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General Officers Retired on Full or Retired Pay or on a Pension. — War Services. 645
'™ Major General J. R. Hume served with the 55th Regiment the Eastern campaign of 1854, and from the 24th
Jan. to the 22nd Sept. 1855, including the battles of Alma and Inkerman, siege and fall of Seoastopol, repulse of
the sortie of 26th October, assaults of the Redan on the 18th June, and 8th Sept. — severely wouuded, and mentioned
in despatches (.Medal with three Clasps, Knight of the Logiou of Honor, and Turkish Medal). Served also on the
Bhootan E.-iiiedition, including recapture of Dewangiri in 1865 (.Medal with Clasp).
■"^ Major General A. S. Hunter served in the Crimean campaign from May 1855, including the siege and fall of
Sebascopol (.\Iedal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Also served in the field during the New Zealand war in 1867
•"* Major General A. R. E. Hutchinson served throughout the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the pas-
sage of the ChPnab and buttle of Goojerat (Medal with Clasp). Served as Assistant Political Olhcer with the Ner-
budda Field Force in the operations against Dhar in 1857. Uommauded a force of two guns, a troop of Cavalry, and
two Compauies of Infantry in operations against the reljel Rajah of Amghera ; destroyed the hill fort of Lall Ghur
and capiured the Rajah. Served as Political Officer with the force under General Michel in August 1858, and was
present at the action near Rajhghur (Modal, Brevet of .vi?jor, several times mentioned in despatches).
*2" Major General C. Irvine served the Gwalior campaign and was present at the battle of Punniar on 29th
Dec. J1843 (Bronze Star). Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the first and second siege operations before and
surrender of Mooltan (Medal with Clasp). Served with Colonel Carmichael's Brigade in Oude in 1858-59. Also
with the Kxpeditionary Force in China in i860 (Medal).
*2' Maior General J. Jago-Trelawny commanded the 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the Egyptian war
of 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
»^^ Major General E. R. James served at the sice of Sebastoool from Feb. 1855 until taken prisoner of war on
2nd July (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie, aad Turkish Medal). Was attached to the Turco- Russian
Boundary Commissions in Bessarabia and Asia in 1856-57.
**•* Major General S. P. Jarvis served with the 82nd Regt. throughout the Indian campaigns of 1857-59 i ^^s in
temporary command of three Companies during the relief of Lucknow by Lord Clvde ; present at the defeat of the
Gwalior Contingent at Cawnpore on 6th Dec, action of Khodagunge and occupation of Futtehghur, capture of
Bareilly, relief of Shahjehanpore Jail, and action of Khansur (Brevet of Major, Medal with Clisp). Comrjanded
a battalion of Canadian Riflemen in the Red River Expedition of 1870 (CMG. and Medal). Was on special service
in South Africa from February 1878 to May 1880, and was appointed Commandant General of Colonial Forces in
May 1878 (Medal with Clasp).
*" Major General A. Jenkins served as a volunteer with the 35th Madras Native Infantry during the Burmese
war in 1852-53, and was present at the capture of Prome 9th and loth October 1852 ; at Nowany from ist November
to 20th December 1852 ; accompanied the force to Meeaday, and was engaged in the attack on stockades there,
and other minor affairs (Medal with Clasp foi Pegu). Accompanied the small force in aid of the Civil Posver
from Quilon to Cochin in January 1857.
*^' Major General C. Vernon Jenkins served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1857 (Medal). Also served in the
China war in 1858-59 (Medal).
«8 Sir Francis H. Jenkins served with the 4th Sikh Infantry at the siege and assault of Delhi -severel.y
wounded (Medal with Clasp). Commanded the 4th Punjab Infantry in the expedition against the Cabool Kheyl
Wuzeerces in 1839 ; present at the action of Maidani. Commanded a wing of the 4th Sikh Infantry in the expedition
against the Mahsood Wuzeerees in i860; and present at the action of Palasin, and at the forcing of Barrara Pass.
Commanded the Corps of Guides in the Urabeyla Expedition m i86j ; present at the retaking ot the Crag Piquet,
and the action at the Conical Hill (Medal with two Clasps). Commanded the troops engaged at the attack of the
villages in the Utnian Kheyl Hills on the 21st March 1878. Commanded the Corps of Guides iu the Afghan war of
1878-80, and was present at the capture of Ali Musjid and at the engagements around Cabal in December 1879, and
at'Charasiah (CB., Aide de Camp to the Queen, Medal with two Clasps).
