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Ivdex — Active List.
Difrby, Thomas 49, 207 [Donne, Henry R. Beadoa 47
— W'm. R. WiDgaeld ...357" "" ' "^ '~' '"'
— William Trench 211
Diggms, Wm. James ... 388
Dig^gon, Robt. William 402
Diggory, C has. John ... 117
Dill, Richard 3'5
Dillon, Charles Henry... 357
— Constantine T. Fras. 276
— Eric Fitzgerald 366
— George Fred. H. ...76, 421
— Henry Mounti''ord ... 302
— -Sir Martin 247
Dimmock, Henry Peers 527
Dingle, Wm. Jolin 175*
Dingli, Edwd. Caruana 192
Dingwall. Kenneth 339
Dinnen, Campbell H
Donnelly, James J. G.... 367
— Lawrence 2.16
— Robert 175''
Oonnet, Jas. J. Conway 381
Oonohue,Wm. Edw. i86, 370
Donovan, Charles 526
— Charles Creaghe 181
— Doni/.in 506
— Kdw. Westby 249
— Stephen .lohu 360
- William 377
Dooley, William 29^
Dooner, JohnGraham... 174
— Wm. Toke 17
— Wm. Dundas 34'i
Doran, B. J. C 54, 254
Walter Robert B. 31.254
Diunls, Bertram R 386jDorehill, Philip U. 11.82,1770
Dinwiddle, David 503 Dorszan, James 387
Disney, James W. K. ... 184 Dorling, Fras. Holland 327
— Robert 505I — James Bruce 399
Ditmas, Alf. Robertson d25J— Lionel 373
— Fred. Robertson ...40, 407' Dorman, John C 378
— Harold Edw.Churton 1751— Leslie Claud 276
— Leonard Philip 372! Dormer, \V. O. Upton
Diver, Thomas 234! Cottrell 140
Dixon, Alfred Chas. H. 361 Dorrien, H. L. Smith 31, 305
— Charles Joseph 234 Dorward, A. R. F....31, 205
— Charles Stewart 345JDoucet,LouisC. A. de B. ^14
— Clive Macdonnell 157 Dougal, Geo. B. Boney 245
— Edward Travers i73!DougaU, John Mitchell 343
— George 367!— Walter 140
— George Frederick ... 171,' Dougherty, John Louis 443
— HenryGrey 30! Doughty, Charles H. M. 263
— Herbert i47| — Ernest Christie 243
— Hubert Bradshaw ... 306 Douglas, Alex. Fred. ...233
— Peter Eden 79, 209 — Arch. Philip 180
— Thomas Arthur 380 — Charles VV. H 30
— William 3981— George Ale."C. Akers... 351
Dobbie, Charles Francis 425! — George Prescott 52
— Herbert Hugh 76, 415J— George Stuart 263
— WilliamUeo.Shedden 215 — Henry Edw. Manning 386
— William Hugh 80, 417!- Herbert Archibald ... 325
Dobbin, Edward John... 385;— James Archibald 422
— Herbert Thomas 282!— James Stewart ,..70, 177
— Leonard Geo. Win.... 308 j- Montagu Wm 448
— Robert Alexander ... 374 — Robert Vau^han 185
— Wm. Jas. KnowleS73, 414 —Sholto William 172
Dobbs, Alex. Hugh. ..75, 415:— Staflford Edmund 350
— Charles Fairlie 438|— Stewart Ranken 529
— Conway Richard 211! — Walter Binny 434
— George Cadell S3, 408I— William 53.225
— Richard Co away 347 — William Sholto 214
Dobbyn, Geo. Hy. W.... 184 Douglass, Percy C 387
Dobell, Charles Macp 79, 263 DouU, John Doull 31-,
Dobie, James Jardine ... i44JDouro, jlfuz-juis 220
— William Hugh Ed. 50, 176I Dove, Frank 384
Dobree, De Sausmarez 3981— Percy Matthew 305
Drage, Gilbert 40D|Dagmore, W. P. B. Rad-
— Godfrey 434 clvffe 329
— Thomas William 371 1— Wilfred L.E.Radcliffe 262
— William Henry 367 jDuhan, Francis Taylor 441
Drake, A.W. H.Hornsby i3o[— Wm. W.Taylor ...77,i77«
— Bernard Francis Si, 1601 Duke, Alex. Leonard ... 518
— Francis Richard 86, 178I— Alex. W 377
Henry Dowrish ...72,3981 — Augustus C. Hale ... 185
Henry .Manning 172 — Joshua 515
Reginald John 329 Duniai-esq, Algernon H. 212
— Robert Edward 24in| — Herbert William 358
— William Hacche 173 du Maurier, Guy Li. B. 86,235
Dredge, James Allen ... 520 Diimbell, Henry Eric ... 236
Dresser, Heni'y Joseph 234<(;Dumble, Wilfred C 213
Drever, James Willia'n 427 j Oumbletoii, Horatio N. 70,208
— Thomas Ian 43>,du Moulin, Ltuis E... .63, 2BS
Drew,Arth.Blanshard H. 425JDunbar, Carlyle MaoG. 161
Bertie Clephane H... 445; — Sir George D. S., Bt. 342
— Rev. F. B.ckerst;xffe 390
— George Barry 247
— Horace Robt. Hawley 308
— Tom Maxwell 252
Di-eyer, Geo. VilUers ... 185
— JohnTuthill 183.
