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Promotions, Appointments, Ac.
Sco. Rit.—omUd,
Temp. 2n(l Lt. €. M. Fewer (Sco. Kif.) (Gaz.
13 Jan.) .. .. .. .. .. 18N0V.I6
Temp. .'tfaj. R. Vernon Davidson to be acts. Lt.-CoL
whilst fomdK. aBn. (Gaz. 17 Jan.) DatedSO Oct.16
to :fo .Nov. 16.
XU). It. 8. C. Adams (K. W. Siirr. B.) to be aetg.
Lt.-Col. whilst comdg. a Bn. (G;iz. 17 Jan.) 16l)ec.i6
The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lt. lattd.) is transfd.
with seniority shown against his name. iGaz.
17 Jan.):—
If. 8. Smytli. .I Aug. 16.
Tlie iindermflntionod temp. 2nd Lts. (on proh ) are
cuniirmed In tlielr rank. ^Gaz. 1?< Jan.i:-
H. G. S. Douglas | H. S. Smyth.
A.S. Low. I
Temp. Maj. F. L. Grant is transfd. to Gen. List.
(Gaz. 19 Jan.) .. .. .. . lODec.lti
Temo. Capt. Iloii. H. Ritchie to bn aetg. Maj. whilst
Sndin comd. of a Bn. (Gaz. 19 .Tan. j .. uNov.Iti
Temp. Maj. A. Yalden Thomson relinquishes his
commn. on account of ill-health. (Gaz.
20 Jan.) ,. 2i,lan.i;
Temp. Lt. J. W. MacKinlay to be actg. Capt. wliilst
comdg. a Co. (Gaz. 23 .Ian. 1 .. 22.\'
Temp. Lt. J. If. Low to lie actg. Capt. wliilst comdg.
a Co. i(iaz.27 Dated 23 Oct. 16 to 2 Dec. 16.
Temp 2nd Lt. (attd.i W. S. Hunter is transfd., witli
seniority as from 13 Sept. 1.'.. ((Jaz. 27 .Ian.)
R. fnnis. Fua.
Tomii. Maj. liictg. Lt.-Col.) F. 8. N. iVIacrory to
comd. a Bu., and to bo temp. Lt.-Col. tGaz.
30 Dec.) Dated 31 Oct. 16, retaining seniority
3 Aug. 16.
The uuilernientioned tohe temp. 8nd Lt. (on prob.)
with effect from the date shown. (Gaz. 2 Jan.) :—
Co. Serjt.-Maj. S. Fluke. 29 .Vov. 16.
Temp. 2jid Lt. T. Martin relingnishes liis commn. on
account o( ill-health. (Gaz. 3 Jan.) .. 4Jan 17
Temp. 2Qd Lt H. W. Ituddock relinquishes tlie actg.
rank of Capt. on ceasing to comd. a Co. (Gaz.
4 Jan.) .. ., 2iOi!t.l6
Maj. (actg. Lt.Col.) A. W. S. Psteraon (Som. L.I )
from R. Jr. Pus., to comd. :i Ba.,andto be temp.
Lt.-Ool. (Gaz. Tj Jan.) ijated 30 Nov. 16, but wltli
seniority from 27 .Ian. 16.
Temp. 2nd Lt. P. J. Roche to be temp. Lt. ((iaz
SJan.) .. .. .. 220otl6
Temp. 2nd Lt. C. Ijetevro to be actg. Lt. whilst
empld. on estabt. of OUrs. Cadet Bn. (Gaz.
6 Jan.) .. .. 9Dec.l6
iTemo. Lt. Q. H. Webb to be actg. Cajit. whilst
comdg.aCo. (Gaz.g.Ian.) .. .. 25Aug.l6
Temp. Capt. 1. W. Gram, fioma Res. Bn,. to be
tecnji. Capt. (Gaz. 10 .fau.i Dated 2 Dac.16, but
witb seniority from 4 Nov. 15.
'Temn. Maj. T. H. Bjardmiii (Maj., Tnatld. Liit.
T.F.), from R. Ir. Fiis., to comd. a Bn,, and to be
temp, Lt.-Col. (Gaz, 11 .fan.) .. 108ciit.l6
Tamp. Maj. A, C. Pratt (Caiit. Res. of Gftra.), actx.
. Lt.-Col. wliilst comdg. a Bn. (from R. Ir. Fus.). to
coTid. a Bn. and to be temp. I.l.-Col. (Gaz.
11 Jan.) Dated 27 Nov. 16,retaining scntorlt.\ from
20 Sept. 16.
Temp. 2nd Lt. E. H. Strain relinquishes his
commn. on account of Ill-health. iGaz.
11 Jan.) 12Jan.l7
The undermentioned 1,0 he temp. 2nd Lt. (on prob)
with effect from the date sliown. (Gaz. 12 Jan ):—
Serjt. S. Dlckson. 18 Dec. 16.
