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Officers now holding Rank in the Army of the Most Honourable
Order of the Bath.
The Promotions and Appointments to the Order of the Bath which hive this («) sign attached are
aliitiohal to the Establishment.
1 140
Alison, General Sir Arch. Bart. Seafo- th Highlanders
Biddulph, General Sir Ro'ier', GCMG.
s Brackenbury, General Sir Henry, KCSI. R. Artillery
Bradford, Colonel Sir E. P.. C, Hart., GCVO. KCS[.'
Brownlow, General SirC. H., TJ. S. List Indian Army.
Great Master and First and Principal Knight Grand Cros3.
general Hit Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught, KG. KP. KP. GCSC. GCMG. GCIE. GCVO. Rifle Brigade.
Knights, Grand Cross. (GCB.)
Hon. Lt.Colonel Hi* Royal Hiyuess Prince C. F. C. G. V. F£ Hills-Johnes, Lt.General Sir James, ret. pay R. Art.
A. of Denmark, Norfolk Imperial Ye imanry (CiM) Holdich, General Sir Edward Allan.
General H-*Maj°*ty ,jhn?t ; an IX., King of Der.mark,X"G. n.*.c. Harrison, General Sir R. CMG.
Hume, Lt.General Sir Robert, Yoi-ks Light Infmtry
Jersey, Hon. Col. Rt. Hon. V. A. G. Earl of, GCMG.
Glamorgan R G. A. (Civil)
Johnson, Gen. Sir Chas. Cooper, U. S. List Indian Army
(Kitchener of Khartoum, Lieut. General Horatio Herbert,
Viscount, OM. GCMG. Royal Engineers
V€ Buller, General Rt. Hon. Sir Redvers Henry, GCMG. ps.c. Kelly-Kenny, Lt.General SirT. h.p. W.Surrey Regt.
King's Royal Rifles Low, General Sir Robert Cunlitfe, Bengal Cavalry
,Balwer, General Sir Edw. G., KCB. Welsh Fusiliers Lowe, Lt.General Sir Drurv C. Drurv, 17 Lancers
. Cameron, General Sir William Gordon, Lancaster Regt. Lumsden.Geu.Sir Peter Stark, CSI.V.S. List Indian Army
Clarendon, Colonel Rt. Hon. E. U. Earl of, Hon. Colonel M'Leod, Lt.General Sir John Chetham, retired list
Herts Imperial Yeomanry (Civil) Methuen, Paul Sanford, Lord, KCVO. CMG.
» Clarke, Lieut. Gen. Sir C .arles Mansfield. Bart. GCVO. V€ Prendergast, Gen. Sir Harry ST. D., U.S. List Royal
: Cromer, Maj. E. Visrt. GCB. GCMG. KCSI. CIE. lateR. Engineers
Art(Ctoif) -p€ Probyn.Gen. Sir Dighton JI. 1 GCVO. KCSI. Bengal
D'Aguilar, General Sir Charles L. Royal Artillery ' Cavalry (Civil)
Verby.Rf. Hon.F. A.Karl of.KG. , Bu. Lane. Regt. (Civil, VS Roberts, Field Marshal Earl, KG. KP. OM. GCSI.
Dillon, General Sir M. CSI. WenYorks Regiment GCIE. Col. Comit. Royal Art.; Comdr. in Chief, Irish
Egerton, Lt.General Sir C. C. DSO. , Guards, &c.
Farren, Genera] Sir Richard T., N. Lancashire Regt. , Russell, General Lord A. G.
Forbes, General Sir John, Bombay Cavalry Russell, Lieut.Gen. Sir Baker Creed. KCMG. 13 Hussars
Eraser, General Hon. Sir David M'Dowall.ret. pay R.Alt. Llutland.Col.J.J.R.Duii; of,KG. 3 Bn. Leicester Regt.(Cioi7)
< Fraser-Tytler, General Sir J. M. B. .Stephenson, General Sir F. C. A. Coldstream Guards
Gipps, General Sir Reginald, Durham Light Infintry Taylor, General Sir Alexander.r.f.p. Royal Engineers
1 € Gough, General Sn-C. J. S., U.S. List Bengal Cavalry Vaughan, General Sir J. L.
