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Palkner, Percy Hope ... 385
Falle, Philip V. Le G. ... 367
Fallon, James 381
Fane, Cecil 153
— Julian 273
— Fane 222
— Vere Bonamy 54, 422
Fanshawe, Charles 206
— Edw. Arthur 39/, 167
— George Dalrymple 17, 164
— Gerard Lewis 91, 209
— Hew Dalrymple. ..39a, 136
— Lionel Arthur 184
— Reg. Winnington 373
— Richard Dalrymple... 223
— Robert 54, 301
Farbrother, Chas. Hill 13a
— Francis H 404
Farfan, Arthur J, T. ... 185
Fargus, Harold 28:
— NigelH. Skinner 22
Fans, John George ... 446
Farley, James J. B 32
Farmar, G. Jasper 966, 25
— Harold Mynors ...257, 365
— William Cecil R 179
— Wm. L 80, 177a
Farmer, Cyril 185
— Edw. Thos. Nicholls 402
— George
— James Cotton 404
— John 395"
— Langford Llanwarne 254
Farquhar, Francis D. ... 221
— Fras. Robert 4461
— James 173
— William Alexander... 260
Farquharson, D. L.W.89, 299
— Harry D 40c
Farraday, William 3670
Farran, George Fras. ...175
— George L 4460
Farrant, Harl Fitz L. 47, 410
Farrell, Gilbert V 404
Farren, Sir Rich. T 307
Farrer, Frederic L. ... 175a
Farrington, Geo. Olans 23o
Faskally, John D 224
Fasken, Chas. G. M. 38, 409
— J. B 320c
— Wm. Henry 85. 420
Fasson, Disney J. M. 79, 169
Faulknor, A. A. M. M. 86,421
Faunce,AluredDeLaune 438
— Bonham 89, 360
— Charles Edmund 379
— Robert de Lauce ...96, 427
Fausset,HerbertCliff 0^1329.
Faussett,E.G.Godfrey82, 210
— Owen G. Godfrey 3'
— PercivalG. Godfrej-88,160
Faviell, W. F. Oliver... 276
Fawcett, Edw. Bertram446*
— E. H 285
— Hugh H.J
— Percy Harrison ...96, 179
— Ralph F. Morris 386
— William James 377
Fawcus, Harold Ben 374
— Hugh 174
Fayrer, Fred.DurandS.565i
— James O. S 83, 418
— Joseph 381
Fearnside, Clarence F... 562
Fearon, Paul John 223
— Jas. Ahmuty 390
Feiitherstone, Hy. Ed... 230
Featherstonhaugh, Ash-
ley Elliott Herbert 155
Feetham, Edward ...89, 310
Fegen, Magrath F. 546, 176
Feherty, W 367a
Feilden, Randle Monta-
gue 301
— R. R 307
— Wemyss Gawne C. ... 373
Feilding, Geoff. P. T. 94, 221
Fell, ErnestA. Hunter.. .4461?
— Matthew Henry G. ... 385
— Robert Black 390, 269
Fellowes, Son. C. C 132
— HalfordLeM 439
Fellows, Bertram Chas. 442
— Charles Grincill 186
— Christopher Stewart 435
Felstead, Robert 244
Felton, A 39c
Index — Active List.
Fendall, C. Pears ...544, i77|Finch, Hamilton W.