Drought, Geo. Thos. A. 184
— Thos. A. Wilders 185
Druce, Cyril 313
— Vere Powys 25;u
Druitt, Edward 71, 208
— Percy Stanle.y 46, 353
Drummond,Art. Berkeley 436
— Eric Grey 443
Praucii H.R 54, 4'i
Kenneth Mackenzit8o,352
Liurence George ..72, 223
Jos. Cameroa 175
— Lewis -Maxsvell 139
— Vv'dliam Maihow i3,->
Duncan, .\lex. W.
Anstruther, 28, if<5
— Francis John 225
^ Frank 420
— George 117
— George 517
— George Alfred .. 258
— Henry Clare 332
— Horace Adrian, 351
— John 259
— Malcolm Beiibrd 337
— Richard William 225
- Sidnev Edward 381
Wilfrid Bain ...iSsa
— Hon. Maurice C. A. ... 300 — William
Drury, B.yron Henry ... 360 Dundas, Fred. Charles.. 350
— Francis James 517 — Henry Lawrence ...... i6
— PranoisMacdonald5i, 410! — Patrick Henry 439
— James O'Brien 37i|^ Richard Chas 225
— Robert 3781— Walter Leslie 442
— William Price 78, 3991 Dundee, \V. J. Daniel! 81, 209
Drj'burgh, Neil M 226[Duadon, Michael 380
Dr.ysdale, Alex. Icely ... i85|Duudonald, £<irZ p/" 16
Dobson,And. Fras 524
— Arthur Curtis 215
— Edwin Francis H. ...516
— George Magill 381
— Montague Charles ... 174
— Robert Nelson 231
Docker, Geo. A. Murray 238
Dod, Anth. H.Wolley79, 177a
— Owen C. WoUey 257
Dodd, Anthony 380
— George 440
— John Richard 379!Dowman, Willmgcon S. 3S2
Dodgson, Colquhoun S. ^64! Down, Cecil Patton 433
— Harcourt Leicester ... 4191 — HalkettWaltonMoney 32
Doveton, Albert M 433
— Hector James 266
— .Tobn Hodsou 440
Dowdall, Laurence R.... 37
Dowding, Hy. Harris H,
— Hugh Caswall
— Townley Ward: 23,
— Beo. Wm. Berkeley..,
Dowell, Arth. JohnWm
— George Cecil 82
— Geoi'ge William 307
Duulop, A. H. Buchanan 310
— Archibald Samuel 84, 169
— Arthur Wallace 427
— Chas. A. Montague.., 241
— Colin N.Buch 174
— Frank Passy 276
— Fred. C. Strickland... 32a
— Henry Cleland 52,
— Henry D. Buchanan.. 31
.^„, „...^„ --,,-, — — Henry Hinton 42
— John PhiliD 83, 169 — Jamas William 52,
Ducat, Charles M 419 — Julian Silver S 292
— Claude Tulloch .. 430 — William Bruce 444
- Hugh Charles Claude 427 Dunman, Thos. Nugent 2/5
— Richard 439 Dunn, Ernest George ... 345
Duck, Francis... 395 — Henry Nason 384
Robert 22
— William 225
Duberly, Pa;/ m. George... 372
— 2ml Lieut. G&n'g& ... 402
— Grey William 220
Du Boulay, Arthur H.... 215
— Noel W. H 75, 177a
— Thos.W.Houssemayne 286
.Ou Buissoii, Henry... ,79 241
DuCaue, Hubert John,7i
Duckett, JohnSteuart ... 150
— William Morton 372
Duckworth, Herbt. Wm. 330
— Ralpii 293
Ducrot, Louis Hay... 81, 169
Dudgeon. Fred. Annesley 296
— Patrick Wellwood ... 208
Ralph de Seton 439
Dudley, Ambrose N.
