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Full H.ll
Pay. Pay.
2 53
The Leicestershire Raiment.
Samuel Henry Parsons Smith.M In- \
dian Staff Corps )
2 Roehfort Vere Hunt
i Charles Stewart Davies
2 Edward Henry Ross
Joseph Clarke Collins"' 11 , South Afri- \
can Constabulary (
2 Sir Brodrick Cecil Denbam Ark- )
wri?ht Hartwell, Bt j
i Frederick Percival Myles-w I 15 Aug. <x>
Second Lieutenants.
1 Norman Graham Pier.? de Coudray)
Tronson'>a J
1 Henry George SealyW
2 Julian Bacchus
1 William Angelo Tate Ferris 11 "
Alfred Ernest Slater Fennel], In 1 tail )
Staff Corps J
1 Charles Frederick But
1 Geoffrey Dalrymple Nash' 1 '
t He in- Algernon Hildebrand
2 Philip Henry Norris Nugent Vyyyan
1 -'iiarles Arthur Bamford
Frank Bertram Adams, S. Nigeria )
Begt. IT'. African Frontier Force, j
with rank of Lieut 1
1 Christopher Hume Middlemass
1 James Ainsworth Yates
Clive Gerard Liddell
Herbert Bowater Vernon
Peter Hubert Creagb
Robert Frank Hawes
13 Oct. 00
17 Oct. 00
5 Jan. 01
8 Jan. 01
8 Jai. or
4 May 01
14 Sept. 01
29 Jan. 02
29 Jan. 02
8 Feb. -
2 Aug.
3 Sept. 02
3 Sept.
22 Oct.
22 Oct.
22 Oct.
22 Oct.
5 May
23 Jan.
11 May
19 May
23 May
28 Feb.
1 Apr.
1 Apr.
30 May
26 Apr.
4 Aug.
26 Apr.
15 Aug.
26 Apr.
Quarter Masters. — 1 Frederick Arcnlus,"" 27 Feb. 01 ; lion. Lieut
2 W. F. Hammond, 2S Sept. 01 ; Hon. Lieut.
Facings White. — Agents, Messrs. Cos and Co.
lit Battalion embarked for Bermuda, :6 Sept. i883. 2nd Battalion embarked for Egypt, 7 Feb. 1900.
1 Sir John Boss served with the Rifle P.rigade in the Eastern campaign, inclading the battles of Alma and
Inkerman, and siege of Sebastopol, until February 1855 (Medal with three Clasps, Brevet of Major, 5th Class of the
Medjidie, and Turkish Medal). Served also in the Indian campaign of 1857-58, including the action of Cawnpore
siege and capture of Lucknow. Commanded the Camel Corps at the capture of Calpee and during the subsequent
cimpaigniu Central India (mentioned in despatches, Brevetof Lt. Colonel, CB., Medal with two Clasps). Served
with the Rifle Brigade in the North West Frontier of India campaigns of 1863-64 (Medal with Clasp). Commanded
the Bengal troops during the operations in the Malay Peninsula in 1875-76 mentioned in General Orders of the
Government of India, Medal with Clasp). Commarded the Indian Expeditionary Force which was sent to the
Mediterranean in 1878. Served in the Afghan war of 1878-80 ; commanded the 2nd Division Cabal Field Force
which defeated the enemy at Shekabad (received the thanks of the Governor General in Council and of the Com-
mander in Chief iu India); accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar in commsnd of the
Infantry Division and as 2nd in command, and was present at the battle of Candahar (mentioned in despatches,
received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, KCB., Medal with Clasp, and Bronze Decoration).
I Lt.Colonel Scott served in the Burmese Expedition in 1888-89 with the 2nd Battalion Leicestershire Regiment
in the Upper Burma Field Force (Medal with Clasp).
7 Major Mosse served in the Burm-se Expedition in 1888-89 with the 2nd Battalion Leicestershire Regiment
in the Upper Burma Field Force (Medal with Clasp).
8 Major Bunbury served in the Burmese Expedition in 1888-89 with the 2nd Battalion Leicestershire Regi-
ment in the Upper Burma Field Force (Medal with Clasp). Served with the Dongola Expeditionary Forco under
Sir Herbert Kitchener in 1896 in command of the 13th Soudanese Battalion, including the engagement at Firket
and the operations at Hafir (mentioned in despatches, Brit'sh Medal, and Khedive's Medal with two Clasps) ; in
the operations in the Soudan in 1897-98, resulting in the c ipture of Abu Hamed and the subsequent occu-
pation 01 Berher (Brevet of Major, Clasp); and in the campaign in 1898, including the battle of Khartoum
(mentioned in despatches, DSO. and Clasp).
9 Major Hyslop served with the 17th Regiment iu the Afghan war in 1S78-79 with the 1st Division
Peshawur Valley Field Force, and was present at the capture of Ali Musjid and in the first expedition into the
Bazar Valley (Medal with Clasp). Served in the Burmese Expedition iu 1888-89 with tae 2a( l Battalion
Leicestershire Regiment in the Upper Burma Field Force (Medal with Clasp).
10 Major Sherer served with the Dongola Expeditionary Force under Sir Herbert Kitchener in 1896, including
the engagement at Firket and the operations at Hafir (mentioned in despatches, Khedive's Medal with two
Clasps, Knglish Medal). Served in the South African war with the 1st Battalion Leicestershire Regiment in 1899-
1902, including the defence of Ladysmith (mentioned in despatches, Medal with four Clasps).
II Major Welstead served in the South African war with the 1st Battalion Leicestershire Regiment in 1899-1902,
and was present at the engagement at Talana; took part in the inarch from Dundee to Ladysmith, the engage-
ment at Lombard's Kop, and the siege of Ladysmith ; in the subsequent advance under Sir Redvers Buller
through Northern Natal into the Transvaal, including the engagements at Amersfort, Ermelo.Geluk's Farm, Ber-
gendal, Badfontein and Lydenberg, and the operations under Lieut. Gen. Hon. N. G. Lyttelton; in command of
the Battalion from qth Oct. 1900 to 7th Dec. 1900; took part in the operations under Sir J. D. P. French in the
Eastern Transvaal and Swaziland border, under Major General W. Kitchener in Blood River Valley, South Eastern
Transvaal, and Slangapies (Medal with four Clasps).

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