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Commands and Staff.
fConmia/ndii and Staff—coixtA.
vCommandantK on the Lin'ft of Commimioaiion (graded
T ns Dtputy Asstetant Adjutant-Generals a.t the War
Office. —contd.
ansell, Bt.Col. Q. W., C. H.O., ret. pay IZApr.U
â– lardaon, Lt.-Col. C. W., O.B.E., ret.
pay, cr. ..... .. UApr.16
.i, Lt.-Col. and Hon. Col. {Hm. Capt
•n Army, J., yo, T. F. Kes. 22Apr.i6
alll, Bt. Col. F.W. G., ret. pay, v. .. 17Mayl6
8&Tlle, Bt. CoL G. W. W., D.S.O., ret. pay iJuneli
Whately, Ma). K. P., Res. oJ Off. .. 20Jnnel6
MoLacblan, Maj. D. M., Res. ot 09. ISJnlyU
Cowle, Capt. liemp.Xaj.) C. 8., ret. pay 28JulyU
Keller, MaJ. K. M., D.8.O., ret. pay (fiu.
o/UjT.i aiJnlyie
SoydB, Ma]. A, H., a. Gd8. .. ..
Grant, Lt.-Col. A., Ina. Army .. .. SSept.U
Batharst. Hon. Col.( Hon Lt.-Col. in Army'
S.H., EarL, C.M.a.,latet Bn. Gloac. R. USept.lS
Compton, Col. Lord D. J. C, C.B.E., ret.
o»3 .Hte.ofOff.) .. .. .. 18N0V.I6
Pollock. Bt. Col. B.,ret. pay(L(.-CoJ..<lr(.,
B. Mila. of the Itland of Jertevi .. 23N0T.U
Wood, Bt. Lt.-Col. H.,K.E 12Deo.l6
Blake MaJ. W. L. F., ret. pay iSea. of
Off.) .. .. ..
Peyton, Col. A. G., ret. Ind. Army .. 12Mayl6
Hendnraoo, Ma]. J. 8., 8 Bn. Aiif. ft Sntb'd
Hlghrs. .. .. .. .. Wolyie
il.Temp. Maj.E 208ept.l6
rntnandanta on the Litun of Cotnmunioation {graded
ae Deputy Aesiet-ant Adjutant-Qenerale).
-rd, Temp. Ma). J. C, (Ma]. Nairobi
Def. Forces) ..
Home, Ma]. («<!mp./><.-Col.)Q.A.8.,fl.S.O.,
ret. pay (Kes. of Off.) (Lt.-Col. K. Afr.
Prote. Forces»
Robertson-Eustace, Capt. R.W. B., D.S.O.,
B. Afr. Prote. Forces ..
Laverton, MaJ. Hemp. £(.-Ool.) H. 8. (Lt.-
Col. E. Air. Prote. Forces)
Hime, Temp. Cept. J. G. W.
Carr, Col. B. K., C'.B., ret. pay
Prlus, Temp. Capt. A. .1. F , M.C. (Capt.
a. Afr. Def, Force)
PnntU, Temp. Ma). W. E. (Ma). S. Afr.
Def. force)
Logan, Ma]. R. H., N. Lan. R. ..
Bankhead-Browne, Capt, (temp. Mai. in
Army i Fed. 18) H. K.,4 Bii. X. Stan. K.
^'im^xndAint on the Linta of Conimunioalton, Ipit Clceti
jraded as Deputy AaHeinrU AiHutanl'Qeneral).
KB, Ma). T. W. H.,rBt. Ind. Amiy ..
Commandant on the Lines of Communioation
(graded as Quarter-Master General).
Jiiownc, Ma], (tentp. Lt.-Col. in Army^
13 Aug. 17) H, H. G., 6 Bn. 80m. L.I. 18AuK.17
6A pr 16
Commandants <>n the Lines of OommunicaHon
(graded as Staff Ckiptains).
