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War Services.—Boyal Marine Liyht Infantry. 401c
the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and was also at the surrender of Kinboum (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the
Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
" Lt.Colonel Cuthbert W. Burton while belonging to H.M.S. Winchester in Nov. 1854 was detached, by the special
order of the Commander in Chief, in command of Detachments of Royal Marines landed from the ships for the
attack and destruction of a large piratical fleet and batteries in Kulan Bay, China (mentioned in despatches, and
received the thanks of H.M. Government and the Lords of the Admiralty). Acted as Adjutant to the Boyal Marmes
landing from the Fleet for the protection of the British factories at Canton, and in all the operations in the Canton
river from Oct. 1856, including the assault on and entry into the city of Canton on the 29th Oct. (mentioned in de¬
spatches) ; at the attack and destruction of war junks and first taking of French Polly Port on the 6th Nov. (officially
thanked, and at the second taking and demolition of the same fort on 6th December. Adjutant of the Garrison
composed of seamen, marines, and the 59th Regt. at Fort Macao (the advanced position) and in all the attacks upon
that fort till June 1857. Present as Adjutant to the R. Marines at the battle of Fatshan on ist June 1857 (mentioned in
despatches). Commanded North Wantong Island Fort from July to December. Adjutant of the Provisioiial Bat¬
talion at the assault and capture of Canton on the 2Bth and 29th Dec. 1857 (mentioned in despatches) and the sub¬
sequent operations until the Battalion was broken up on the 30th Sept. 1858. Joined the ist Battalion of the R.
Marine Brigade and was attached to the Staff of the Army as Deputy Superintendent of the Military Police Force at
Canton till Jan. 1859. Commanded a Company in the action with the Braves at Mong Kong on 4th January, and
also at the attack ani capture of the bridge and village of Shecktsing on the 8th Jan. 1859. On quitting the China
station, received the thanks of the Commander in Chief for general services throughout the campaign (Medal with
two Clasps, and Brevet of Major).
^ Lt-Colonel Mairis served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55 with the R.M. Brigade, including the battle of Bala-
klava and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with two Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served
with the expedition to the Baltic until the declaration of peace in 1856. Served in China with the expeditionary
force in 185S-59 ; also the campaign of 1S60, incb.iding the action of Sinho, the taking of Tonghoo, storm and cap¬
ture of the Noi'th Takoo Fort (severely wounded in the left shoulder, and mentioned in despatches), and subsequent
operations as Acting Quarter Master (Medal with two Clasps).
'* Lt.Colonel J. F. Sanders served with the R.M. Battalion at the bombardment and surrender of the forts of
Bomarsund in Aug. 1854. Served also with the Baltic expedition in 1855 (Medal). Served with the expedition
to the Baltic until the declaration of peace in 1856.
'5 Lt.Colonel Nurse served in the Baltic in July and Aug. 1854 (Medal); also with the combined Force before
Sebastopol in 1854-55 until its fall; with the Battalion at the occupation of Kertch and advance on Yeni Kal^, also
at the bombardment of Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
"> Lt.Colonels H. S. Jones and G. F. Blake served with the Baltic expedition in 1854 (Medal).
'" Lt.Colonel Le Grand served at the siege of Sebastopol from 1854 until its fall; was also at the capture of Kertch,
and occupation of Yeni Kale, and at the surrender of Kinboiirn (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medall.
'* Lt.Colonel Graham served with the Baltic expeditions in 1S54 and 1855, including the destruction of telegraph
stations on 29th June, and the shelling a large body of troops on ist July (Medal).
'^ Lt.Colonel Ozzard served with the R.M. Brigade in the Crimea in 1855, and with the combined Force before
Sebastopol during the siege; also with the expedition to Kertch, advance on and occujiation of Yeni Kale ; was in
action with outer defences of Sebastopol on 17th June (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served on the
China expedition of 1857-59, and was at the destruction of war junks in Escai)e ^'^'^ Patsham Creeks on 25th and
27th May and 15th June 1857, twice landed, attacked and defeated jiarties of Chinese soldiers; blockade of Ca,nton
river, action with junks in the Macao Broadwa.y, capture of Cliuenpee Fort, capture of the batteries at Shektsing,
and occupation of Canton. Also with the expedition to the north of China in i860, and at Shanghai during the
attacks of the rebel army in August, as Acting Adjutant and Qr.Master, part of the time served as Garrison Staff
Officer (Medal with Clasp).
