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Promotions, Appointments, Ac.
EBGULAE F0KCE8—COMMAITDS AHD Staff—Hbadquabtbbs op Admikistbatitb Sbbticbb and
Ma], J. Craik, ret. pay, Ind. Army, from a Dep.
Asst. Dir. of Rail. Trans., and to be temp. Lt.-Col.
whilst so empld.
From Asst. Dirs. of Kail. Trans.—Maj. (tomp. Lt.-
Col.) H. C. T. Himyard, D.S.O.. Rea. of Off., and
to retain his temp, rank whilst so empld.
Temp. Lt.-Col. J. A. 8. Gray, D.H.O.
Capt. (temp. Lt.-Col,) G. A. P. Maxwell, M.V.O..
.V.C., R.E., and to retain his temp, rank whilst so
(':iDt. L. Fraustaclt, R.E., from a Dep. Asst. Ulr. of
Kail. Trans., and to be temp. Lt.-Col. whilst so
Dep. Asst. Dlrs. of Transportation.
(Graded for purposes of pay as D.A.Q.M.G's.)
(Gaz.29Jan.) Dated 1 Dee. 16.
Temp. Cant. G. G. Armstrong', ilf.C, from a Dep
Asst. Dir. of Rail. Trans.
Temp. Capt. M. W. Brown, from a Dep. Asst. Uir.
of Rail. Trans.
Temp. Capt. C. L. Macdona, from a Bail. Trans.
Temp. 2nd Lt. E. Pam, E.E., and to be temp. Capt.
whilst so empld.
Temp. Capts.. from Rail. Trans. Officers:—
W. P. Thomson, | K. M. Hamilton.
O. V. S. Bulleld, T. S. Kennedy.
L. K. Christie, I K. Sco. Fus., T.F.
2nd Lt. F.E.Robertson, Ind. ArmyEes. of Off., aud
to he temp. Capt. wnllst so emphl. (Gaz.
29 Jan.) 140ec.lG
Temp. Capt. C. Pounsford, A.S.C. ((Jaz.
29 Jan.) .. .. ,. .. .. ]8Dee.l6
Tomp. Cant. T. G. Curnow, from a Rail. Trans.
Offr. (Gas.29 Jan.) .. .. ..22Dec.l(i
Asst. Dir. of Roads.
(Graded for purposes of pay as an A.Q.M.G.)
Temp. Capt. W. S. Richmond, R.P^., and to be temp.
Lt.-Col. whilst so empld. (Gaz.29Jan.) ISXov.lo
Dep. Asst. Dlrs. of Roads.
(Graded for purposes of pay as D.A.Q.M.G's.).
Capt. W. G. Mackendrlok, Can. Eng.
(Gaz.29Jan.) .. .. .. .. ISNov.lO
(Gas. 29 Jan.) Dateil 7 Dec 10.
romp. Maj. W. J. Steele, K.E.
Temp. Maj. E. B. Martin, R.E.
Temp. Maj. A. E. Presoott, K.E. (Gaz.
29 Jan.) .. .. .. .. .. II Dec.16
Dlr. of Rallwa.vs.
(Graded for purposes of pay as a Brig.(jen. s
lit.-Col. (tamp. Col.) W. D.Waghorn, C.JIf,«..R.E.,
and to be temp. Brig.-Gen. wliUst so empld., vice
Col. J. II. Twlss, C.B. (Gaz. 29 Jan.) 22Nov,16
Asst. Dlr. of Railway Trans.
(Graded for of pay as an A.Q.M.(!.j
Temp. Maj. F. Froom, from a Dep. Asst. Dir. of
Rail. Trans., and to be temp. Lt.-Col. whilst so
empld. (Gaz. 29 Jan.), .. .. .. 23Nov.l6
Dep. Dlr. of Railway Construction.
(Graded for purposes of pay as an Asst. Dir. of
Supplies and Trans.)
Temp. Lt.Col. D. Lyell, K.E., and to be temp. Col.
whilst so empld.. vice Lt.-Col. (temp. Brig-Gen.)
W. D. W.aghorn, C..W.»., R.E. (Gaz.
29 Jan.) 22X0V.16
Dir. of Light Eailwajs.
(Graded for purposes of pay as u Brig,-Gen.)
Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) (now Mai.-Gen.) 1'. G.
TwininK,, J/.F.O., and to retain his temp.
ranli. (Gaz. 29 Jan.)] .. ,. .. 20Oct.l6
Dep. Dirs. of Ligiit Railways.
