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General Officers Retired under Royal Warrant. — War Services. 587
with Clasp). Served in tli9 war in New Zealand as D.A. Quarter Master General from January 1862 to January
1866. Surveyed the Waikato River under circumstances of great difficulty and danger, and piloted up it the gun-
boats Avon and Pioneer. Was present at nearly the whole of the engagements, and was repeatedly mentioned in
despatches — mentioned as being " always conspicuous for energy and daring " (Brevets of Major and Lt. Colonel,
and Medal). Served as Chief of the Staff of the Ashanti Expedition of 1873-74. and was present at the battle of
Amoaful, battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie, including the minor engagements on the road. Mentioned
in despatches by Sir Garnet Wolseley in the following terms: — " Colonel Greaves assumed the duties of Chief of
the Staff on the 17th December. His great knowledge of the army, his experience as a, Staff Officer, the zeal and
ability he brings to bear upon his work mark him out as eminently qualified for the post he occupied. He has
rendered the most valuable assistance " (Medal with Clasp, and CB.). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 as
Chief of the Staff to Sir Gerald Graham (mentioned in despatches by Lord Wolseley in the following terms: —
"Sir G.Graham speaks in high terms of the manner in which Major General Sir George Greaves, K. CM. G.,
C.B., performed the duties of Chief of the Staff to his force. I do not believe there is any officer who has a
more extensive knowledge ]of the working of the army than Sir George Greaves, nor one who can use his great
staff and administrative experience to better purpose " (KCB., Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
I 3 ' J General A. F. Hamilton commanded the Madras Sappers and Miners in the Egyptian war of 1832 and was
present at i.he battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Brevet of Lt.Colonel, Medal with Cla,sp, and Khedive's Star).
I 40 Sir Edward Stanton was attached to the Q.M.G.'s Staff with the expedition across the Orange River under Sir
George Cathcart in 1852, and was present at the action of Berea (Medal). Served the Eastern campaign of 1854-55,
including the attack on the Port of Odessa, the battles of Alma and Inkerman, and siege of Sebastopol (Medal
with three Clasps, Brevets of Major and Lt.Colonel, CB., Knight of the Legion of Honor, Sardinian and Turkish
Medals, and 5th Class of the Medjidie).
11 General Stannus served in the campaign of 1842 in Afghanistan, including the forcing of the Khyber Pass,
and battle of Mamoa Khali (Medal) . Commanded the personal escort of Sir Hugh Gough at the battle of Maharaj-
pore, and throughout the Gwalioi campaign of 1843-44 (mentioned in despatches, Bronze Star). Served through-
out the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, with the Governor General's Body Guard at the battles of Moodkee and
Ferozeshah, and was also present at Aliwal and Sobraon (Medal and three Clasps). Expedition to Kote Kangra
in 1846. Punjr.ub campaign of 184S-49, present at the action of Ramnuggur, and again commanded the Cavalry
escort of Lord Gough at the battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat, at which last he was severely wounded
(mentioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps, Wound Pension for Life, and Brevet of Major) . Was present at
Meerut when the outbreak of the Sepoy Mutiny took place at that station in May 1857.
51 General Hatch was present nt the capture of Wankeera in 1844 — mentioned in despatches and thanked by
Government. Served with the Persian expedition of 1856-57, and was present at the action of Reshire, surrender of
Bushire, and battle of Kooshab (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
69 The Duke of Grafton served in the Eastern campaign of 1854 with the Coldstream Guards, including
the siege of Sebastopol, and battles of Balaklava and Inkerman — severely wounded (Medal with three Clasps, Sar 3
fiiuian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class of the Medjidie).
76 Sir William Hope served with the 71st Highlanders in the Crimean campaign from 20th Dec. 1854, including
the siege and fall of Sebastopol, and expedition to Kertch (Medal with Clasp, Knight of the Legion of Honor, 5th
Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal) . Served in Central India under Sir John M'Chel in 1858, and was present
at the actions of Rajghur (in command of a Brigade), Mungrowlee, Sindwaho, and Kurai {CB., Medal with Clasp,
a,nd mentioned in despatches). Commanded the 71st in the operations in Eusafzyein 1863 under Sir 1ST. Chamber-
lain — wounded on the 20th Nov. at the recapture of the Crag Piquet (mentioned in despatches, and thanked by
the Commander in Chief in India, Medal with Clasp).
31 General J. A. Puller served in the Punjaub campaign of 1848-49, including the siege and surrender of Mooltan,
and was severely wounded by the explosion of a magazine in the town (Medal with Clasp).
