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5tli Bengal Cavalry {laie Jth Irregular Cavalry.—Raised 28 Aiyril 1841). 431
"Pun-jab"—" Mooltan- "—" ArcHAifisTAS-, 1879-80."
Head Quarters at Seetapore. Detachment at Fyzabad. Uniform, Scarlet. Facings, Barh Blue. Zaee, Gold.
Bank, Names, and Coeps.
Lt.Colonel W. Musgrave, Staff Corps ... 11 June 78,'Commandant, 3 June i
MajorH. A. Shakespear,late5 Cavalry...: 4 Aug. 76[2nd in Command and Squadron Commander, 9 Dec. 78.
Major R. B. Graham, Staff Corps j 14 June 76 Squadron Commander, 9 Dec. 7S.
Captain J. P. D. Vanrenen, Staff Corps 8 Aug. 74; Squadron Commander, 9 Dec. 78.—At Fyzabad.
Captain M. Armstrong, Staff Corps |22 Nov. 76|Squadron OJflcer.ii Feb.
Lieut. W. W. Lean, Staff Corps 11 Sept.72
Lieut. W. F. C. C. Plowden, Staff Corpsjig Oct. 72
Surgeon W. D. W. Comins
Squadron Otficer and Adjutant, 6 May 80
Squadron Officer, 9 May 81
In medical charge, 13 July 80
6tli Bengal Cavalry (late Sth Irregtdar Cavah-y.—Raised ^i Jan. 1842).
" FEiisiXT."—Vefachment "Moodkke"—Detachment "Fxsozt.sstjstis"—" SOBEAON."
Head Quarters at Segowlie. One Squadron at Barrackpore.
Z'nifnrm, Blue. Facings, Red. Lace, Gold.
Colonel H. T. Oldfield, Staff Corps .'m Dec. 80 Commandant, 15 Sept. 76.
MajorR. M.Jennings, Gen., Cav ...! i Oct. 77'2ndinCommandand Squadron Comdr.,ioOct. 79.
Lt.ColonelE.H.B.Kauntze,Staff Corps; II May 81,Squadron Commander, 17 Feb. 73.—With ii Bengal Cav.
Major H. A. Fletcher, Gen. List, Cav.... 4 Sept.80 Squadron Commander, 10 Oct. 79.—Furlough.
Captain J. C. F. Gordon, Staff Corps ... 10 Nov. 81 Squadron Officer and Adjutant, 6Feb. 77.
Lieut. C. S. Wheler, StaffCorps J30 Dee. 71 Squadron Officer, 19 Oct. 78.
Lieut. C. B.W. Macdonald, StaffCorps...Us Feb. 74 Squadron Officer, 11 Nov. 79.—Offg.Squad.Comdr.,Barrackpore
Lieut. E. T. Paul, Staff Coi-ps j i Jan. 76|Officiating Squadron Officer.
Surgeon G. S. A. Ranking, Jfii 1 iln medical charge, 3 Apr. 79.
7th Bengal Cavalry (late i-jth Trregidar Cavalnj.—Raised 24 Jan. 1846).
Zeft Wing "Punjab."
Head Quarters at Gulistan. Uniform, Med. Facings, Darlc Blue. Zace,Gold.
Colonel H. Melvill, late 2 Cavalry 2 Oct. 77 Commandant, 14 Sept. 78.
Major J. L. Ferris, Staff Corps ; 4 Mar. 79 2nd in Command and Squadron Commander, 28 Aug. 75.
[Squadron Commander,
4 Dec. 79'Squadron Commander, 21 Feb. 80.
2 Ma,y 80 Squadron Officer, 18 Feb. 78.—Prob. Commt. Department.
. 20 Dec. 79 Squadron Officer, i Feb. 76.—Offg. SquadronComdr.
ri Sept. 73'Squadron Officer, 15 July 80.—Offg. Adjutant.
14 Aug. 76 Officiating Squadron Officer.
27 Mar. 80Officiating Squadron Officer,
iln medical charge.
Officiating in medical charge.
Major B. Hay, Gen. List, Cavalry
Captain B.F.J. Do C.Rennick, Staff C
Major A. J. T. Welchman, Gen. List, Inf.
Lieut. A. M. Renny, Staff Corps
Lieut. W. C. Pollard, StaffCorps .
Lieut. A. N. Carr, StaffCorps
Surgeon F. F. Perry
8th Bengal Cavalry (late i8th Irregular Cavalry.—Raised 24 Jan. 1846).
Head Quarters at Saugor,
Bt.Lt. Colonel H. Chapman, StaffCorps.
Major J. A. M'Neale, Gen. List, Inf.
Major G. MacGall, Gen. List, Inf
CaptainJ. L. Aberigh-Mackay, Staff C...
Lieut. J. de C. D. Meade, Staff Corps ..
Lieut. T. S. M. WooUey, StaffCorps ...
