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153° War Services of Majors Retired hy Sale, Sfc.
command of the Artillery with the Field Force in Sikkim under Lt.Colonel Gawler, and was mentioned in Orders
by the Governor General for his services (Brevet of Major).
250 Major T. L. Roberts served with a field force in May and June 1857 against the fort of Hote Murdan held by
mutineers of the 55th Bengal Native Infantry, and subsequently towards the Swat Valley. Present as Adjutant
18th Punjaub Infantry at the mutiny of the 51st N.I. at Peshawur in Aug. 1857, and was severely contused and
slightly wounded by a musket- shot by the mutineers. Served the campaign of 1859 against the rebels on the
Nepaul Frontier as 2nd in Command 3rd Sikh Infantry; and for several months commanded pests on the fron-
tier with a Wing 3rd Sikhs and a troop of Irregular Cavalry ; present in the action with the Nana and Bala Rao at
Ruttenpore, and in carrying their position in the Nepaul Hills on the 28th March ; when reconnoitring in the hills
with two Companies 3rd Sikhs fell in with and conducted into camp Mahomed Hoosain the Nazim of Gorruckpore,
with 200 armed followers and sis elephants ; commanded the 3rd Sikhs in the affair with the Nusseerabad Brigade
on nth Nov. ; and present at the final surrender of the rebels at Dukairee in December (twice mentioned in de-
spatches, Medal) . Served as D.A.Q.M. General to the force under Brigadier General Staveley during the operations
against the 'faeping rebels in the vicinity of Shanghai in April and May 1862, including the capture of the stockades
of Naziang, assault and capture of the walled cities of Kading, Tsingpoo, Najow, and Tsolin, affair of Nagiang,
and relief of Kading (mentioned in despatches).
251 Major G. Rowland served with the 1st Royals throughout the campaign of i860 in China, including the taking
of Sinho and Tangku, occupation of Tientsin, and surrender of Pekin (Medal with two Clasps).
252 Major St. John served with the 92nd Highlanders in the Central India campaign from 22nd Aug. 1858 to 31st
March 1859 ; was present as Brigade Major at the affair of Rajghur, and as A.Q.M. General at the affairs of Mon-
growlie, Sindwaho, and Korai (three times mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, and Medal) .
255 Major J. Rogers served in South African war in 1899-1901, and took part in relief of Ladvsmith, including the action
Colenso ; the operations of the 17th to 24th Jan. 1900, and the action at Spion Kop ; of the 5th to 7th Feb. 1901s
md the action at Vaal Krantz ; the operations on Tugela Heights, and the action at Pieter's Hill ; in Natal, March
to June 1900; and in Orange River Colony, May to 29th Nov. 1900. Commanded the 1st Dragoons from 15th July
to 12th Dec. 1901 ; took part in operations in the Transvaal. April to August 1901 ; and in Orange River Colony,
30th Nov. 1900 to April 1901, and from August to Dec. 1901 (mentioned in despatches, DSO., Medal with four
256 Lt.Colonel T. Simpson served with the 52nd Light Infantry at the defeat of the Sealkote Mutineers on the
banks of the Ravee on the 12th and 16th July 1857 ; also from the 14th August at the siege, assault, and occupation
of Delhi — severely wounded in the right breast (Medal with Clasp).
257 Major R. P. Smith served with the 10th Hussars in the Crimean campaign from the 17th April to the 3rd July
1855, including the capture of Tchorgaun and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
258 Major W. Spall served in the Crimean campaign in 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal
with Clasp, and Turkish Medal), Indian campaign in 1858-59, and present at the attack and defeat of the rebel
force posted on the first range of the Nepaul Hills in March 1859 (Medal).
259 Major W. Squirl served as a Lieutenant in the Austrian Army under Marshal Radetzki in 1848-49, and was
present at the battles of Mortara and Novara. Served with the 91st Regiment in the Kaffir war of 1850-53 (Medal).
260 Major F. R. Stack served as an Ensign in the 45th Regiment at Newport in Monmouthshire during the Chartist
riots of November 1839, when his father's Company of that Regimeut defeated a body of neaaly 5,000 armed men
led on by the ex-Mayor of Newport, Mr. John Frost, who attacked the town with the treasonable intention of com-
mencing a revolution in the government of the country. The defeat of this insurrectionary host after eleven were
killed on the spot and about thirty or forty wounded, was characterized at the time m the Imperial Parliament as
having been the means of saving the whole of England from anarchy and rebellion. For this service each of the
three Officers of the Company received the thanks of the Queen and of the Commanderin Chief, and also the thanks
from the counties of Monmouthshire, Glamorganshire, and Breconshire. In April 1855 he was promoted to a
Majority in the Turkish service, and served at Constantinople, Bayukdere, and the entrenched Camp at Kertch
during the winter of 1855 until the disbandmentof the Anglo-Ottoman Force, and has received the 4th Class of the
Medjidie and a Lt.Colonel's commission from the Sultan.