^' Major Barnes served in the operations in the Canton river in 1856-58 ; was in Macao Fort when attacked by
junks on 4th January, at the destruction of war junks in Patsham Creek, landed to destroy a village, storm and
capture of Canton (Medal with two Clasps).
=^- Major Walsh served with the Baltic expedition of 1855 (Medal); and also with the Baltic expedition of 1B56
until the declaration of peace.
^' Major Cairncross served with the Baltic expedition in 1855 (Medal).
^* Major Broughton served in the Crimea during the latter part of 1855 (Medal). Served on the China Expedi¬
tion of 1857-59, including the blockade of the Canton river, the landing before and capture of the city. With the
expedition to the north of China in i86o, and as acting D.A. Commissary General at Shanghai (Medal with Clasp).
25 Major Holmes served with the Baltic expedition in 1855, including the destruction of a fort and shelling an
encampment on 23rd June, blowing up of Port Svartholm and barracks on 4th July, destruction of the barracks at
Lovisa on 5th July, shelling a Cossack encampment and landing at Kounda Bay on the nth July, destruction of a
Cossack barracks, &c., on 12th July, action with a Russian steamer, gunboats, and a battery near Wiljorg on 13th
July ; also with the batteries on Fredericksham on 21st July, capture of the Island of Kolka, and destruction of mili¬
tary stores on 26th J uly, and bombardment of S weaborg (Medalj. Served also with the expedition to the Baltic until
the declaration of peace in 1856.
'"^ Major A. H. Pascoe served with the Baltic expedition in 1855 (Medal). Served in command of a detachment
of Royal Marines on board H.M.S. Amethyst, under Admiral Grenfell, from July 1856 to December i860, at the
various operations in the Canton river ; was at the taking of Chuenpee, Wauchukee, Pakenhoe, and the action at
Fatshan. Was also present at the capture and burning of the Tartar camp at ihe White Cloud Mountains,
and at the surprise and capture of the pirate stockade on the Singhi river, Malacca, During the Revolution in
Chili in 1859 he served at the blockade of Mazatlan, disembarked and occupied the outposts at the defence of
San Bias, and was present at the cutting out of two vessels from under the citadel. Received the repeated
thanks of Admiral Grenfell for his conduct and that of the deuichment nndtr his command.
^ Major AUnutt served in China throughout the war of 1856-58, and was present at the capture of the forts
and blockade of the Canton river; landed for the protection of the factories, present at the storming of the Yamuu
on the 29th October 1856 (mentioned in despatches), capture of the French Polly Port and destruction of war junks
on the 6th November 1856 ; occupation of Fort Macoa, the advanced position, during all the attacks on that post
from January to June 1857 ; action of Patshan Creek, the bombardment and storming of Canton; expedition to the
North, bombardment and storming of the forts at the mouth of the Peiho river (Medal with three Clasps). Served
throughout the first phase of the Ashanti war in 1873 and was present at the action of Bssaman, commanded the
Royal Marines at Assayboo, and at the relief of Aljrakrampa (three times mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major,
and Medal).
^ Major Hore served with the Battalion sent out for service in Japan in 1864-66, and was present at the bom¬
bardment of the batteries at the Straits of Simonosaki, the entrance of the inland sea of Japan, and as Orderly
Officer to the Brigadier commanding at the assault capture and destruction of the five batteries, stocka,de,
rines, and barracks, and during the shore operations, from the 5th to the 8th Sept. 1864 (mentioned in despatches).
^' Major Heriot served on the China expedition of 1857-58, including the blockade of the Canton river, the
landing Ijefore, storm and capture of the city ; accompanied the expedition to the North and was wounded at the
attack on the forts at the Peiho on 25111 June 1859. Served in the camjiaign of i860 with the Chinese Coolie Corps,
and took part in the expedition to the North and the operations there, including the action of Sinho and the storm¬
ing of Tangku and of the North Taku Forts (Medal with three Clasps).
'*' Major Scott served on the China expeditiou of 1857-59, including the blockade of the Canton river, the landing
before and capture of the city (Medal with Clasp).
^' Major J. C. Travel's served with the Baltic expeditions in 1854 and 1855, including the action with a battery
at the mouth of the Narva on i8th June, and at the bombardment of Sweaborg (Medal). Served as Adjutant of
the ist Battalion on the China- expedition of 1857-58, including the blockade of tlie Canton river, the landing before
»tor'.n and capture of the citj-; was appointed Aide de Camp to Colonel HoUoway in Aug. 1858 (Medal with

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