
Browne, Samuel Haslett, MD. ..
Mair, Edward, MB
Armstrong, James
Dawson, Louis Richard,.M"Z)
Shircore, John Catchick
Yeld, Horace Parr
FuUerton, John Campbell
Warden, Charles James Hislop .
Stoker, Richard Nugent
Bomford, Gerald, MD
Barclay, Arthur, MB
M'Cartie, Charles Joseph, MD .
Ranking,George SpiersAlex., MB
Murray, Robert David son MB..
Comins, Dennis Wood Deane ....
O'Connor, Patrick Fenolon
Moran, James,ilfX*
P."at>on, William
Simmonds, William Allason
W [.rburton, George Arthur
Macrae, Roderick, MB
Bale, Thomas Elwood Lindesay
Borah, Shibram, MB
Weir, Patrick Alexander, MB.
Preyer, Peter Johnston, MD. ...
Haig, Percy de Haga
Lewtas, Joim.^ MB
1 Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
1 Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Apr. 70
I Apr. 70
I Apr. 70
1 Apr. 70
I Apr. 7c
I Oct.
1 Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
,14 Native Infantry.
jCivil, Oonao.—Furlough.
38 Native Infantrj'.
[Civil, Budaun.—Sick Furlough.
'4 Punjab Infantry.
'30 Native Infantry.
36 Native Infantry.
Civil, Murree.
Civil, Chumparun.—Furlough.
13 Bengal Cavalry.
Civil, Minpoorie.—Sick Furlough.
Civil, Bhaugulpore.
Professor of Pathology, Medical College, Calcutta, &c.
Officiating Civil, Burdwan.
45 Native Infantry.
Senior Medical Officer at Port Blair and the Nicobars.—Sick Furlough.
4 Native Infantry.
30 Mar. 72
30 Mar. 72
30 Mar,
30 Mar,
30 Mar,
30 Mar,
30 Mar
30 Mar,
30 Mar. 72
30 Mar. 72
30 Mar. 72
30 Mar. 72
30 Mar. 72
30 Mar. 72
30 Mar. 72
Mar. 72
30 Mar. 72
30 Mar. 72
30 Mar. 72
30 Mar. 72
30 Mar. 72
30 Mar. 72
30 Mar. 72
30 Mar. 72
30 Mar. 72
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Oct.
I Apr. 73
I Apr. 73
I Apr. 73
I Apr. 73
I Apr. 73
T Apr. 73
I Apr. 73
30 Sept. 73
30 Sept. 73
30 Sept. 73
30 Sept. 73
30 Sept. 73
31 Mar. 74
31 Mar. 74
31 Mar. 74
31 Mar. 74
31 Mar. 74
31 Mar. 74
31 Mar. 74
31 Mar. 74
31 Mar. 74
30 Sept. 74
30 Sept. 74
30 Sept. 74
30 Sept. 74
31 Mar. 75
31 Mar. 75
31 Mar. 75
31 Mar. 75
31 Mar. 7
31 Mar. 75
31 Mar, 75
31 Mar. 75
31 Mar. 75
31 Mar. 75
31 Mar. 75
30 Sept. 75
30 Sept. 75
30 Sept. 75
30 Sept. 75
-Offg. I St.
Joint Medical charge, Simla.
ig Bengal Cavalry.
2nd Resident Surg. Pres. Gen. Hospital
Civil, Kamroop.—Sick furlough.
Medical Officer, Gilgit,—Sick Furlough.
Superintendent Central Jail, Allahabad.
Civil, Beerbhoom.
8 Native Infantry.
Civil, Futtehpore.—Furlough.
Professor of Anatomy and Surgerj', Lahore Medical School, and
42 Native Infantry. [Meteorological Reporter to Punjaub Govt.
(Jivil, Roy Bareilly, Oude.—Furlough.
Civil, Balasore.
Civil, Bankoora.
Civil and Jail, Nursingpore.
6 Punjab Infantry.
4 Punjab Cavalry.
Civil, Dhurmsala.
3 Punjab Cavalry.
Civil, Pooree.
Civil, Moozuffernugger.—Officiating, Mussoorie.
3 Bengal Cavalry,
9 Native Infantry.
Superhitendont, Central and District Jails, Meerut.—Furlough.
I Bengal Cavalry.
3 Native Infantry.
Civil, Jessore.—Offg. Civil, Sarun.
Civil, Monghyr.
Civil, Jhansi.—Officiating Civil, Bara Banki.
Additional Medical Officer, Port Blair.—Officiating Civil, Budaun.
Civil, Maun])hoom.
Civil, Sonthal Pergunnahs.
.^forthern Bengal State Railway, Saidpore.-
21 Native Infantry.
Supdt. Central and District Jails, Benares.
Residency Surgeon, Nepaul.—Sick Furlough
12 Native Infantry.
40 Native Infantry.
17 Bengal Cavalry.
Civil, Bassein.—Furlough.
Officiating Civil, Bahraich.
Civil, Ghazeepore.—Offg. Civil, Saharunpore.
■\ Sikh Infantry.
Juniiu' Civil Surgeon, Allahabad.
32 Native Infantry.
Civil and Jail, Rauchee.
ri Native Infantry.
Civil and Jail, Hoshungabad District.
Civil, Mirzapore.—Offg. Supdt. Central Jails and District, Mjerut.
Officiating Civil, Etawa.
Sick Furlough.
Civil, N. W. Provinces.—Sick Furlough.
5 Bengal Cavalry.
I Native Infantry.
Prof, of Chemistry and Chemical Examiner, Medical Col., Calcutta.
(Jarrison Surgeon, Fort Attock, and Civil Station.
Garrison Surgeon, Fort William.
Officiating 2nd Surgeon Pres. Gen. Hospital.
i Punjab Cavalry.
Sick Furlough.
[District Jails, Bareilly.
Offg. Supdt, Central and
6 Bengal Cavalry.
Officiating 16 Native Infantry.
5 Bengal Cavalry,
6 Native Infantry.
-Meywar Political Agency.—Off.;- Senior Med. Officer, Port Elair.
Officiating 12 Bengal Cavalry.
Officiating Civil and Jail, Te'zpore.
Garrison Surgeon, and Civil, Chunar.—Furlough.
Civil and Jail, Peshawar.
Civil, Kohima.
16 Bengal Cavalry.
Civil, Bareilly.—Officiating Civil, Ghazeepore.
I Punjab Cavalry.
Corps of Guides.
A A 2

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