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I49 6
War Services. — Retired List.
affairs of Senho and Uleangho. Mentioned in Des-
patches. Brev. of Maj. Medal with a clasps. Served
in the S. African War, 1879. — During the Zulu cam-
paign. — As senior R.E. at Head-quarters, and after-
wards as A-Q-M-G. At the battle of Ulundi. Des-
patches, Lond. Gaz., 21 Aug. 79. Medal with clasp.
CB. Commanded the flying column July and Aug.
79; commanded the troops in the Transvaal during
the operations against Sekukuni, and the Boer agita-
tions of 1879-80- Mentioned in Despatches. Served
with the Egyptian Expedition, 1882. — Asst. Adjt.-Gen.
Served as Chief Officer on lines of communication
throughout the campaign. Took part in the action
of El Magfar and battle of Tel-el-Kebir. Despatches,
Lond. Gaz. 2 Nov. 82. Medal with clasp ; bronze
star; CMG ; 3rd class Osmanieh. Served in the
Soudan Expedition, 1885. — Nile. Served as Asst.
Adjt.-Gen. and as Col. on Staff. Lines of Communi-
cation. Clasp.
HARRISON. Brev. Col. R. A. G— Served
in the S. African War, 1899-1902.— C. R. A. Lines of
Commn., East. Afterwards in commd of Pietersburg
Dist., and sections of Lines of Commn. In commd.
of Bde Divn., May 00 to Nov. 01. Took part in the
advance on Kimberley. At the relief of Kimberley.
In the Orange Free State, Feb. to May 00, including
operations at Paardeberg (17 to 26 Feb.); actions at
Poplar Grove and Dreifontein. Operations in Natal.
May to Jun. 00, including action at Laings Nek (6
to 9 Jun.) In the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, July
to 29 Nov. 00, including actions at Belfast (26 and
27 Aug.) and Lydenberg (5 to 8 Sept.). Again in the
Transvaal, 30 Nov. 00 to 31 May 02. Despatches (Lord
Roberts, 31 Mar. 00, Sir R. H. Buller, 9 Nov. 00),
Lond. Gaz., 8 Feb. 01. Queen's medal with 5 clasps,
and King's medal with 2 clasps. CMG.
HARRISON, Capt. S. (Hon. Maj. 12th Mid-
dlesex V.R.C.)— Served in the S. African War,
1899-1901. — In commd. of a Remount Depot. Queen's
medal with 3 clasps.
HARRISON. Col. S. H— Served with the
Burmese Expedit : on, 1885-7. — Medal with clasp.
Served in the S. African War, 1899-1902. — In commd.
1 Bn. L'poo R. (from 16 Dec. 00 to 19 Nov. 01), and
on Staff (Cnmg. Pietersburg Dist, etc. (graded Rate
XI. Scale B, Art. 115, Rl. Wt. 26 Oct. 00) 25 Nov.
oi to 23 May 02). Took part in the Transvaal, Dec.
00 to Apr. 02. Queen's medal with 5 clasps.
(t) HARRISON. Maj. W. A.— Served in tl- '
African War, 1899-1901. — Took part in the operations
in Natal, Mar. to June 00, including action at Laings
Nek (6 to 9 June). In the Transvaal, east of Pretoria.
July to 29 Nov. 00, including actions at Reit Vlei.
Belfast (26 and 27 Aug.), Lydenberg (5 to 8 Sept.)
and Rhenoster Kop. Again in the Transvaal 30 Nov.
-0 Mat. 01. Queen's medal with 3 clasps.
HARRISON-TOPHAM, Maj. T.— Served in
Burma. 189012. — During the operations in Chin
Hilis, 1890-1. Was present during operations of the
Irrawaddy Column, 1891-2. — At the defence of Sadon.
Mentioned in Despatches. Meda' with clasp. DSO.
Served in the S. African War, i899-i902.Took part
in the operations in the Orange Free State, Feb. to
May 00, including actions at Poplar Grove, Karee
Siding, Vet River (5 and 6 May) and Zand River.
In the Transvaal in May and Jun. 00, including
actions near Johannesburg and Pretoria. In Cape
Colony, south of Orange River, 99-00, including
actions at Colesberg (1 Jan. to 12 Feb.). And again
in the Transvaal between 30 Nov. 00 and 31 May 02.
Queen's medal with 3 clasps, and King's medal with
2 clasps
HART, Lt.-Col. A. P.— Served in the South
African War, 1899-1902. — Queen's medal with 3 clasps,
and King's medal with 2 clasps.
HART, Hon. Capt. H. C. (Qr.-Mr.)— Served
with the Egyptian Expedition, 1002. — At the
battle of Tel-el-Kebir. Medal with clasp ; bronze
star. Served with the Soudan Expedition, 1884-5. —
Nile. Clasp.
HART, Brev. Col. H. H. (Ind. Pens.)— Served
at Tirah, 1897-8. — As C.R.E. 1st Div. (12 Oct. 97 to
Apr. 98). Took part in the capture of the Sampagha
and Arhanga Passes. During the operations in the
Bazar Valley 25 to 30 Dec. 07. Despatches, Lond.
Gaz., 5 Apr. 98. Medal with 2 clasps.
