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War Services. — Active List.
O'CONNOR, Hon. Capt J. (Qr.-Mr. R. Muns. Fus.).
— Served in the S. African W'ara, 1899-1902. — Took part
in the operations in Orange River Colony, May to
29 Nov. 00, including actions at Lindley (26 Jun.),
Bethlehem (6 and 7 July), and Wittebergen (1 to 29
July)- Also in Cape Colony, north of Orange River.
Despatches, Lond. Gaz., ro Sept. 01. Queen's medal
with 3 clasps, and King's medal with 2 clasps.
O'CONNOR, Hon. Capt. J. E. (in Army).— Served
in the S. African War, 1899-1900.
O'CONNOR Capt. P. B. (R. Eng.)— Served in the
S. African War, 1899-1902. — (Slightly wounded). Took
part in the operations in Orange River Colony (May
to Nov. 00), including actions at Wittebergen (1 to
29 July). Also in the Transvaal and Orange River
Colony, 30 Nov. 00 to 31 May 02. Despatches, Lond.
Gaz., 10 Sept. 01. Queen's medal with 3 clasps, and
King's medal with 2 clasps.
O'CONNOR, Hon. Capt. W. F. (Senior Asst. Surg.,
Ind. Sub. Med. Estab.) — Served with the Burmese Ex-
pedition, 1886-8. — Medal with 2 clasps. Served on the
N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-8. — Took part in the
operations on the Samana and in the Kurram Valley
during Aug. and Sept. 97. Medal with 2 clasps.
Served at Tirah, 1897-8. — Took part in the action of
Chagru Kotal and capture of the Sampagha and Ar-
hanga Passes. Was present during the operations at
and around Dwatoi, and action of 24 Nov. 97. During
the operations against Khani Khel Chamkanis. Also
in the Bazar Valley, 25 to 30 Dec. 97. Despatches,
Lond. Gaz., 5 Apr. 98. Clasp. Prom. Senr. Asst. Surg.
O'CONNOR, Maj. W. F. T. (Ind. Army).— Took
part in the operations on N.W. Frontier of India,
1897-8. — Malakand Fid. Force. In the action at Lan-
dakai. Also during operations on the Samana. Also
with Tirah Exped. Force. Medal with 3 clasps.
Served in Tibet, 1903-4. — As Sec. to British Coramr.
Severely wounded. Took part in the operations at
and around Gyantse. Medal with clasps. CIE.
O'DARE, Hon. Lt. J. (Qr.-Mr., R. Innis. Fus.)—
Took part in the operations on N.W. Frontier of
India, 1897-8. — Served at Tirah. Medal with 2 clasps.
O'DELL, Col. T. J. -Served with the Egyptian Ex-
pedition, 1884. — Soudan. — At the battles of Teb and
Tamai. Medal with clasp ; bronze star. Served in
the S. African War, 1899-1901. — On Staff. Took part
in the operations in Natal, 99, and Mar. to Jun. 00.
At the relief of Ladysmith. Despatches (Sir R. H.
Buller, 30 Mar. and 9 Nov. 00). Lond. Gaz., 8 Feb.
01. Queen's medal with clasp. CMG.
■ ir) O'DELL, Maj. T. S. (3 Bn. High. L.I.)— Served
in the S. African War, 1902. — Took part in the opera-
tions in Cape Colony Jan. to 31 May 02. Queen's
medal with 2 clasps.
ODLING, Capt. W. A. (Midd'x R.)— Served in the
S. African War, 1901-2. — Took part in the operations
in the Transvaal, May 01 to July 01, Aug. 01 to 31
May 02. In Orange River Colony, May ci. Also in
Cape Colony, July to Aug. o:. Queen's r.edal with 5
ODLUM, Capt. W. H. (R. A. Med. Corps).— Served
in the S. African War, 1900-2. — Served as a Civil Sur-
geon. Slightly wounded. Took part in the operations
in Orange River Colony (May to 29 Nov. 00), includ-
ing actions at Biddulphsberg, Bethlehem (6 and 7
July), Wittebergen (r to 29 July). Witpoort, Lady-
brand (2 to 5 Sept), Caledon River (27 to 29 Nov.).
Again in the Orange River Colony, 30 Nov. 00 to
31 May 02. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 15 Nov. ot.
Queen's medal with 3 clasps, and King's medal with
2 clasps.
O'DONALD. Hon. Lt. E. (Asst. Commy. Ind. Army
Depts.)— Served at Tirah 1897-8. — Medal with 2 clasps.
O'DONNELL, Col. A. C. (Ind. Army).— Served in
the S. African War, 1879. — During the Zulu Campaign
— Employed in Natal. Medal. Served with the Hazara
Expedition, 1888. — Mentioned in Despatches. Medal
with clasp. Served on the N.W. Frontier of India,
1897-8. — Mohmand. Malakand. Took part in the
operations in Bajaur. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 18
Mar. 98. Medal with clasp. Served at Tirah, 1897-8.
O'DONNELL, Lt.-Col. G. B. (u.s.l. Ind. Army).—
Served with the Zhob Valley Expedition, 1884. — Em-
ployed in Intell. Branch. Served in the S. African
War, 1879. — During the Zulu Campaign. — Medal with
O'DONNELL, Col. H. (Ind. Army).— Served with
the Burmese Expedition, 1886-9. — Commanded Mo-
gaung Field Force (wounded). Despatches, Lond.
Gaz., 15 Nov. 89. Thanks of Government of India.
Medal with 2 clasps', DSO. Served in Burma, 1889-
■90. — With the Tonhon Expedition. Served in Burma,
1890-1. — With the Wuntho Expedition. Commanded
the Mogaung column. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 9
Feb. 92. Clasp.
