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War Services. — Active List.
WESTERN, Col. W. G. B.— Served with the Soudan
^Expedition, 1884-5. — Nile. Medal with clasp; bronze
star. Served on the N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-8. —
Malakand. — Took part in the operations in Bajaur
.-.and in the Mamund country. Slightly wounded.
Buner. — Was present .it the attack and capture of
■the Tanga Pass. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 18 Mar.
■ 98. Medal with clasp. Served in the S. African War,
1900-2. — Took part in the operations in the Orange |
River Colony Sept. to 29 Nov. 00. In 1 ommd. of 2!
Bn. R. W. Kent R. 30 Nov. 00 to 3 Jan. ci and 29.
Jan. to 20 Apr. 01. In Commd. of a Mobile Column 1
21 Apr. 01 to 31 May 02. In the Transvaal May
'to July 01 and Mar. to 31 May 02. In. Orange River
Colony 30 Nov. 00 to Aug. 01, Sept. 01 to Apr. 02. I
Also during operations in Cape Colony Aug. to Sept.
01, Jan. 02, and May 02. Despatches, Lond. Gaz.,
10 Sept. 01 and 29 July 02. Brev. of Lt.-Col. Queen's
medal with 3 clasps, and King's n edal with 2 clasps.
WESTLAKE, Brev. Col. A. P. (Ind. Army).— Served
in the Afghan War, 1880-1. — Medal. Served with
the Burmese Expedition, 1886-9- — Despatches, Lond.
Gaz., 2 Sept. 87. Medal with 2 clasps; DSO.
WESTLAKE, Hon. Capt. W. J. (Assist. Commy. of
Ord.). — Accompanied the Expedition to Dongola, 1896. j
Egyptian medal Medal.
WESTLEY, Lt. J. H. S. (York R.).— Served in the
. S. African War, 1902.— Took part in the operations j
in the Transvaal, Apr. to 31 May 02. Queen's medal (
Avith 4 clasps.
WESTMACOTT, Maj. C. B. (Wore. R.).— Served in
■-the S. African War, 1902.— Served as Adjt. to 6 Bn. j
Wore. R. Took part in the operations in Cape Colony.
Jan. to 31 May 02. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 29 July
02. Queen's medal with 2 clasps.
WESTMACOTT, Brev. Maj. H. R. (Res. of Off.)—
Took part in the operations on N.W. Frontier of
Tndia, 1897-8.— With Tirah Exped. Force. Medal
-with 2 clasps. Served in the S. African War, 1899-
1902. — At the relief of Kimberley. Took part in
the operations in the Orange Free State. Feb. and
Mar. co, including operations at Paardeberg (17 to
.26 Feb.), actions at Poplar Grove, Dreifontein, Vet
River (5 and 6 May), and Zand f iver. In the
Transvaal in May and Jun. 00, : ncluding actions
near Johannesburg, Pretoria ; nd Diamond Hill in
and 12 Jun.) In the Transvaal, east of Pretoria
July to 29 Nov. 00, including action at Belfast (26
-and 27 Aug.). In Cape Colony, south cf Orange River.
■99-00. Again in the Transvaal, 30 Nov. 00 to 3r
Mav 02. Station Comindt. Afterwards on Staff [as
Asst. Prov. Marshal fgraded Rate XIII, Scale B,
Art. 115, Rl- Wt. 26 Oct. 00) from 14 Apr. 02]. Des-
patches, Lond. Gaz., 10 Sept. 01. Brev. of Maj. Queen's
medal with 6 clasps, and King's medal with 2 clasps.
WESTMACOTT, Maj. -Gen. Sir R. (u.s.l. Ind.
Army). — Served during the Indinn Mutiny. 1859. — At
the siege of Forts Beyt and Dwarka. Took part
in the operations against Bheels, i860. Served during
the operations against Niakras Mahals, 1868. — In the
action of Waruk. Served in the Afghan War. 1879-80.
— Took part in the march from Ouetta to the relief
of Kandahar, engagements in Kajuck Pass. Des-
patches. Lond. Gaz., 25 Jan. 81. Medal. Served
■with the Soudan Expedition, 1S85. — Suakin. In the
actions at Hasheen and Tofrek, various attacks on
convoys, advance on Tamai. Despatches, Lond. Gaz.,
25 Aug. 85 Medal with 2 clasps; bronze star. Served
with the Chin Lushai Expedition, 1889-90. — In com-
mand of 28 Pioneers. Commander Advance Column
on Haka. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 21 Sept. 90; DSO.
Medal with clasp. Served on the N.W. Frontier cf
India, 1897-8. — Mohmand. On Staff. Commanded 1st
Brig. (Sept. to Oct 97) Despatches, Lond Gaz, n
Jan. 98. Medal with clasp. Served at Tirah, 1897-8. —
Commanded 4th Brig. In the actions of Dargai and
of the Sampagha and Arhanga Passes. At the recon-
naissance of Saran Sar and action of Nov. 97. Took
part in the operations at and around Dwatoi and
action of 24 Nov. 97. Also in the Bara Valley 7 to
14 Dec. 07. Affair at Shinkamar on 29 Jan. 98. Des-
patches, Lond. Gaz., 1 Mar. and 5 Apr. 98. KCB.
(t) WESTMINSTER. Maj. H. R. A., Duke of (Ches.
Yeo.). — Served in tjje S. African War, 1900-1. — A-D-C.
(extra) to Field Marshal Comg.-in-Chf. the Forces.
