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War Services.- — Retired List.
HALLICK, Hon. Capt. W.— Served in the S, African
War, 1899-1902. — Took part in the operations in Cape
Colony, south of Orange River, 99-00. Again in Cape
Colony, 30 Nov. 00 to 31 May 02. Queen's medal with
clasp, and King's medal with 2 clasps. Promd.
Denutv Commv. of Ord. with hon. rank of Cant.
HALLOWES, Maj. -Gen. H. J —Served dur-
ing the Fenian Raid, 1866. — Medal with clasp.
Served in the Afghan War, 1879-80. — As a Director of
Transport. Took part in the advance to the relief
of Sherpur, and operations at Jugdulluck. Despatches
Lond. Gaz., 4 May 80. Medal with clasp.
HALLOWES, Maj. T. R. F. B — Served
in the Afghan War, 1879-80. — With the Khyber divi-
sion Cabul Field Force, affair against the Mohmunds
at Ali Boghan, expedition into the Lughman Valley
against the Waziri Khugianis and to the Hissarack
Valley, attack and destruction of the villages of
Nargozi, Arab Khel, and Jokan. Medal. Served in
the S. African War, 1899-1900. — Served with Impl.
Yeo. Queen's medal with 2 clasps.
HALPIN, Hon. Capt. W. (Qr.-Mr.)— Served with
the Burmese Expedition, 1885 8. — Medal with 2 clasps
HAMBER, Capt. L. C. B.— Served in the
Soudan, 1886-7. — Took part in the operations in
the Frontier Field Force. Took part in the opera-
tions in Chitral, 1895. — With the Relief Force. Medal
with clasp. Served in the S. African War, 1900-2. —
On Staff [as Staff Off. (graded Staff Capt.) 4 .Jun. to
27 Oct. 00]. Was present during the operations in
the Orange Free State, Feb. to May 00, including
actions at Karee Siding, Vet River (5 and 6 May)
and Zand River. In the Transvaal in May 00, includ-
ing action near Johannesburg. In the Transvaal,
July to Oct. 01 ; May 02. Also during operations in
Orange River Colony, Aug. 01 ; Oct. to Dec. 01 ;
May 02. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 10 Sept. 01. Queen's
medal with 3 clasps, and King's medal with 2
HAMILTON, Brev. Col. A.— Served on the N.-W.
Frontier of India, 1897-8. — Tochi. Medal with clasp.
Served with the Zhob Valley Exped., 1884.
HAMILTON, Maj. A. C— Served in the S.
African War, 1899-1902. — Commdt. Impl. Yeo. Bn.
18 May 01 to Apr. 02. In command of column Sept.
ot to Jan. 02. Was present at the relief of Kimber-
ley. Took part in the operations in the Orange Free
State, Feb. to May 00, including those at Paarde-
berg (17 to 26 Feb.); actions at Poplar Grove, Drei-
fontein, Karee Siding and Zand River. In the Trans-
vaal in May and Jun. 00, including actions near Jo-
hannesburg, Pretoria, and Diamond Hill (n and 12
Jun.). In the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, July to 29
Nov. 00, including actions at Reit Vlei and Belfast
(26 and 27 Aug.). In Cape Colony, south of Orange
River, 99-00, including actions at Colesberg (1 Jan. to
12 Feb.). Again in the Transvaal, Nov. 00 to May
01. In Orange River Colony, May 01 to Feb. 02. Also
in Cape Colony, Jun. 01. Despatches, Lond. Gaz.,
10 Sept. 01. Queen's medal with 6 clasps, and King's
medal with 2 clasps.
HAMILTON, Maj. A. S.— Served with the
Hazara Expedition, 1891. — Medal with clasp.
Joined the Isazai Expedition, 1892. Served in Bri-
tish Central Africa, 1895. — With the expeditious
against Kawinga, Zarafi, Mponda, and Makanjira.
Severely wounded. Medal with clasp. Served on the
N.W. Frontier of India, Waziristan, 1901-2. — De
spatches, Lond. Gaz., 8 Aug. 02. D-A-Q-M-G for In-
telligence Medal with clasp.
HAMILTON, Lt. A. E. C— Served in the
S. African War, 1899-1901. — Empld. with Mtd. Inf.
Severely wounded. Queen's medal with 4 clasps.
HAMILTON, Maj. C. (Ind. Army).— Served
with the Burmese Expedition, 1886-7. — Medal with
clasp. Served with the Lushai Expedition, 1889. —
Clasp. Served in China, 1900. — Medal.
HAMILTON, Hon. Lt.-Col. C. J.— Served in the
S. African War, 1879. — During the Zulu Campaign,
employed in Natal. Medal.
HAMILTON, Lt.-Col., C. L., (Ind. Army).— Served
on the N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-8. — Took part in
the operations on the Samnna rnd in the Kurram
Valley during Aug. and Sept. 97. Was present at
the relief of Gulistan. Medal with 2 clasps. Served
at Tirab 1897-8. — Clasp.
HAMILTON, Maj. C. M.— Took part in
the operations in Chitral, 1805. — With the Relief
Force. ,At the storming of the Malakand Pass; action
near Khar at descent into Swat Valley. Medal with
clasp. Served in the S. African War, '899-1902. — Took
part in the operations in Orange Free State, Feb. to
May 00. In the Orange River Colony, May to 29
Nov. 00. In Cape Colony, south cf '-'range River,
99-00, including actions at Colesberg (1 Jan. to 13
Feb.). In the Transvaal, Mar. to Apr. 02. In Orange
River Colony, 30 Nov. 00 to Sept. ci. Also in Cape
Colony, Oct. or to Feb. 02. Despatches, Lond. Gaz.,
29 July 02. Queen's medal v ith 3 clasps, and King's
medal with 2 clasps.
