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3i8(X Seafortk IlujUlanders {r.Dss-sldre Buffs).
Donald Charles Fredrick Macintj're 13 Ang. 79
Knightley Poyntz Barne 23 Oct. 80
George Russell Tod 1 23 Oct. 80
George Ramsay Elliot 1 22 Jan. 81
Owen Richard Armstrong I 22 Jan. 81
I Robert ilervyn Richardson 1 19 Peh. 81
Colin John Mackenzie i 22 Jan. 81 i
Henry Hunt Hogan i !
Ernest Douglas Itaitland Burn.
Arthur Andrew Spottiswoode .
Charles Frederick Salisbury Ewart
I July
I Jul.y
I July
I July
j July
I July
I July
I July
22 Oct.
27 Oct.
72 Oct.
Paymasters.—2 John Lysaght Hewson, i Apr. 78; Ena. 6 June 56; Lt. 1 May 59; Cu^it. 1 Apr. 70.
Quarter Masters.—i John Walsh,^3 5 Oct. 67 ; Hon. Captain, i Julj- 81.
2 Parr Campbell, 29 June 78.
Fa?in!/s YeWow.—Agents (ist Batt.,) Me.s3rs. E. S. Codd and Co. ; (2nd Batt.),Messrs. Cox and Co.
1st Battalion embarked for India, 28 Feb. 1871. 2nd Battalion returned from Noca Scotia, 21 December 1S71.
' Sir Patrick Grant served as Deputy Adjutant General with the Army of Gwalior in 1843-44 (mentioned in
despatches. Brevet of Major, Bronze Star). Sutlej campaign of 1845-46 as Adjutant General—twice severely
and dangerously wounded bj- grape-shot through the arm and musket-ball in left breast, and horse three
times shot under him (repeatedly mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, CB., Medal prd three Clasps).
Punjaub campaign of 1848-49 as Adjutant General (mentioned in despatches. Aide de Camp to the Queen with
Brevet of Colonel, Medal with two Clasps). Expedition to Kohat against the Affghan hill tribes in 1849-50
(Medal with Clasp).
2 Sir Edward Selbj Smyth served as Brigade Major to the Forces in the Southern Conean and Sawant Warree
country during the campaign of 1844 and 45. and was present at the attack and capture of several strong stockades as
well as in the operations before the mountain forts of Monohur, and at their final assault; also at the forcing of the
Kirwattee Pass, and subsequent occupation of the country below the Ghats. Served also in the KafJir war of 1851-52
(Medal), and mentioned in General orders for conduct in command of a Column in action in the Fish River Btish
(Brevet of Major); with the expefhtion north of the Orange River in 1852-53, afterwards as Deputy Assistant
Quarter Master General of the 2nd Division ; and subsequently as D. Adj. General and D. Q. M. General to the forces
in South Africa from January 1854 to July i860. Received the thanks of the Irish Government in 1867 for his
services as Deputy Adjutant General during the suppression of the Fenian outbreak. "While commanding the
troops in Mauritius, he was twice sworn in and acted as Governor in 1870 and 1871.
3 Colonel Warren served with the 82nd Regt. in the Crimea from the 2nd Sept. 1855, including the siege and fall
of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Also in the Indian campaign of 1857-59, and was present
at the relief of Lucknow by.Lord Clyde, defeat of the Gwalior Contingent at Cawnpore, acti<mof Khodagunge, and
occupation of Futtehghur,—acting successively as Orderly Officer tc Brigadier Russell, Colonel Biddulph, Colonel
Halo, and Sir John Inglis ; served the Rohilcund campaign, including the defence ofthe Jail and subsequent opera¬
tions at Shahjehanpore, and actions of KLankur and Bunkagaon (Medal with Clasp).