J C Gough, General Sir Hugh H.. U. S. List Indian Army Fffl Watson, General Sir John, Indian Army
I Greaves, General Sir George R. KCMG. E. Surrey Regt. F£ White, General Sir George Stewart, GCSI. GCMG.
I Grenfell, Lt.General Boron, GCMG. King's Royal Ritles GCIE. GCVO. Gordon Highlanders
Haines, Field Marshal Sir F. P. GCSI. CIE. Scots Fus. Wolselev, Field Marshal Garnet J. Viscount, KP. OM.
galiburton, A. L. Lord, late Per. Under Sec. of State (Cioil) GCMG. Royal Horse Guards
Higgmson, General Sir G. W. A. \p.t.t. Y€ Wood, General Sir HenryEvelyn, GCMG.
Knights Oommanprrs. (KCB.)
The Promotions and Appointments to ihe Order of the Bath which have this (») sign attached are
additional to the Establishment.
Aldorson, Major General Sir Henry Jas. ret. pay R. Ar'. [Gib, General Sir William Anthony, Indian Army
Ashburnham, Maj.Gen.SirCromer, ret. pav King'sR.RiHcv- Gordon.Lt. General Sir Ben. Lumsden. ret. list R. Art.
Badcock, Lieut.Gen. Sir Alex. Robert, CSI. Indian Army Gordon, General SirJohn Jas. Hood. IT. S.LiUIu I. Army
. p.s.c. Bainbridge, Col oiel Sir E. Gordon, General Sir Thos. Edw. KCIE. CSI. U. S. List
Bainbridge, Colonel Sir Edmond, ret. pay R. Art. (Civil)
Baker, Lt.Colonel Sir li., KCMG.
p.s.r. Barker, General Sir Geor/e Digby
Barrow, Major Gen. Sir Edmund Geoive. Indian Army
Bigge, Lt.Col. Sir Arth. J.. GCVO. KCMG. r.p. R.A.( Cioil)
Blood, Major General Sir Bindon, Royai Engiueers
Brabant. Hon. Major General Sir E. 1. CMG.
Brassey, Hon. Colonel Lord T.
Bridgfurcl, Colonel Sir R.
Box ill, Lt.Colonel Sir O. G.
Browne, General Sir James F. M. r.f.p. Royal Engineers
Butler, Lt.General Sir William Francis
Carrington, Major Genoral Sir Frederick, KCMG.
Chamberlain, Colonel Sir N. F. FitzG.
Chesham, Major General Riaht Hon. C. 0. W. Lord.
p.s.c. Cler.v. Major Gen Sir Cornelius Francis, KCMG.'.n.
Clinton, Colonel Lord E.W. Pelham, GCVO , ret. pay Rillc
Brigade (Civil)
Colvin Smith, General Sir C, MD. KHS.
Td€ Crcagh. Major General O'M.
Cre;i«o. Maj. Gen. Sir J. Frederick, ret. pay R. Marine Art.
Cuff'e, Surg. Gen. Sir 0. MacD.
Dartnell, Major General S'r J. G. CMG.
Do Bathe, General Sir H. P. Bart.
De iion/.y, Surgeon Gen. Sir A. C.C., ret. Bengal Army
Dixon, Colonel Sir Henry Grey, Regimental District
Dorvvard, Colonel Sir Arthur Robert Ford, DSO
p.».c. East, General Sir Cecil James, r.p.
Edwardes, General SirS. de Burgh, U.S. List Bombay Inf.
Edwards, Lt.Col. Rt. Hon. Sir Fleetwood I., GCVO.' ISO
ret. pay R. Eng. (Civil)
p.'.c. Elles, Major Gen. Sir Bdmond Roche (from R. Art.)
Elliot, Major Gen. Sir Alex. Jas. Hirdy, 6 Dragoon Gds.