— Percy P. Wentworth 287 Edw 960,319
Feneran, Ernest Chas. 228 — Herbert Marshall 89, 310
— Frank E 238, 369 — William Walter .... 260
— Arthur Alston 236a Pindlater, Wm. Alex. V. 347
Fenn.EdwinHaroldM'B 436 Findlay,Chas.Banatynei754
— Ernest Harold 378' - Chas. Wm. M'Diar'mid 339
Fennell, Alf. E. Slater. ..44601— Harold 90, 229
Penner, Claude C. ...96c, 430 — Beo. James L.O. B... 396
Penning, Alg. E. H 258 — Neil Douglas 39a, 167
— Wm. Maxwell 439 — Richard John 370
Penton, Alexander 5656 Finke, Richd. F... 288
— Alex. Bulstrode... 36, 4o9Finlaison, John Bruce 400
— George Cecil Verner 2i5lFinlay, Alex. Russell ... 90
— J. N 304 — David 141
— Lionel Scholfield 446ej— Frank Dalzell 243
— Robert C 395 , — Robert Francis 445
Fenwick, Hy. Thos. 39a, 134'Pinlayson, Robt. Gordon 175
— Nicholas Alick Fred- I— Walter Taylor 568
erick 367 Finley, Alexander 387
Feozi, Lionel D. G 351 Finn, Beo. Arthur Henry57o'/
Ferguson, A. F. H. ...St, 133]— Harry 37
— Bert. Frederick 36K1J— Thomas 270
— Charles Alexander ... 137 Finnie, Andrew McL. ...446;
— F.Augustas 215 Finnin, Strieker Wm.... 404
— F. 0. 255JFinnis, Benjamin H. ...446(1
— James 389 — Frank Alexander 184
— James William ...960, i6i ! — Henry 36, 205
— John David 382 — Herbert Cobb 404
— Kenneth B „ 184— John Fortescue 434
— Nicholas Charles 38o|Firminger, Beo. W. C... 568
— Spencer Charles 95 1 Firth, Denys 285
— Victor 265' — Edw. Wm. Ansong6a, 428
Fergusson, Alex. John 302 — Henry Vivian 436
— Argyll 32CXI — Richard Anson 432
— ArthurChas 180 — 379
— Charles 28, 219 Fishbourne, Chas E. 84,232
— Herbert Chaworth 96, 334'Fischer, Lewis Gordon 553
— Sir James i^iJFishbourne.CharlesE. 82,216
— Vivian Moffat i^s'Fishe, A. F. Babington 183
— William J. Smyth 79, 135 —N. H 1856
Fernyhough, Hugh C. .. 3i5jFisher, Arthur Josh. 276, 369
Fen-all, Henry Jas 349! — Bertie Drew 158
Ferrar, Michael L....8:, 256J— Charles Alex 181, 368
— Walter Hughes 2971 — Chas. Sidney Dalton '319
Ferrers, E. Bromfield ... 269 — Charles Taylor 398
Ferrier, George Henry .. . 376 — Frank 314
— Jas. Arch 36, 205 — EdmundNelson 328
Ferris, Wm. A. Tat3 ...44601 — Fra. Torriano 79, :77ft
— William Butler ... 40, 407 — Frederic George 28c
Ferryman, A. H 341 — Frederick 431
Fessenden, John H 366 — Harold 328
Festing, Fras.Leycester 233: — Harry Bruges 325
— Harold England 2S7 — Harry C. Jeddere 754
— Hubert Wogan 333 — Hy.Fras. T 273,364
— John Edw. Grindall... 2151 — Herbert George 175
Fetherstone, Reg. Ben. 2421; — Jas. Thackeray 215
Fetherstonhaugh,A.St.L.259J— Major John 85,420,
Edwyn 82, 3561 — Surg. Capt. John 555
— Timothy 336
— William Albany 441
Pfrench, Ernest George 387
— Thomas 89, 422
— John Francis 179
—Julian Lawrence 236
— Mortimer 248
- Otto Sarony 395
Fiddes, John M 304'Fitton, Guy William327, 373
Field, Aubrey Liebert. 234a — Hugh Gregory ...53,313
— A. S 318 Fitze.G. G 175c
— Charles Douglas 434 FitzClarence, Aug. A. C. 236
— Charles Wm 87, 421I— Charles 82, 224
-Clifford 402 FitzGerald, Alfred Edw. 361
— Cyril 54a, 399! — Arthur 320
— Cyril P. C. Faure 446— Arthur Henry B. 224
— Donald Moyle 4464 — Arthur Stanley 2346
— Frederick 367a— Calvert 302
— John Archibald 215'— Chas. Robert L 4465"
— Kenneth Douglas 183 — FitzGerald Gabbett... 386^