Jsokson. Capt. R. O., 8. Afr. Def. Force.. 3M»r.l7
Robinson, Temp. Capt. G. D l3Atig.l7
King-King, Lt. (terap. Capt. in Army
SZ)«o. 17) K. J., Res. of Off SDec.lT
Colllngwood, Lt. (temp. Capt. 18 Oat. 18)
F. W. N.,Midd'iR... .. l2Dec.l7
Harrison, 2nd i t. ( «"n>, Capt. in Army
3Fei)18)C., 7 Bn. High. 1..I »Feb.l8
Commandants on the Lines of Communioation
(graded as Staff Lieutenants^ \et Class).
Cairns, Lt. ,T. A., 6 Bn. H, Scote
Yorke, T»mp. Lt. G. O. J. A. ..
Williams, Lt. A., IS Hrs.
.. 29Jan.l8
Coi, Lt. H. T., Notts. Yeo SlJan.18
Comvuindants on the LiMs of Communioatione.
Brovue, Ma]. L. S., S7 Dograa .. ., SOot.U
Trotter, Lt.-Col. R. F., ret ind. Army .. iNov.U
Worthlngton, Lt.-Col. (temp. Col. S Mar 17)
B. B.. C..V.(?., Nora BootiaRegt. .. J7Sept.l5
Evans, Capt. (temp. Maf. inArmy))^.D.J.,
C'wealtb Mil. Forces MMayK
Strick, Bt. Col. (temp. Brig.-Oen.i May n)
J. A.. fl.S.O., Shrops. L.I. .. .. 2Mayl7
McDonald, Lt.-Col. G. F.. H., 6 Bu. Essex R. —
Commandant {graded a« Brigadier-General).
Thomas, Hon. Brig. Gen. (temp. Brlg.-
Gen. 14 Feb. 18) E. A. D A., C.M.G.,
ret. pay .. .. uKoJi 18
Commandant (graded as Chief Engineer).
Godfrey-Faussett, Bt,-Col {temv. Brig.-
Oen.eJHoKlS) E. G.,C.;V.O., R.B. »M»ylS
Commandant (graded Qeneral Htaff Officer^ Ist grade).
de Putron, Ma], (temp. Col. 5 Jait, 18) C,
Lan.Fus.ii) .. 6Ja 1.I8
Commandants (graded as Assistant Ad;juiant-
Congdon, Lt.-Col. (temp. Col. 22 Apr. 17)
A. H. o., C.W.S., ret. pay 23Apr.i7
Kennedy, Mai. (temp. Li. Col. in Army
2 Aug. \7)ii.,D.S.O., Ayt.Ym, .. 3Dec.l7
Travers, Col. (temp. Brig. Oen. 2 Feb. 18)
J. H. duB., C.B,,C..l|/.0 2Feh.l8
Arnott, Lt.-Col. (temp. Col.) J. M.,
c.w.''-'., An-it. imp. i-or e .. .. slJalvie
Pollock, Ma), (tevip. Lt.-Col. 13 Jlfay Ij)
J. A.,Oxr. & Backs L.I. .. .. lSMayl7
Flax. Temp. MaJ. F. O. .. .. i»Mayl7
Canvngbame, Capt. (temp. Lt-Cot, 18
JBoj/i7);<ir P. F ,a(..Re8. of Off. .. i8Mavi;
Fulion, Lt.-Col. D., Aust. Imu. Force 2,Iul'yi7
Martyn, Ma), {temp. Lt.-Vol. 8 May la)
A. W., D.S.O.,ret. pay (/Jed. o/OJT.) .. 22Aug.l7
Bnrne, Bt. Co), (temp. Brig.-Oen.U Nov.\7)
R. 0„A.8C 21N0V.17
Wat^ion, MaJ. 't.imp. Br-ig.-Gcn. 29 May 18)
H. W. M., i'.S.O.,|K.R, Rif. C 3BMayl8

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