Evan-Smith, Colonel Sir Cll. C-il.
Elliot, Major General Sir Edw. Locke. DSO. Indian Army
Ewart, Major Gen. Sir If. Peter, GCVO. 7 Dragoon Gds
Fleetwood Wilson, Sir G. D. A.
E«.c, i'raser, Major Gen. Sir Thomas, CMG. rot pay R.E
8 French, Major Gen. SiY John Denton Pinkstone
1 ryer, Lieut. General Sir John, ret. pay
Galliraith, Major General Sir William, retired list
Hasolee, Major Genoral Sir Alfred, GCIE. Indian Army
R#.e. Gatacre, MajorGen. Sir W. Forbes, DSO. K-i-HGM
Geary, Major Geo. Sir Henry La Guay, Royal Artillery '
Indian Army
Graham, General Sir S. 3.
p.s.c. Grove, Major General Sir Coleridge
Hall, Colonel Sir A. W.
/).».(.•. Hamiltm, Major General Sir Bruce Meal
» Hamilton, Major Gen. Sir Ian Staur'ish Mont jith. DSO.
V€ Hammond/Colonel Sir A. G. DSO.
Hanbury, Surg. MajorGen. Sir Jas. Arthur, MB. ret. pay
n.s.c. Flit Hart, Colonel Sir Reginald Clare, Royal Eng.
Hay, Major Gen. Sir Robert Johu, ret. nay Royal Artillery
< Hildyard, Major Gen. Sir Henry John Thoroton
Hogg, Lt.General Sir A. C. F., U.S. List-. Indian Army.
UC Home, Surgeon General Sir Anthony Dickson, ret. pav
H'ipton, L : eut. Genoral Sir Edward, Counaugut Rangers
* Howard. Major General, Sir Francis, CMG. A. de C, to
the King
Hunter L ; eut.Goneral Sir Arch bald, DSO.
[nnes, Surg.Geueral Sir John Harrie Ker, KHS. ret. pay
fenkins, MajorGen. Jir Fras. Howell, r.f.p. Bengal S. C.
Jodhpur, Hon. Mai. Gen. Maharaj Dhiraj Sir Partab
Singh, Bahadur of, GCSI.
lohnson, General Sir Allen B., U. S. List Indian Army
Jones, General Sir Howard Sutton, rot. list R. Marines
< Kelly, Major General Sir William Freeman
Kemb'all, General Sir Arnold B. KCSI. Royal Artillery
Kinyscote, Colonel Sir Rob. iV. F. 1 GCVO. Into Scots
Fusilier Guards (Civil)
p.s.c. Knowles, Major Genoral Sir C. B.
1 Knox, Oolono' Sir William George
* Knox, Major General Sir Charles Edmonl
Leach, Lt.Col. Sir Goo. Arch, late R. Engineers (Civil)
Lenox-C jnyngham, Colonel W. F.
Luck, Lieut. General Sir George
Lyttclton, Lieut. General Hon. Sir Nevill Gerald
.vi'Calmont, Major Genoral Sir Hugh, WO.
.Viae Donald, Col. Sir Claude Maxwell, GCMG. (and Civil)
Macdonald, Colonel Rt. Hon. Sir John Hay Athol,
Hon. Colonel Motor Volunteer Corps
Maclean, Colonel Sir F. D.
VI'Queen, General Sir John Withers, U. S. List I. Army
Markham, Lt.General Sir Edwin, ret. pay Royal Artillery
» Marshall, Major General Sir George Henry
Martin, Colonei Sir R. E. R., KCMG. rot. pay 6 Drs. (Civil)
,Maunscll,' General Sir Fred. Richard, Royal Engineers
• Sir R 1I1 irt Kingsoote, Sir Dighton Probyn, Sir Richard Sankev and Sir Edward Thackeray are also Militaru
'■ ™Pa ni onsortD.eOrder,iin'.l entitled to vvc:u- the Insignia of that Class and Division, in addition to thoso of nCioil
Jirugut Commander,

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