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266 The Boyal Welsh Fudllere.
' Colonel O'Connor served the Eastern campaign of iS54-55withthe 23rd Fusiliers.includingthe battleof Alma,
^here after being severely wounded he carried the Queen's Color (Lieut. Austruther who previously carried it
having been killed) and planted it on the Russian Redoubt under a heavy fire, and carried it until the action was
over—received the thanks of Sir George Brown and General Codrington on the field ;—siege and fall of Sebastopol,
attack on the Quarries, and assaults of the i8th June and 8th September on the Redan—dangerously wounded
(Medal with two Clasps, "Victoria Cross, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of the Medjidie). Served in
the Indian campaign of 1857-58, including the relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, defeat of the Gwalior Contingent
at Cawnpore, siege and capture of Lucknow and operations across the Goomtee under Outram, and several other
minor actions (Medal with two Clasps). Embarked for the Gold Coast with the 2nd Battalion 23rd Fusiliers in 1873
(Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Ashanti Medal).
' Lt.Colonel Tilly served with the 23rd Fusiliers in the Indian campaign of 1857-5S, including the operations
across the Goomtee, siege and capture of Lucknow, and Trana-Gogra operations (Medal with Clasp).
'" Major J. Williamson served with the 23rd Fusiliers in the Crimea from the loth August to the i8th Sept. 1855,
including the siege and fall of Sebastopol and assault of the Redan on the 8th September—severely wounded (Medal
with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served also in the Indian campaign of 1857-58, including the relief of Lucknow
by Lord Clyde, defeat of the Gwalior Contingent at Cawnjiore, siege and capture of Lucknow, and operations
across the Goomtee under Outram, and in the Transgogra operations (Medal with two Clasps).
" Major Walwj-n served with the 23rd Fusiliers in the Indian campaign of 1857-5S, including the siege andi
capture of Lucknow and operations across the Goomtee (Medal with Clasp).
'■' Major TuUoch served in the Indian campaign of 1858-59. and was present with the 38th Regiment at tho
capture of Lucknow, and affairs of Barree and Nuggur ; present, with the 23rd Fusiliers, at the actions of Julrowlie,
Poorwah, Beerah, and Doondiakiera, storming of Fort Simrec, and Trans-Gogra operations (Medal with Clasp).
15 Major H. F. Hutton embarked for the Gold Coast with the 2ud battalion 23rd Fusiliers, and served throughout
the second phase of the Ashanti war, in 1874, including the battle of Amoaful, battle of Ordahsu, and capture of
Coomassie (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
16 MajorR.F,Williamson,CaptainsMainwaringand Griffiths embarked for the Gold Coast with the 2nd Battalion
23rd Fusiliers in 1873 (Ashanti Medal).
18 Captains Graves and Shepherd embarked for the Gold Coast with the 2nd battalion 23rd Fusiliers, and served
throughout the second phase of the Ashanti war in 1874, including the battle of Amoaful, battle of Ordahsu,
and capture of Coomassie (Medal with Clasp).
^1 Captain G. H. Hutton embarked for the Gold Coast with the 2nd battalion 23rd Fusiliers, and served in the
second phase of the Ashanti war, in 1874. and was severely wounded at the battle of Amoaful (Medal with Clasp).
-^ Captain Cowan embarked for the Gold Coast with the 2nd battalion 23rd Fusiliers, and ."^erved in the second
phase of the Ashnnti war, in 1874, including the battle of Amoaful, taking of Becqua, battle of Ordasu and capture
of Coomassie (Medal with Clasp).
23 Captain Gilbert embarked for the Gold Coast with the 2nd battalion 23rd Fusiliers, and served during the
second phase of the Ashanti war. including the battles of Amoaful and Ordahsu as Lieutenant in charge of the-
Regimental Transport (Medal with ClasjO.
^■^ Captain Kniglitley served with the 23rd Fusiliers in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, aii<l was severely
wounded at the battle of Alma (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian mutiny campaign
in 1857-50, including the relief of Lucknow V)y Lord Clyde, defeat of the Gwalior Contingent at Cawnporc on the 6th
Dec. 1857', operations across the Goomtee, siege and capture of Lucknow, and all the minor operations during Lord
Clyde's winter campaign in Oude in 1858-59, when the rebels were driven into the Nepaui territoiy (Medal with
two Clasps).
25 Quarter Master M'Cormick served in the second phase of the Ashanti war in 1874 (Medal with Clasp).
-^ Major Leet.—For War Services, see Army Pay Department.
Continuation of Notes to the Cheshire Itegiment.
1 Sir Trevor Chvite embarked with the 70th Regiment for India, where he served for twelve years, and was_^con-
stantly and actively employed during the whole of the mutiny (Medal), particularly in command of a Field i<orco
in the district of Peshawur, with which he attacked and on the 24th of May 1857 occupied, with severe ,'oss to tho
mutineers, the Fort of Hote Murdaw, relieving the officers of the 55th Native Infantry, who were held priscners by
their own men. For this service he received the thanks of the Governor General in Councd. In August 1857 m
state of mutin \'attacked the cantonments of Peshawur. From August 1858 to January i860 he commanded a
Brigade at Lucknow until it was broken un at the suppression of the rebellion. In February 1861 he embarked
in command of the 70th Regt. for New Zealand. In March 1S63 was appointed Brigadier General m command of
the Australian colonies ; in 1865, as Major General, succeeded Lt.General Sir Duncan Cameron m the command of
New Zealand and Australian colonies; and during the war in Now Zealand, in 1865-66, commanded on vai-ious im¬
portant and successful operations (KCB. and Medal), and continued in that command until Oct. 1870, when it was
broken up. , j • tv,
2 Colonel Glass served with the 37th Rcgt. in India during the mutiny of 1857-58, and was engaged m the
attack on the rebel position near Benares at Atrowica andKoelsa, defence of Azimghurandsortie thence; proceeded
with Brigadier Douglas' Column in pursuit of Kocr Singh, and present in the actions of 17th and 20th April; also
with Colonel Turner's Column in Shahabad and Palamon, including the capture of Jugdoapore and actions of i7tli
18th and 20th October (Medal).
» Captain Palmer—For War Services, see Army lay Department.

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