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Promotions, Appointments, 4c.
M.ti.i R.t.A.^contd.
L, fi. Hill. (Gtaz. li! Jail.' . .. ..KSept.16
.I.H.Moore. (Ga',. 12 Jan.; .. ..ICScpt.16
AT. S. N. Carle. (Gaz. 12Jan.) ..- ..slSept.lC
(Gaz. 12 Jan.) Dated '2o Seiit. 18.
C. Geldard, M.C., and I O. J. P. St. Clair, and
to remain seed. to remain seed.
V. Klliolt, 1 ]I. J. 1). Kerans.
(Gilz. 13 Jan. I Dated 27 Sept. 10.
Bii. Mai. K. S. Kyan, and to remain seed.
jl. H. llendv, and to remain seed-
W. McC. C. Cowan.
(Gas. 12 Jan.J Dated ;iOSept ](■.
W. E. Mann. I S. F. liurne.
J. C. Cronker. (Gaz.12 .Tan.) .. .. 210cf,,]8
C. E. n:). Bridge,-l/.C. (Gaz. 12 Jan.) .. 230ct.l6
The undermentioned supern. (..apts. are restd. to t!ie
eatalit. :—
J. C. PerylCnoz-Ciore. (Gaz. 12 Jan.) ., 17Jun.l6
n. M.M. Jtobsrtson. (GaziaJiia.i ..SaJun.lB
H. D.Gale. (Gai. 12 Jan.* .. .. .. ftlulyie
E.W.Llng. (Gaz. 12 Jan.).. .. ..30lulyl6
C. C.Hussell. (Gaz. 12 Jan.) ..21Aug.l6
The undarmeutioned supern. 2nd I.ts. are restd. to
the estabt.: —
J.C.Curric. (Gaz. 12 Jon.) .. .. 19Jaa.l6
(Temp. Capt.i H. H. Mi-Comble. 'Qaz.
12 Jan.) 4Ang.l6
8nd Lt. H. Whittles relinqui.sbcs the rank ol temp.
Capt. and is granted the aetg. rank of Lt (Qaz.
12 Jan.) Bated 2/ July 16. (Substituted for the
notification in Gaz. of 20 Nov. 16. i
E M.Austin, Lt. I tamp. Capt.) S.Afr. Mtd. Rl(., to
be t°mp. Capt. (Gaz. 12 Jan.) Dated 3 Kov. 10,
but with seniority as from 28 Aug. 10. (Substituted
tor the notiflcation in (iaz. of IS Nov. 16.)
The uadermentioned 1/jH. to be actg. Capts. :—
('. Adily, from 3 June to 28 July, 10. (Gaz. 12 June).
D. J. Steevens (Gaz. 12 Jan, ■ .. .. 9Junel6
J. Roberts, from 12 June to 26 Oct. 16. (Qae. 12 Jan.).
J. S. Drenuan. (Oaz. 12Jan.) .. .. 19Junel6
The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp
Capts.: -
K.D.Hodgson. (Gaz. IJ Jan.) .. ..29Feb.lC
K. I'age. (Gaz. ISGaz.) .. .. .. 27aiayl6
T. P. Vandelear. (Gaz. 12 Jan.) .. .. 9Junel0
(Qaz. 12 Jan.) Dated 17 June 16).
S. J. Pasinelll. I J). N. Hossic.
Temp. Lt. E. G. Gordon-Poggi to he actg^ Capt.
(Gaz. 12 Jan.)
Lt. i>. Brown, from 11.G. A., Spec. Kes.. to bo 2nd Lt
3 Oct. 10, with seniority as from 4 Sept. 16, and to
relKinhis higher r«nk and =enlorlty in his present
unit until ordereJ to loin a Regular unit (Sub
stitutad for the jtotiScaMon in Gaz. of 2 Oct. 16.)
(Gaz. 15 Jan.*.
Temii. Lt. ■«. Wliittidge resigns his commn.
(Oaz. IS Jan.) i*''"'V"
Temp Jna Lt. W. H. Hodesou relinquishes bis
commn. ou account of 111-healtli c-ontrafted on
active service, and is granted the hon rank of Zud
Lt. (Gaz. 15 .Taf;.). Dated 10 June 16. (Substituted
for the notillcatloa in Gaz. of 9 .lune 16.)
