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761 Colonels Retired on Full or Retired Pay or on a Pension. — War Services.
(mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lieut.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's
Star). Served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-86, and was present in the engagement at Giniss
in command of the Royal Artillery (mentioned in despatches, promoted to Colonel).
289 Colonel Henry Heberden served in the Crimean campaign from July to November 1855, including the siege
and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
290 Colonel H. H. Helsham-Jones served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present in the engagements nt
Chalong, Tel-el-Mahuta and Mahsama, and at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the
Med.iidie, and Khedive's Star).
892 Colonel A. J. Hepper served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 (Medal, and Khedive's Star) ; also served
with the Soudan Frontier Field Force in command of Royal Engineers, and was present in the engagement at
Giniss (DSO., and 3rd Class of the Medjidie).
293 Colonel G. F. Herbert served with the 31st Regt. in tho Crimea from 22nd May 1855, including the siege and
fall of Sebastopol, and attack3 of the 18th June and 8th September, and was wounded during the bombardment of
37th June while employed as an Assistant Engineer in throwing up an entrenchment in the 8-gun Battery, right
attack (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
29 * Colonel G. L. K. Hewett served throughout the defence of the Residency at Lucknow from the 30th June to
•the 22nd Nov. 1857, and was slightly wounded on the 24th September; served afterwards as Orderly Officer to Sir
J. Outram throughout the operations at the Alumbagh, including the capture of the enemy's guns and position at
Gaelie ; also present at the final siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal with two Clasps, and a year's service).
Served against the Hill Tribes on the Peshawur Frontier in 1863-64 (Medal with Clasp).
295 Colonel A. Hill served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 (Medal).
296 Colonel F. C. Hill landed with the 56th Regiment in the Crimea on the 25th Aug. 1855, served in the trencher
at the siege of Sebastopol, and was present at the final assault (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal.) Served
also in India during the mutiny in 1858.
297 Colonel P. E. Hill served throughout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Balaklava and
Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, 5th Class of the Medjidie, and Turkish Medal).
Served in N.W. India under Sir JohnMichel in 1858-59 (Medal). Served in the Afghan war in 1878-79 (mentioned
in despatches, Medal).
298 Colonel G. A. Hillyard served with the Rifle Brigade in the campaign on the North-West Frontier of Indin
in 1864 (Medal with Clasp). Commanded a detachment of the 4th Battalion Rifle Brigade during part of tho
.Towaki campaign of 1877-78, including the advance to Pushtownee (Clasp). Served in the Burmese Expedition
in 1888-89 with the 4th Battalion Ride Brigade (Clasp).
208f Colonel Hilton served with the Hazara Expedition in 1888 in command of the Left Half Battalion 2nd Sea-
forth Highlanders (mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Hazara Expedition in iSyi
in command of the 2nd Battalion Seaforth Highlanders (mentioned in despatches, Clasp).
299 Colonel T. B. Hitchcock served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Brigade Major of the 4th Brigade (Wodsl, jth
Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served in the Soudan Expedition under Sir Gerald Graham, in
1884 as Biigade Major 2nd Brigade, and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai (mentioned ill
xlespatches, Brevet ot Lt. Colonel, 4th Class of the Osmanieh, two'Clasps).
300 Colonel H. O. Hitchins served in suppression of the Indian mutiny in 1857-58, including the actions of Agra
Gungeree, and Putteealee ; occupation of the Alumbagh from 10th Feb. until capture of Lucknow, attack on Fort
Rooheiya, and defence of Shahjehanpore (Medal with Clasp).
301 Colonel G. B. B. Hobart served with the expedition in China in i860, and was present at Sinho, Tangku, ami
capture of Taku Forts (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warren
in 1884-85 in command ol Royal Artillery.
302 Colonel T. N. Holberton served with the Persian Expedition of 1856-57, incluling the storm and capture of
Reshire, surrender of Bushire, and battle of Ko^shab (Medal and Clasp). Commanded Artillery at the recapture
of Kolapore in Dec. 1857 (Medal).