— Wm. F. Monmouth ... 216 — George Alfred 89, 169
Fielden, E. A 151'— Gerald James ... 96c, 134
— Henry Broome 234 1 — Herbert Swayne 37
— Ramsay Robert 96c, — James Stephens 254
Fielding, Geo. Rudolph 306' — Loftus de Vallentin...234u
— Henry Crossley 404! — Mordaunt John F. ... 173
— Thomas E .' 374!— Norman D'Arcy 184
Fiennes, J.T. Twisleton- I— Oswald Arth. Gerald 440
Wykeham 313 — Percy D 152
— Nathaniel Ivo E 175a — Peter Francis 317
Fife, Alex. John 322! — Thomas Otho 231a
— Aubone G 130J — Thomas Patrick 1856
— Robert Bainbridge ... 7 79 FitzGibbon, Francis ...175J
— Ronald D'Arcy ...g6d, 256 1 — John A 180
Filgate, Richard John... 240! — Edward Herbert 367
Filsell. Harold S 2344Fitzherbert, Hugo M. ... 149
Pincastle, A. E.Visct.g6b, i^'FitzHugh, Ternck O... 254
Finch, Benj. Joseph 238 Fitzjohn, Geoffrey N... ,276a
— Colin 88, 42JJ— Tudor 276
Fras. Cowper 274 Fitz Maurice, LordCG.F. 142I
— George Forbes C 181!— Robert 87, 169
Griffith Wynne 323FitzPatrick,Barthol. D. 439'
FitzPatrick, Ernest
Richard 307
— Richard Wm 175c
PitzRoy, Robert Hope [850:
Fitzwiiliams.E. C. 1^.297,365
— John Kenrick Lloyd 175c
Pixott, James Laing 31, 165
Plagg, Allston 446s
Flanagan, Ed*r. M. W. 280
— Evelyn Braascombe..446e
— J. Wm. Henry 378
— Richd.John Woulfe... 313
Fleetwood, Geirge Cecil 260
Fleming, Alex. Jfatbers565&
— Archibald Nicol 562
— Baldwin Henry F. ...320
— Chas. Christie 383
— Charles Elphinstone 386
— ■ Ernest Cole 1754
— Edward William ...38, 165
— Frederick 175c
— George 246
— Hy. Lawrence ...93*, 426
-H.M ,35
— Bev. Herbert Jas 396
-- John Gibson 214
— J. Kenneth S 566
— John Murchison....73, 447
— Beo. Patrick 396
— William Ernest 4460
Flemming, Gordon 285
Fletcher, Alan Francis 158
— B. L 223a
— Christie West 366
— Cornelius Westneat... 280
— Edward Keeling 401
— Henry Arthur 130
— Henry James 380
— Henry William 277
— Roland Sackville 233
— Walter Blunt 36,165
Fleury, Charles Alfred 147
— Charles Marlay...96a, 383
Flint, Alban L. A 404
— Edw. Montagu 165
— Robert Brock Flint... 307
— Samuel Kirk 236
Flitcroft, Ernest A 216
Flood, Arthur Solly 296
— Fred. Richd. Solly ... 296
— John Duncan M 446/
— Richd. Elles Solly ... 357
Flower, Horace J. 323
— Oswald Swift 263
Floyd, Henry 266
Flynn, Beo. Hugh H. ... 569
Foley, Frank Wigrarn... 310
— Michael 2 2
— Hon. Sir St. G. G 292
Foljambe, Hob. G.W. F.S.3ot
— HubertF. F. B 322
— _Hbtt.Joscel ; neC.W. 8.233a
Poll, Hattil Hy 184
Follett, Fancis Bere ...2346
— G. B. Spencer 222
— John Elliot George. ..186a
— Robert Spencer 358
— Spencer W 54, 150
Fooks, George Ernest... 564
— Henry 553
Foord, Albert Reginald 245
— Alexander Gunning 328
— Edward Russell. ..960, 430
— Wm. Percy S 161, 274
Poote, Alan Wortley B. 145
— F. O.Barrington ...17, 164
— Bev. Harold 571
— Henry Bruce 79,177a
Forbes, Major Arthur
956. 368
— Arthur 96s, 446/
— Arthur William 54a, 411
— Athol Murray H 359
j— Atholl Laurence O... 220
I — .HbH.BertramAloysius 345
— Son. Donald Alex. ... 175
— Edward Ernest 440
— Fergus Geo. A 259
— Geo. Fras. Rgnld.954, 255
— Ian Rose-InnesF 334
— James Frederick 964, 325
— John George 317
— John LachUn 185a
— Leonard 446S
— Lindsay Anstruther,
— Oswald Vernon 320

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