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Indian Army. — War Services of Lieutenants. 4H2
May to 29th Nov. 1900, including the actions at Wittebergen; and the operations in Cape Colony, south of Orange
River, in 1900.
60S Lieut. C. J. P. MacA. Grant served in the South African war in 1899-1901 with the 4th Battalion Argyll
and Sutherland Highlanders, took part in the operations in Cape Colony and Orange Free States Feb. to May, 1900;
and the operations in Orange River Colonv May in June, 1900 (Medal with two Clasps).
<*4 Lieut. A. O. Sutherland served in the South African war in 1899-1900 (Medal with three Clasps).
600 Lieut. Ruel served in the South African war 1899-1902 (Medal with four Clasps).
607 Lieut. C. W. Watney served in the South African war in 1901-1902 (Medal with five Clasps).
CM Lieut. Mahon served in the South African war in 1899-1900, and took part in the operations in Orange River
Colony, May to 29th November 1900 (Medal with two Clasps).
609 Lieut. Bowring served in the South African war in 1899 -1902, and took part in the operations in the Orange
Free State in May 1900 : and in Cape Colony, south of Orange River, in 1900 (Medal with three Clasps).
010 Lieut. B. W. Shuttieworth served in the South African war in 1899-1901, and took part in the operations in
Natal, March to June 19CO, including the action at Laing'sNek; in the Transvaal, east and west of Pretoria,
July to 29th Nov. 1900 ; and in the Transvaal, 30th Nov. 1900 to July 1901 (Medal with two Clasps).
OH Lieut. Seymour served in the South African war in 1900-01 (Medal with three Clasps).
oilfLieut. Dease served in the South African war in i899-i9or, and took part in the operations iri the Trans-
vaal, east of Pretoria, August to 29th November 1900, including actions at Belfast and Lydenburg; also the
operations in Orange River Colony, May to August 1900, including actions at Bethlehem and Wittebergen (Medal
with three Clasps).
012 Lieut. Kenny ser%-ed in the South African war in 1900-01 (Medal with three Clasps).
013 Lieut. Mowatt served in the South African war in igoo-igor with the Imperial Yeomanry (Medal with three
014 Lieut Seaton served in the South African war in 1899-1902, and took part in the operations in the Trans-
vaal, April to June 1901, and September 1901 to 31st May 1902 (Medal with two Clasps).
615 Lieut. Cargill served in th" South African war in rgoi (Medal with Clasp).
016 Lieut. Murray served in South African war with the 2nd Battalion Wiltshire Regiment in 1899-1900.
017 Lieut. E. P. Grant served in South African war in 1899-^02 ; took part in operations in Natal May and June
1900, including action at Laing's Nek ; in the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, July to 29th Nov. 1900 ; and in the Trans-
vaal and Orange River Colonv 30th Nov. 1900 to 31st May 1902 (Medal with three Clasps, King's Medal with two
018 Lieut. R. C. Ross served in the South African war in 1899-1902 (Medal with two Clasps).
ow Lieut. Marshall served in the South African war in 1899-1900 with the Imperial Light Infantry (Meda
with two Clasps).
020 Lieut. Colan served in the South African war in 1902.
0-1 Lieut. 0. E. Todd served in South African war in 1900, and took part in the operations in Cape Colony, March
to April 1900 (Medal with two Clasps).
022 Lieut. Daniell served in South African war in 1899-1901, and took part in operations in Natal March to Junr
1900, Including action at Laing's Nek (Medal with three Clasps).
028 Lieut. Malone served in the South African war in 1899-1901 as Railway Staff Officer and took part in the
operations in Orange River Colony May to 29th November 1900 (Medal with four Clasps).
623 Lieut. Redfern served in the South African war in 1899-1901 (mentioned in despatches, Medal with two Clasps;.
636 Lieut. Mackrell served in South African war in 1899-1901, was employed with Imperial Yeomanry, and took
part in operations in Orange River Colony, May to Nov. 1900, including actions at Bethlehem and Wittebergen.
02S Lieut. Sealv served in the South African war in i9or-02.
020 Licat. Marsh served in the South African war in 1899-1901. and took part in the operations in the Transvaal,
west of Pretoria, July to 29th November 1900, including the action at Frederickstad (Medal with three Clasps).
