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1237 Reserve of Officers. — War Services of the Field Officers.
ing actions at Paardeberg, Poplar Grove, Karree Siding, Vet River and Zand River; in the Transvaal, May and June
1900, including actions at Johannesburg and Pretoria ; in the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, 1900 ; in the Transvaal, west
o: Pretoria, including action at Zilikat's Nek, 2nd August 1900; and in the Transvaal, west of Pretoria, 1901, includ-
ing the action at Vlakfontein. Commanded the Battalion from 31st July to 27th Aug. 1900 and nth Sept. 1900 to 3rd
Feb. 1902 (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lt.Colonel).
385 Lt.Colonel J. S. Napier served in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India under Sir William Lockhart
in 1897-98 with the Tochi Field Force with the 2nd Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Medal with
Clasp). Promoted Lt.Colonel in Reserve for services in connection with the South African war of r899-T902!
3G6 Colonel CM. Bate served in the Boer war of r88i. Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with
Clasp and Khedive's Star).
367 Lt.Colonel R. T. G. Lowry served in the Zulu war of r879 with the King's Dragoon Guards (Medal with Clasp);
Served in South African war in r899-rgoo as Staff Officer to Assistant Inspector of Remounts, Lines of Communication
(promoted Lt.Colonel in Reserve).
370 Lt.Colonel H. R. L. Howard served in the Zulu war in 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Served in South African war
in 1 899-1901 in command of the 9th Battalion Imperial Yeomanry. Took part in operations in Orange Free State in
1900 : in Transvaal, east and west of Pretoria including action at Rhenoster Kop ; in Orange River Colony in 1900 ; in
Transvaal, 30th Nov. 1900 to Jan. 1901 ; in Orange River Colony, Jan. to Feb. 1901, and March to May 1901 ; and in Cape
Colony, Feb. and March r9or (mentioned in despatches, promoted Lt.Colonel in Reserve, CB., Medal with three Clasps).
372 Major Hon. F. Le Poer Trench served in the 52nd Light Infantry during the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1857-58,
including the defeat of the Seakote mutineers on the banks of the Ravee in July 1857, siege assault and occupation of
Delhi from T3th Aug. to 22nd Sept. 1857 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the 40th Regiment in the New Zealand
war in 1863-65, and was present at Rangariri, Waiari, and Orakau (Medal).
373 Lt.Colonel C. Grant served with the Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition in i88r.
374 Lt.Colonel H. L. Hallewell served with the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham in r884, and was
present in the engagement at El Teb (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star) ; also served with the Nile Expedition
in 1884—85 (Clasp). Served in the operations in Zululand in 1888. Served in the South African war in 1899-1900
mentioned in despatches, CMC, promoted Lt.Colonel in Reserve).
375 Lt.Colonel O'Grady served with the 94th Regiment in the Zulu war of 1079, and was present in the engage-
ment at Ulundi, and in the subsequent operations against Sekukuni including the storming of the stronghold —
severely wounded (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served in the Boer war of 1880-81 in command
of the troop of Mounted Infantry 94th Regiment at Pretoria during its investment. Served in the South African
war with the 1st Battalion Connaught Rangers, and took part in the relief of Ladysmith, including the action at
Colenso ; in the operations of 17th to 24th Jan. 1900, including the action at Spion Kop; in Natal, March and April
1900; in the Orange Free State, May 1900; in the Transvaal, May and June 1900; in the Transvaal east of Pretoria,
including the action at Reit Vlei, 16th July 1900 ; also in Cape Colony south and north of Orange River
Commanded the 1st Battalion Connaught Rangers from 15th Sept. 1900 until invalided on 8th Dec. 1900 (mentioned
in despatches, CB., Medal with four Clasps).
37G Sir G. T. Campbell served in the Afghan war in r878— 79 as Aide de Camp to the General Officer Commanding
the 1st Division Peshawur Valley Field Force, and was present at the capture of AH Musjid (Medal with Clasp). Pro-
moted Lt.Colonel in Reserve for services in connection with the South African war of r8g9— 1902.
377 Lt.Colonel R. F. O'Brien served with the Burmese Expedition in 1885-86 (Medal with Clasp).
379 Lt.Colonel Prior served with Zhob Valley Expedition in 1884.
380 Lt.Colonel R. P. Macdonald served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the 67th Regiment (Medal). Served in the
Burmese Expedition in 1885—87 with the 2nd Battalion Hampshire Regiment including the surrender of Mandalay
Medal with Clasp); also with the 1st Battalion Hampshire Regiment in 1887-89 including the expedition to
Mogaung (mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Clasp). Served in South African war in r89g-rgoo as Special Service
Officer and Commandant of Railway Police, and as Lt.Colonel of the Rand Rifles (promoted Lt.Colonel in Reserve).
381 Major A. Matthews served in the Afghan war in r88o.
382 Lt.Colonel L. A. Arkwright served in the campaign in the Soudan under Sir Herbert Kitchener in r898, and
was present at the battle of Khartoum (mentioned in despatches, British Medal, and Khedive's Medal with Clasp).
