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Golonels Retired on Full or Retired Pay or on a Pension. — War Services. 1398
775 Sir J. W. Ottley served in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India under Sir William Lock-
hart in 1897-98 with the Tirah Expeditionary Force, part of the time as Commanding Royal Engineer (men-
tioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps).
777 Colonel R. H. Oxley served with the 92nd Highlanders in the Afghan war in (879-80, and was present in tbe-
engagement at Charasiah on 6th October 1879 (mentioned in despatches) and in the subsequent occupation of
Cabul (Medal with Clasp).
773 Colonel C. H. Palmer served in the Hazara campaign in 1868, including the operations on the Black Moun-
tain (Medal with Clasp) ; also served with the Looshai Expedition in 1871-72 (mentioned in despatches, Clasp).
Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1887-8 (mentioned in despatches, Clasp) .
"8 Colonel Lugard served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present in the engagement at Ahmed Kheyl
(mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Cla»p). Also served with the Matisood Wuzeeree Expedi-
tion in 1881. Served with the Burmese Expedition in 18S6-87 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with CHsp).
781 Lt. Colonel W.Peacocke served in the Afghan war in 1878-79, and took part with the expedition into the Bazar
Valley (mentioned in despatches, Medal). Served in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India under Sir
William Lockhart in 1897 with the Malakand Field Force, and took part with expedition into the Mohmand country,,
part of the time as Commanding Royal Engineer; also with Buner Field Force as Commanding Royal Engineer,
including the capture of Tanga Pass (mentioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps).
782 Colonel A. M. Paterson served as Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General at Durban during the latter
part of the Zulu war of 1879 (Medal). Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1887-89 (Medal with Clasp) ; and
with the Isazai Field Force in 1892. Served with the Ohitral Relief Force under Sir Robert Low in 1895 in com-
, mand of the 1st Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, including the storming of the Malakand Pass (mentioned in
despatches, Medal with Clasp).
785 Colonel A. J. Pearson served in the Hazara campaign in 1868 (Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Afghan
war in 1878-79 (Medal). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter
Master Peneral for Intelligence duties with the Indian Contingent, and was present in the engagement at the
Tofrek zereba (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star).
766 Colonel G. F. Pearson was employed on field service with the Kamptee Movable Column in the Saugor and
Nerbudda Territories and Raepore district from 13th November 1857 to 3 ota April 1858, and was present at an
attack upon and defeat of a large body of rebels at Khonee Pass in the Jubbulpore district on the 27th December
1857 (Medal).
787 Colonel A. Peel served in the 101st Fusiliers throughout the Indian N.W. Frontier campaign of 1863, and was
present at the storming of ttie C.onical Hill, also at tbe attack and capture of the Crag Picquet and Umbeyla
(Medal with Gasp).
769 Colonel C. 0. Pemberton served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 (Medal with Clasp).
790 Colonel J. Pennycuick served in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868 in command of H Company Madras
Sappers (Medal).
791 Colonel C. T. W. Penton served throughout the Zulu war of 1879 with the 88th Regiment (Medal with Clasp).
7 92 Colonel C. T. Peyton served with the 10th Regiment in the expedition into the Native State ot Sunghie Ujoug,
Malay Peninsula, in 1874, and was present at the attack and capture of the Kapayai Stockades. Also served
during tbe Perak Expedition of 1875-76 during the operations in the Native States of Sani:hie Ujong, Sri Mananti,
and Terrachee, and was present at the action of Paroa(mentioued in despatches for gallant conduct and promo-
ted in recognition of his services from Lieutenant 10th Regt. to Captain 106th Regt., tledal with Clasp). Served
with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and was present in the engagement at Gmiss (Medal, and
Khedive's Star).
793 Colonel E. N. Peters served in the Afghan war in 1887-S9 (Medal).
794 Colonel H. H. Pengree served in the Afghan war in 1979-80 (Medal). Served in the Egyptian war of 1882
and was present at the battle oi Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 4th Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served
in the South African war in 1899-1902 ; acted as Commandant, Springiontein, and afterwards at Vredelort Road.
(Medal with two Clasps).