LiBut. F. G. Pollock, S. Yorkshire Regt
Lieut. J. H. Parsons, StaffCorps
Lieut. J. G. Turner, R. Artillery
Surgeon Major E. 0. Tandy, 3iZ>
Surgeon C. JB. Hunter
Facings, Scarlet. Lace, Gold.
Afghanistan, 1878-80.
Detachments at Jubbulpore and Sutna. Uniform, Slue.
2nd in Command and Squad. Comdr., 17 Nov. 71.—Offg. Comdt.
Sqviadron Commander.
Squadron Commander, 17 Nov. 71.—Offg. 2nd in Command.
Officiating Squadron Commander at Sutna.
Squadron Officer, 17 Nov. 71.—Offg. Squadron Comdr.
Squadron Officer and Adjutant, 11 Jan. 81.
Scjuadron Officer, 29 Aug. 81.
Ofliciatiiig Squadron Officer at Jubbulpore.
Officiating Squadron Officer.
Officiating Squadron Officer.
In medical charge, 29 Doc. 74.—Sick Furlough.
Officiating in medical charge.
Note.—The Cavalry Regiments of the Punjab Frontier Force, vi;;.—Guide Cavalry, and isc, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and stll
Punjab Cavalrj-, take rank immediately after the 8th Regiment of Bengal Cavalry.
22 Nov. 79
8 June 81
7 June Si
13 Feb. 79
9 Aug. 73
13 June 74
9 Aug. 73
II S6pt.76
18 Dec. 78
9th Bengal Cavalry (late
Head Quarters at Meerut.
Major T. Dayrell, StaffCorps I 6 Jan.
Major J. L. N. Willis, Staff Corps 13 Nov.
Major D.H. Robertson, Gen. List, Inf....I 5 Oct.
Lieut. H. M. Mackenzie, StaffCorps 28 Oct.
Lieut. G. L. Garstin, StaffCorps 28 Oct.
Lieut. H. L. Dawsou, StaffCorps '12 Nov.
Lieut. F. W. P. Angelo, StaffCorps 1 8 Aug.
Lieut. H. S.FitzGerald, DurhamLt.Inf. 11 Feb.
Lieut. C. A. Roberts, Leicestershire")
1st Hodson's Horse.—Formed 26 Aug. 1858).
LuczNOw" (Relief and Capture).
Uniform, Blue. Facings, Red. Lace, Gold.
2nd in Command and Squadron Comdr. 13 Sept. 76.—Offg.Comdt.
Squadron Commander, 5 Dec. 79.--Offg. 2nd in Command.
S(|uadronOfficer, 15 So])t. 76.—Furlough.
71 Sijuadron Officer and Adjutant, 15 Sept. 76.—Offg. Squad. Com.
71 Squadron Otlioer, 20 Oct. 79.—Sick Furlough.
73 Officiating Squadron Officer and Squadron Commander.^
79 Officiating Sipiadron Officer and Adjutant.
75 Otfloiatiug Squadron Officer.
Regt. (17 F.)
Surgeon Major R. Mantell, MB. ,
Surgeon A. R. 0. Sedgefleld, MB..
:II Sept.76
Officiating Squadron Officer.
In medical charge, 23 July 66.
Officiating in medical charge.
-late 2nd Hodson's
10th (The Duke of Camhridge's Ovni) Bengal Cavalry (Lancers
Horse.—Formed 26 Awj. 1858).
"Delhi"—" Lucknow" (Reliefand Capture)—"Abtssinia"—"Atghanistan, 1873-20."
Head Quarters at Sealkote. Uniform, Blue. Facings, Scarlet. Lace, Gold.
Sonorarii Colonel.—Field Marshal li.R.lI. The Duke of Cambridge, KG. KP. GCB. GC3IG. GCSI.
Barnes, StaffCorps I 4 Mar. 81 Commandant, 29 Dec. 80.
81 2nd in Command and Squad. Comdr., 29 Dec. 80.
Si Squadi'on Commander, 29 Dec. 80.
78 Squadron Commander, 2 April 8j.
73 Squadron Officer and Adjutant, 8 Apr. 79.
Squadron Officer,
II Feb. 73 Squadron Olliccr, 3 July 80.—Prob. Commt. Dopt.
Officiating Squadron Officer.
73 Officiating Squadron Officer.
Lt.Colonel O,
Bt.Lt.Col. D. M. Strong, Gen. List, Inf., 2 Mar
Bt.Major_S. D. Barrow, StaffCorps ' 2 Mar
Captain L. A. C. Cook, StaffCorps
Lieut. B. J. F. Wood, Staff Corps ..
Lieut. C. G. F. Fagan, Staff Corps
2 Mar.
I Jan.
Lt. P. A. Blyth, R. Highlanders (73 F.) 11 Feb
Lieut. F. J. De Lisle, R. Artillery 19 June 77 Officiating Spiadron Officer.
Brigade Surgeon G. V. Carrie...! '• In medical charge, 8 Mar. 69.

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