Took part in the operations in Orange Free State,
Feb. to May 00, including actions at Poplar Grove,
Dreifontein, Vet River and Zand River. In the
Transvaal, May and Jun. 00, including actions near
Johannesbd r g, Pretoria and Diamond Hill. In the
Transvaal, Jun. 00. Again in the Transvaal, July
to 29 Nov. 00, including action at Belfast. Des-
patches, Lond. Gaz., .<6 Apr. 01. Queen's medal with
5 clasps.
(r) WESTMORLAND, Lt.-Col. A. M. J., Earl of
(3 Bn. North'n R.). — Served in the S. African War,
1902. — Took part in the operations in Cape Colony,
May 02. Oueen's medal with 2 clasps.
WESTMORLAND, Col. C. H. (Ind. Army).— Served
in the Afghan WaT, 878-9. — Took part in the cap-
ture of AH Musjid and second Bazar Valley expe-
dition. Medal with clasp. Served with the Burmese
Expedition, 1887-9. — Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 15 Nov.
89. Medal with clasp ; Brev. of Maj. Served on
the N.W. Frontier of Tndia, 1897-8.— Tochi. Medal
with clasp. Served in China, '900. — (Despatches,
Lond. Gaz., 13 Sept. 01.) Medal.
WESTMORLAND, Maj. H. G. (Hamps. Re-
served in East Africa, 1904. — Took Dart in the opera-
tions in Somaliland. Medal with clasp.
WESTMORLAND, Maj. P. T. (R. War. R.).—
Served on the W. Coast of Africa, 894.— With the
expedition to the Gambia against Fodey Silah. Des-
patches, Lond. Gaz., -4 May 04. Medal with clasp.
Served with the Ashanti Expedition, 1895-6.— Star.
Served in the S. African War, 1899-1900. — Staff Officer,
Glencoe, and in commd. St. Helena. Medal. _ Served
in West Africa, 1901. — Served with the expedition up
the Gambia. Medal with clasp. Served on the N.W.
Frontier of India, 1908. — Took part in the operations
in the Mohmand country. Despatches, I ond. Gaz.,
14 Aug. 08. DSO.
WESTON, Hon. Capt. E. (Senr. Asst. Surg. ret.
Ind. Sub. Med. Dept ). — Served with the Burmese
Expedition, 1S85-8.— Medal with 2 clasps.
(r) WESTON, Lt.-Col. E. C. (and Hon. Col. 3 Bn.
L'pool R.).— Served in W Africa, 1900. -Took part in
the operations in Ashanti. Despatches. Lond. Gaz.,
8 Mar. 01. Medal. Served in the S. frican War,
1901-2. — In commd. 5 Bn. Manch. R. 24 Jan. 02 to
2 Mar. 02. Took part in the operations in the Orange
River Colonv July 01 to Mar. 02. Also in Cape
Colony, Mar. to 31 May 02. Queen's medal with 4
WESTON. Lt. E. T. (Res. of Off.)— Served in the
S. African War, 1900-1.— Served with Brabant's Horse.
Queen's medal with clasp.
WESTON. Lt. J. L. (A. S. Corps).— Served in the
S. African War, 1900-2. — Took part in the operations
in the Transvaal Mar. to Apr., and Sept. to Dec.
01. In Orange River Colony Jan. to Mar. 01, and
Dec. 01 to 31 May 02. Also in Cape Colony 30 Nov.
00 to Jan. 01 and Apr. to Sept. 01. Despatches,
Lond. Gaz., 10 Sept. 01. Queen's medal with 3 clasps,
and King's medal with 2 clasps.
WESTON, Maj. R. S. (Manch. R.).— Served on the
N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-8.— Malakand. As Trans-
port Offr. Lines of Commn. (3 Aug. to Oct. 97). Took
part in the operations in Bajaur and in the Mamund
country. Utman Khel. Transport Offr. to Column.
Buner. Transport Offr. Took part in the attack
and capture of the Tanga Pass. Medal with clasp.
WESTROPP. Maj. F. M. (R. Eng.).— Served on
the N.W. Frontier rf India, 1897-8.— Took part in
the operations on the Samana during Aug. and Sept.
97. Relief of Gulistan. Medal with 2 clasps. Served
at Tirah, 1897-8. — Was present at the capture of Sam-
pagha and Arhanga Passes. Took partjn the opera-
tions in the Waran Valley and action of 16 Nov.
97. During operations against the Khani Khel Cham-
kanis. Also in the Bazar Valley, 25 to 30 Dec.
WESTROPP, M. Gen. G. R. C. (u.s 1. Ind. Army).—
Served during the Indian Mutiny, 1857-8.
WESTROPP, Brev. Col. G. R. C. (Ind. Army).—
Served in the Afghan War, 1879-80.— As Asst. Supt.
of Transport. Mentioned in Despatches. Medal.
Served with the Zhob Valley Expedition, 1884.— As
an Exe. Commt. Officer. Served with the Chin-Lushai
Expedition, 1S89-90. — As Commt. Iransp. Officer. Des-
patches, Lond. Gaz., 12 Sept. >,o. Medal with clasp.
Served on the N.W. frontier of India, 1897-8.—
Mohmand— Chief Commt. Officer (Sept. to 7 Oct. 97).
Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 11 Jan. 08. Medal with
clasp. Served at Tirah, 1897-8.— Base Commt. Officer,
Kohat, afterwards Chief Commt. Officer, Base and
Lines of Communication. Clasp. Served again on
the N.W. Frontier of India, Waziristan, 1901-2.—
WESTROPP, Lt.-Col. H. C. E. (Manch. Re-
served in the S. African War, 1901-2.— Served as Adjt.
5 Bn. Lan. Fus. 23 Jun. 01 to 31 May 02. Took part
in the operations in Orange River Colony, Jun. to
July 01. Also in Cape Colony, July 01 to 31 May
■2." Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 29 July 02. Queens
medal with 4 clasps.

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