383 Lt.Colonel H. J. M'Laughlin served in the Boer war of r88o-8i, and took part in the defence of Standerton:
Served in Nile Expedition in 1884-85 with T9th Hussars (Medal with Clasp, and Khedive's Star). Served in South
African war in 1899-1900 with Remount Department (mentioned in despatches, DSO., promoted Lt.Colonel in^Reserve).
384 Lt.Colonel W. Coles served in the Afghan war of r878— 80, and took part in the march to Candahar with the
force under Major General Phayre (Medal). Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 (Medal with Clasp, and Khe-
dive's Star). Promoted Lt.Colonel in Reserve for services in connection with the South African war of 1899-1902.
3SS Lt.Colonel W. H. Pinches served with the Hazara Expedition in 1891 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Dongola
Expeditionary Force under Sir Herbert Kitchener in 1896, including the engagement at Firket and the operations at
Hafir (4th Class of the Medjidie, British Medal, and Khedive's Medal with two Clasps). Served in the South African war
in 1899-1900.
386 Lt.Colonel G. W. Forbes served in the Zulu war in 1879, and was present in the cavalry affair at Erzungayan
and in the engagement at Ulundi (Medal with Clasp). Served in the South African war in T899-1901 with the
Imperial Yeomanry, and took part in the operations in the Orange Free State, Feb. to May 1900 ; operations in the
Transvaal, west of Pretoria, July to 29th Nov. 1900 ; in Orange River Colony, May to 29th Nov. 1900, including the
action at Ladybrand, 2nd to 5th Sept. 1900 in Cape Colony, south of Orange River, 1899—1900 (mentioned in
despatches, promoted Lt.Colonel in Reserve, Medal with three Clasps).
388 Lt.Colonel A. G. G. Elton served with the 88th Regiment throughout the Kafir war of 1877-78, and the Zulu
war of 1879 (Medal with Clasp). Promoted Lt.Colonel in Reserve for services in connection with the South African
war of 1899-1902.
389 Lt.Colonel A. Elias served in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India under Sir William Lockhart
with the Malakand, Mohmand, and Tirah Expeditionary Forces (Medal with two Clasps). Promoted Lt.Colonel
in Reserve for services in connection with the South African war of 1899— 1902.
390 Lt.Colonel M. R. Hyslop served with the 17th Regiment in the Afghan war in 1878-79 with the 1st Division
Peshawur Valley Field Force, and was present at the capture of Ali Musjid and in the first expedition into the Bazar
Valley (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Burmese Expedition in 1888-89 with the 2nd Battalion Leicestershire
Regiment in the Upper Burma Field Force (Medal with Clasp). Promoted Lt.Colonel in Reserve for services in con-
nection with the South African war of 1899—1902.
392 Lt.Colonel H. C. Legh served with the 2nd Battalion 60th Rifles in the Afghan war from October 1878 to November
1880, took part in the advance on and occupation of Candahar and Khelat-i-Ghilzie ,and was present in the engage-
ments at Ahmed Kheyl and Urzoo near Ghuznee ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar,
and was present at the battle of Candahar (Medal with two Clasps, and Bronze Decoration). Served in the Marr
Expedition under Brigadier General MacGregor. Also served in the Boer war of 1881 with the Natal Field Force
Served in Egyptian Expedition in 1882 (Medal, and Khedive's Star).
394 Lt.Colonel F. C. Trollope served in the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren in 1884-85 with
the Balloon Detachment. Served in British Central Africa in 1895 in the expedition against Makanjira (Medal with
Clasp). Promoted Lt.Colonel in Reserve for services in connection with the South African war of 1899—1902.
395 Lt.Colonel A. W. A. Pollock served in the operations against Sekukuni in the Transvaa' in 1878 ; also throughout
the Zulu war of 1879, and was present in the engagements at Zungin Nek, Kambula Hill, and Ulundi (Medal with
Clasp). Served with the expedition to the Soudan in 1885 in command of the 12th company of the Commissariat
and Transport Corps, as Transport Officer to the 2nd Brigade, and was present in the engagements at Hasheen and
the Tofrek zereba and at the destruction of Temai (Medal with two Clasps, and Khedive's Star). Promoted Lt.Colonel
in Reserve for services in connection with the South African war of 1899— 1902.
390 Lt.Colonel W. B. But ler-Creagh served with the 51st Light Infantry in the Afghan war in 1879-80 (MedaO. Served
with the 2nd Battalion King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry in the Zhob Field Force in 1890 under Sir George
White during the Zhob and Kiderzai Expeditions and in the march to Vihowa. Served in the South African war in
1899-TQOO as Commandant Base Details at Port Elizabeth, and afterwards as 2nd in command at the Remount Depot,
Port Elizabeth (Medal with three Clasps).
397 Lt.Colonel W. J. K. Dobbin served with the Mahsocd Wuzeeree Expedition in 1881. Served with the Zhob
Vallev Expedition in 1890. Served with the Waziristan Field Force under Sir William Lockhart in 1S94-95 with the
1st Sikh Infantry (Medal with Clasp). Served in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India under Sir William
Lockhart in 1897-98 with the Tochi Field Force with the 1st Sikh Infantry (Medal with Clasp).

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