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istBatt., Cherat, Bengal.
2n(;lBatt., Fermoy.
The King's Own Borderers.
Fonnerhj the 2~,th (The King's Own
Borderers) lierjlment.
3r(l ami 4tli Battalions are not yet formed.
V'Megimenial District No. 25.
L Berwick-on-Tweed.
The King's Crest. "In Veritate Seligionis confido." The Castle of Edinburgh. "Nisi Dominns-fi-ustra."
The White Horse. " Nee aspera ferrent." " Minden " " Egmont-op-Zee." " Egypt" (with the Sphinx).
jYears'Ser.l Flank Companies " MAKTi>fiQUE." "AFGHANiST.iif, 1878-80."
FuU i Half
Pay. Pay.
Colonel.—Henry Dive Townf?hend,'.Ere.ii(7re, '16 July 12 ; Lt. ■'14 Sept. 15 ; Capf. i Nov. 21; Major, 10 Oct.
35 ; Bf.Lt.Colonel, 29 Mar. 39 : Lt.Colonel, 17 Aug. 41 ; Colonel, 11 Nov. 51 ; Major General, 5 Sept. 57 ;
Lieut.General, 8 Aug. 64 ; General, 31 Dec. 71; Colonel 25th Foot, 16 Eeb. 62.
Lieutenant Colonels.—i John Richard Harvey, Ensign, 9 Mar. 49 ; Lt. 24 July 52 ; Capt. 12 Dec.
3 Sept. 70 ; Brecet Lieutenant Colonel, 1 Oct. 77 ; Lt.Colonel, 21 June 80 ; Colonel, i Oct. 81.
39; Major,
2 ;)r». c. *jF(C' Aylmer Spicer Cameron,* Ensign, Pg July 52 ; Lt. ^i Sept. 54; Capt. 13 Dec. 59; Major,
15 July 76;
''21 June 71 • Bf.Lt.Colonel, i Oct. 77 ; Lt.Colonel, j July Si ; Colonel, 1 Oct. 81.
Nathaniel Crichlow Ramsay,= Ensign, ''14 July 57; i/.''ii Mar. 59; Capt.'^ig Aug. 62; Major,
Lt.Colonel, i July 81.
Charles Brroll Hope,^.Ens. ''25 Aug. 54 ; Lt. 26 July 55 ; Capt. 17 Nov. 63; Bt.Maj. i Oct. 77; Maj. 24 May 79 ;
Lt.Colonel, i July 81.
29 Mar.
29 Jan.
'28 Jan.
' 4 Feb.
5 June
3 J"iy
''26 June
"26 July
5 July
''28 July
20 Dec.
''30 Dec.
"■13 Feb.
i'2i Aug.
''28 Dec.
" 5 Mar.
P 5 Oct.
8 Jan.
■'23 Dec. 68
•■ 3 April 6g
8 Jan. 68
24 Sept. 71
25 Sept. 71
27 Sept. 71
1 George Terry Luder Carwithen" ■'27 Nov.
2 -John Talbot Coke I 24 June
2 Westropp Thomas Morgan ''30 Mar
Richard Thomas Higgins, Ailj. 22')
Middlesex Elfe Volunteers ,)
1 Francis Edward Carlcton'
John Frederick Ciirtis-Hayward.^sde';
de Camp to Sir Daniel Lysons J
! Gerald Monteath Shirley
[ Honry James Harvey^
Sylvanus Roger Burnett Partridge,)
Deputy Gov. of Portsmouth Prison... >
2 Wmiam Godfrey Thomas'
1 John Leith Ross'"
2 George Ormond Stoney
Hans Robert Rathbome
2 Henry Augustus Chichester
1 Francis Hargrave Tindal Curtis'
Honry Gildart Worsley, Aidede Camp\
to Major General Fakenham i
2 Allen Neason Ad.ams
1 John Kennedy M'Causland'"
2 JohnH.HickmanSpencoDrewHogarth'
1 Adrian Henry Hope,'" Adjutant 18 (
Middlesex Mifle Volunteers j
2 Edgar William Wallace Dering
Henry Grev Dixon," Adj. v''^' Baft. }
W. Yorkshire Kegt. (2 W.York Mil.) i
Thomas Barns. Adj. 7 Surrey Ei/le Vol....
2 Arthur Leith Hay Mackay^
j).«.C.John Wm. Godt'THy,Adj. Jersey Mil.
