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Order of St. Michael and St. George.
Companions (C.M.G.). — continued.
Bowlby, Maj. A. A., F.R.C.S., 1st Lond. Gen. Hosp.
Boyd, Captain F. D., M.D., 2nd Scots Yeo. Hosp.
Bray, Major Claude Arthur, Army Pay Department.
Brazier-Creagh, Lieut. -Col. George Washington, Royal Army
Medical Corps.
Bridge, Colonel Chas. Henry, C.B., r.p., Army Ser. Corps.
Bright, Major R. G. T.
Bryan, Bt. -Major H.
Burdon, Major John Alder, Cameron Highlanders.
Burrows, Lieut.-Colonel E. A.
Bush, Lieut.-Colonel J. P., 2nd S. Gen. Hosp.
Bushe, Lieut. -Col. Thomas Francis, Army Ordnance Dept.
Butcher, Colonel George James, Army Ordnance Dept.
Cameron, Colonel Donald Roderick, ret. pay, R. Artillery.
Cameron, Major Maurice Alex., ret. pay, Royal Engineers.
Carter Bt. Lieut. -Col. Charles Herbert Philip, R. Scots.
p.s.c. Carter, Major E. E., M.V.O.
Castletown, Lt.-Col. B. E. B., Lord, 4th Bn. Leinst Regt.
p.s.c. Cavendish, Lieut.-Colonel Alfred Edward John, Argyll
and Sutherland Highlanders.
Chamier, Major George Daniel, Royal Artillery.
Chamnev, Hen. Major H. (Army).
Charlesworth, Lt. -Colonel H. A., Royal Army Med. Corps.
Charrington, hon. Colonel F., 4th Bn. South Staffs. Regt.
Clarke, Major-Gen. Sir S. de A. C, G.C.V.O., retired pay.
p.s.c. Clauson, Major John Eugene.
Close, Lieut.-Colonel Charles Frederick, Royal Engineers.
Coles, Colonel Arthur Horsman, D.S.O.
Cooke-Collis, Col. W., 9th Bn. King's Royal Rifle Corps.
p.s.c. Cooper, Colonel Harry, A ide de Camp to the King.
Cordeaux. Captain H. E. S., M.B.
Cummins, Maj. Henry Alfred, M.D., R. Army Med. Corps.
Curtis, Bt.-Col. R. S., D.S.O.
Dawkins, Lieut. -Col. Chas. T., Shrop. Light Infantry.
p.s.c. Dawson, Colonel Douglas F. R., h.p., Coldst. Guards.
Decne, Major James.
p.s.c. Delme-Radcliffe, Lieut.-Colonel C, M.V.O.
Dickson, Major-General John Baillie Ballantyne, C.B.
Dorman, Surgeon-General J. C, M.B.
Doughty-Wylie, Major C. H. M.
Downes, Major-General Major Francis, ret. pay, R. Art.
Downing, Colonel Cameron Macartney Harwood.
Dunlop, Colonel Samuel, r.f.p., Royal Artillery.
Dunraven and Mountearl, Rt. Hon. W. T., Earl of, K.P.
Edwards, Lt.-Col. William Rice, M.D., Indian Med. Serv.
Elliott, Colonel John, C.B., late Royal Marines.
Exham, Colonel R.
Eyles, Lieut. -Col. G. L., Eng. and Rly S. C.
ps.c Fairholme, Major William Ernest, M.V.O., R. Art.
Fairtlough, Major Ed. C. D'H, D.S.O., 4 th Bn. Dub. Fus.
Fairtlough Lieut. -Col. F. H., 3rd Bn. R. W. Surrey Regt.
Ferguson, Lieut.-Colonel N. C, M.B.
Festing, Major A. H., D.S.O., Royal Irish Rifles.
Firzmaurice, Lt.-Col. M., M.Inst.C.E., Eng. and Rly. S. C.
p.s.c. Fortescue, Colonel hon. C. G., D.S.O., King's R. R.
Fraser, Maj. T. R-
p.s.c. Fraser, Maj. -Gen. Sir Thos. K.C.B., r.p., R. Engineers
Freyer, Lt.-Colonel S. F., M.B.
p.s.c. Gaisford, Colonel Richard Boileau, R. Scots Fus.
Gallwey, Lt.-Col. Hy. Lionel, D.S.O., h.p., E. Lane. Regt.
