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War Services. — Retired List.
HAN KEY, Capt. S. R. A.— Served in S. African
War, 1901-2. — Took part in the operations in the
Transvaal, May and July 01. In Orange River
Colony, Feb. 01 — 31 May 03. — In Cape Colony, Feb.
01. Also during operations on *he Zululand Frontier
of Natal in Sept. and Oct. 01. Queen's medal with
5 clasps.
HANN, Hon. Capt. C. E. (Rid-Mr. 3 Hrs).— Served
in the S. African War, 1902. — Took part in the opera-
tions in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony,
Jan. 02 to 31 May 02. Queen's medal with 3 clasps.
HANNA, Brev. Col. W.— Served in the S.
African War, 1901-2 Took part in the operations in
the Transvaal Dec. 01 to May 02. Also in Cape
Colonv May 02. Queen's medal with 4 clasps.
HANNAY, Capt. G. M. (K.O. Sco. Bord.)— Served in
the S. African War, 1900-02. — Took part in the opera-
tions in the Orange Free State Feb. to May 00, in-
cluding those at Paardeberg (17 to 26 Feb.); actions
at Poplar Grove, Karee Siding, Vet River (5 and 6
May) and Zand River. In the Transvaal, including
action near Johannesberg. Again in the Transvaal,
Mar. 01 to 31 May 02. Performed duties of Station
Staff Offr. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 10 Sept. 01 and
29 July 02. Queen's medal with 3 clasps, and King's
medal with 2 clasps.
HANWELL, Hon Maj -Gen. J. (R. Art )—
Served during the Crimean Campaign, 1855. — Pre-
sent at the siege and fall of Sevastopol. Medal with
clasp ; Turkish medal.
HARBORD, Brev. Col. Hon. C— Served in
the S. African War, 1900-2. — In Commd. r Bn. S.
Gds. 'from 11 July 01 to May 02). Took part in the
operations in Orange River Colony May to 29 Nov.
00, including actions at Biddulphsberg and Witte-
bergen (1 to 29 July). In the Transvaal Feb. 01.
And again in Orange River Colony July 01 to May
02. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 10 Sept. 01. Queen's
medal with 3 clasps, and King's medal with 2 clasps.
HARCOURT, Hon. Col. G. J— Served in
the Burmese War. 1852-3. Medal with clasp.
Served during the Indian Mutiny 1857-8. Was pre-
sent at the siege of Delhi, and at the defence of
Alumbagh. Took part in the capture of Lucknow.
Served during the Oude Campaign, at the passage
Df the Goomtee, and in the action of Shahpore.
Medal with 2 clasps.
HARCOURT, Hon. Maj. -Gen. P. H.— Served
during the Indian Mutiny, 1857-S. Was pre-
sent at the capture of Jhansi. Mentioned in Des-
patches. Medal with clasp.
HARDCASTLE, Capt. A.— Served in the
S. African War, 1899-00. Empld. under Censor. Took
part in the operations in the Orange Free State Feb.
to May 00, including action at Driefontein. Queen's
medal with 2 clasps.
HARDCASTLE, Hon. Maj. R. (Adjt. of Aux.
Forces). — Served during the Indian Mutiny,
1858-9. Served during the campaign in Oude, occu-
pation of Fyzabad, passage of the Goomtee at Sul-
tanpore, affairs at Ettyah, Shunkerpore, Judgespore,
Mahone, Hydergurh, Moorshegunge, Dilkoosha,
Gunnepore and Byram Ghant, Trans-Gogra Dist. ;
affairs of Swena, Baraitch, Dowdalpore, Bujeedea,
capture of Port Mudjeedea, and action of Bankee.
HARDEN, Lt.-Col. G— Served with the Egyp-
tian Expedition, 1882. Medal. bronze star
With the Soudan Expedition, i!i84-5. Nile. Action of
Abu Klea. 2 clasps. With the Hazara Expedition
1888. Medal with clasp.
HARDING, Capt. E. F.— Served in China, 1900. j
HARDING, Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Capt. R. C.
— Served with the Egyptian Expedition, 1882.
Medal; bronze star. Soudan, 1885. Suakin. Took pari
in the actions of Tofrek and Tamai. 2 clasps. Soudan
1885-6. Frontier Field Force. In the action of
Giniss. Served in the S. African War, 1900-1. Per-
formed duties of Station Staff Offr. and O.C. Detail
Issue Store at Wonderfontein. Afterwards Supply
Offr. to a Column. Took part in the operations in
the Orange Free State Apr. and May 00. In the
Transvaal, east of Pretoria, July to Nov. 00. In the
Transvaal, west of Pretoria, July to Aug. 00, includ-
ing action at Zilikats Nek. In the Orange River
Colony May to July 00. In Cape Colony south of
Orange River 00. In the Transvaal Nov. 00 July
01. Also during operations in Cape Colony July
to Dec. 01. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., to Sept. 01.
Queen's medal with 4 clasps.
HARDISTY, Maj. W. F. J— Served in
the S. African War,i899-i902. Took part in the
operations in the Orange Free State Feb. and Mar.