87 Sir James Hills-Johnes.— For War Services, see'Militia Artillery, p. 883.
88 Sir Gerald Graham served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and
Inkei-man, and served in the Trenches throughout the siege of Sebastopol — twice wounded ; led a ladder party to the
[assault of the Redan on the 18th June 1855 (Victoria Cross), and was on duty in the Trenches at the final assault ol
,the 8th Sept. ; was employed in the destruction ofthe Docks of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, Knight of the
Legion of Honor, 5th Class of the Medjidie, Turkish Medal, and Brevet of Major) : was awarded the ~Bf£, for
■" determined gallantry at the head of a ladder party, at the assault of the Redan (Sebastopol), on the 18th June
1855. Devoted heroism in sallying out of the trenches on numerous occasions, and bringing in wounded officers
and men." Served throughout the campaign of i860 in North China, including the assault of Tangku and the
Baku Forts, and surrender of Pekin — wounded with jingall-ball (CB., Medal with two Clasps, and Brevet of
Lt.Colonel). Served throughout the Egyptian war of 1882 in command of the 2nd Brigade. a,nd was present at the
engagements of El Magfar and Tel-el-Mahuta, the two actions at Kassasin, and in the" battle of Tel-el-Kebir (twice
mentioned in despatches, received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, KCB., Medal with Clasp, 2nd Class of
the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Commanded the expedition to the Soudan in 1884, and was present in the en-
gagements at El Teb and Temai (received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, promoted Lt. General
for distinguished service in the field, 1st Class of the Medjidie, two Clasps). Again commanded an expedition
to the Soudan in 1S85 (received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, G-C3IG., and Clasp).
89 General C. J. Merriman served with the Persian Expeditionary Force in 1856-57, and was present at the storm-
ling of Reshire, capture of Bushire, and battle of Khooshab (Medal with Clasp).
I 9 - General P. G. Pipon served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the affairs of Bulganac and M'Kenzie's
IFarrn, the Battles of Alma and Balaklava, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, Brevet of Major,
■ Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class ofthe Medjidie).
I 96 Lieut.General C B. Ewart proceeded to Turkey on special service in Jan. 1S54 ; joined the Army in theEast on its
brrival, and served with it uninterruptedly until its return in June 1856, including one year as Major of Brigade,
IRoyal Engineers, and was present in the affairs of Bulganak and M'Kenzie's Farm, at the battles ofthe Alma,
[Balaklava, and Inkerman, and at the siege and fall of Sebastopol (mentioned in despatches, Medal with four
Clasps, Brevet of Major, Knight of the Legion of Honor, Sardinian and Turkish M3dals, and 5th Class of the
• Medjidie). During the Boer war of 1881 he was appointed Commanding Royal Engineer to the Natal Field Force.
Served in the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 as Brigadier General in command of the Base and Line of Com-
munications including the general supervision of the contemplated railroad to Berber (mentioned in despatches,
Medal with Claso. and Khedive's Star).
97 Sir John M'Leod served with the 42nd Highlanders throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including
the battles of Alma and Balaklava, expedition to Kertch and Yenikale, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with
three Clasps, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal). Served also the campaign of 1857-58 against
the mutineers in India, including the actions at Cawnpore (6th Dec. 1857), Seraighat (mentioned in despatches),
Khodagunj, and Shumsabad, siege and fall of Lucknow and assault of the Martiniere, Banks' Bungalow, and
Begum's Kottee (mentioned in despatch), attack on the Fort of Rooyah, action at Allygunge, and capture of
Bareilly (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Lt.Colonel, and CB.). Embarked for the Gold Coast in command of the
■42nd Highlanders, and served throughout the second phase ofthe Ashanti war, in 11674. Commanded the Regi-
ment until ordered up to the front from Mansu to the north side of the Adansi Hills to take command of the
Advanced Guard of the Army, now composed of ihe former Advanced Guard — viz., Lord Gifford's Scouts and
Russell's Regiment— together with Head Quarters of Wood's Regiment, Head Quarters 2nd West India Regiment,
and Rait's Artillery. Commanded the force at the capture and destruction of Adubiassie, and capture of Borbo-
rassie ; commanded the Left Attack at the battle of Amoaful ; commanded the Advanced Guard at the capture
and destruction of Becquah, the Advanced Guard engagement of Jarbinbah, and the skirmishes and ambuscade
affairs between Adwabin and the river Ordah. Commenced the attack at the battle of Ordahsu with portions of
Wood's and Russell's Regiments, three companies Rifle Brigade, and a 7-pounder gun (slight contused wound of
the hand). Afterwards with the 42nd, a gun, and Rocket Detachment, forced the position and pressing the
fugitives with the Highlanders entered Coomassie the same evening and was appointed Commandant of the^olace
(several times mentioned in despatches, KCB., Medal with Clasp).
I 98 Lieut.General D. MacFarlan served in the action of Chinhut and throughout the defence ofthe Residency at
Lucknow. Was slightly wounded by round-shot splinters and severely by a bullet (mentioned in despatch and

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