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War Services—Royal Art'dlerij {late Beii'jal ArtlUenj). 198
to Brigadier General Petrie commanding the Artillery, and was present at the action of Arogee a'.ul fall of iliigdala
(mentioned in desimtches, and Medal).
"" Major B. V. Arlnickle served with the force under Brigadier General Chamberlain against the Mahsood
Wuzeerees iu April and May i860, and was present at the forcing of the Burrarah Pass, and destruction of ilakeem
(Medal with Clasp).
'^* Major i'emberton served throughout the operations of the expedition of 1863 against the tribes on the North-
West Frontier of India, and was present at the storm of Laloo and capture of Umlieylah (Medal ivith Clasp).
'" Major de liautour served with the expedition of 1863 against the tribes on the North-West Frontier of India
(mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Also served with the e.'cpedition againrt the tribes of the Black
Mountain in the Hazara campaign of i868 (Clasp); also against the Duffla tribes on the Assam Frontier in 1874, and
in the operations against the .Towaki Afreedees in 1877-78 (mentioned in despatches, Clasp). Served iu the Arghan
war in 1878-79 with the Peshawur Valley Field Fori;e under Lt.General Samuel Browne, and commanded the Hazara
mountain Baitery at the surprise of the Fort of Shergash (mentioned in Brigadier-Gentral Jenkins's report. Brevet
of Major, Medal).
'" Lt.Colonel T. Graham and Captain H. S. Higginson served throughout the Hazara and Black Mountain cam¬
paign in 1868 (Medal with Clasp).
War Services—Royal Artillery (late Madras Artillery).
■ General Whinyates served with Colonel Thompson's Force in 1814; in the Army of Reserve under General
Hyslop in 1815; in the ist Division of the Deccan Army under Sir Thomas Hyslop in 1817-18; in Sir J. Doveton's
Division in pursuit of Bajeerow and Appa Saib; was present at the battle of Mahidpore (Medal) 21st L'ec. 1817, at
the storming and capture of Talnair 27th Feb. 1818, at the capture of the Fort of Jillpyamnair, and at the siege of
the fortress of Asseerghur.
* Sir George Ball'our served with the Malacca Field Force in 1832-33. Campaign against Kurnool in 1839, in¬
cluding the taking of Zorapore. Served with the expeditionary force in China throughout the war "T 1840-42
(Medal), including the first and second captures of Chusan, attack and capture of Chiuhae, N'ugpc, Tsekee,
Segoan, Chapoo, Woosung, Shanghae and Chin Kiang Foo, and investment of Nankin.
' Lieut. General Macintirc served with the China expeditionary force in 1842 (Medal) and was present at the capture
of Woosung, Shanghae, storm und capture of Ching-keang-foo and operations befoiL Niuiiiin. (Jommauded a Detach¬
ment of Nizam's Cavahy at Goomsoor under General Djce in 1847. Commanded the 2nd Cavalry Hyderabad Con-
tingent at the siege of Dhoroor, and against the Fort of Raimon, also at numerous atliiirs with Rohillahs in 1851-52,
and at Sailoor where his horse was cut down under him in 1854. Served with the Kamptee Movable Column with
Colonel Millar's Detachment at the attack and forcing of the Konah Pass on 27tli Dec. 1S57, on which occasion he
took his men up an almost impassable ghaut in the face of a large body of the enemy, several ol'whom were cut up on
going to the top of the hill. Commanded a Detachment of the Column in the Niu-singpore district in Jan. 1858, and
made a dour across the Bhopal frontier, and seized a noted reliel with his followers and hordes; commanded a
Detachment on the great Deccan Road when one of the posts at Salawabad was attacked by a large body of rebels
who were repulsed with loss by the Nagpore Rilies and Detachment 28th Madras N.I.; was present at the attack ol
Jeeghan, attack of Kubrai, battle of Banda, and relief of Kirwee, under Major General Whitlock, on which occasion
the Cavalry and Horse Artillery marched 85 miles in 37 hours—was at the nttack of Radha Govindoo's Army on the
Heights of Punwarree and Duddree on the 29th Dec. 1858 (Medal, Brevet of Major, and CB.).
'7 Major General Gosling served in the Crimean campaign in 1855-56 subsequently to the fall of Sebastopol. Served
with General WTiitlock's Field Force in Bundlecund in 1858, and was present at the battle of Banda, and aflair at
Jheengan (Medal).
'^^ Major General Robert Cadell served on the StafTof the Turkish Army during the Russian war from October 1854,
including the defence of Eupatoria, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and Omar Pacha'swinter campaign in Mingrelia
(mentioned in despatches, Crimean Medal with Clasp, Turkish Medal, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Brevet of Major).