HART. Hon. Maj. I. (Qr.-Mr.)— Served in
the S. African War, 1879. — During the Zulu Cam-
paign. Took part in the operations in Zinguin
Mountains. At the battle of Ulundi. Medal with
clasp. Served in the later S. African War, 1900-2. —
Supply Offr to a Column. Present at the relief of
K'mberlev Took part ir the operations in the
Orange Free State 00, including those at Paardeberg
(17 to 26 Feb.); actions at Poplar Grove. Karee
Siding, and Houtnek (Thoba Mountain) In the
Transvaal in May and Jun. 00, including actions
near Johannesberg, Pretoria and Diamond Hill (11
and 12 Jun.). In the Transvaal, west of Pretoria 00.
In Orange River Colony (July to Nov. 00), including
actions at Bethlehem (7 July) and Wittebergen. Again
in Orange River Colony, 30 Nov. 00 to Jun. 01.
Operations in Cape Colony Jun. 01 to May 02.
Queen's medal with 5 clasps, and King's medal with
2 clasps.
HARTLEY, Capt. D. L. (Hon. Lt.-Col. 5
Bn. R. Dub. Fus). — Served in the S. African War, 1900-
02. — Spec. Serv. Offr. (for Mtd. Inf.) — Took part in
the operations in the Transvaal Mar. 01 to 31 May
02. Queen's medal with 5 clasps.
MARTLEY. Maj. R. L. — Served in the South
African War, 1902. — Adjt. of 3 Bn L'pool R. from
s Jan. to 31 May 02. Took part in the operations in
Cape Colony Jan. to 31 May 02. Queen's medal with
1 clasps.
HARVEST, Maj. E. D— Served with the Burmese
Expet* 1886-7. — Medal with clasp.
HARVEST, Capt. H. D.— Served in the
S. African War, 1899-1900, 1902. — Took part in the
operations in the Transvaal, Mar. to 31 May 02. Also
in Orange River Colony, Feb. to Mar. 02. Queen's
medal with 4 clasps.
HARVEY, Hon. Dep. Surg -Gen. C. H.
—Served in the Afghan War, 1878-80. — Took part in
the defence of Kandahar. Despatches, Lond. Gaz.,
■? Dec. 80. Served with the Egyptian Expedition,
1882. — Medal ; bronze star. Served with the Soudan
Expedition, 1884-5. — Nile. P.M.O. of the River
Column; in the action at Kirbekan. Despatches,
Lond. Gaz., 10 Apr. and 25 Aug. 85. 2 clasps; pro.
Brig. Surg.
HARVEY, Col. C. L— Served in the South
African War, 1879. — During the Zulu Campaign. —
Took part in the defence of Etshcwe. Despatches,
Lond. Gaz., 15 and 28 Mar. 79. Medal with clasp;
Brev. of Maj.
HARVEY. Lt.-Col. E.— Served with the Loo-
shai Expedition, 1871-2. — Despatches, Lond. Gaz.,
21 June 72. Thanks of Govt, of India. Medal with
clasp. Served with the Jowaki Expedition, 1877-8. —
Served as Field Engineer. Mentioned in Despatches.
Clasp. Served in the Afghan War, 1879-80. — Men-
tioned in Despatches. Medal; Brev. of Maj.
HARVEY, Hon. Capt. H. C. (Hon. — aj.
4 Bn. R. Ir. Rif.)— Served in the S. African War,
1900. — Served with Impl. Yeo. Took part in the
operations in Rhodesia 11 Oct. 99 to 25 May 00.
Queen's medal with clasp.
HARVEY, Lt.-Col H. J— Served in the
Afghan War, 1878-9.— Peshawar Valley Field Force;
Took part in the expedition to the Bazar Valley;
and action at Lundi Khana. Medal.
HARVEY, Capt. J. (Capt. 3 Bn. R. Highrs.)
— Served in the South African War, 1899-1900. —
(Served as Adjt. to 2 Bn. R. Highrs. from 19 Feb.
to 27 Mar. 00). Took part in the advance on Kim-
berley, including action at Magersfontein (severely
wounded). Was present during operations in the
Orange Free State, Feb. to May 00, including those
at Paardeberg and actions at Poplar Grove and
Dreifontein. Also in Cape Colony, south of Orange
River, 99. Queen's medal with 3 clasps.
HARVEY, Capt. R. P. (3 Bn. Berks. Regt.).— :
Served in the South African War, 1900-
2 — Railway Staff Officer. Took part in the
operations in the Orange Free State, Apr. and May
00. In the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, July to Nov-
00, including action at Zilikats Nek. In Orange
River Colony, May to July 00. Again in the Trans-
vaal, Nov. 00 to July 01. In Orange River Colony,
July 01 to 31 May 02. Queen's medal with 3 clasps,
and King's medal with 2 clasps.
HARVEY, Hon. Capt. W. (Qr. -Mr.)— Served with
the Abyssinian Expedition, 1867-8. — Medal.
HARVEY, Maj. W. L.— Served with the
Egyptian Expedition, 1882. — At the battle of Tel-el- ■
Kebir. Medal with clasp ; bronze star. Served with
the Soudan Expedition, 1884-5. — Nile. With River'
Column. Clasp. Served in the S. African War, 1899- !
1902. — Commdt., Kaapminden. Took part in the
operations in the Orange Free State Feb. to May 00, ■
including those at Paardeberg (17 to 26 Feb.);
actions at Poplar Grove, Dreifontein, Houtnek I
(Thoba Mountain), Vet River (5 and 6 May) and
Zand River. In the Transvaal in May and Jun. 00,1
including actions near Johannesburg and Pretoria. ;
Again in the Transvaal 30 Nov. to 31 Maj' 02. Des-
patches, Lond. Gaz., 10 Sept. 01 and 29 July 02.

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