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Royal Victorian Order.
Knights Grand Cross (G.V.C.O.) — continued.
Major His Serene Highness the Duke of Teck, 1st Life Gds.
Captain His Serene Highness Prince Alexander A. F. W.
A. G. of Teck, D.S.O., 7th Hussars.
Argyll, hon. Colonel J. D. S., Duke of, K.T., G.C.M.G.
Colonel Most Noble William John A. C. J., Duke of
Portland, K.G., 4th Bn. Derbyshire Regt.
Wellington, Colonel A. C, Duke of, K.G.
DC Probyn, General Sir Dighton Macnaghten, K.C.B.,
K.C.S.I., Unem. Sup. List, Bengal Cavalry.
ID C White, General Sir George Stewart, G.C.B., G. C.S.I.
G.C.I.E., Gordon Highlanders.
Edwards, Lieut. -Colonel Right Hon. Sir Fleetwood Isham,
K.C.B., I.S.O.
Bigge, Lieutr Colonel Sir Arthur John, K.C.B.. K.C.M.G.,
Bradford, Colonel Sir E. R. C, Bt.,G. C.B., K. C.S.I. , U.S. List.
Churchill, Major V. A. F. C, Viscount, Oxf. Imp. Yeo.
Clarendon, Colonel Right Hon. E. H., Earl of, G.C.B., Herts
Imperial Yeomanry.
Clarke, General Sir C. M., Bt., G.C.B.
Clarke, Maj. General Sir Stanley De A. C, C.M.G., ret. pay.
Derby, Col. Rt. Hon. F. A. Earl of, K.C., G.C.B.
Devonshire, hon. Colonel Most Noble S. C, Duke of, K.G.
3rd Bn. Notts and Derbyshire Regt.
Dudley, Major Rt. Hon. W. H., Earl of.
Esher, Hon. Colonel R. B., Visct., G.C.B., 5th Bn. R. Fus.
Ewart, Major-General Sir Henrv P., K.C.B., 7th Drag. Gds.
French, General Sir J. D. P., K.C.B., K.C.M.G.
p.s.c. Grant, Lieut. -General Sir H. F., K.C.B.
Hon. Colonel His Highness Maharaja Sir Sawai Madho Rao,
Maharaja of Gwalior, G.C.S.I., A.D.C.
Hon. Colonel His Highness Sir Scindia, Bahadur Madho
Rao Marahaja of Gwalior, G.C.S.I ., A.D.C.
Hon. Colonel His Highness Marahaja Sir Sawai Madho Singh
Bahadur of Jaipur, G.C.SJ., A.D.C.
Howe, Captain R. G. P., Earl Leicester Imperial Yeo.
Kelvin, Colonel W., Lord, O.M., Electrical Engineers.
p.s.c. Kellv-Kennv, General Sir T., G.C.B.
Leicester, Colonel T. W., Earl of, C.M.G., A.D.C.
Londonderry, Colonel Rt. Hon. C. S., Marquis of, K.G., C.B.,
v.D., 3rd Bn. Durh. Lt. Inf., A.D.C.
MacDonald, Colonel Rt. Hon. Sir C. M., G.C.M.G., K.C.B.
Mount Edgcumbe, Colonel Rt. Hon. W. H., Earl of, v.D.
5th Bn. Devon Regt.
Norfolk, Hon. Colonel Rt. Hon. H., Duke of, K.G., v.D., 3rd
W. Rid. Brig., R. F. A. (hon. Capt. in Army).
Richmond, and Gordon, G. H., Duke of, C.B., A.D.C, 3rd
Bn. Royal Sussex Regt.
Treves, Hon. Colonel Sir F., Bart., C.B., R.A.M.C. [Militia).
Tucker, Lieut. -Gen. Sir C, K.C.B.
Knights Commanders (K.C.V.O.).
Major His Serene Highness Prince Francis of Teck, D.S.O
1st Royal Dragoon Guards.
Albemarle, Col. Arnold Alan Cecil, Earl of, C.B., M.V.O.,
B2DC to his Majesty.
Baden-Powell, Lieut. -General Sir Robert S. S., Commanding
Northumbrian Terr. Div.
Barlow, Lt.-Col. Sir T., Bt., M.D., 3rd Lond. Gen. Hosp.
p.s.c. Barton, Major-General St. G., C.B., C.M.G.
Blanc, Deputy Surgeon-General Sir Henry Jules, M.D.
p.s.c. Burnett, General Sir C. J., K.C.B.
Carington, Lieut. -Colonel Hon. Sir W. H. P., C.B.
Charles, Lieut. -Colonel Sir R. H., M.D.
Cheylesmore, Major-General H. F., Lord.
Clavton, Lieut. -Colonel Sir Fitz R. A. T.
Davidson, Bt. -Colonel Sir A., C.B.
p.s.c. Dawson, Bt. -Colonel Sir D. F. P., C.M.G.
Denman, hon. Captain (Army) Rt. Hon. T., Lord.
Downe, Major-General Viscount H. R., C.B., CLE.
Dundonald, Lieut. -General D. M. B. H., Earl of, C.B.
p.s.c. Duff, Lieut. -General Sir B., C.B., CLE.
Falmouth, Major-General E. E. T., Viscount, C.B.
FitzGeorge, Colonel Sir Augustus Charles Frederick, C.B.
Frederick, Lieut. -Colonel Sir C. A. A.
Gildea, hon. Colonel Sir J., Visct., C.B., 4th Bn. R. War. R.
p.s.c. Gleichen, Colonel A. W. E., Count, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O
p.s.c. Haig, Major-General Sir D., C.B.
Hanbury-Williams, Bt. -Colonel Sir J., C.M.G.