■* Lt.Colonel Stockwell served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Crimea from 16th July to i8th Sept. 1855
including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medfil). Served 'with the 72nd High¬
landers throughout the Afghan war of 1878-80 with the Koorum, Cabul, and Cabul-Candahar Field Forces, includ¬
ing the Khost Expedition. Was present in the engflgements at Mattoon and Ch irasiab, and in the operations around
Cabul in December 1879 (twice mentioned in despatches). Commanded the rear guard ofthe Division at Zahidabad
during the night attack of 4th October 1879. Accompanied Sir Frederick Rober s in the march to Candahar, and
commanded the Regiment at the battle of Candahar after the death of Colonel Brownlow, and brought it out of
action (mentioned iu despatches. Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).
* Lt.Colonel Forbes served with the i9thRegiment in the Crimea from the 6th September 1855, including the siege
and fall of Sebastopol, andassault of the Redan on the 8th September (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
'1 Lt.Colonel Guinne.-s served with the 72nd Highlanders througlaout the Afghan war of 1878-80 with the
Koorum, Cabul, and Cabul-Candahar Field Forces, part of the time as Brigade Major to Brigadier General
Macpherson. Was presentat the attack and capture of the Peiwar Kotal, and in the engagement at Charasiab, and in
the operations around Cabul iu December 1879 (mentioned in despatches). Accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts
in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of
Lt.Colonel, Medal with four Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).
^ Major Kelsey served with the 72nd Highlanders from the commencement of the Afghan war in 1878 till June
1879 with the Koorum Field Force, including the Khost Expedition, and was pre.'eut in the engagement at Mattoon
" Major Garnett served with the 72nd Highlanders throughout the Afghan war of 1878-80 with the Koorum,
Cabul, and Cabul-Candahar Field Forces. Was present at the attack and capture ofthe Peiwar Kotal and in the
engagement at Charasiab and the operations around Cabul in December 18:9. Accompanied Sir Frederick
R'jberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of
Major, Medal with four Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).
" Major Gildea served with the 72nd Highlanders from the commencement of the Afghan war in 1878 till August
1S79 with the Koorum Field Force, and was present at the attack and capture of the Peiwar Kotal (mentioned iu
desp.atches. Medal with Clasp).
'■' Major Barstow served as Orderly Offlier to Brigadier General Cobbe and Colonel Drew from the commence¬
ment of the Afghan war in 1878 till August 1879 with the Koorum Field Force, including the Khost Bxpedition.
part ofthe time as Superintendent of Army Signalling. Was present at the attack and capture of the Peiwar Kotal
and in the engagement at Mattoon (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp).
" Captain Brooke-Hunt served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Afghan war from March i!'79 till Januarj'
1880 with the Koorum and Cabul Field Forces, and was present in the engagement at Charasiab (mentioned in
Brigadier General Baker's report), and in the operations around Cabul in December 1879 (Medal with two Clasps).
'^ Captain Loudrum served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Afghan war from December 1879 with the Cabul
and Cabul-Candahar Field Forces, and took part in the relief of the Sherpore Cantonments. Accompanied Sir
Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with two Clasps,
and Bronze Decoration).
i* Captain Roberts served as Superintendent of Elephant Transport with the DufBa Expedition of 1871. Served
with the 72nd Highlanders in the Afghan war from 1st May 1880 with the Cabul and Cabul-Candahar Field Forces.
Accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Cand'ahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal
wuh Clasp, and Bronze Decoration).
'^ Major Kane served with the 72nd Highlanders in the Afghan war from March 1879 with the Koorum, Cabul,
and Cabul-Candahar Field Forces, part of the time as Orderly Officer and also as Brigade Major and D. A. Q. M.
General to Brigadier General Baker. Was present in the engagement at Charasiab and in the operations around
Cabul in December 1879. Accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the
battle of Candahar (several times mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Major, Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze
'« Major Murray served with the 72nd Highlanders throughout the Afghan war of 187S-80 with the Koorum, Cabul,
and Cabul-Candahar Field Forces (till April 18S0 as Adjutant). Was present at the attack and capture of the Peiwar
Kotal and in the engagement at Charasiab (mentioned in despatches), and in the operations around Cabul in
December 1879. Accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of
Candahar—severely wounded (mentioned in despatches, Medal with four Clasps, and Bronze Decoration).

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