The undormentioned Capts. tohe ilajs. :—
F. B. Vaux, and to remaiu seed. (Gaz.
16 Jan.)
H. H. Walsh, fl/.C. (G:iz. 16 Jan.) ..
K. Parburv. (Gaz. 16 Jan.;..
H. H. IJax'ler, M.f. (Gaz.lO Jan.) ..
. 27NOV.16
The undermentioned temp, 2iid Lts. to bo actg.
Capts. :—
F. Dlbbeu. ((iaz. 12 Jan.) .. .. ..llApr.16
W. B. Eeid. (Gaz. 12 Jan.).. .. ..lSApr.l6
P. C. Whitehead, (Gaz. 12 Jan.) .. ..17Mayl6
It'. A. Langham. (Gaz. 12 Jan.) .. .. IJDeo.lS
The undormentioned Lts., Spec. lies., to be actg.
Capta. :—
H. L. Pierce, from 4 June to 19 July 10. (Qaz.
12 Jan.).
W.B.Goodwin. (Gaz. 12 Jan.) .. .. lOJ-'nelS
2nd Lt. N. Bancroft, Spec. Kes., to be actg. Capt.
(Gaz.)2Jan.) 21Mnyl6
Temp. Lt. K. Jeffery to be actg. Capt.
(Gaz. 13 Jan.) .. .. .. .. 20Deo.l6
Temp. 2nd h*i. H. E. Bridgett to be temp. Lt. (Gaz.
13 Jan.) llJin.lT
Cant. A. H. Fraser to be MaJ..and lo remain seed.
iGai.lsJan.) VSJulyH
(Gaz, k; Jan..) Dated 28 Kov. 16,
Bt. MaJ. C. X. F Broad, ar>d to remaiu seed.
M. Gregory.
The undermentioned Lts, to be Caj>ts, :—
G, Messervy. (Gaz. ,>« Jau,)
(Gaz. 16 Jan.) DAted 19 Uac. 16,
J. A. II. Gammell, JIf.C'.. and to remain seted.
G. H. Elliot.
(Gaz. 16 Jan.)
V. L. V. Mills,
w. 1). Morgan, JW.C.
K. T. A. Hog.
J. F. Batten, M.C.
G.I. Thomas.
1), F. ."McConnel.
C. K. M. Hutchison
R. K. Gordon, .\djt,
K, E. Kane, 3I.C.
H. G. Kttchie,
H, E. B.arkworth.
O. K. Schrelber, Jlf.C
The undermentioned 2nd
16 Jan.) Dated 8 Aug.16
Dated 20 Dec. 16.
H. G.Hayes.
B. T. Reynolds,
I,. I. C. Paul.
K. A, Archer. yi.C.
and to remaiin seed .
S. 1). Bulteel.
K. F. Carne. Jl/-','.
E. G. I'Utyens.
H. A. Tyler.
W. H. H. Mlrrleos,
J, F. Jillgh. Jf.C.
AV. T. H. I'oppe.
K. B. Neve.
Lts. to be Lts. (Ga/.,
I W, McKay.
F, Kidd, and to retain histomix
J, D. Townescod.
. E, White.
H, C, Hooker.
(Tcnp. Capt.) H. F.
E, A. F, Hale.
S. F. Fisken. -17.C,
H, A, Roberts.
E. D. Carruthers,
(Temp. Capt.) B. J.Wood, and to retain his temp.
E, Hiscock, Adit, . , , , ,
(Temp. Capt.) W, G. Hams, and to retain his temp,
(Temp! Capt.i H. H. McCombie, and to retain hi?
temp. rank. ^^ . , ».■ ,
(Temp. Capt.) G, W. Wheeler, and to retain his temp.
W, Spicks.
T. H.Humplirl.",
D, S, Carnochan,
R, ,\, Burgess,
W. Devereux, M.i.
V. Hopkins.
W. W. Browne,
G. W. Wright,
F, S, Holmes,
C Adama,
W, H, Fol-son,
C. Clarke, and to
remain seed.
J, W. Keating.
1'. Pnvno.
A.H, Floyd.
\, B. Colllsoii,
W. H. .\ddis.
iTemp. Capt.) W. Sivory,
R. O, Bull, .V.V.
K, R, Brown. I
(Temp, Capt.) A. Graentjeld, and lo retain his temp
' f!e. Humphrey. I H. A, Ollctt, .Sdjt.
, Harold Smith. I
and to retain his temp.
T. Bending.

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