Harewood, Hon. Colonel H. U., Earl of, t.d., York Hrs.
Yeo., A.D.C.
Harrington, Captain Sir John Lane, C.B.
p.s.c. D (I Hart, Lieut. -General Sir R. C, K.C.B.
Hobart, Sir R. H., C.B., late War Office.
Kenyon, Lieut. -Colonel Lord L., Shropshire Imp. Yeo.
p.s.c. Knolllys, Colonel Sir H.
Lane, Major-General Sir Ronald B., C.B.
Lawrence, Surgeon Sir J. J. T., Bart.
V (I Leach, Lieut. -General Sir E. P., C.B.
Leach, Major-General Sir J.
Lipton, hon. Colonel Sir T. J., Bt., 6th Bn. High. Lt. Inf.
Lyttleton-Anneslev, Lieut. -General Sir A. L.
Methuen, General'Paul S., Lord, C.B., C.M.G.
O'Callagahn, Major-General Sir D. D. T.
Oliphant, Lieut. General Sir L. J., C.B.
Paget, Lieut. General Sir A. H., C.B.
Sandwich, Col. E. G. H., Earl of, 5th Bn. King's R. Rifle C.
Savile, Hon. Col. J. S., Lord, 4th Bn. West Rid. Regt.
Seymour, General Lord W. F. E.
Shaftesbury, Lieut. -Col. and Hon. Colonel A. A. C, Earl of
N. Irish Horse.
Stokes, Major-Gen. Sir F. S. S.
p.s.c. Stopford, Maj. -General Hon. Sir F. W., K.C.M.G., C.B.
Von Pawel Rammingen, Hon. Colonel L. A. G. L. A. Freihem,
K.C.B., 6th Bn. Essex Regt.
Von Slatin, Pasha, Hon. Major. General
Sir R. Baron, K.C.M.G. C.B. (hon.).
Ward, Colonel Sir E. W. D., K.C.B.
Williams, Major-General Sir Albert H. W.
Commanders (C.I'.O.).
Bally,' Major-General J. F.
Barclay, Colonel and hon. Colonel H. A., Norfolk Imp. Yeo.
Baring, Lieut .-Colonel Hon. E.
Barron, Major-General H.
p.s.c. Barter, Major-General C. St. L., C.B.
Beresford, Lord M. T. de la P., late 7th Hussars, Eo.
p.s.c. Bethune, Major-General E. C, C.B.
Bingham, Bt. -Colonel Hon. C. E.
Brabazon, Major-General J. P., C.B., ret. pay, 4th Hrs.
Broadwood, Colonel A.
Brocklehurst, Major-General John F., C.B.
Snowies, Lieut. -Col. Comdt Sir L., Bt., Unattached List.
Campbell, Major.-Gen. Barrington B. D., C.B., Scots Gds.
Campbell, John H., Brig. Gen. Comdr. Terr Div. E. Anglia.
Campbell, Captain W. P. S.
Cecil, hon. Col. Lord W., late Lt.-Col. 4th Bn. Line. Regt.
p.s.c. Codrington, Major-General A. E., C.B.
Coke, Colonel, E. B.
Cooke, Major-General T. A.
Cooper, Colonel R. J.
Courtney, hon. Major-General E. H.
p.s.c. Cowan, Colonel H. V.
Cresswell, hon. Colonel G. F. A., v.d., late Lieut. -Colonel 5th
Bn. Norfolk Regt.
Dawson, Colonel H. L., C.B.
Dawson, Colonel V. J.
p.s.c. Delme-Radcliffe, Bt. -Colonel C, C.M.G.
Denbigh and Desmond, Lieut.-Colonel R. R. B. A. A., Earl
of, Hon. Artillery Company.
Fitzgerald, Captain Sir M., Bart.
Fletcher, Lieut.-Colonel H. A.
Fludver, Colonel H.
Fry, Colonel (temp. Brig. Gen.) W., C.B.
p.s.c. Godfray, Colonel (temp. Brig. Gen.) J. W., C.B.
Gordon, Colonel George Grant, K.C.B., late Scots Guards.
Greeh, Biancardi, Lieut. -Col. H. K, C, Malta Militia.
p.s.c. Grierson, Major-General James M, C.B., C.M.G.
Haig, Lieut.-Colonel A. B., C.M.G.
Hall, Colonel F. H., C.B.
p.s.c. Hamilton, Major-General H. I. W., C.B., D.S.O.
Harrison, Bt.-Colonel C. E., M.B., F.R.C.S. (Eng.).
Heath, Major-General C. E.
Herbert, Colonel L.
Holford, Lieut.-Col. George L., C.I.E., 1st Life Guards.
Hughes-Hallett, Colonel J. W., C.B., D.S.O.
limes, Colonel T., 3rd Bn. Gordon Highlanders.
Jcnes, Major-General I. R., C.B.
Kavanagh, Col. (temp. Brig. Gen.) C. T. McM., D.S.O.
Ken-mare, hon. Col. V. C, Earl of, 4th Bn. R. Muns. Fus.
p.s.c. Kitson, Major-General G. C, C..1/.G.
Knowles, Lieut.-Col. Comdt. Sir L., Bt., Unattached List.
Lambart, hon. Lieut.-Colonel G. F. A.
Laye, Major-General J. H., C.B.
Legge, Colonel Hon. Hy. Chas., h.p., Coldstream Guards.
Lockwood, hon. Colonel 'Right Hon. A. R. M.. 4th Bn. Essex R.
Macbean, Colonel F. C. R.
MCalrnont, Major-General Sir H., K.C.B.
McDonnell, hon. Lieut. (Armv) Hon. Sir S. K., K.C.B.

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