267 Major D. Stuart served at the sieee and capture of Kittoor in the East Indies in Dec. 1824.
268 Major Studdert served with the 9th Lancers at the battle of Punniar on 29th Dec. 1843 (Bronze Star).
269 Major Sykes served with the 48th Regiment in the Crimea from the 21st April 1855, including the siege and
fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Major, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
270 Major G. J. Teevan served in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868 in command of a Division of the Transport
Train (Medal).
271 Major C. R. Tennant served with the 2nd Life Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the
engagements at El Magfar and Mahsama, in the two actions at Kassasin, and at the battle of Tel-el- Kebir (Medal
with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
272 Major J. T. Tennant served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1858-9 (Medal).
273 Major Thellusson served with the Coldstream Guards in the Crimea from 2nd May 1855, including the siege
and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, Brevet of Major, 5th Class of Medjidie, and Turkish Medal) .
274 Major C. Thompson joined the 64th Regiment in the Persian expedition in March 1857 (Medal with Clasp).
Served in Bengal and N.W. Provinces in suppressing the mutiny in 1857-5S ; commanded the escort which safely
conveyed the treasure from Gya to Calcutta (thanked by the Governor General in Council and by Lord Clyde) ;
present in the operations at Cawnpore under General Windham, defence of Cawnpore and defeat of the Gwalior
mutineers, and action of Kala Nuddee (Brevet of Major, Medal).
275 Major E. H. Thurlow served in the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war of 1881 and
was present in the engagements at Lang's Nek and the Ingogo River.
276 Majors Tillbrook and Wyatt. — For War Services, see the Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms, p. 150.
277 Major Hon. F. Le Poer Trench served in the 52nd Light Infantry during the Indian Mutiny campaign in
1857-58, including the defeat of the Seakote mutineers on the banks of the Ravee in July 1857, siege assault and
occupation of Delhi from 13th Aug. to 22nd Sept. 1857 (Medal with Clasp) . Served with the 40th Regiment in the New
Zealand war in 1863-65, and was present at Rangariri, Waiari, and Orakau (Medal).
278 Major Trevor served with the 4th Regiment the Eastern campaign of 1854, and up to 16th Feb. 1855, including
the batties in the Crimea and siege of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, and Turkish Medal).
279 Major Turner served with the 65th Regiment in New Zealand during the war of 1846, and also throughout that
of 1860-61, and was severely wounded in the action at Mahoetahi (Brevet of Major, and Medal).
281 Major Vereker served with the 12th Regt. in the New Zealand war of 1863-65, including the storm and capture
of the Maori position at Orakau on 1st and 2nd April 1864 (Medal).
282 Major Vesey served as Adjutant of the 72nd Highlanders in the Crimea from 28th May 1855, including the ex-
pedition to Kertch, siege and fall of Sebastopol, and attack of the 1 8th June (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the
Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served at the siege and capture of Kotah, and was present with the leading
Column of assault on the 30th March 1858, pursuit of the Gwalior rebels in Rajpootana and battle of Bunass, sub-
sequently throughout the operations in Central India and pursuit of the rebel forces under Tantia Topee and Rao
Sahib in 1858-59 ; commanded Detachment of the 72nd Highlanders in the action of Oodeypore (mentioned in des-
patches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).
283 Major Walter served the Indian campaign of 1858-59 with the 53rd Regiment, and was present at the passage of
the Gogra at Fyzabad on 25th November, the affair of Bungaon, battle of Toolsepore (performed the duties of a
mounted Officer), and some minor affairs. Commanded the Left Wing of the 53rd in Sir A. Horsford's Column during
the latter part of the Trans-Gogra campaign — twice mentioned in despatches (Medal).
284 Sir Augustus Riversdale Warren served with the 20th Regiment in the Crimea from the 26th January 1855,
including the siesre and fall of Sebastopol, and capture of Kinbourn (Medal with Clasp, 5th Class of the Medjidie,
and Turkish Medal). Served in the Indian campaign of 1857-58, including ttie actions of Chanda, Umeerpore,
and Sultanpore, siege and capture of Lucknow (wounded), subsequent operations in Oude and affairs of Pohun,
and Meangunge, also at Churda, and Fort uf Musjeedia (Medal with Clasp).
28 G Major R. G. Warton served in the operations in the Malay Peninsula iu 1874-75 (Medal).
287 Major Stephen Watson served in the Afghan war of T87S-80, and was present in the engagement at Ahmed
Kheyl — slightly wounded (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp).

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