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Teryitorial Force Reserve.
Captains — continued.
Bayne, C. M., p.s.. Cap!., 3rd Lowland Brog. Royal Artillery,
9 Mar. 04.
Beck, L., p,s., Capt., 2nd Bn. London Regt., 4 June 08.
•Bennett, E. N., p., Capt., Buckinghamshire Bn., 27 Aug. 04.
Bethell, T. H., p.s., Capt., 7th Bn. Royal Warwick Regt.,
11 June 13.
Bird, J. W.,, R.A.M.C, 14 Aug. 12.
Bond, R. H., p.s. (H), Capt., 6th Bn. Notts and Derby
Regt., 4 Oct. II.
Booth, W. L., p.s., Capt., 6th Bn. London Regt. (late
Capt., ist Cadet Bn. K. R. Rif. Co.), 21 Oct. 11.
Borch, E., p., Capt., 4th East Lanes. Brig. Royal Artillery,
8 June 06.
Borthwick, W. S., p.s., Capl., 6th Bn. London Regt., 9
Mar. II.
Botterell, J. D., p.s., Capt., Essex Veoniann', 25 June 13.
Bowen, A. J. H., p.s. (H), Capt., 2nd Bn. Monmouth Regt.,
I July 10.
Bowen, L (t) [H), Capt., 2nd Welsh Brigade, Royal Field
Artillery, 3 Sept. 10.
Bradbury, 'G. R. C, Capt., 7th Bn. West Riding Regt.,
22 Apr. 07.
Brady, R. H., p., Capt., 6th Bn. Cheshire Regt., 3 Apr. 01.
Bridges, V\'., p., Capt., 3rd London Brig. Royal Artiller>',
12 Apr. C2.
Brims, C. W., p.s. (.4) (/), Capl., 4th Northampton (Howr.)
Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, 12 May 06.
Brooke, T., p., Capt., Yorkshire Dragoons Yeo., 5 Aug. 11.
Browne, H. St. J., p.s., Capt., 4th Bn. Northaiupton Regt.,
7 Apr. 0^=.
Buckland, S. C,. p.s., Capt., 8th Bn. Middlesex Regt.
{late Capt., 2nd V.B. Middlesex Regt.), 22 Apr. 11.
*BuckweIl, C. W., p.s. (H), Capt., 2nd Home Counties
Field Co., Home Counties Divisional Engineers, Royal
Engineers, 15 Oct. 04.
Bury, J. B. (p.), Capt., Royal Welsh Fusiliers . . 12 Oct. 12.
Butter, A. E., C.M.G., p.s., Capt., Scottish Horse Yeomanry,
29 Feb. 04.
Cald.vell, J. Mc. T., Capl., Welsh Di.ision Transport and
Supply Col, Army Service Corps, i June 11.
Campbell, F., p., Capt., 7th Bn. Liverpool Regt., 22 Apr. 05.
Campbell, G. L., p.s., Capt., 7th Bn. Liverpool Regt., 29 07.
Campbell, J. P., p., Capl., loth (Cyclist) Bn., Royal Scots,
18 July 06.
Campbell, W. W., p., Capt., 6th Bn. Argyll and Sutherland
Highlanders. 13 June 03.
Canning, P. L. H., p.s. (hon. Major), Capt., 5th Bn. London
Regt., 23 Dec. 02.
Carlile, E. H. H., p.s. (H) (r), Capt., Hertfordshire Yeo.,
I Oct. 09.
*Carr-Ellison, H. G. C, p.s. (hon. Lieut, in Army), Capt.,
Northumberland ^'eo., 27 May 05.
Cartland, T, J., p. (.4) {hoii. Major ret. T.F.), Capl., Horse
Artillery, Honourable Artillerj' Company, 5 July 11.
Carus, F. X. S., p. (A), Capt., ist East Lancashire Brigade,
Royal Field Artillery, 2 June 06.
*Chance, E. W., p.s. {H) (r), Capt., 13th Bn. London Regt.,
16 Feb. 09.
Charles, T. H., p. (r), Capt., 5th Bn. Royal Warwick Regt.,
24 Oct. 08.
Cheeswright, R. D., p.s., Capt., 4th Bn. Royal West Surrey
Regt. (laic Capt. ist V.B. Royal West Surrey Regt.),
22 Mar. II.
Chipp, T. F., p.s., Capt., Middlesex Regt., 16 Apr. 09.