795 Colonel G. Philips served 111 the Crimea from September 1854 to February 1855, including the siege of Sebas-
topol attack and capture of the Russian Rifle-pits on the 20th November 1854, aud battle of Inkerman. Was
mentioned in despatches with other Lieutenants of Engineers as having "particularly distinguished himself"
during the siege (Medal with two Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
796 Colonel Pennington served in Afghan war in 1878-79, and was present with expedition into Bazar Valley and in
engagement at Kam Dakka (Medal). Served throughout the Hazara campaign in 1888 with 2nd Battalion Northum-
berland Fusiliers (Medal with Clasp).
797 Colonel H. Phillipps served with the Persian Expeditionary Force in 1857, and was present at the bombard-
ment and cautur e of the forts of Mohutnra (Medal and Clasp) . Served also with the force under Brigadier Coghlan
which captured and destroyed the fort of Sheik Othman in the vicinity of Aden in 1858. Served in the Afghan,
war in 1880, took part in the defence of Candahar, and was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with
800 Colonel Pemberton Pigott served in the Crimea from 1st July 1855, including the siege and fall of Sebastopol
(Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal). Served as Adjutant of the 44th Regiment during the campaign of i860, in
the north of China, including the action of Sinho, taking of Tangku, storm and capture of the Taku Forts (Medal with
Clasp). Served in the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with the 2nd Battalion of the Essex Regiment (Medal with Clasp,
and Khedive's Star).
802 Major General H. Pipon served in the Afghan far in 1879 including operations in !3hutargardan Pass; action
at Charasiah ; and march from Cabul to relief of Candihar; and battle of 1st September (twice mentioned in
despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with three Clasps, Bronze Star. Served in China in 1900 on the Staff
(mentioned in despatches, Medal).
803 Colonel A. G. Plomer served with the Light Battalion in the Persian Expeditionary Force in 1857, and was
present at the bombardment and capture of the Forts of Mohumra, and pursuit of the Persian Array (Medal and
Clasp). Serveu in the suppression of the mutiny at Anrungabad in June 1857, and subsequent relief of Mhow; at
the siege and capture of the Fort of Dhar; also in the actions in front of Mundesore, battle of Gurrari, and
subsequent capture of that village on the 23rd and 24th November 1S57 ; at the siege and storm of the fortresses of
Chendareo and Jhansi, battle of the Betwa, action at Koonch, the different actions on the banks of the Jumna from
the 15th to the 23rd May 1858, ending in the capture of Calpee, action at Morar, and capture of Gwalior (Medal
with Clasp).
80t Colonel R. H. W. Plunkett served in the Afghan war in 1S79-80 (Medal).
805 Colonel F. Pocklington served with the 38th Regt. throughout the Eastern oampaign of 1854-55, including
the battlesof Alma andlnkerman, and the siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, 5th Class of the
Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
806 Sir George Pocock served with the 30th Regt. in the Crimea from the 20th June to Oct. 1855, including the siege
and fall of Sebastopol, and was severely wounded at the assault of the Redan on the 8th Sept. (Medal with Clasp, .
Brevet of Major, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
807 Colonel J. G. Ponsonby served in the Duffla Expedition in 1874-75 with the 42nd Bengal Infantry.
808 Colonel F. T. Pollok accompanied a field force under Colonel Cotton in 1853-54 in the Prome andTharawaddie
districts, employed in driving out gangs of Dacoits from Maoung-Gong-Gie, engaged in several minor affairs in
those districts.
809 Colonel A. Poole served in the Abyssinian war in 1867-68 (Medal). Served in the Afghan war in 1S80 (Medal).
Served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-87 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
811 Colonel P. E. Pope served with the 4th Dragoon Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in
the engagements at El Maglar, Tel-el-Mahula, andKassasin on the oth September (Medal, and KUedive's Star).
812 Colonel J. E. Porteous served in the Abyssinian war in 1867-68 (Medal). Served in the Afghan war in
1879-80, and took part with the Kama Expedition including the engagement at Kam Dakka (Medal). Served in
the operations in the Chin Hills, burmah, in 1891-92.
70 q

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