630 Lieut. M. J. D. Young served in South African war in r9OO-i902 asStation Staff Officer (Medal with Clasp).
081 Lieut. Grant-Smith served in the South African war in 1900-02 with the Mounted Infantry.
082 Lieut. H. D. S. Keighley. [See Civil Decorations for Gallantry, "Hart's Annual Army List," p. 1162].
654 Lieut. Ferris served in South African war with the 1st Battalion Leicestershire Regiment in 1901-02, and took
part in the operations under Major General W. Kitchener in Blood River Valley, South Eastern Transvaal, and
Slangapies (Medal with Clasp).
035 Lieut. Flanagan served in the South African war with the 4th Battalion Cheshire Regiment in 1899-
1900. Took part in the operations in the Orange F'ree State, Feb. to May, 1900; in Orange River Colony, May
to 29th Nov. 1900; and in Cape Colony, South of Orange River in 1899-1900 (mentioned in despatches, DSO.
Medal with three Clasps).
087 Lieut. N. E. Howell served in the South African war in 1899-1900, and took part in the operations
in Cape Colony, south of Orange River (Medal with Clasp).
0*8 Lieut. C. S. H. Robarts served in South African war in 1902.
689 Lieut. Wolley served in South African war in 1901-^02, first with the 5th Battalion and afterwards with the
2nd Battalion Royal Fusiliers (mentioned in despatches, Medal with four Clasps).
040 Lieut. Slater served in South African war in 1901-02 with the 1st Battalion Sherwood Foresters (Medal) (
6,2 Lieut. Russell served in the South African War in 1901 (Medal with three Clasps).
013 Lieut. Fuller served in South African war in 1899-1901 (Medal with three Clasps).
644 Lieut. Praed served in South African war in 1899-1901 (mentioned in despatches, Medal for Distinguished Conduct
in the Field, Medal with four Clasps).
645 Lieut. Whitehead served in South African war in 1901-02 with 1st Battalion Highland Light Infantry:
045+ Lieut. Bannatyne served in the South African war with the Volunteer Company (Cameronians) in
1900, and took part in the operations in the Transvaal in May and June 1900, including the actions near
Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Diamond Hill; the operations in Natal, including the action at Laing's Nek (6th to
9th June) ; the relief of Mafeking; the operations in Orange River Colony (May to 29th November 1900), including
the actions at Biddulphsberg, Lindley, Rhenoster River, Lindley (26th June), Bethlehem, Wittebergen, Witpoort,
Ladybrand, Bothaville, and Caledon River; and in the operations in Orange River Colony, south of Orange River,
in rSgg-Tgoo, including the actions at Colesberg and Rheis.
646 Lieut. Kirkwood served in the South African war in 1900 ; took part in the operations in the Transvaal, west
of Pretoria, July to 29th Nov. 1900 ; also in the operations in Orange River Colony May to 29th Nov; 1900; and
the operations in Cape Colony, .>c_ith of Orange River, 1900.
64Gf Lieut. Savage served \n the South African war, and took part in the operations in the Transvaal and
Orange R'ver Colony in 1900-02 (Medal).
047 Lieut. M'Leod served in the South African war in 1899-1901 with Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry
and with the Imperial Yeomanry, and took part in the relief of Ladysrnith, including the operations on Tugela
Heights; operations in Natal 1900, including the action at Laing's Nek; and in the Transvaal, Orange River
Colony, and Cape Colony (Medal with six Clasps).
618 Lieut. Kunhardt served in the South African war in 1901-02 ; took part in the operations in the Transvaal,
Dec. 1901 to 3rst May, 1902; also the operations in Cape Colony, Oct. 1901 to Jan. 1902.
860 Lieut. M'Cleverty served in the South African war in 1901-02, and took part in tne operations in the
Tnnsvaal, Oct. 1901 to 31st May, t902.
051 Lieut. Campbell served in the South African war in 1900-01 with the Scottish Horse; took part in the oper-
ations in Cape Colony 30th Nov. 1900 to March 1901 ; and the operations in the Transvaal March to Nov. 1901 —
severely wounded (Medal with three Clasps).
0J2 Lieut. Salusbury served in the South African war in i899-igor as Railway and Station Staff Officer; took part
in the operations in Cape Colony Aug. 1900 to March igor (Medal with three Clasps):
003 Lieut: Nisbet served in the South African war with the 5th Battalion Imperial Yeomanry in the
Transvaal and Orange River Colony, and with the 2nd Battalion Somersetshire Light Infantry from April
t902 (Medal with three Clasps').
"04 Lieut. A. G. Frere served in the South African war in 1999-1902, took part in the relief of Kimberley, the
operations in the Orange Free Stale Feb. to May 1900; the operations in Cape Colony south of the Orange River

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