Garstiri, Colonel Alfred Allan.
p.s.c. Gleichen, Lt.-Col. Count Albert E. W., C.V.O., D.S.O.
from Grenadier Guards.
Glynn, Lt.-Col. Thomas George Powell, Liverpool Regt.
Goodwin, G. A., late Maj. Riy. Pioueer Regiment.
Goold-Adams, Major H. E. T., Royal Artillery.
Gordon, Capt. W. A., 6th Bn. Worcester Regiment.
Gorringe, Colonel George Frederick, D.S.O., R. Eng.
Gough, Major-General Hugh Sutlej, C.B,, h.p., 18th Hus.
Grant, Colonel Samuel Charles Norton, Royal Engineers.
Greer, Lieut.-Colonel J.
Grey, Bt. -Major Raleigh, late 6th Dragoons.
p.s.c. Grierson, Major-General J. M., C.B., M.V.O.
Guggisberg, Major F. G.
p.s.c. Gwynn, Major Chas. Wm., D.S.O., Royal Engineers.
Haig, Lieut. -Col. Arthur Balfour, C.V.O., r.f.p., R. Eng.
Hamilton, Lieut.-Colonel T. W. O'H., M.B.
Hamley, Colonel Francis Gilbert, Army Pay Department.
Hanbury-Tracy, Major Hon. A. H. C.
Hanbury-Williams, Lieut.-Colonel J., C.V.O.
Hare, Colonel F. S. C.
p.s.c. Harrison, General Sir Richard, G.C.B.
Harrison, Colonel Robert Arthur Gwynne, R. Art.
Hairis, Hon. Colonel D.
p.s.c. Hart-Synnot, Major-General Arthur Fitzroy, C.B.
Hatch, Captain George P., late West India Regiment.
Hatherton, Colonel Lord E. G. P.
Hawkins, Colonel Walter Francis, Royal Engineers.
Hay, Colonel G. J., C.B., 3rd Bn. West Yorkshire Regt.
Healy, Colonel C, 3rd Bn. South Wales Borderers.
Heath, Lieut. -Col. John Macclesfield, r.f.p., Bombay S. C.
Helme, Lieut. -Col. G. C, C.B., 6th Bn. Middlesex Regt.
Hensman, Colonel Plenry Frank, ret. pay, 1st Life Guards.
p.s.c. Herbert, Colonel Ivor J. C, C.B., h.p., Gren. Gds.
Heuston, Lieut.-Col. Fred. Samuel, Royal Army Med. C.
Hills, Major E. H.
Hobbs, Major Perc* Eyre Francis, Army Service Corps.
Hoofe, Colonel J., 3rd Bn. York Regiment.
Hore, Colonel Charles Owen, South Staffordshire Regt.
Howard, Maj. -Gen. Sir Francis, K.C.B., h.p., Rifle Brigade.
Hughes, Colonel Emilius, C.B., ret. list, A. S. Corps.
Hughes, hon. Colonel (temp. Col. in Army) H., v.n.
Ireland, Lieut.-Colonel Robert Megan, Army Pay Dept.
Jack, Bt.-Colonel Herbert Bowett Henry, Army Serv. Corps.
Jackson, Colonel L. C.
Jackson, Captain L. C.
Jackson, Colonel Robert White Melville, Army Ord. Dept.
Jarvis, hon. Lieut.-Colonel A. W., M.V.O., 3rd County of
London Imp. Yeomanry.
Jarvis, Lieut.-Colonel A. W., M.V.O., t.d., 3rd Com. of
Lond. Yeo. (hon. Lieut.-Col. in Army).
Jelf, Colonel R. H., ret. pay, Royal Engineers.
Johnstcn, Lieut.-Colonel Percy Herbert, M.D., Royal Army
Medical Corps.
p.s.c. Johnson Colonel R. F., C.B.
Julian, Bt. Lieut. -Colcnel O. R. A.
Justice, Major-General William Give, retired list.
Kemmis, Lieut.-Col.. W., 4th Bn. Royal Lancaster Regt.
Keeney, Colonel Arthur Herbert, D.S.O., R. Engineers.
p.s.c. Kerrison, Lieut.-Col. E. R. A., 4th Bn. Norfolk Rcgt.
Kilkelly, Surg. Lieut.-Col. Charles R., M.B., Grenadier Gds.