00. In the Transvaal, west of Pretoria, July to 29
Nov. 00. In the Orange River Colony (May to 19
Nov. 00), including actions at Bethlehem (6 and 7
July), and Wittebergen (1 to 29 July). Also during
operations in Cape Colony south of Orange River
Colony Mar. 01 to 3X Mar. 02. Despatches, Lond.
Gaz., 10 Sept. 01. Queen's medal with 3 clasps, and
King's medal with 2 clasps.
HARDY, Brev. Col. C. R. H.— Served with
the Soudan Expedition, 1885. — Suakin. Medal
with clasp ; bronze star.
HARDY, Maj.-Gen. F.— Served during the
Indian Mutiny, 1857-9. — 2nd relief of Lucknow,
Alumbagh, at the siege and capture of Lucknow,
relief of Azimgnur and pursuit of Koer Sing. Des-
patches, Lond. Gaz., 25 May 58, and 34 Mar. 59.
Medal with 2 clasps.
HARE, Brev. Col. F. S. C— Served with
the Soudan Expedition, 1885. — Suakin. Medal with
clasp ; bronze star. Took part in the operations in
Zululand, 1888. Served in the S. African War, 1899-
1901. — Took part in the operations in the Orange
Free State, Mar. to May 00. In Orange River Colony
May to 29 Nov. 00. In Cape Colony, Oct. 99 to Mar.
00. Again in Orange River Colony, 30 Nov. 00 to
May 01. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., to Sept. 01.
Queen's medal with 2 clasps. CMG.
HARE, Co! R. C— Served in the Ashanti
War, 1873-4. — Was present at the battles of Amoaful
(wounded), Ordahsu, and capture of Coomassie.
Medal with clasp. Served with the Egyptian Expedi-
tion, 1882. — Brig. -Maj.. 2nd Brig. 1 Divn. In the
action at Kassassin. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 19
Sept. and 2 Nov. 82. Medal ; bronze star. Brev. of
Maj. 4th Class Medjidie.
HARFORD, Capt. C L.— Served in the S. African
War, 1901-2. — Empld. with Mtd. Inf. look part in
the operations in the Transvaal, Mar. 01 to 31 May
02. Queen's medal with 3 clasps.
HARFORD, Col. H. C— Served in the S.
African War, 1879. — During the Zulu Campaign.
In the affairs of Sirayo's Kraal and Matyana's strong-
hold. Mentioned in Despatches. Medal with clasp.
HARINGTON, Col. F. W.— Served in the
New Zealand War, 1863-5. — Took part in the actions
of Koheroa Gate Pa, and Tauranga. Medal. Served
in the Afghan War, 1879-80. — In the action at MazinaJ
HARINGTON, Capt. H. H.— Served in the
S. African War, 1900-2. — Was present during the
operations in the Orange Free State Feb. to May 00,
including those at Paardeberg, actions at Poplar
Grove, Vet River and Zand River. During opera-
tions in the Transvaal in May and Jun. 00, includ-
ing actions near Johannesburg and Pretoria. Again
in the Transvaal 00-02. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 10
Sept. 01. Queen's medal with 3 clasps, and King's
medal with 2 clasps.
HARKNESS, Brev. Col. H. D'A.— Served in the!
Soudan, 1S89. —Served with Egyptian Army. Medal;
bronze star. Took part in the operations on N.W.
Frontier of India, 1897-8. — With Tirah Exped. Force.
Medal with 2 clasps. Served in the S. African War,
1899-1902. — On Staff. In commd. 1 Bn. Welsh R. 30
Nov. 00 to 3 Jun. or. Was present at the relief of
Kimberley. Took part in the operations in the Orange
Free State, Feb. to May 00, including those at Paarde-
berg, 17 and 18 Feb. (severely wounded 18 Feb). In
the Transvaal, east of Pretoria. Oct. to Nov. 00. In
Cape Colony, south of Orange River, oo-oo, including (\
actions at Colesberg (14 Jan. to 1 Feb.). Again ia I
the Transvaal, 30 Nov. 00 to 31 Mav 02. Despatches, j
Lond- Gaz., 10 Sept. or. Queen's medal with 3 clasps,
and King's medal with 2 clasps.
HARLEY, Brev. Maj. H. K. (7 Hrs.)— Took part |
in the operations in Chitral, 1895. — At the defence of
the Fort of Chitral. Commanded British Agents' Es-
cort. Despatches, LoncL Gaz., 16 July 95. Medal
with clasp. DSO. Promd. Capt. ; Brev. of Maj.
Served with the Nile Expedition, 1897. — Medal with
clasp. Again with the Nile Expedition, 1898. — At
the battle of the Atbara (severely wounded). Des-
patches, Lond. Gaz., 24 May 98. Medal. Served in
the S. African War, 1901-2. — Took part in the opera-
tions in the Transvaal. Mar. to 31 May 02. In
Orange River Colony Jan. to Mar. and May 02. Also
in Cape Colony Dec. 01 to Jan. 02. Queen's medal
with 5 clasps.
HARLING. Capt. R. W.— Served in the
S. African War, 1900. — Was present at the relief of
Ladysmith, including operations on Tugela Heights,
14 to 27 Feb. 00 (severely wounded). Queen's medal
with 2 clasps.

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