303 Sir Thomas Holdich served in 1865-66 on special duty with a Survey Detachment in Bhootan (Medal with
Clasp). Served in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868 and was engaged in carrying on the Trigonometricel Survey from
the Coast to Magdala (mentioned in despatches, Medal). Served in Southern Afghanistan in 1878-79 on special
survey duty (twice mentioned in despatches) ; served in Northern Afghanistan in 1879-80 in charge of survey
operations ; was present in the operations around Cabul in December 1879 and the investment of Sherpore
(mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major, Medal with Clasp). Also served in charge of survey operations in the
Mahsood Wuzeeree Expedition of 1880 under Brigadier General Kennedy. Served with the Zhob Valley Expedition
in 1880 and in 1390 (Brevet of Colonel). Served in the campaign on the North West Frontier of India under Sir
William Lockhart in 1897 with the Tirah Expeditionary Force as Chief Survey Officer (mentioned in despatches,
Medal with two ClaBps).'
301 Colonel W. J. Holt was thanked in General Orders dated at Poona 12th July 1866 for hig " noble efforts " in
saving life on the occasion of tho wreck of the Pilgrim ship Diamond, and his conduct was deemed by the Com-
mander in Chief at Bombay as " deserving of the warmest admiration." Served in the Abyssinian campaign in
1867-68 as Provost Marshal at Zoula, and subsequently in the Transport Train ; was attacked by a large force at
Belago Pass whilst in charge of Convoy, and his conduct on the occasion met with the entire approval of Lord
Napier (mentioned in despatches, Medal, and promoted to Captain unattached). Served with the Burmese Expe-
dition in 1886-88 in command of the 2nd Battalion Royal West Surrey Regiment, including the operations under
Sir William Lockhart in the Pyinmana, Yemethen, and Meiktila Districts (mentioned in despatches, CB., and
Medal with two Clasps).
307 Colonel W. C.Hood served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 as Brigade Major to the Koorum Field Force (Medal).
30S Colonel Lionel Hook served with the 9th Regiment throughout the campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan ( Medal) ,
under Sir George Pollock, and was present at the forcing of the Khyber Pass, storming of Mamookail, storming
the Heights of Jugdulluck, affair in the Tezeen Valley, storming of the Tezeen and Huft Kotul Mountains, occu-
pation of Cabool, expedition into Kohistan, storm capture and destruction of Istaliff. He served as Adjutant of
the 9th Regiment the Sutlej campaign of 1845-46, and was present in the battles of Moodkee, Ferozeshah (torse
shot under him), and Sobraon (Medal and two Clasps).
309 Colonel H. H. Hooke served in the Abyssinian campaign in 1868 (Medr.l).
310 Colonel C. E. Hope served with the 7th' Fusiliers in the Crimea from 7th July 1855, including the siege and fall
of Sebastopol and assault of the Redan on the 8th Sept. (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
312 Colonel J. C. Hore served with the Battalion sent out for service in Japan in 1874-66, and was present at the
bombardment of the batteries at the Straits of Simonosaki, the entrance of the inland soa of Japan, and as Orderly
Officer to the Brigadier commanding at the assault, capture and destruction of the five batteries, stockade, maga-
zines, and barracks, and during the shore operations, from the 5th to the 8th Sept. 1864 (mentioned in despatches).
313 Colonel G. M. B. Hornsby served in the Afghan war in 1878-80, took part in tho defence of Candahar
including the sortie of Deh Khojah, and was present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches, Medal
with Clasp).
3:4 Colonel A. Howlett served in the operations in the Malay Peninsula in 1875-76 as Assistant Field Engineer
{Medal with Clasp). Served with the Manipore Expedition in 1891 in command of the 12th Madras Infantry
(mentioned in despatches, Medal with Clasp) ; and in the operations in the Chin Hills in 1892 in command of the
Tashon Column.
3 ' 5 Colonel E. Hughes served in the Zulu war in 1879 and was present in the engagements at Kambula and
TJlundi (mentioned in despatches, promoted to Commissary, CMO., and Medal with Clasp). Also served in the
Boer war of i88i with the Natal Field Force. Served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Senior Commissariat Officer,
and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir (promoted Assistant Commissary General with relative rank of
Lt.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the Medjidie, and Khedive's Star). Served with the Nile Kxpedition
-in 1884-85 as Senior Commissariat Officer (mentioned in despatches, promoted Deputy Commissary Ueneral,
316 Colonel E.T. Hume served throughout the Indian Mutiny campaigns and was present at the 6iege and capture
cf Delhi, throughout the Rohilcund and Oude campaigns, including the action of Nugeena, relief of Moradabad-

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