Christie-Miller, G., p.s., Capt., Bucks. Bn., Oxford and
Bucks. Light Infantry', 5 Aug. 07.
Clark, F. W., p.s., Capt., nth Bn. London Regt., 5 Mav 11.
Clough, F. B., p.s., Capt., 4th Bn. Royal Welsh Fusiliers,
6 Aug. 04.
Cobb, G. B., p., Capt., 9th Bn. Hampshire Regt., 12 July 13.
Cohan, W. M., p.s., Capt., ist West Lanes. Brig. Royal
.Aitillery, i Feb. 13.
Cowell, G. E. M., p.s., Capt., 3rd E. Anglian Brig., Royal
Artillery, 28 Aug. 12.
Crichton, G. K., Capt., 3rd Co. Lowland Div. Transport and
Supply Col., .Army Service Corps, i July 10.
Cunningham, J., p.s., Capt., 5th Bn. Liverpool Regt.,
I May 06.
Cunyngham, F. J. de M., p.s., Capt., 7th Bn. London Regt.,
20 Apr. 12.
Cuthbert, G., p.s., Capt., 8th Bn. Middlesex Regt. (late
Capt., 2nd V.B. Middlesex Regt.), 22 Apr. 11.
Dare, F. C, Capt., 9th Bn. Hampshire Regt., 3 Feb. 12.
Davies, H. S., p.s. (Capt., ist Cadet Bn. K. R. Rif. C),
Capt., 6th Bn. London Regt., 20 Dec. 11.
Davies, O. St. L., p. (H) (t), Capt., Manchester Regt.,
28 Oct. II.
♦Davies, R. fF., p.s. (H) (hon. Capt. in Army), Capl., gth
Bn. London Regt., i7.Aug. 10.
Davis, A. T., V.D., p.s. (hon. Major ret. T.F.), Capt., 4th
Bn. Shropshire Light Infantry, 6 Aug. 10.
Davis, H. E., Capl., 2nd London Divisional Transport and
Supply Column, Army Service Corps, 24 July 05.
*Daw5on, F. G., p., ist Bn. Monmouth Regt., 22 Mar. 13.
*Dean, P. H., Capl., 8th Bn. Hampshire Regt. (late Lieut.
Royal InniskilUng Fusiliers), 27 Mar. 09.
Dear, H. J., p.s., Capt., 6th Bn. London Regt. (Capt., ist
Cadet Bn. K. R. Rif. C), 21 Oct. 11.
Denton, W., v.d., p. (hon. Major ret. Vols.), Capt., 7th Bn.
Essex Regt., 10 Aug. 10.
Dick, R. B., p. (A), Tynemouth Royal Garrison Artillery,
29 Aug. 06.
Dickson, J., p. (I), Capt., 6th Bn. Gordon Highlanders,
20 Nov. II.
Diggins, A., p.s., Capt., 15th Bn. London Regt., 26 Jan. 10.
Donald, D. P., p., Capt., 6th Bn. Argyll and Sutherland
Highlanders, 27 May 10.
Douglas, R. E., p.s., Capt., Royal Scots, n May 12.
Dowson, E. E., p., Capt., 6th Bn. Cheshire Regt., '6 Aug. 04.
Dunn, W. G., p.s. (H) (hon. Major), Capt., 23rd Bn. London
Regt., 2 May 00.
Dunn-Pattison, R. P., p., Capt., 6th Bn. Devonshire Regt.,
I June 10.
Du- Plat-Taylor, F. M. G., p. (A ) (»•), Capt., 2nd East Angliaa
Brigade, Royal Field Artillery-, 14 May 07.
Egerton, V. C, p.s., Capt., i6th Bn. London RegL,
8 Mar. 11. ,
Fisher, E. T., p.s., Capt.. East Riding Royal Artillery, 71
Aug. 12. I
Fleming, R., p.s. (t), Capt., 4th Bn. Royal Scots., 25 May 11, .1
'Forbes, A., p.s., Capt., loth (Cyclist) Bn. Royal Scots,.]
