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919 Civil Decorations for Gallantry. — Details of the Awards.
95 t Lieut. Muscroft was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for rescuing two people from
the river Webeyiro, India; a large party was crossing the river in a canoe, when the stream was very strong,
and the river in flood and infested with crocodiles; the canoe was upset and Lieut. Muscroft twice entered the
river at great peril, and succeeded in saving two lives.
00 Lieut. Nelson was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for attempting to rescue a
private of the Royal Marines who had fallen into deep water at Plymouth on the 8th June 1895. Unfortunately
the effort was unsuccessful and the man was drowned.
87 Lt.Colonel Newington was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for .jumping overboard in
full dress at Great Yarmouth on the night of the 23rd September 1874, and rescuing a female i'romunderthe paddle-
wheel of the steamer and keeping another afloat till a boat was lowered
93 Major North was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving a private soldier
from drowning at Blackpool on the 23rd June 1895.
99 Captain Oldfleld was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for jumping overboard from
H.M.S. Aghicourt, and rescuing a lady who was in great danger of drowning at Liverpool, on the 9th September
1881, by the capsizing of a boat; received a Silver Medal and Vote of Thanks from the Liverpool SUipwreok and
Humane Society for the same service.
100 Lieut. Orman was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for assisting to save a native
soldier who was in danger of drowning while attempting to swim across the Manipur River below Larmyan, on
the 19th March 1894. It took nearly an hour to restore the rescued man to consciousness.
101 Captain Orr was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for paving from drowning a woman
who had attempted suicide by throwing herself into the river at Bishop's Bridge, Norwich, on the 3rd June 18Q4.
102 Major Ovens was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society for endeavouring to save from
drowning a sergeant who had fallen into the river near Calcutta on the 4th October, 1890.
103 Captain Parke was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for assisting to save Captain
Tremaine under the circumstances recited in the case of that officer.
105 Lt.Colonel Parsons was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution for his exer-
tions in rushing into the surf and attempting to rescue, at the risk of his life, the master of the brigantine
Industry, of Whitehaven, which was wrecked off Kingstown in a gale of wind on the 9th February 1861.
107 Captain Pratt was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the evening of the
29th April 1880, jumped off the quay at Kinsale and rescued a lad who had fallen out of a boat and twice sunk.
109 Major Ravenscroft was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for assisting to save from
drowning two soldiers who had been capsized from a boat in Cork Harbourcnthe 1st September, 1891. Only one of
the men, however, was rescued.
no Lieut. P. Owen was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving from drowning
Private O'Brien, who was seized with cramp whilst bathing 100 yards from shore, in Jenny Cliffe Bay, Plymouth
Sound. Lieut. O'Brien was assisted by Lieut. Young, who was awarded the Certificate on Vellum.
112 Colonel Sartorius was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 29th June
1869, leaped from the pier at Broadstairs and assisted to rescue three girls who had been carried out by the tide
whilst bathing.
113 Captain Seely was awarded the Gold Medal of Honour by the French Government for saving the crew of the
brigantine Henri Leontine, shipwrecked off the Isle of Wight on the : jth October 1891.
115 Major Shakespear was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving a man from drown-
' ing at Chittagong, India, on the 3rd April, 1890.
" 7 ColoneVJ. W.Smith was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 27th Nov
1884, jumped into the Nile, near Semneh, with all his clothes on, and rescued a bandsman of his regiment, who
had fallen from the rock into the river from a height estimated at from 60 to 80 feet.
118 Colonel Snow was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society on the 6th June 1859 for having
plunged into the Serpentine at Hyde Park, and rescued a man who attempted suicide.
121 Lt.Colonel Stock was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving the lives of two
coolies in a lake near Chorore, Bombay, on the 29th January 1886.
122 Colonel Meysey-Thompson was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the
4th February 1869, swum out to the rescue of Sir Charles Slingsby and W. Owen, who were unfortunately drowned
at Newby Ferry, Yorkshire.
123 Major Torrens was awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution for his gallant
•exertions in going out in the Poolbeg Lifeboat and rescuing two men (the rest of the crew having been lost) from
the BChooner Robert Brown, which had become unmanageable in a gale, and had been driven ashore near the
Pigeonhouse Fort, in Dublin Bay, on the night of the 27th October 1880.
124 Captain Tremaine was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society under the following circum-
stances: — A trooper of the 13th Hussars was 6wept away while crossing the River Tugela in face of the enemy on
the 17th January 1900. Captain Tremaine endeavoured to save the man, but failed, and was himself in danger.
Captain Parke assisted in rescuing Captain Tremaine.
126 Major Trevor was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for an ineffectual effort to save
an officer from drowning at Rawul Pindee on the 1st April 1887.
126 Major Verner was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for having, on the 12th August
1882, swum out and dived and brought to the surface a man who had sunk in a fit while bathing at Tetland Bay,
Isle of Wight.
127 Captain Wade was awarded the Bronze Medal of the RoyalHutnane Society for saving a man from drowning
in the Medway, at Chatham, on the 20th May 1888.
128 Captain H. Wake was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving the life of a
soldier at Bosmans Spruit on 24th December 1901. The soldier was passing over a bridge, which was 2 feet
under water, with a convoy, and was swept off. Captain Wake plunged in, and succeeded in taking the man to
the bank.
130 Lieut. C. Braithwaite Wallis was awarded the Silver Medal and Certificate on Vellum of the Royal Humane
Society for the following act of bravery : — On the 4th December 1901, a boat, containing two soldiers of the West
African Frontier Force, sank in the middle of the Big Boom River in the Sierra Leone Protectorate. The river is
a dangerous one, being 500 yards wide, with a rapid and treacherous current, and is teeming with crocodiles.
Lieut. Wallis was making for the shore and had got half way, when he perceived that one of the soldiers was
unable to swim. He immediately turned back — a distance of some 100 yards — to the drowning man's assistance,
and, after a terrible struggle, succeeded in bringing him to shore. Lieut. Wallis was over half an hour in the
water, and was hampered by his clothes and boots. His action has been described as " as fine an example of
physical strength, endurance, and self-sacrificing gallantry as cin well be found."
131 Second Lieut. Webb-Bowen was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving the life
of Corporal Miller, Royal Engineers, at Coal Mine Drift, Vaal River, Transvaal, who fell into the river from the
132 Captain Wight was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for rescuing a man from
drowning in the Manipore River on the 7th May 1892.
133 Lieut. Wise was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving a trooper from drowning
while crossing the River Tugela on the 17th January 1900, in face of the enemy.
"'Lt.Colonel Woodhall was awarded the Silver Medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving the life of Assis-
tant Surgeon E. Gibson, who had been carried out to sea while bathing at Duncannon Fort, Ireland, on the 9th
June 1859.
135 Captain Wynyard was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Royal Humane Society for attempting to save a
Swiss peasant in Lake Davos, Switzerland, on the gth December 1893, when the lake was frozen over. Captain
Wynyard nearly lost his own life in the attempt, and when rescued was insensible.

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