Cha. Chester Williams Dandridge,'^ \
Interpreter S
George Thomas William Hewat
Thomas Justice Arthur Bather
Robert John Romanes
Alf Geo. Streatfield Beadnell,''^(f;'. i")
July 81, & Station Staff Officer, Cherat S
Charles Theodore Becker,'"jr«s^»-Kc(or \
of Musketry-21 June 80 )
2 Andrew Charles Parker Haggard
2 Fr.ancis Arthur Cartwright Ulaughton'
1 George Nisbet Mayne''
2 John Blake Thompson^
James Henry Erskiue Reid
I Leonard Gordon^
I Alexander HepbumeBarringtouCavaye
I Charles Louis WooUcombe''
1 Frank Mackinnon Turner'"
2 Montagu Grant Wilkinson
James Hope'"
2 AirredWorsleyPennyman,4<7;.6 Aug.79
Douglas James Orr Taylor
Herwald Robert Wigram, Instructor 1
of Musketry iS Ma.y 81 j
Charles John Corfleld''
James William Caldwell Hutchinson'"
Christopher Theodore Peacey Keene'.
John Murchison Fleming'
James Rea
George de WetVerner'
Reynell Hamilton Bayley Taylor'
Harry Benn Borradaile
Herbert Vaughan Cox'
Fitzroy Hemphill
Chas.JosephEdward Addis M'Arthur'..
Frederick William George Wadeson ...
Alexander Hamilton
Randal Fleming Johnston
Percy Wildman-Lushington
13 Jan.
■'23 Aug.
''28 Jau.
''30 Dec.
^ I Mar.
"lo Oct.
^ 8 Dec.
I Apr.
P 2 Dec. 62
14 Sept, 64
''21 Aug. 67
60 PiS Aug.
6ij''2i Aug.
62II' I Feb.
62 I'aS May
64 P 5 Oct.
63I 15 Nov.
64l''23 Dec.
64 P 3 April 69
3 Sept. 70
''28 June 71
' 2 Aug.
15 Mar.
28 May 73
14 June 73
19 Mar. 75
1 Oct.
14 Nov.
19 May
66 P 8 Dec.
66 ''30 Mar.
66 ''24 Apr.
67 "28 May
P21 June
''28 Juno
28 Oct. 71
P 2 Aug. 71
' 2 Aug.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
28 Oct.
30 Dec.
29 May
31 Oct.
1 April
29 June
15 July
16 July
15 Aug.
2 Mar.
31 Aug.
I July
3 Oct.
8 Feb.
12 Feb.
17 May
24 May
22 Dec.
21 Juno
T Jan.
26 Feb.
26 April
8 June
9 Aug. 73
30 Jan. 78
2 Mar. 78
I May 78
I May 78
II May 78
4 Dec. 78
22 Jan.
22 Jan.
13 Aug.
8 Dec.
13 Aug.
13 Aug.
14 Jan.
14 Jan.
14 Jan.
14 Jan.
17 Apr.
II Aug.
13 Aug.
23 Oct.
22 Jan.
1 Alexander Beamish Hamilton
2 .James Bonham Tod Pratt I 22 Jan,
2 Harold James Clifford Stanton 19 Feb.
2 Robert Lynch Blosse ' 23 April
Paymasters,—i George Pumfrett," 15 May 66; Staff Paymaster, 15 May
2 Godfrey T. C. St. John Kncller, i Feb. 79; Son. Captain, i Feb. 79,
Quarie)" Mastere,— i John Swiney," 5 Oct. 72.
2 James Berryman Tippetts, 4 Oct. 73,
12 Nov.
28 Feb.
ig June
2 Dec.
II Feb.
6 Sept. 76
31 May 77
II Oct. 76
II Sept. 77
17 April 79
17 May 79
24 May
15 June
2 July
22 Dec.
25 May
2 June
21 June
3 Apr.
I Jan.
26 Feb.
36 Apr.
I July
I July
I July
I July
I July
I July
I July
1 July
I July
I July
21 June 80
8 June 81
I July 81
I July 81
I July Bi
I July Si
I July
I July
I July
I July
I July
: July 81
General Townshend served with
the 41st Regiment in the American
war, and was present at the taking of
Fort Niagara, Blackrock and Buffalo,
battle of Lundy's Lane, and assault
on Fort Erie 14th August 1814, where
he was severely wounded through the
left shoulder. He returned to Europe
with the 41st Regiment in July 1815
and disembarked at Ostend, from
whence he marched with the Army to
Paris, and remained with it until re¬
duced to half-pay in October of the
same year. During the rebellion in
Canada in 1837 and 1838 he was in¬
trusted with various important com¬
mands both in the Lower and Upper
Provinces, especially on the frontiers
of Amherstberg and Niagara, where
he held the local rank of Colonel, and
was promoted to the Brevet of Lt.
Colonel for his services in those
[ TPor continuation of Notes see iircceding
Facings Blue.—Agents, Messrs. Cox
and Co.
ist Batt. embarked for India 13 Oct.
1875. Depot, attachedto 2nd Batt, 2nd
Batt. returned from Aden 27 Mar, 1876.

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