20 July 10. I
Ford, G. N., p.s. (t), Capt., 14th Bn. London Regt. (W« '
Capt. 7th Middlesex V.R.C.), 28 Jan. 11. ;
Eraser, C. E. W., p.s., Capt., 5th London Brig. Royal. .Art,
5 Feb. 07.
Giddings, F. W., t.d.. p. (hon. Major ret. T.F.), Capt.,
4th Bn. Wiltshire Regt., 28 Jan. 11.
Gill, F. G., p.s., Capt., 24th Bn. London Regt., 17 Aug. 10.
Glen, A., p.s., Capl., 2nd Lowland Field Co., ist London
Divisional Engineers, Royal Engineers, i Oct. 06.
Godfrey, C. V., Capl., Lancashire Fusiliers, 22 Mar. 09.
Goodchild, E. J., p.s., Capl., 7th Bn. Essex Regt., 14 Dec. 10.
♦Gordon, G. H. H., p.s. (H), Capt., Scottish Horse Yeo.,
30 Mar. 03.
Gray, A. B., v.d., p.s. (hon. Major ret. Vols.), Capt., 6th
Bn. Royal Scots, 6 May 11.
Green, J., p. II), Capt., Cheshire Field Co., Welsh Divisional
Engineers, Royal Engineers, 25 Feb. 05.
Greig, W. E., p.s. (R), Capt., 5th Bn. Liverpool Regt.,
28 Apr. 06.
Grierson, E., p., Capt., 5th Bn. King's Own Scottish Bordrs.
29 Nov. 05.
Griffin, H. Y., />., Capt., 4th Bn. East Lanes. Regt., 8 Oct. 10.
Griffith, E. W., p., Capt., Denbigh Y'eomanrv, 20 Mav 10.
Groves, J., p.s., Capt., 6th Bn. West Riding Regt., i July 10.
Haines, M. C, p.s. (H), Capt., ist Bn. London Regt.,
24 Jan. 03.
Hall, S. G., p., Capt., 2nd E. Anglian Brig. Royal .Artillery,
29 Mar. 99.
Hamilton, W. H., p.s. (H), Capt., 4th Bn. London Regt.,
2 Jan. 04.
♦Hanks. E. H., p.s. Capt. 17th Bn. London Regt. 12 Dec. 00
Hanson, H., p,s., Capt., 7th Bn. Notts and Derby Regt.,
25 June 04.
Harman, G. D., p.s. (A), Capl., ist East Anglian Brigade,
Royal Field Artillery, i Nov. 06.
Harrison, F., p.s., Capt., 10 Bn. Liverpool Regt., 5 Aug. 08.
Harvey-Gibson, R. J. (r), Capt., Cheshire Brigade Co.,
Welsh Divisional Transport and Supply Column,
Army Service Corps, 9 July 08.
Hatherley, E. J. W., p.s., Capt., 19th Bn. London Regt.,
I Aug. 05.
Henderson, A. S. (H), Capt, London Regt., i Feb. 12.
Henderson, R., p.s. (t) (hon. Major ret. Vols.), Capt., 24th
Bn. London Regt., 17 Aug. 10.
Hewlett, L. M., p.s., Capt., Middlesex Regt., 10 July 12.
Heys, F. W., p. (H), Capt., Arg\-ll and Sutherland High-
landers, 22 Aug. 00.
♦Higgins, R. H. (H), Capt., Buckinghamshire Yeo., formerly
Lieut. Royal Warwick Regt., 12 July 10.
♦Hoare, C. H., Capt., West Kent Y'eomamr, 5 Mar. 10.
Hoare, G. de M. G., p., Capt., 8th Bn. London Regt.,
27 Sept. II.
Hodges, F. N., p. (hon. Major), Capt., 4th Shropshire Light
Infantry, 13 May 03.
Hodgkinson, R. F. B., p.s. (Capt. ret. T.F.), Capt., 8th Bn.
Notts and Derby Regt., 15 Oct. 10.
Holden, H. C, p.s. (H), Capt., 8th Bn. Lancashire Fusliiers,
8 Mar. 05.

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