Served in the Indian mutiny campaign in Bengal, including the actions of Doomooreagunge, Baunriah, and Tool-
seepore (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp).
'•'* Major General Macintyre served with local rank of Captain attached to the Ottoman Army in 1855-56. Joined the
Kertch expedition as a Brigade Major (Medal with Clasp for Sebastopol). Accompanied the army of Omer Piisha
to Asia Minor, and was present throughout the winter campaign there, including the battle of the Ingour, after
which battle. Captain Dymock, 95th Foot, having been killed, he was appointed Aide de Camp to the British Com-
mi?sioner. Sir Lintorn Simmons, in which capacity he served until April 1S56, receiving warm acknowledgments
of his services from that officer on resigning the appointment (Turkish Medal, and 5th Class of the Medjidie). Pro¬
ceeded to China in command of a Mountain Train Battery with the expedition in i860. Present at the defence of
Shanghae when attacked by the rebel army on the i8th 19th and 20th August i860. By a well-directed shell from
a mountain train howitzer laid by himself, he wounded Chung Wong, Commander in Chief of the rebels, in the
face, in addition to killing and wounding several of his Staff. Was senior officer of Artillery and in command ot
the South Gate Post, the principal point attacked, during the defence (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
™ Major General Pearse served the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49;—was Assistant Field Engineer under General
Whish at the siege of Mooltan, and at the action of Soorujkoond, and subsequently commanding the Artillery of
the Nawab of Bhawulpore under Major H. B. Edwardes; present at the capture of the city of Mooltan (men¬
tioned in despatches for conspicuous gallantry when repelling a sortie from the fortress on 30th December 1848).
Served under Major R. G. Taylor with the Force in the Derajat, which drove the Atfgharis from Buiinoo (Punjaub
Medal with Clasp). On the 2nd Jan. 1850, at the Goombuttee Pass, at the head of the border levies defeated the
tribe of Oomurzye Vizeerees who made a descent on Bunnoo. In November 1852 was in command of 4000 Cash¬
mere Regular Troops and British Irregular Levies in the Expedition to Khagau and the Black Mountain (Medal
with Clasp). Served throughout the Indian mutiny, commanded the Cavalry of the Hurreeana Irregular Field
Force of General Van Cortlandt at the actions of Aodah and Kheireeka. In command of 400 Rahtore Rajpoot Cavalry
of Bickaneer,—made a forced inarch on the 26th June 1857, by which Hissar was relieved. Commanded a Force
which stormed and captured the fortified positions of Bhatoul and Mungalee in Hurreeana. Commanded the Cavalry
at Jumalpoor. Served with General Showers' Delhi Column, and was present at the occupation of the Forts of Dadree,
Jhuijur, and Kanound. Commanded a body of Cavalry in Brigadier Gerrard's Delhi Column at the battle of Narnoul
(severely wounded). Commanded the 3rd Sikh Cavalry at the siege and capture of Lucknow in March 1858. Served
with the Azimghur Field Force \mder Sir E. Lugard at the actions of Munnehar, Azimghur 15th April, and in the
pursuit of Koer Sing including the actions of Azmitghur 17th April 1858, Munnear and Sheear)oor Ghat, and in the
expedition into the Jucdespore Jungles during June and July 1858 (Medal with Clasp, and Brevet of Major).
3* Colonel E. M. Playfair served in the second Burmese war iii 1853 (Medal). Also served in the Indian mutiny
campaign and was often engaged with the rebels in inconsiderable actions (Medal with Clasp for Pegu).
3» Colonel Gloag served in Kimedy it 1856, and was present at the attack and capture of Suringee and of Woojee
♦0 Colonel Hog served with the Saugor Field Division under Brigadier Whitlock in 1858 and was present at the
action on the 17th April (Medal).
*' Colonel Gordon served in the Indian mutiny campaign in 1857-58, and was present at the relief cf Lucknow,
including the operations at the Martiniere and Dilkoosha, and was also engaged in the action and defeat of the
Gwalior Contingent at Cawnpore on the 6th Dec. 1857, and pursuit (Medal with Clasp).
«* Colonel Chamier commanded Mountain Train Howitzers and Rockets in the engagementwith the Hill Kurreens
in Pegu on the 22nd April 1856. Served in the Indian mutiny campaign from 29th ilay 1857 to 13th September 185a
including the actions of Nusrutpore, Chanda,Ummeerpore, Badshagunge.Sultapnore, and Dhowrara under General

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