Kirkpatrick, Lieot-Colonel R., M.D.
p.s.c. Kitson, Major-General G. C.
Knollys, Major Louis Frederic,. late of Scottish Rifles.
p.s.c. Laffan, Colcnel H. D.
p.s.c. Lambton, Major Hon. William, D.S.O.
Lang-Hyde, Major John Irvine, Royal Engineers.
Larvmore, Captain H. D., Royal Artillery.
Leicester, Colonel T. W., Earl of, G.C.V.O., A.D.C.
p.s.'. Leverson, Colonel J. J., Royal Engineers.
Lewis, Lieut.-Col. nel P. J. T.
Living' tcne, Major Hubert Armine Anscn. R. Engineers.
Long, Colcnel YV., 4th Bn. Somerset light Infantry.
Lcngheed, Lieut.-Colonel S.F., M.D.
Lushingtcn, Major S.
p.s.c. Lynden-Bell, Major A. L.
Macauley, Major G. B., Royal Engineers.
Machell, Captain P. W.
M'Fariane, Ronald.
M'Innis, Lieut.-Col. Edward Bowater, ret. pay, oth Lrs.
M'Kean, Colonel Alex. Chalmers, ret. pay, 6th Dragoons.
M'Nair, Major John Fred. Adolphus, Roval Artillery.
McNamara, Surgeon-General W. H., M.D., C.B.
Macpherson, Lt.-Col. W. G., Royal Army Medical Corps.
Mainwaring, Colonel Rowland B., Regimental District.
Manifold, Colcnel John Foster, Royal Artillery.
Mann, Major-General J. R.
Martin, Colonel Rowland Hill, C.B., ret. pay.
Massy-Westropp, hon. Col. J., 5th Bn. R. Munster Fusiliers.
Maud. Major Philip, Roval Engineers.
Maud, Captain W. H.
p.s.c. Maude, Major F. S., D.S.O., Coldstream Cuards.
p.s.c. Maunsell, Major Francis Richard.
Maxwell, Colonel Sir J. G, K.C.B., D.S.O.
May, Colonel Edward Sinclair, Royal Artillery.
Methuen, Lieut. -General Paul S., Lord, K.C.V.O., G.C.B.
Milne, -Redhead, Lt.-Col. R. H., 3rd Bn. E. Lane. Regt.
Mirehouse, R., 4th Bn. South Staffordshire Regt.
Mitford, Colonel William Kenyon, Middlesex Imp. Yeo.
Montagu-Stuart-Wortlev, Colonel Hon. E. J.
Morris, Lieut.-Colonel Arthur Henry, D.S.O.
Mosse, Deputy Surgeon-General Chas., C.B., Benj., half pay.
Moultcn Barrett, Lt.-Col. Edward Alfred, Army Ord. Dept.
Mountsteven, hon. Colonel F. H , 3rd Bn. Devon Regiment.
Moysey, Major General Charles John, ret. pay, R. Eng.
Murray, Colonel Robt. Hunter, C.B., Regimental District.
Napier, Major Hon. H. D.
Napier, Colonel Hon. John Scott.
Nicholson, Colonel J. S.
Norcott, Colonel Charles Hawtrev Bruce.
O'Brien, Bt. Lieut.-Colonel C. R. M.
O'Dell, Colonel Thomas John, C.B., Army Service Corp=.
p.s.L. O'Meara, Major Walter Alfred John. R. Fngineers.
Owen, Lieut.-Colonel Chas. Wm., CLE., Bengal Med. Estab
Owen, Captain R. C. R.
Panton, Colonel J. G.
Parr, Major-General Henry Hallam, C.B.
Parsons, Lieut.-Colonel Harold Daniel Edmund, Royal West
Surrey Regiment.
Panton, Major-General George, ret. pay.
Paul, Colonel Gerard Robert Clark, Army Service Corps.
p.s.c. Peacocke, Colonel William, Royal Engineers.
Peake, Bt. -Major Malcolm, Royal Artillery.
Pearce, Major Francis Barrow.
Pereira, Major G. E., D.S.O.
Philips, Lieut.-Col. Furton Henry, ret. pay, Welsh Fus.
Pickwoad, Colonel Edwin Hay.
Pink, Colcnel Francis John, D.S.O.. R. West Surrey R>gt,

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