O'DONNELL, Lt.-Col. T. J. (R.A. Med. Corps).—
Served with the Egyptian Expedition, 1882. — Medal;
bronze star. Served with the Bechuanaland Expedi-
tion, 1884-5. Took part in the operations in Zululand,
1888. Served on the N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-8.
Medal with clasp. Served in the S. African War,
1899-1902. — Took part in the advance on Kimberley, in-
cluding action at Magersfontein. At the relief of
Kimberley. In the Orange Free State Feb. to May
00, including operations at Paardeberg (17 to 26 Feb.);
actions at Poplar Grove, Dreifontein, Karee Siding;
Houtnek (Thoba Mountain), Vet River (5 and 6 May)
and Zand River. In the Transvaal in May and Jun.,
including actions near Johannesburg, Pretoria, and
Diamond Hill (n and 12 June>. In Orange. River
Colony (May to 20 Nov. 00), including actions at Beth-
lehem (6 to 7 July) and Wittebergen (1 to 29 July).
Again in the Transvaal, July 01 to 31 May 02. Des-
patches, Lond. Gaz., 16 Mar. 00 and 16 Apr. 01.
Queen's medal with 6 clasps and King's medal with
2 clasps.
O'DONOGHUE, Brev. Col. M. E. (Ind. Army).—
Served in the Afghan War, 1880. — Medal. Served
with the Burmese Expedition, 1886-9. — Medal with 2
(r) O'DONOVAN, Hon. Col. M. W. (4 Bn. R. Muns.
Fus.) — Served in the S. African War, 1900-2. — Commdt. ,
Stormberg. Took part in the operations in the Trans-
vaal, west of Pretoria. In Orange River Colony. Also
during the operations in Cape Colony, 30 Nov. 00 to
Mar. 02. Despatches, Lond. Gaz., 29 July 02. Queen's
medal with 3 clasps, and King's medal with 2 clasps.
O'DOWDA, Col. J. William (u.s.l. Ind. Army).—
Served during the Sonthal l-'ehelli Jn, 1X55-6.
O'DOWDA, Maj. J. Wilton (R.W. Kent. R.)—
Served on the N.W. Frontier of India, 1897-8. — Mala-
kand. On Staff. Took part in the operations in Baj-
aur and in the Mamund country. Buner. On Staff.
Was present at the attack and capture of the Tanga
Pass. Medal with clasp.
O'FARRELL, Lt. E. H. M. (R. Ir. Fus.>— Served in
the S. African War, 1902. — Took part in the operations
in Cape Colony and Orange River Colony, May 02.
Queen's medal with 3 clasps.
OFFORD, Hon. Lt. E. P. cQr.-Mr., R. A. Med.
Corps). Served with the Egyptian Expedition, 1882. —
Medal ; bronze star. Served in the S. African War,
1900-2. — Took part in the operations in the Orange
Free State, Feb. to May 00. In Orange River Colony,
May to 29 Nov. 00. And again in Orange River
Colony, 30 Nov. 00 to 31 May 02. Queen's medal with
Apr. to May 02. Queen's medal with 3 clasps.
O'FLAHERTY, Capt. A. R. (R.A. Med. Corpse-
Took part in the operations in Sierra Leone, 1898-9. —
Medal with clasp. Served in the S. African War,
1902. — Took part in the operations in Cape Colony,
Apr. to May 02. Oueen's medal with 3 clasps.
(r) OGDEN, Lt. C. A. (3 Bn. Yorks. L.l)— Served
in the S. African War, 1901-2. — Served with Impl. Yeo.
Took part in the operations in the Transvaal and
Orange River Colony Apr. 01 to 31 May 02. Queen's
medal with 5 clasps.
OGG, Maj. G. S. (R. Art.).— Served with the Isazai
Expedition, 1892.
OGILVIE, Lt. A.N. (N. Staff. R.)— Served in the S.
African War, 1900-2. — Took part in the operations in
Orange River Colony, May 01 to Jan. 02. In Cape
Colony, Feb. to May 02. Also in the Transvaal, Apr.
01 to 31 May 02. Queen's medal with 3 clasps, and
King's medal with 2 clasps.
OGILVIE, Maj. E.C. (R. Eng.)— Accompanied the
Miranzai (2nd) Expedition, 1891. — Medal with clasp.
Took part in the operations in Chitral, 1895 — With
the Relief Force. Asst. Field Engr. , Lines of Commn.
(20 May to Aug. 95). Medal with clasp.
OGILVIE, Lt.-Col. N. S— Served in the Afghan
War, 1880— Medal.
OGILVIE, Maj. W. H. (Ind. Med. Serv.)— Accom-
panied the Expedition to Dongola, 1896. — Egyptian
medal. Medal. Served in China, 1900. — Was present
at the relief of Pekin. Medal with clasp. Served in
Tibet, 1903-4. — Took part in the march to Lhassa.
OGILVY, Capt. D. (R. Eng.)— Served in the S. Afri-
can War, 1001-2. — Took part in the operations in Cape
Colony, Mar. to May 01, July to Sept. oi, Mar. to
May 02. Also in the Transvaal May to July 01, Oct.
oi to Feb. 02, Feb. to Mar. 02. Queen's medal with
5 clasps. Served in East Africa, 1903-4. — During the
operations in Somaliland. On Staff (as Spec. Serv.
Offr). Medal with clasp.
OGLE, Lt. E. C. (W.I. R.)— Served in the S. African
War, 1901. — Served in St. Helena. Queen's medal.

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