— Heathfield Butler 178
Dodington, W. Marriott 301
Dods, Wm. Sandars 239
Dolsworth.Geo.Percival 160
Doherty, Thomas 367
Doig, Claude P 336
— John Alexander 267
Dolby, Se,ymourS. C. ... 37S
Dolphin, Harry Cecil ... 290
Domeniohetti, Fi-as. H... 427
Don, Frederick Alex. .^. 309'
Downe, Visct — 17
Downer, Cyril P 309
Downes, Chas. V. S 277
— E. M. Panter 254
— Fred. Arthur Clayton 347
-Leonards 172
— William Knox 70, 412
Downing, C. M. II. ...28, 165
— Geotfrey 354
— Henry John 254
— John George 63, 41
Donajowski, Reg. E. K. 231 — William Craagh 185a
Donald, Colm Geo... 48, 235 Dowse, Richd. Thos. Edw. 3
Donaldson, F. Leverton ! Doyle, A. Havelock J. 72, 317
85, 178,— Bernard 516
— John 382J — Francis Joseph 5
— John Wm. Edward ... 172
— Norman 175a
— Robt. D 373
Done, Herbert Richard 239
— Reginald John 213
Donegan, Jas. Fras
— Ignatius Purcell 525
— John Fras. luues H. 173
— .loseph Ignatius P..
D'Oyly, Henry R.Neville 401
— John 44
Doyne,Wm.Markham78, 162
Doukia, Fred. L 17511 DralTen, Fred. Geo. W. 270
Dounan, William 432JDrage, Francis B. ...134, 395
Donne, B. D. A 48, 288 — George Th)ma3 345
— Robert Charles 25S
— Robei-t Sy. Williim .. 263
Dunne, Arth. Mountjoy 33°
— Frederick , 258
— Gerald Fitzgerald ... 141
— John Hart 4,325.
— Terence Francis K.... 185
— Terence John Bjckett 227
— Walter .i 20,363
William ..35.363.
George de S i83lDanolly. Kenneth J. u. 429
Duer, Charles siBjDunsany, B.J.M.D.ioc.'Z 222
Duff, Adrian Grant 299)Duasco:nbe, N. Blake... 456
— Alex. Gordon 54, 299]Dunsford, Evelyn Hy.... 442
— Beauchamp 31, 4111 — Francis P. S 431
— Beauchamp Oswald .. 404|Dunsterville,ArthurB.78, 279
— Charles blivvarJ ...50, 149 — Edward Leslie 210
— Garden Beauchamp 343— Herbert Edgcumbe... 185
GeorgeGraharaKayll 180 — Knightley S.' 34, 176
^ George -Mowat 210 — Lionel Charles 424
— James Charles 358 Duperier, Henry Wm.33, 206
— Lachlan Gordon 340IDU Port, Osmond C 174
Robert George Vivian 133] Du Pre, Fras. James ... 144
— Arthur Cameron 387
Duffield, James 352
— Sidney 388
Duffiu, Fielder 402
— Walter Henry 72, 231
Duffus, Edward Johu86, 170
— ^ Fras. Ferguson 365
— Graime Sym.; 82, 169
Dugan, Francis Rogers 352
— Wmston Joseph 241^
Dugdale, Fred. Brooks 146
— James Gordon 159
— William 379
Duggan, Chas. Wm., 383
— M trtin Joseph
Durand, Alg. G. A. ,..26, 410
— Henry Marion 150
Durant, Robert J. A. ... 381
Durell, Arthur J. V. 239, 373,
Durham, Eeo. Robert H. 531
Durmau, Frederick 143
Durnford, Guy E. J 214
Durrant, George 395
— Hector Montgomery 395
Dustan, John W 401
Duthie, Arthur M 175
Duthy,/Vrch. Edward 28, 165
Duttoa, Jas. Huutly 269
Duus, O.scar Fred 293
DrvxljGejrgj 17511

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