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193 War Services of the Officers of the Boijal Artillery.
-" Lt.Colonel Auchinleck served in India in 1S57-58, and was present at the action of Kalee Nuddee, battle of
Cawnpore on 6th Dec, and affair of Kankur (Medal).
^*'^ Major Kyle served in India in 1857-58, and was present at the actions of Secundra, Chanda, and Sultanpore,
Biege and capture of Lucknow, relief of Azimghnr, action near Aziiuutghur,operations iu the Jungle and capture of
Jugdespore (mentioned in despatch. Medal with Clasp).
^*^ Major H. L. Mitchell served in the Indian mutiny campaign and was present at the attack and defeat of the
rebel force posted in the first range of the Nepaul Hills in March 1S59 (Medal).
"^ Lt.Colonel Parry served in the Afghan war of 1878-80. In 1878-79 he was in command of a field battery of
the Koorum Valley Field Force, and commanded the Artillery of Brigadier General Cobbe's force at the storming
and capture of the Peiwar Kotal (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel). Was present with the force under
Sir Frederick Roberts in the advance on Cabul in September and October 1879, and commanded the artillery of
the right attack in the engagement at Charasiab, and in the affair atAlibozanon 13th January 1880 (several
times mentioned in despatches. Medal with two Clasps).
-*~ Major BUaby served with the expedition to China in i860, and was present at the capture of the Taku Forts
(Medal with Clasp). Also served in the operations against the Taeping rebels in the vicinity of Shanghai in 1862
with the (orceunder General Staveley. Served in South Africa throughout the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp).
~™ Lt.Colonel Magenis served in New Zealand in 1861-62. Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and was present
in the affairs at Banda, Kuddi, and Roghani (mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal).
252 Major Burgess served with the expedition from Aden against the Foodlee Arab Tribe in i866, including the
destruction of Shugra.
2" Major Moorsom served with the expedition to China in i860, and was present at Sinho, Tangku, capture of
Taku Ports, and surrender of Pekin (Medal with two Clasps).
256 Major Gwyn served in India with the Okamundel Field Force in 1859 and was present at the capture of the
Fort of Beyt, and the siege and fall of Dwarka. Served with the column under Brigadier General Ross in com¬
mand of Xo. 3 Battery, 5th Brigade, throughout the operations in Perak in 1875-77 (Medal with Clasp).
258 Major Toogood served in New Zealand durmg the Waikato and Wanganui campaigns, and was present at
Nukumaru and the Patea river (Medal).
~'~ Major G. G. Hannen served at Canton with the force under Rear Admiral Seymour in 1856-57, was present at
the capture of Canton in Dec. 1857 ; served with the expedition of i860, and was present at Sinho, Tangku, capture
of Taku Forts, and surrender of Pekin (Medal with three Clasps).
26" Major C. E. B. Leacock served with a Steel Mounted Battery throughout the Abyssinian campaign from the
29th Dec. 1867 and was present at the action of Arogee and capture of Magdsla (Medal).
^•"S Major Burton-Brown, as a volunteer on board H.M.S. Eestrelva September 1879, took part in the attack and
destruction of the pirate stronghold of Terebus, on the coast of Borneo, and was present at the capture and btim-
ing of the piratical boats and prahus, and received the thanks of the Sultan for these services.
-'" Major E. A. FitzRoy served throughout the Abyssinian campaign from the 13th Dec. 1867, and was present at
the fall of Magdala (Medal).
2'2 Major Browne served with Wood's Column in the Zidu war of 1879, ^ikI ^^^ present in the engagement at
TJlundi (mentioned in Brigadier General Wood's report, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
-~* Major Pemberton Harrison served against the Taeping rebels at Shanghai in 1862, including the captures
of Tsinpoo, Tsolin, and Najow.
2"* ilajor A. G. Yeatman-Biggs served against the Taeping rebels at Shanghai in 1862, and was present at the re¬
capture of Kahding. Served as D.A.A.Q, M.General in the latter part of the Zulu war of 1879, and as Staff Officer
to the Lydenburg Column iu the operations against Sekukuni, and was present at the storming of the stronghold
(Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
2'5 Major A. Grubb served throughout the Waikato and Tauranga campaigns during the New Zealand wars of
1863-64, including the action of Gate Pah, and commanded the Artillery at the action of Te Ranga (mentioned in
despatches. Medal).