The third Christian name of temD.'Lt. A E. ('opeland
Trimble is as now described, and not as In Gaz. of
22 Sept. 14 Gen. List.) (Gaz. 17 Jan.)
S. Fluke to be temp. 2nd Lt. (on prob.)
(Gaz.24 Jan.) 29NOV.I6
Temp. MaJ. W. J. Peacocke, D..S.O., to be actg.
Lt.-Col. whilst .omdg. a Bn. (Gaz.
25 Jan.) : .. l7Dec.l6
The undermentioned to be temp. 2nd Lts^ (on prob.).
with effect from the dates shown. (Gaz. 26 Jan.): -
CorpL P. H. Patterson, from A. C. Corps. 27 Dec id
Lce.-Serjt. J. McCaw, from Lond. Yeo., T 1^'
2S Dec. 16.
Serjt. G, Peak-Garland, from Wilts. Yeo T F
80 Dec. 16.
Temp. 2nd Lt. J. Robin, from (Jen. List (sl>i.^i
transfd. to M,G.C.', to be temp. 2nd L\ Gai
29 Jan.) Dated 11 May 16, lint with seniority fronr
11 Sept. 14. (Substituted for notillcation in (iaz
of 25 Aug. 16.)
The undermentioned temp. 2od Lts. are transfil.
with seniority shown against tlieir immea. (Gaz.
30 Jail.) :—
R M. Bo.vie (from a Res. Bn.). 30 .\pr. 16
H. n. IJeale ifrom a Res. Bn.). 6 .Inn. 16. '
T. lirown (from a Res. I!n ). 5 .^ug. 16.
Glouc. R.
Temp. Capt. H. A. Colt to be temp. Maj.
(Gaz. 3 Jan.) ,. .. .. .. 26aet 16
Temp. Lt. J. P. Webb to be temp. Capt.
(Gaz.SJan.) 260ct.l6
Temp. 2nd Lt. H. B. Lambert to bo temp Lt
(Gaz.3Jan.) .. .. .. 260ct iii
Temp. Maj C. B. Lee Warner is transferred to Gen
List. (Gaz. 4 Jan.) .. ., 260ct.l6
Temp. Lt. E. B. Pope (2nrt Lt., Glopc. U.) relin¬
quishes the actg. rank of Capt. on ceiising to comd
aCo. (Gaz.9.Tan.i . . 250ct.l(i
TeiiiD.2ndLt. H. W. H. Edwards (since tilled In
action) to be actg. Capt. wliilst comdg. a Co
(Gaz. 9 Jan. I .. ... 23A"g 16
Temp. 2nd Lt. W. N. Wookcy to be temp. ( a|it
(Gaz. 13 Jan.) 4Julyi6
The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be temp. Lts. :—
B.Eastwood. (Gaz. 13 Jan.1 .. 31Julvl6
,1 Llo.yd. (Gaz. 13.ian.i 25Sei)t.i6
-Maj. G. Fleming, «.,s-.«. (Som. L.I.). to be a.'ig
Lt.-Col. wliilst eoiiidg. nBn. (Gaz.18 Jan.) s2Apr. 6
Temp. Maj. L. P. *. Willson to be actg. Lt-Col
f whilst conidg. a Bn. (Gaz.l6Jan.) ,,16Dec.l6
emp. Lt. (actg. Capt. whilst comdg. a Co.) li.
A. Kussellto be temp. Capt. to complete estalx.
(Gas. 17 Jan.) .. .. .. 28ept.l6
reniD. 2ndLt. R. W. Pallin. from Giono. It. (attrl 1
tobetemp.Lt. (Gaz. 17 Jan.) .. ascpi.lii
The andermenttonel temp. 2nd Lts. lattd.) are
transferred with seniority shown aiialnst their
names. (Gaz. 17 Jan.): -
1.. \. Pnwell. s Aug. 16.
c. H. Klnners'ey. 6 Aug. in.
H. Eaton. 26 Sept. 16.
H. (_■. Barber. 26 Sept. 16.
H. A. Vale. 26Sept.l6.
N. P. Harrison. 26Sept. 16.
I'emp. Ma.i. W. Godfrey (Welsh fi.) f> l.e actir Lt
Col. whilst comdg. ;i Bn. Kiaz. 29 .Ian.) 26Nov.l6
The undermenUoneil to lie actg. Capts. whilst
comdg.aCo.: —
Temp. Lt. K. Lloyd. iGa/.. 20 .Ian,) Dated 26 Ocl 16
to .^1 Nov, 16 i)iclusi\ e.
Temp. 2nd Lt. li. B. Kirbv. (Gaz. 20 Jan 1 Dated
6 Nov. 16 to 1ft Nov. 16 Inclusive
■rcnir'. Lt J, H. Allen to he .\dit.. \\.-f f-^M I ►
K.J.Taylor. (Gaz. 2) Jan.) „ .. 17Deo.l6

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