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Promotions, Appointments, do.
The King's (Liverpool Regiment).
2nd Lt. E. W. Yeoman, from Terr. Force lies,, Gen. List, to be 2nd Lt. (Oaz. 2 Nov. i .. aXov.lj
Corpl. Boliert Darling from the North'd Yeo., to be 2nd Lt. iGaz. 4Nov.) .. .. 220ct.
Stanley Harold Tvson to bn 2na Lt. (Gaz.6Nov.i .. .. .. .. .. .. iNov.
Gilbert Rolhwell to bo 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 5 N'ov.) .. .. .. .. .. do.
Richard Shirbnrne Weld-Blundell to be 2nd Lt.. and seed, for duty witti a l*rovnl. Bn.
(Gaz. 6 N'ov.) .. .. .. .. .. l-.Sept.
'Vernon'Waterland to be 2nd Lt., and seed, for duty with a Frovnl. Bn. (Gaz. 5 ,\ov.) .. do.
Richard Briscall Tliorp to be 2nd Lt., and seed, for duty with a Provnl. Bn 'Gaz. 6 Nov.) do.
.lames .Arehlbald Ha.stie to be 2nd Lt., and seed, for duty with a Provnl. Bn. (Gaz. 5 Nov.) 2tiOct.
Stafford (Charles 'Wliite to be 2nd Lt., and seed, for duty with a Provnl. Bn. (Gaz. S Nov.) 30Oet.
Eric Glair Gilbert to be 2nd Lt.., and se''d. for duty with a Provnl. Bn. (Gaz. 6Nov.) .. do.
Douylas Herbert \eale to bo 2nd Lt., and seed, for duty with a Provnl. Bn. (Gaz. 5 Nov.) do.
William Raine to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.SNov.) .. .. .. .. .. 240ct.
William Edward Baclthonse to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.sNov.) .. ,. .. .. .. 29Get.
The date of appt. as 2nd Lt. of S. J. Bell is 19 July 16, and not as stated in Lond. Gaz. of
24 Aug. l.'i. (Gaz. 8 Nov.)
The date of appt. as 2nd Lts. of the undermentioned is 13 Aug. 15, and not as stated in*
Lond. Qaz. of 8 Sept. 15. (G.iz. S Nov.) :—
E. W. Porter. | C. A. Randall.
W. B. Kobinson. I J. H. Fearnhead.
John Philip Davidson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 8 N'ov. 1
The underniontioned Lts. to be temp. ('apts.
A. Cookson.
aS'. a. Davidson.
iGaz. 9Xov.) Dated 1 Oct. 15 ;—
I A. McD. Doughty.
The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be tomp. Lts
A. T. Salvidge.
(Gaz. 1) Nov.) Dated 1 Oct. 16:-
L. B. .Mill.
Allan Muir to be 2Qd Lt., and seed, for duty with a Provnl. Bn. (Gaz. 11 Nov.) ..
Clifford Haddon Brown to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.l2Nov.)
Robert Reginald Stewart to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 Nov.)
The appt. and secdng. of 2nd Lt. H. B. Vernon bears date 1 June 16, and not as pre¬
viously stated. (Gaz. 12 Nov.)
Arthur Joseph Fnllerton to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 Nov.)
Robert Stanley i;apon to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 Nov.)
Simon Bernard I'oole to be 2nd Lt. iGaz.lzNov.) ..
Reginald Siddons Keniblo to be 2nd Lt. (Haz, 12 Nov.)
Gerald Greaves to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 12 Nov.)..
Lt. H. r. Whitson tohe temp. Capt. (Gaz. la Nov.)..
James Walter Graham Pocl<ett to be 2nd Lt. iQaz. 13 Nov.)
Lt. J. Bell tobe temp. Ciipt. (Gaz. 15 Nov.)..
Lloyd Lindsay Seymour Richer to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 17 Nov.)
Oct. 15, and not as
24 Sept.
The uppt. and secdg. of the undermentioned 2ud Lts. bear date
stated in Lond. Gaz. of 5 Oct. 16. (Gaz. 18 Nov.):—
Charles William Home McCall. I Percy Bates.
Lancelot Andrew NoelSlocock to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 18 Nov.) .. .. .. lOct.
Lt. G. L. Taylor is seed, while doing duty as Brig. Mnch.t-iun Offr. (Gaz. 22 Nov.i .. 23Nov.
Lt. T. W. Dawson re'inquisheE his commn. on account of ill health. (Gaz.22Nov.) .. do.
Arthur Reginald Heaton to be Jndljt. (Gaz.22Nov.) .. .. .. .. ., 20Nov.
.Murray Thorn: son Leach to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.22Nov.) .. .. .. .. do.
R6b.^rt Maxwell Bradner to be 2ud Lt. (Gaz. 22 Nov.) .. .. .. .. ,. liNov.
2nd Lt. W. A. Dimolne is seed. (Gaz. 21 Nov.) .. .. .. .. .. .. 31Aug.
t'harles Barlow RawclilTe to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 24 Nov.) .. .. .. .. .. 17Nov.
Lt. f. Kills to be temp. I'apt. (Gal. 25 Nov.) .. .. .. .. .. .. leJune
Capt. C. A. liean to betenip. Miij. (Gaz.25Nov.) . .. .. .. .. .. GOct..
Lt. S. T. J. Perry to be temp, t'apt. (Paz. 25 Nov.) .. .. .. .. .. .. 29Ang.
Eric William Thompson to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 25 Nov.i .. .. .. .. .. 21Nov.
•John Burton Clements to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 25 Nov.) , .. .. .. .. do.
llenry Itedo Hobbs to be 2ud l.t. (Gaz. 26 Nov.) .. do.
Francis Duncan Watson to be 2nd Lt. and seed, for duty with a Provnl. IJn. (Gaz.25Nov.) 26Nov.
I'^rederick'Vindon Alexander Lloyd to be Qr.-Mr., with the hon. rank of Lt., and seed.
for duty with a Provnl. Bd. (Ga».26Nov.) .. .. .. 19June
l.t. L. L. Stott to be Adjt. (Gaz.26Nov.) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 90ct.
Hdwin Holt Evans to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz. 26 Nov.) .. .. .. .. .. .. 21Not.
Henry Courtenay Astley to be 2ud Lt. (Gaz. 20 Nov. i .. .. .. .. do.
Cameron Holmes Mclntosh to be 2nd Lt. (Gaz.29Nov.) ., .. .. .. ,. 20Nov.
The .VorfolU Regiment.
The (late of appt. as 2nd Lts. of the undermentioned is as now stated against their nain(^s
jmd not as previously announced. (Gaz. 2
S.H. I'itch (now temp. Capt.) HNov.14. B. G. Ferrier. le (J..i
l). F. Hervey (now temp. Lt.) !i Oee. li.
R. R. Plalstowe. 24 May 15.
A, F. Bird. 16 May 10.
E. P. D'E. Heinsworth. H l>e. . I|,
W. H. Bagot, 12 July 15.
, S. Rowell. I Jan. |5.
C. G,

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