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War Services of the Officers of the Royal Garrison Artillery. 2037
220 t Major H. H. Harvest served in West Africa in 1897-98 in Northern Territories, Gold Coast ; second expedition
to Karaga (Medal with Clasp). Served in the South African war in 1 899-1900 — very severely wounded (mentioned
in despatches).
221 Major C. B. Simonds served in the South African war in 1899-1900 on Special Service under Assistant Inspector
General, Kimberley ; afterwards Commandant at Pietretief, and Acting Assistant Provost Marshal (mentioned in
224 Major A. B. J. Perkins served with the Hazara Expedtion in 1891 (Medal with Clasp).
225 Major L. W. P. East served with the Miranzai Expedition in 1891 with No. 2 Derajat Mountain Battery (mentioned
in. despatches, DSO , and Medal with Clasp), and in the operations against the Abor Tribes on the North East Frontier of
Assam in 1894.
230 Major T. A. Tancred served in the operations in Matabeleland in 1893-94. (Medal).
23 1 Major O. K. Tancock served with the Chitral Relief Force under Sir Robert Low in 1895 (Medal with Clasp).
232 Major W. D. Nichol served with the Burm;se Expedition in 1S85-89 (Medal with two Clasps).
233 Major Sf. A. C. Crowe served with the Chitral Relief Force under Sir Robert Low in 1895 (Medal with Clasp).
235 Major R. St. G. Gorton served withthe first Miranzai Expedition in 1891, and with the expedition against the Hunza
Nagars in 1891— 92— wounded (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Served with the Chitral Relief Force under
Sir Robert Low in 1S95 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the South African war in 1899-1902 on the Staff ; also Station
Staff Officer at Mafeking — vounded (Medal with three Clasps).
236 Major H. F. Head took part in the operations on t he North West Frontier of India in 1897-98 with the Tirah
Expeditioiary Force as Divisional Ocdnance Officer (Medal with two Clasps).
2J 7 Major H. B. J. Brake served in the operations against the Chief Mpeseni in Central Africa and British Rhodesia
in 1898 (mentioned in despatches, DSO., and Medal). Served in West Africa in 1901, and took part in the operations
in Ashauti — -.lightly wounded (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major) ; also served wth the expedition up the
Gambia (in command), and operations against Foii Kabba (mentioned in despatches, CB.).
233 Major H. A. Reid served with the Zhob Valley Expedition in 1890 with No. 7 Mountain Battery. Served with
the Chitral Relief Force under Sir Robert Low in 1895 with No. 4 Hazara Mountain Battery (Medal with Clasp).
2! ' Major K. K. Knapp served with the Manipore Field Force n 1891, and in the Chin Hills in 1892 with the Baunghe.
Tashon and Nwengal Columns (Medal wth Clasp) ; in Lushai in 1892 with Captain Rose's Burma Relief Column (Clasp) ;
and w th the Waziristan Field Force in 1S94-95 (Clasp). Took part in operations on the North West Frontier of India
in 1897-98 with the Mohmand Field Force— horse shot (Medal with three Clasps).
242 Major R. H. Hare served with the Chitral Relief Force under Sir Robert Low in 1895, and was present at the
captur= of the Malakand Pass, the passage of the Swat River, and the engagements at Panjkora and Mamugai (Medal
with Clasp) Served in the South African war in 1899-1900 us Deputy Assistant Adjutant General for Intelligence, and
was_pre5ent at the engagement at Stormberg (mentioned in despatches, DSO.).
2 <5" Major G. R. M. Church served with the Zhob Vallev Expedition in 1890.
2 <18 Major F. G. Smallwood served with the Sikkim Expedition in 1888 (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Chitra 1
Relief Force under Sir Robert Low in 1895 (Medal with Clasp).
*50 Major W. Howell Jones served with the Miranzai Expedition in 1891 (Medal with Clasp), and with the Isazai Field
Force in 1892. Served with the Chitral Relief Force under Sir Robert Low in 1895, and was present at the capture
of the Malakand Pass and in the engagement near Khar (Medal with Clasp). Served in the campaign on the North
West Frontier of India under Sir William Lockhart in 1S97-9S with the Jumrood Column of the Peshawur Field Force,
and afterwards wth the Mohmund Field Force including the capture of the Bedmanai Pass (Clasp).
254 Major H. L. N. Beynoa served in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India under Sir William Lockhart
in 1897 (Medpl with Clasp).
