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Reserve of Officers. — War Services of the Field Officers. 1250
with two Clasps) ; in operations in 1897 (Clasp to Khedive's Medal) ; and again in 189S, including the battle of Atbara
(mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Clasp to Khedive's Medal).
Ms Major Ricardo served in the Soudan campaign under Sir Herbert Kitchener in 1898 attached to Egyptian Cavalry
for special service, and was present at battle of Khartoum (British Medal, and Khedive's Medal with Clasp). Served in
South African war in 1900-01, and took part in operations in Orange Free State, Feb. to May 1900, including actions at
Vet River and Zand River ; in Transvaal in May and June 1900, including actions near Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Dia-
mond Hill ; in Transvaal, west of Pretoria, July to 29th Nov. 1900, inclu ling actions at Elands River ; in Orange River
Colony, including actions at Bethlehem, Wittebergen, and Caledon River ; and in Orange River Colony and Cape Colony,
30th Nov. 1900 to Nov. 1901 (Medal with four Clasps).
s^t Major E. C. Freeman served in South African war in 1899-1901.
^ Major Sinclair-Wemyss served in the Boer war of i88r.
M4f Major Tod served with the 1st Battalion Seaforth Highlanders as Regimental Transport Officer throughout
the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
8 *5 Major R. Cooper served in Uganda in 189S (Medal). Served in South African war in 1899-1901 on the Staff and as
Special Service Officer to the Rhodesian Field Force, and with the Remount Department (Medal with three Clasps).
B4Sf Major J. Paterson served with Chitral Relief Force under Sir Robert Low in 1895 (Medal with Clasp). Served
in South African war in 1899-1900.
848 Major C. S. Spong served with the Dongola Expeditionary Force under Sir Herbert Kitchener in 1896 includ-
ing the engagement at Firket and the operations at Hafir (mentioned in despatches, 4th Class of the Medjidie, British
Medal, and Khedive's Medal with two Clasps).
81 " Major Adams served with Dongola Expeditionary Force under Sir Herbert Kitchener in 1896, including engagement
at Firket and operations at Hafir (mentioned in despatches, 4th Class of the Medjidie, Khedive's Medal with two Clasps).
Served in South African war in 1901-02, and took part in operations in Transvaal Feb. 1001 to May 1902 ; on Zululand
Frontier of Xatal Sept. and Oct. 1901 ; and in Cape Colony May 1902 (Medal with five Clasps).
8*8 Major H. V. Bailey served in South African war in 1899-1900 as Commandant of Cavalry Depot at Mooi River (Meda
with Clasp).
849 Major R. J. Forbes served with Burmese Expedition in 1885-86 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp).
850 Major C. H. \V. Maunsell served in the Afghan war in 1880 with the 2nd Battalion 15th Foot with the Canda-
har Field Force under Major General Phayre (Medal).
850 t Major Thorne served in the South African war in 1899-1902 with the 2nd Battalion, and took part in the
operations in the Transvaal, June 1900 Natal, Orange River Colony, April to June iqoo, and the defence of Vryheid,
nth Dec. iqoo iMedal with three Clasps).
851 Major Elliot served with the 1st Battalion Seaforth Highlanders in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present
at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Hazara Expedition in 1888 with
the 2nd Battalion Seaforth Highlanders (Medal with Clasp) ; and in the Hazara Expedition in 1891 with the same
Battalion (Clasp). Served with the Chitral Relief Force under Sir Robert Low in 1895 with the 2nd Battalion Sea-
forth Highlanders (Medal with Clasp).
85lf Major J. Crabbe served in South African war 1900-02 (Queen's Medal with two Clasps).
852 Major Hon. H.G.Heneage served in South African %var with 12th Lancers, and took part in operations in the Orange
Free State, including actions at Paardeberg and Driefontein, engagements near Johannesburg and at Diamond Hill,
operations in Transvaal east of Pretoria (July to 29th Nov. 1900) including action at Wittebergen, and in relief of
Kimberley (mentioned in despatches, DSO , Medal with six Clasps, King's Medal with two Clasps)
K *s Major H. P. Kirkpatrick served in South African war in 1901-02 {DSO., Medal with two Clasps, King's Medal with
two Clasps).