27; Major Robinson served throughout the Kafir war of 1877-78 in command of the Colonial Artillery, and was
present in the engagement at Qaintana, and numerous minor afi'airs, including that at Malau's Mission, the attack
on the Kobogaba River, and the expedition to Bumvaualand (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, and Medal
with Clasp). Served in the Alghan war in 1879-80, and was present unaer Major General Sir John Ross in the
operations at Shekabad in April 1880. Accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and com¬
manded a battery of Royal Artillery at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches. Medal with Clasp, and
Bronze Decoration).
2"' Sir Charles Larcom served in the New Zealand war in 1863-64, and was present at the actions of Katikara and
Kaitak—wounded in the shoulder (mentioned in despatches). Commanded a Detachment of Artillery engaged at
Sentry Hill (Medal).
281 Major J. F. Maurice accompanied Sir Garnet Wolseley to the Gold Coast in September 1873 on special service,
and served as his Private Secretary throughout the Ashanti war of 1873-74, including the relief of Abrakrampa,
battle of Amoaful, capture and destruction of Becquah (as Staff Officer to Colonel M'Leod), battle of Ordahau and
capture of Coomassie (several times mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
281 Captain T. R. Disney served throughout the Abyssinian campaign from the 6kh Feb. 186S, and was present at
the fall of Magdala (Medal).
282 Captain Slade served throughout the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took part in the Bazar Valley Expedition
under Lt.General Maude, and as Adjutant of R.Artillery with the Peshawur Valley Field Force under Lt.General
S. Browne (mentioned in despatches). Afterwards served with the Caudahar Field Force, and was present at the
affair on the Hclmund with the Wall's mutineers, in the engagement at Maiwand (where he commanded the Artil¬
lery after the death of Major Blackwood), at the siege of Candahar, and at the battle of Candahar (several times
mentioned iu despatches, Brevet of Major, CB., Medal with Clasp).
28^ Captain J. C. Robson served in the New Zealand war in 1863-66, including the Taranaki aud Waikato cam¬
paigns, and was present in the action at Rangiawhia (Medal).
28* Major AUeyne served in command of the Detachment of Royal Artillery and 7-pounder mountain guns
which accompanied the Red River Expedition from Canada iu 1870.
285 Captain Carre served in the New Zealand war iu 1863-66, including the Waikato campaign, and was present at the
action of Orakau, aud assisted in conducting the Sap. Commanded Detachment during the Wanganui campaign,
and present at the action of Pukaki (mentioned in despatches. Medal).
28" Captain Shippard served iu the operations in Perak in November and December 1875, including the advance
on and capture of Kinta (Medal with Clasp).
2»'> Captain W. S. Laugley served throughout the Abyssinian campaign from the 13th Dec. 1867 as Adjutant
to Lt.Colonel Wallace, and was present at the fall of Magdala (Medal). He served as Stafif Officer of a
column under Colonel Wallace at various periods during the advance on Magdala; as Acting Brigade Major of
the Brigade under Brigadier VVilby, after the capture ot Magdala, during the illness of the Brigade Major; was
appointed Staff Officer of the 3rd column on the commencement of the march down country, and served as such
aud as Assistant Quarter Master General till it was broken up previous to embarkation.
2S" Captain H. F. Smyth served in the Afghan war of 1878-80, first in the Koorum Valley, aud afterwards in
Gough's force in commaDd of a Hazara Battery. Subsequently served with Royal Horse Artillery in the ex¬
peditions into the Wuzeer and Hissarik valleys (Medal).
2'-" Captain Pratt served throughout the Bliootanese campaign of 1864-65, with the Left Brigade Dooar Field
Force, aud was present at the capture cf Dalimkote, engagements at Chumurchi and Nagoo, and recapture of the
Bala Pass (Medal with Clasp).
292 Captain W. H. F. Sorell served with the expedition from Aden against the Foodlee Arab tribe in 1866, including
the destruction of Slwigra. Served throughout the Abyssinian campaign from the 4th October 1867 ; commanded a
Mountain Battery during Captain Marett's absence on other duty, and was also employed in the Land Transport
Train (Medal).
2»3 Major Graves served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 with the force under Sir Donald Stewart, and was present
in the engagement at Ahmed Kheyl and at the occupation of Ghuznee (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).

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