260 Major W. St. C. Bland served in the operations in the Chin Hills in i8gt-92 with No. 8 Bengal Mountain
Battery in the Kanhow Column. Served with the Waziristan Expedition, 2nd Brigade, under Sir William Lock-
hart in 1894-95 with No. 8 Bengal Mountain Battery (Medal with Clasp). Served with the China Expeditionary
Force in 1900 in charge of a Battery of four Maxim Guns of No. 2 Company Hong Kong and Singapore Battalion
Royal Artillery, from 24th June 1900, and was present at the defence of Tientsin Settlement, the capture of Tientsin
City, and the relief of the Pekin Legations (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp):
262 Maj«r R. P. Molesworth served with the Waziristan Field Force under Sir William Lockhart in 1894—95
(Medal with Clasp). Served in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India under Sir William Lockhart in
1897-98 with the Tochi Field Force (Medal with Clasp).
265 Major F. R: t'atch served in the Miranzai Expedition in 1891 under Sir William Lockhart, and was present
in the engagement H Sangar — wounded (Medal with Clasp); and with the Isazai Expedition in 1892. .Served with
the Chitral Relief Fcrce under Sir Robert Low in r895 (Medal with Clasp). Served in the South African war in
1899-1900 with t-12 Ladysmith Relief Force, and was present at the battle of Colenso, in the engagements at Spion
Kop, Vaal KrantT. Pieter's Hill, and the relief of Ladysmith (mentioned in despatches) ; took part in the subse-
quent operations n Northern Natal and in the Transvaal (mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major).
266 Major G. M K. Franks served with the Waziristan Expedition under Sir William Lockhart in 1894-95 (Meda
with Clasp). Served in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India in 1897 with the Tochi Field Force
(Medal with Clasp). Served in the campaign in the Soudan under Sir Herbert Kitchener in 1898, and was present
at the battles of the Atbara and Khartoum — horse killed 'mentioned in despatches, 4th Class of the Medjidie, British
Medal, and Khedive's Medal with two Clasps) ; and in 1899 in the operations resulting in the final defeat of the
Khalifa (mentioned in despatches, 4th Class of the Osmanieh).
270 Major E. P. Carter served with the Chitral Relief Force under Sir Robert Low in 1895, and was present at
the capture of the Malakand Pass and in the engagement at Khar (Medal with Clasp).
276 Major H. W. M. Parker served with the Isazai Expedition in 1892. Served in the campaign on the North
West Frontier of India under Sir William Lockhart in October 1897 with the Tochi Field Force with No. 6 (Bombay)
Mountain Battery (Medal with Clasp).
279 Major R. E. Stuart served in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India under Sir William Lock-
hart in 1897-98 with the Malakand and Mohmund Field Forces, including the operations in Bajaur, and with the
Tirah Expeditionary Force, including the capture of the Sampagha and Arhanga Passes and the operations in the
Bazar Valley (Medal with two Clasps).
231 Major H. M. Elliot served in the South African war in 1899-1900 as Assistant Provost Marshal; Took part
in the China Expedition in 1900 (Medal).
282 Major A. A. M'Hardy served in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India in 1897—98 with the
Malakand Field Force, and was present in the engagement at Landakai, and in the operations in Bajaur and in the
Mamund Country; also served with the Buner Field Force including the capture of the Tanga Pass (Medal with
Clasp). Served in the South African war in r899-igoo as Divisional Signalling Officer 5th Infantry Division (men-
tioned in despatches, DSO.).
2S 3 Major F. W. T. Corrie served in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India under' Sir \V~illiam
Lockhart in 1897—98 with No. 1 (Kohat) Mountain Battery with the Tirah Expeditionary Force, and was present
in the engagement at Dargai, at he forcing of the Sampagha and Arhanga Passes, and in the operations against
the Chamkanis and in the Bazar Valley (Medal with two Clasps). Served in the South African war in r899— 1900, 1902
(mentioned in despatches).
288 Major R. E. Tyler served in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India in 1897-98 with the Malakand
Fied Force and with the Tirah Expeditionary Force (Medal with two Clasps). Served in the South African war in
i899-i9or with the Ladysmith Relief Force, and took part in the operations of rsth to 18th February 1900 — slightly
wounded (mentioned in despatches).
291 Captain H. C. Moultrie served with the Chitral Relief Force under Sir Robert Low in 1895, and was present at
the capture of the Malakand Pass, the passage of the Swat River, and in the engagement at Panjkora River (Medal
with Clasp). Took part in the operations on the North West Frontier of India in 1897-98 with Tirah Expeditionary
Force, and was present at the actions of Dargai and Saran Sar (two Clasps).
292 Captain E. E. Edlmann served in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India in 1897 with the Tirah
Expeditionary Force (mentioned in despatches, DSO., Medal with two Clasps).

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