BSaj- Colonel W.S.Gordon served in operations near Suakin in Dec. 1888, and was present with the Egyptian Army in
engagement at Gemaizah (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp, Khedive's Star) ; also served in operations in
Soudan in i5Sg, including engagement at Toski, in command of Field Artillery (mentioned in despatches, Clasp). Served
with Dongola Expeditionary Force under Sir Herbert Kitchener in 1896 as Director of Stores, including engagement at
Firket and operations at Hafir (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, British Medal, Khedive's Medal with two
Clasps) ; in operations in 1897 as Director of Stores Egpytian Army, and in 1898 as Director of Stores Egyptian Army,
and in command of a gunboat, including battle of Khartoum (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt. Colonel, Clasp to
Khedive's Medal). Granted 4th Class of the Order of the Osmanieh, and subsequently 3rd Class of the Medjidie, foi
services with Egyptian Army.
854 Major D. Webb served in operations against the Sofas, West Coast of Africa, in 1893-94 (mentioned in despatches) ;
and with expedition to the Gambia against Fodey Silah in 1894 (mentioned in despatches). Served in South African
war in 1899-1900 on the Staff (Medal with six Clasps).
85*f Major Brinckman served with 2nd Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers in the Soudan Expedition in 1884, and was
present in engagement at El Teb and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).
855 Major Godwin Austen served in the South African war 1899— 1901 (Medal with two Clasps).
855j- Major A. Wright served in South African War in 1899-1900.
856 Major W. Du C. Luard served with Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1885-86 (mentioned in despatches, Medal, and
Khedive's Star). Served with expedition against Yonnies, on West Coast of Africa, in 1887-88 (mentioned in despatches ;
Medal with Clasp).
856f Major C. M. Gunge Bateman served in South African War in 1899-1900, 1902, as Commandant at Dooen River
(mentioned in despatches).
857 Major Balfour served in the South African war 1899— 1901.
858 Major L. E. Morrice served in South African war in 1899-1901 as Commandant at Komati Poort, also in command of
2nd Battalion Warwickshire Regiment from 13th Oct. 1900 to Feb. 1901 ; took part in operations in Orange Free State Feb.
to May 1900, including actions at Vet River and Zand River ; operations in Transvaal in May and June 1900, including
actions near Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Diamond Hill ; and operations in Transvaal, east of Pretoria, July to 29th Nov.
1900, including action at Belfast ; and operations in Transvaal 30th Nov. 1900 to June 1901 (mentioned in despatches,
DSO., Medal with six Clasps).
859 Major S. L. Cotton served in the Afghan war in 1878-80 (Medal). Served in Burmese Expedition in 1885-87 (Meda)
with Clasp). Served in South African war in 1899-1900 as Commandant at Helvetia — severely wounded.
860 Major Hunter-Blair served in the Egyptian war of 1882 with the 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders, and was
present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) ; also served in the Soudan Expedition
in 1884 with the ist Battalion Gordon Highlanders, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (two
Clasps). Served in Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with ist Battalion Gordon Highlanders and with the River Column under
Major General Earle (Clasp). Served in South African war in 1899-1901 as Commandant at Pietpotgietersrust (Medal
with two Clasps).
ssOj- Major F. J. Short served in South African War 1901-02 (Queen's Medal with three Clasps).
SSI Major Salmon served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the 3rd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps, and
was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Chitral
Relief Force under Sir Robert Low in 1895 with the ist Battalion King's Royal Rides, including the capture of the
Malakand Pass and the engagement at Khar (Medal with Clasp). Served in the South African war in 1900-02,
and took part in the operations in Natal. March to June 1900, including the action at Laing's Nek ; also in the
operations in the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, in 1901 (Medal with four Clasps).
862 Major H. Montgomery-Campbell served in the Boer war of 1881. Served in South African war in 1899-1900, and took
part in operations in Natal 1899, including engagement at Elandslaagte — severely wounded. Was also present at the de-
fence of Ladysmith (Medal with two Clasps).
86* Major j. W. Pringle served in Burmese Expedition in 1885-86 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Uganda Ex-
pedition in 1891-92 (Imperial British East Africa Co.'s Medal).
864 Major M. Taylor served with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in 1S85-86 (Medal with Clasp).
865 Major Casement served in South African war in 1902.
865-f M a j or Barton served in South African war in 1899-1902, and took part in operations for the relief of Ladysmith,
including actions at Spion Kop, Vaal Krantz, Tugela Heights, and Pieter's Hill (mentioned in despatches, Medal with.
two Clasps).
866 Captain Stewart served in Nile Expedition in 1884-S5 with the 2nd Battalion of the Duke of Cornwall's Light
Infantry (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star).

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