(Graded for purposes of pay as Asst. Dirs. of
Supplies aud Trans.j
Col. J. W. Stewart, Can. Gen. List. (Gaz
,.29 Jan.) .. ., ioNoY.16
Mai. (temp. Lt-Col.) S. D'A. Crookshank, C.I.E.,
jri..S.O., .l/.r.O.,R.E., and to be temp. Cul. whilst
so empld. (Gaz. 29 Jan.) .. .. ., 27Nov.l8
Asst. Dirs. of Lijjht Railways.
(Graded for purposes of pay as A.Q.M.G's.)
Maj. A. G. T. Le Fevre, Can. Eugrs., and to bo
temp. Lt.-Col. whilst so empld. (Gaz.
29 Jan.) 20Oct.l6
lomp. Capt. M. H. Logan, RE. and to bo temp.
Lt.-Col, whilst so empld. (Gaz. 29 Jan.)
Temp. Capt. C. W. Myddleton, E.B., and to be
temp. Lt.-Col. whilst so empid. (Gaz.
29 .Tan.) .. .. .. .. 14Xov.l6
Lt.-Col. A. E. Hodglns, Can. Gon. List.
(Gaz. 29 Jan.) .. .. .. 24Nov.l6
Ma]. H. L. Bodwell, DS.O., 2 Can. Pnr, Bn., and to
be temp. Lt.-Col. whilst so empld. (Gaz.
29 Jan. J lDec.16
Dep. Asst. Dir. of Light Railways. ;
(Graded for purposes of pay as a D.A.Q.XI.G.) <
lemp. Capt. H. M. Stotart, North'd Yoo., T.F.
(Gaz. 29 Jan.). .. .. .. .. 20Oct.l6
Rail. Trans. Officer.
(Graded for purposes of pay as a StaU Lt. 2nd Cl.)
Capt. E. Pope, E. ,Suss. R., T.F. (Gaz.
29 Jan.) .. .. .. .. ., TNov.lS
Dop. Asst. Dir. of Inland Water Trans.
(Graded for purposes of pay as a D.A.(J.M.G.)
Temp, Capt. L. S. Daniels, R.E. (Gaz.
29 Jan.) 12Dec 16
Dir. of Docks.
(Graded for purposes of pay as a Brig -Gen. >.
Temp. Col. E. L. Wedgwood, and to be temp. Brig.-
Gen, whilst so empld, (Gaz. 29 Jan.) .. 20Oct,l«
-Vsst. Dirs, of Docks,
(Graded for purposes of pav as A.(.i.M.G.*3 and
to be temp, Lt.-Cols. whilst so empld.).
Temp. Ma). W. X. Blcket, A.8.C., and to be trans¬
ferred to tlie Gen. List. (Ghz. 29 Jan.) .. 2rNov.l6
Capt. J. D. G. Walker. D.S.O., Eea, of Off,, from a
D.A.Q.M.G. (Gaz. 29 Jan.) .. .,15Dec.T6 ,
Temp. C pt. F. P, Bralthwaite, M.C, from a
D,A.Q.M.G. (Gaz. 29 Jan.) .. ..19Dec.I6
(Graded for purposes of pay as D..\,Q.M,G.'s)
(Gaz. 29 Jan.) Dated 12 Dec, 16,
Temp. Ma]. G. H. B. Vessey A.S.C, and to l>c
transferred to Gen. List,
Temp. Capt, H, H, Betts, R.B., from a D.A.Q M.G
Dep. Asst. Dirs. of Doclo.
(Gradedfor purposes of pay as a D.A.Q.M.(;;.j
Tomp, Capt. J. Blades, from a Dep. Asst. Dir. of
Rail. Trans. (Gaz. 29 Jan.) .. .. )80ct.l6
(Graded for purposes of pay as HtafI Capts).
'I'emp. Capt. J. B. Kitchlng, Xorih'd Fus., and to be
transferred to (jou. L\st. (Gaz. 29 Jan.).. 27Nov.l6
Temp. Capt. -M. C. James,, Tjne Electrical K.E,,
T.F. (Gaz. 29 Jan, p .. .. .. tDac.lO
Asst. Sapts. of Docks.
(Graded for purposes of pay as Staff Capts.)
(From Asst. Mil. Landing Offrs.)
2nd Lt. (temp. Capt.) T. Williams, Welsh R., Spec.
Ees., and to retain his temp, rank whilst so
ompld. (Gaz. 29 ,Tan.) " .. ..
Temp. Capt. P, K.W.Saint. (Gaz. 29 Jan.) 12Dpo.l6
(Gaz. 29 Jan,) Dated 16 Dec, 16,
Capt, E. T, Aspinall. Ees, of Off,
Temp, Capt, L, B, Dnnford,

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