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War Services of the Officers on the Unemployed Supernumerary List. 598?*
Served in the campaign on the North-West Frontier of India in 1864, and was present in the affair at Shubkudder
(Medal with Clasp) ; also served in the Looshai Expedition in 1871-72 (mentioned in despatches, Clasp). Served
in the Afghan war of 1878-80, and took paTt in the expedition into the Bazar Valley under Lieut. General Maude
(mentioned in despatches), and in the advance to Cabul under Brigadier General Gough (mentioned in des-
patches); accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of
Candahar — wounded (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, CB., Medal with three Clasps, and Bronze
338 Major General J.M. Boyd served in the Abyssinian war in 1S68 (Medil). Served in the Afghan war in 1880, and
took part in the march to Candahar with the forje under MajorGeceral Phaj're (mentioned in despatches, Medal).
339 Major General F. M. Birch served in the Indian Mutiny campaign of 1857, and was present at the action of
Chinhu, throughout the defence of the Residency of Lucknow (as Aide de Camp to Brigadier Iuglis from 2nd
July to 25th Sept. 1857) being engaged in threa sorties and commanded a party of the 84th Foot in repulse of a
grand attack on the 18th August and subsequently regained nossession of the breach (twice wounded, mentioned
in despatches, and thanked by the Governor General), battle of Cawnpore on fth December, and capture of
Hurrah (Medal with Clasp, a year's service, and Brevet of Major). Served in the campaign on the North- West
Frontier of India in 1863-64, and was present at the action near Shubkudder (Medal with Clasp).
340 Major General G. W. C. Plowden served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1857-58 with the Punjaub Irregu-
lar Cavalry, incluoing the siege and capture of Delhi, battle of Agra (wounded in the face), relief of Lucknow by
Lord CI /de, battle of Cawnpore 6th Dec. 1857, siege and capture of Lucknow, and many minor affairs; Oude
campaign of 1858 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with three Clasps).
341 Major General J. Upperton commanded a body of Irregular Cavalry during the Indian Mutiny in 1857-58 in
and about the Delhi division and on the borders of Central India ; throughout the Oude campaign in 1858-59, and
present at the captu'e of the forts of Amathie and Shunkurghnr, and action of Dhoondlakhera (Medal with
Clasp). Served with Fane's Horse throughout the campaign of i860 in Chiua and was present at the action of
Sinho, capture of the Taku Forts, actious of Chankiawhan (thanked bj' the Commander in Chief of the French
forces) and Palichau, and capture of Pekm (Medal with two Clasps). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and
was present at the battle ot Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the Med-
jidie. and Khedive s Star).
342 Major General S. J. Browne served with the 5th Punjaub Infantry during the Oudecampaign of 1858-59, and
was present at the passage of the Raptee and capture of the enemy's guns at Sitkaghat; commanded a detachment
of the Regiment at Darzee Talas — horse shot (Medal). Served with the 6th Punjaub Infantry throughout the
Umbeyla campaign of 1863 (Medal with Clasp) . Served throughout the expeaition against the JowakiAfreedees
in 1877-78 (Clasp). Commanded the 6th Punjaub Infantry in the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881.
343 Major General W. Jacob served as Interpreter to the 72nd Highlanders at tne siege and capture of
Kotah (Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Afghan war in 1880 (Medal).
-^ Major General J. B. Smith served in the campaign on the North- West Frontier of India in 1863 with the
2nd Eusofzie Expedition, and was present at the forcing of the Umbfyla Pass (Medal with Clasp) ; also served
with the Looshai Expedition in 1871-72 (Clasp). Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 'Brevet of Lt.Colonel,
344 Major General R. W. Sartorius served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1858-59, and was present at the
relief of Azimghur and during the operations in the Goruckpore district (Medal). Served with the Bhoolan
Expedition in 1864-65 (Meual with Clasp). Served in the Ashanti war in 1873-74 (brevet of Major, Victoria Cross,
CITS. and Medal) : was awarded the jTl!T "for having during the attack on Abogoo, on the 17th January 1874,
removed from under a heavy fire Sergeant Major Braimah Doctor, a Houssa Non-Oomroissioned Officer, who was
mortally wounded, and placed him under cover " Also served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 (Medal).
345 Major General H. P. Peacock served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1857-58, and was piesent at the
siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal with Clasp).