■"" Major General H. E. Jerome served with the 19th Regiment m the Indian campaign of 1857-59, including
operations against the rebel tribes in Goojerat, storm andcaptureofChundairee— led the storming party, siege and
(.aptureof Jhansi, where, under a murderous fire, he assisted in securing Ensign Secoal, who was severely wounded
(mentioned in despatches) ; also present at the action of Koonch and at the various engagements before Calpee —
severely and dangerously wounded (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Victoria Cross, and Medal with
Clasp) : received the JjiH " for conspicuous gallantry at Jhansi, on the 3rd April 1858, in having, with the assistance
of Private Byrne, removed, under a very heavy fire. Lieutenant Sewell, of the 86th Regiment, who was severely
wounded, at a very exposed point of the attack upon ihe fort ; also, for gallant conduct at the capture of the Fort
of Chandairee, the storming of Jhansi, and in action with a superior rebel force on the Jumua, on the 28th May
■ S58, when he was severely wounded." Served in the Hazara campaign of 1868, including the expedition against
the tribes on the Black Mountain (Medal with Clasp).
"* Major General H. L. Jones served in suppression of the Indian Mutiny in 1857-58, including the battle of
Agra (Medal).
"= Major General R. O. Jones landed on the Gold Coast on the 23rd December 1873 in command of the 28th Com-
pany Royal Engineers, and served until the close of the Ashanti war (Medal).
»^'' Major General R. R. Jones served in the Crimean campaign from Dtc. 1854, including the siege and fall of
SebastoDol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
"^ Major General F. Karslake was present with the 83rd Regiment at the siege of Kotah and its capture by assault,
affair at banganeer, and defeat of the Gwalior rebels at Kotaria (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war of
1881 with the Natal Field Force.
"'J Major General G. F. Kaye served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 185 7-5 j, and was present at the attack of
the rebels on our guns at JuUundur, and subsequently served with Showers Column in Rajjiootana and Central
India in pursuit of Tantia Topee, Feroze Shah, and other rebels, including the operations in the Seronge Jungles
and the aft'air at Patun (Medal).
**" Major General E. Keate served in the Crimean campaign from March to August 1855, and was present at the
siege of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
**- Major General J. VV. A. Kennedy served under Admiral SirT. Cochrane in the operations against the Pirates in
Borneo during August 1845 ; was actively engaged on shore in the attack on Bruue, the destruction of a stockade, and
the capture of a batteiy of guns together with large quantities of ammunition ; served subsequently in the foremost line
of boats at the attack on the Pirate stronghold of Malloodoo, and on the boom being broken, was landed with the
iylarine force which drove the pirates from their entrencuments and pursued them up the country. In 1846 he
served with the force under Colonel Despard in the operations in New Zealand, and was actively engaged m the
advance on, siege and capture of, the Huapekapeka stockade, an event which endeil that war (MeJal).
*» Major General W. H. Kerr served in the Indian campaign and coinmamled the Lsft Wing 13th Light Infantry
in a general action at Aiiiorah on 17th April 1858, also on 25ta Ajiril he comni inded 150 men in an action before the
same place ; on 29th April commanded the Left Wing 13th Light Infantry at tue attack and capture of the Fort of
Nuggur (mentioned iu despatches) ; and on gth June at the attack of the rebels' position at Amorah ; and was at
Hurriah when attacked by the rebels on 29ih August (Brevet of Ma,or, and Medal).
**' Major General A. A. A. Kinloch served in the Afghan war of 1S78-80 as Deputy Assistant Quarter Master
General, and was present at the attack and capture of Ah Musjid, with the e.-cpeditions into the Bazar Valley under
Lieut. General Maude (mentionedin despatches), and in tue advance to Caoul under Brigadier General Charles Gough
(mentioned in despatcues. Brevets of Major and Lt. Colonel, Medal with two Clasps). Served with the Chitral
Relief Force under Sir Hobert Low in 1895 in command of the isd Brigade (received the tUauks of the Govern-
ment of India, Medal with Ulasp).
■"* Major General W. H. Knight landed with the 48th Regiment in the Crimea on the 21st April 1855, and served
at the siege and fall of Sebastopol ( with Clasp, Turkish Medai, and 5th Class of the Medjidie).
*" Major General C. P. G. Lamb was wounded (charger also wounded) at the defeat of the mutineers at
Mooltan on the 31st Aug. 1857 (Medal).
»>" Major General W. Lambert served with the 88th Regiment in the Crimea from the 22nd January to 26th March,
and from June to the 17th September 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol, the attacn of the Quarries,
and attacks of the Redan on the iSth June and 8th September— severely wounded (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish

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