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Tlie JJul-e of EdliiliurgliS {Wiltsldre Ecjiment'). 308(1
Paymatteri.—2 Clifford Gabonrel Gibaut, 23 May 79; Ensign, 3 July 58; IJ. Pio July 60; Capi. 28 Mar. 71.
I Baldwin K. VV'hiteford, 11 June 78 ; Musign, 24 June 59 ; £f. ''8 July 62; Capt. 5 Oct. 72.
Quarter Masters.—i John Moore,^^ 25 March 62; Son. Cuptaiit, i July Si.
Facings"Vthite.—Ageyita, Messrs. Cox and Co.
ist Battalion embarked for India, 30 December 1868. 27id Battalion returned from the Cape of Good Hope,so Sept. 1869.
' Sir William Thomas Knollys served with the Scots Fusilier Guards from the 6th March to the end of the Penin¬
sular war in 1814. and was present at the blockade of Bayonne, repulse of the sortie—on which occasion Sir Henry
Sullivan and ten Officers of the Guards were killed or died of their wounds.
'■^ General Warre, while employed ou the Staff in Canada in 1845-46, examined and reported iipon the river
communications (2,300 miles) i;etween Montreal and Red River Settlement, with a view to the transport of troops ;
also in surveying and reporting upon the various settlements in the Oregon Territory and on various Islands on the
coast of the Pacific. Sewed in the Crimean campaign from March 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebasto-
pol; after Colonel Shadl'orth was killed he commanded the 57th Regt., and was present at tlie assaults of the Redan
on the i8th June and 8th Sept.; also at the bombardment and surrender of Kinbourn (Medal witt Clasp, Cll., 5th
Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Commanded the 57th on the line of posts on tlio Tajitee River in co¬
operation with the Central India Field Force in 1858. Also in tlie war of 1861 in New Zealand, and at the assault on
the rebel Maori positions on the Kaitikara River on the 4th June 1S63. Afterwards, as Colonel on the Staff, com¬
manded the Troops in the province of Taranaki—^under martial law—during the whole of the operations on the ^A^est
Coast ill 1863-66, was pres'nt and in command of the Troops in the action at Poatoko 2i!<i Oet. 1863, at the
assaults and capture of the rebel Maori strongholds at Abuahu and Kaiiake in March 1S64, and ^lataitawa and To
Arci in Oct. 1864, also the occupation of Opunaki and subsequent operations at Warea and Te Pmu, and in com¬
mand of the Field Force which was ordered to meet the troops from the South, opened the coast line of 150 miles
from Taranaki toWanganui. Was specially mentioned in Sir Duncan Cameron's despatches for liis conduct during
the war, and received the pension fur distinguished conduct for his services in New Zealand (Medal).
' (Vilonel Chads served as Aide de Camp to General Godwin throughout the Burmese war of 1S52-53, and was
present at the assault and capture of Martaban, the destruction of the river stockades at Rangoon, attack on the
White House Stockade, i2tli April (wounded, bnt did not quitthe field), and operations of the two following days,
concluding with the storm of the Great Shoe Dagon Pagoda stockade; also present atthecajitnres of Bassein and
Vogu, the relief of the beleaguered Garrison at Pegu, and the operations of the four following days, during which
the enemy in force were driven out of three entrenched positions (Medal with Clasp for Pegu, and Brevet of Major);
received the thanks of the Governor General in Council on six separate occasions during the v.-ar. Served as a
volunteer at the bombardment and capture of Bomarsund in the Baltic expedition of 1854 (Medal). Served as
Stait Captain at Smyrna from April to Sept. 1855, and as Commandant with rank of Assistant Adjutant General at
Smyrna and Abydos (Dardanelles) from 1st Sepit. 1855 to 27th Oct. 1856.
* Colonel Welman commanded the 99th Regiment throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the
engagement at Inyezaue and during the investment or' lOkowe (CB., Medal with Clasp).
"• Lt.Colonel Walker served with the 99th Reg.mcnt throughout the campaign of i860 in China, including the
actions of Chankinwari and Paliatchow and surrender of Peifin (Medal with Clasp). Served throughout the Zulu
war of 1879. Was present in the action of Gingindhlovu; afterwards served as Assistant Adjutant General of the
ist Division (Medal with Clasp).
' Major Moir served with the 99th Reg'.ment throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engage
ment at Gingindhlovu (Medal with Clasp).
" Major Story served in the Anglo-Chinese Force under Lt.Colonel Gordon, and has received the Chinese Im¬
perial decoration of the Red Button. Served with the ist Division thioughont the Zulu war of 1S79, and was
employed as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General on the Lines of Cummunication and Base
(Medal with Clasp).
' Major Wayman served with the 99th Regiment in the Zulu war of 1879, including the investment of Ekowo
(Medal with (Jlasp).
'" Captain Kennedy served with the 99th Regiment in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the action of
Iiiyezane, at the relief of Ekowe, and in the engagement at Gingindhlova (Medal wiih Clasp).
" {-'aptain Cotton served with the 99tli Regiment throughout the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
'2 Captain Hanson served with the 99th Regiment throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the en¬
gagement at Gingindhlovu (Medal with Clasp).
'^ Captain Nevile served with the 99th Regiment in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present during the investment
of Bkowe (Medal with Clasp).
'^t Captain Denniss served in the Afghan war of 1879, first in the 2nd, and afterwards in the ist Division of the
Peshawur 'Valley Field Force (Medal).
'*Captain Macklin served with the 99th Regiment throughout the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
5 '*t Captain Hill served with the 2nd Division Peshawur Valley Field Force in the Afghan war in 1879 (Medal).
'5 Captain Harford served throughmit the Zulu war of 1879, first as Staff Officer of the 3rd Regiment of Natal
Native Contingent (two battalions), and subsequently as Second Staff Officer of "Clarke's Column" (Medal with
"> Captain Alexander served with the ggth Regiment throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the
engagements of Inyezane and Gingindhlovu (Medal with Clasp).
'" Lieut. Rowdeu served with the Mounted Infantry in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagement
of Inyezane and during the investment of Ekowe (mentioned in Colonel Pearson's report. Medal with Clasp).
''■' Lieut. Jones served with the 99th Regiment throughout the Zulu war of 1879, including the investment of
Ekowe (Medal with Clasp).
2" Lieur,. Payne served with the 99th Regiment in the Zulu war of 1879, and was present during the investment of
Ekowe (Medal with Clasp).
'" Lieut. Guille served with the 99th Regiment throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engage¬
ment at Gingindhlovu (Medal with Clasp).
-2 Lieut. Cockbum served with the 99th Regiment throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engage¬
ment at Gingiudhlovu (Medal with Clasp).
-^ Lieut. Elderton served with the 99th Regiment throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the
engagement at Gingindhlovu (Medal with Clasp).
^'^ Captain Moore served in the Crimean campaignin 1855 (Medal with Clasp for Sebastopol, and Turkish Medal).
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