346 Major General F. W. Collis served in the Ab> ssinian war in 1868 (Medal). Served in the Afghan war in 1879,
and was present in the operations in the Khost Valley, and at the forcing of the Shutargardan (twice mentioned
in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal). Also served with the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881.
3 '7 Major General G. E. Erskine served with the Rajpootana Field Force under Brigadier M. W. Smith in
348 Colonel F. H. B. Marsh served in the campaign ontheNorth-West Frontier of India in 1863 and was present
at the capture of Umbeyla (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served in the Abyssinian war in 1868
348 t Major General J. G. D. Walker served with his regiment in the campaign in Buudelcund under Btigadier
Wheler in 1859. Served with the Burmese Kxpedi ion in 18R7-88 (mentioned iu despatches, Medal with Clasp).
349 Colonel H.C.A. Szczepanski served during the Indian Mutiny campaign of 1857-58, mcludingtheactionson
the 25th, 26th, and 27th November 1S57, and subsequent operations at Cawnpore, actionof Kalee Nuddee,and pur-
suit of the rebels in Bandlecund (Medal).
3,9 + Major General T. J. Quin served with the Bhoctan Expedition in 1865, and was present at the capture of
Dewangir (Medil).
350 Colonel A. E. Campbell served with the 31st Bengal Native Infantry during the Sonthal campaign of 1855-56
Also at Saugor in Central India during 1857-58 ; present at numerous engagements in the district of Saugor, and
was severely wounded on the 18th Sept. 1857 in the attack on the fortified village of Nurricoulee (Medal with
350 t Colonel C.Martin servedinthe Indian Mutiny campaigns of 1857-58 and was presentwith the 14th Light Dra>
goons with the Malwa Field Force at the capture of Dhar, and actions of Mundesore — severely wounded (mentioned
in despatches. Medal with Clasp). Served in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868 as Aide de Camp to Brigadier
D. M. Stewart, and with the 12th Bengal Cavalry at the capture of Magdala (Medal). Served in the Afghan war
in 1880, accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar
(mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp, and Bronze Decoration).
35 > Colonel T. Kettlewell served with the Persian Expeditionary Force in 1856-57, and was present at the land-
ing at Hallilah Bay, storm and capture of Reshire. and surrender of Bushire (Medal with Clasp) .
3 = 2 Colonel R. W. Elton was present with his regiment at the outbreak of the mutiny at Delhi on the nth
May 1857. Served in the Meerut Volunteer Horse, and was present with it at the defeat of Wulledad Khan at
Galowtee, and on several other occasions when attached to the left wing 1st Belooch Battalion. Was present with
General Peuny 's Force at the action of Kurkralee ; was with the Commander in Chief s Force at the action before
Bareilly on 5th May 1858, and at repulse of rebels by the Commander in Chief on the occasion of their attacking
our outposts at Shahjehanpore ; present in the operations near Mahomdy and relief of Fort Jellalabad ; present
with the Battaliou at the taking of Fort Rampore Kussia by Brigadier Wetherell's Force; with Commaiider in
Chief's Force at occupation of forts of Amoytee and Sunkerporc, and at the defeat of Beni Madho at Duudea
Keeree ; also at the action at Churda and taking of Fort Ma3'eedia; present at the capture of 14 guns by Brigadier
Horsford's Force at Sikha Ghat in Nepaul (Medal).
353 Colonel H. St. Maur-Wynch was employed in suppressing the insurrection in the Pariah Kimedy district in
1856 and 1857. Served against the Hill Tribes in the Rajahmundry district in September and October 1857, and
received a contusion from a matchlock-ball. Employed with the Sappers in 1859 in quelling the rebellui; in Bengal
354 Colonel P. \ r . Bannerman served with the Kotah Contingent against the insurgents in the Agra and Muttra
districts in May and June 1857 ; as a volunteer in the batteries in the Agra Fort in July and August 1857 ; present
at the first attack on the fort of Awah on the 17th December 1857; at the assault and capture ofRowah, at the
siege and capture of Awah : commanded the Joudpore Sikh Horse at the action at Pertabgurh on the 24th
December 1858 (Medal).
3 " Colonel R. Griffith served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886 (Medal with Clasp).
3 s6 Colonel H. R. B. Worsley served against rebels in Mirzapore district in 1S57 (Medal). Served also in tho
South of China in 1858-59 (Medal). Served with the 7th Bengal Native Infantry in the Egyptian war of 1882, and
was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir mentioned in despatches, CB., Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the
die, and Khedive's Star).
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