HAMILTON, Maj.-Gen., E. O. F.— Served in the
Afghin War, 1879-80. — Was present at the defence of
Kandahar. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 3 Dec. 80.
Medal with clasp. Served with the Burmese Expedi-
tion, 1885-7-9. — Served as Brig. -Maj., 3rd Brigade.
Medal with 2 clasps. Accompanied the Hazara Ex-
pedition, 1891. — Div. Signalling Offr. Despatches,
Lond. Gaz., 20 Oct. 91. Clasp. Joined the Waziristan
Expedition, 1895. — Clasp. Served on the N.W.
Frontier of India, 1897-8.— Malakand. On Staff. Took
part in the operations in Baj.tur i.nd in the M?mund
country. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 11 Jan. ard 18 Mar.
98. Brev. of Lt.-Col. Medal with clasp. Served at
Tirah, 1897-8. — Was present during the operations
against the Khani Khel Chamkauis. Also in the
Bazar Valley, 25 to 30 Dec. 97. Clasp. Served in the
S. African War, 1899-1902. — In romml 2' d Bn. R.
W. Surr. R. (from 14 Nov. 99 to 18 Apr. 00). After-
wards on Staff (including comrnd. cf 2nd r rig. and
of portion of Lines of Commn.). Was present at the
relief of Ladysmith, including action at Colenso :
operations of 17 to 24 Jan. 00, and action Pt Spion
Kop ; operations of 5 to 7 Feb. co, and • c'ion at
Vaal Kranz ; in the operations on Tugela Heights (14
to 27 Feb. 00), and action at Pieters Hill. Operations
in Natal, Mar. to Jun. 00, includi-ig action at Laings
Nek (6 to 9 Jun.) During operations in the Trans-
vaal, 30 Nov. 00 to Nov. oi. Also in Orange River
Colony, Nov. 01 to 31 .May 02. Despatches (Sir R.
H. Buller, 30 Mar., 19 Jun. and 9 Nov. 00). Lond.
Gaz., 8 Feb. 01. Brev. of Col. Queen's nedal with
5 clasps, and King's medal with 2 clasps. CB.
HAMILTON, Lt.-Col. G. F. D.— Served with the
Hazara Expedition, 1888. — Medal with clasp
HAMILTON, Brev. Col. G. H. C— Served in
the Afghan War, 1878-9-80.— As A-D-C. to
G.O.C. 1st Divn. Peshawar Field Force. Mentioned
in Despatches. Medal. Served in the S. African War,
1881. — During the Transvaal Campaign. Served in the
. S. African War, 1899-1902. — In commd. of 14 Hrs.,
afterwards on Staff [as Brig. -Gen. from 21 Nov. 00,
including Commd. (1) of 4th Cav. Brig, and (2) of
Mobile Columns]. Was present at the relief of Lady-
smith, including operations of 5 to 7 Feb. 00, and
action at Vaal Kranz ; in the operations on Tugela
Heights (14 to 27 Feb. 00), and action at Pieters Hill.
In the Orange Free State, Feb. to May 00, including
' actions at Houtnek (Thoba Mountain) and Zand
River. In the Transvaal in May and Jun. 00, includ-
ing actions near Johannesburg, Pretoria,' and Diamond
: Hill (11 and 12 Jun.) In the Transvaal, east of Pre-
toria, July to 29 Nov. 00, including action at Belfast
(26 and 27 Aug.). In the Transvaal, 30 Nov. 00 to
Mar. 02. In Orange River Colony, May 01. Also
during the operations on the Zululand Frontier of
Natal in Sept. and Oct. 01. Despatches, Lond. Gaz.,
8 Feb 01 and 29 July 02. Brev. of Col. Queen's
medal with 7 clasps, and King's medal with 2 clasps.
HAMILTON, Surg.-Gen. H.— Served in the Af-
ghan War, 1878-80. — Took part in the action of
Charasiah, operations at and around Kabul in Dec.
79, affair of Saidabad, march from Kabul fo relief
of Kandahar and battle of 1 Sept. Despatches, Lond.
Gaz., 3 Dec 80. Medal with 3 clasps ; bronze star.
Took part in the operations in Chitral, 1895. — With
the Relief Force. Medal with clasp. Served on
the N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-8. — Was present
during the operations in the Samana and in the
Kurram Valley during Aug. and Sept. 97. Also dur-
ing the operations of the Flying Column under Col.
Richardson 20 Aug. to 1 Oct. 97. Despatches, 3
May 98. 2 clasps. Served at Tirah, 1897-8. — De-
spatches, Lond. Gaz., 5 Apr. 98. Clasp. Promd.
Brig. Surg-Lt-Col. Served in China, 1900. — Medal.
HAMILTON. Col. H. B.— Served in the Af-
ghan War, 1879-80. — With the Khyber Division,
Kabul Field Force, expedition to Lughman Valley
and destruction of the villages cf Nargozi, Arab Khel
and Jokan, and action cf Nargashai. Mentioned in
Despatches. Medal.
HAMILTON. Maj. K. R. — Took part in
the operations on the N.W. Frontier of India,
1897-8. — With Mohmand Field and Tirah Ex-
pedition Forces. Medal with 2 clasps. Served in the
S. African War, 1899-1902. — On Staff. Served as Adjt.
7th Mtd. Inf. Regt. 12 Feb. to 1 Apr. 00. Took part
in the operations in the Orange Free State Feb. to

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