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Second Lieutenants.
Charles Eustace Roberts. .27 Mar. 01
Edgar Hume Sleigh 12 Apr. 01
A&jt. $ Capt. — A. H. Bald-
win. Major 1 Battalion ...14 Nov. 98
Qr. Mr. — Michael Henry
Connery, Hon. Lieut 7 July 97
Med. Off —
The Prince of Wales's North
Staffordshire Eegt.
3HD Battalion.
Formerly the King's Oicn 2nd Stafford
Light Infantry.)
( Embodied 2 May 00 ; disembodied
15 Oct. 00.)
Head Quarters, Lichfield.
On 15 Oct. 1900.
Honorary Colonel.
Sir Morton Edic. Stiller, St. 11 Aug. S8
Lt. Colonel.
John Henry Monckton, ji.«.
{El) , [t] , lion. Colonel ...28 Apr. 97
George Cramp/on Hall, p.s.
Hon. Lt. Colonel, i.y. South
Africa 20 June 99
Henry H. Ward, Hon. Lt.
Colonel 19 May 97
Robert H.Hargreaves, Hon.
Major 28 Jan. 88
George Henry TunniclifEe,
Hon. Major 25 Ma3~ S9
Chas. Holland James, p.s.
(II), Hon. Major 9 Apr. 16
Alfred Richard Wood, Hon.
Major 20 June 92
Guy L. Thorne Seckham, 8
p.s. (H), Hon. Major 11 Feb. 93
William L. Penrose Mark-
Wardlaw, p.t. [r] (U) (S),
Hon. Major 19 May 97
Horace Edward Falls. (H)2q June 98
William Shakspeare (//).. .23 Nov. 01
Fras. Vandeleur Hume-
Kelly, Inst, of Musketry 17 Jan. 00
Arthur JSevcell Ojjilvie 14 Aug. 00
Henry James Bath 14 Aug. od
Basil White 14 Aug. 00
Hyde Gwynne Harrison ... 3 Apr. 01
Henry Etlinger 3 Apr. 01
second Lieutenants.
Bolt. Chas. Payne Smith,
i.y. South Africa 5 May 00
Ion T. Drummond Kirk-
patrick 11 May 00
Alan Spencer Boustield 13 Feb. 01
Herbert Clifford Fausset ... 3 Apr. 01
j vor Campbell Chambers 30 Nov. 01
Adjt. $Capt. — H. Marwood,
Major 1 Battalion 2 May 98
Med. Off.—
Qr. Master. — Wm.Sandland, 6
Hon. Lieut 17 Oct. 94
4TH Battalion.
Formerly the King's Own 3rd Stafford
(Embodied 24 Jan. 00.)
Head Quarters, Lichfield.
Embodied, South Africa.
Honobaby Colonel.
Charles Bill, 1 MP 3 Dec. 98
Richard W. B. Mirehouse,-
Hon. Col 23 Nov. 9E
Militia Infantry.
Francis R. Twemlow, 3 X>SO.
Hon. Lt.Colonel 29 May 93
Cecil Wedgwood, 3 Area
Comdt. South Africa 12 Sept. 00
D. G. O. Saunders-Davies 3 i8Maj S9
George Parker Bull .'District
Comdt. South Africa 8 Apr. 93
Cecil C. Walter Troughtou, 4
p.s. (Q), (H) 30 May 93
Fras. Hamilton Wedgwood, 8
Station Comdt. S. Africa 2 July 04
Charles Bo.ver Webb" 14 Nov. 94
Charles Fitz Herbert BUR. .25 Jan. 99 j
Walter EdrtMrd Biagg" ...30 May 00
Oliver HawkshawS .12 Sept. 00
Walter Mackenzie Levett*
(H) Inst, of Musketry,
Hon. Major 12 Sept. 00
BertraraH. Wedgwood, ■'•/». s, 25 Jan. 99
Ivo Reginald Limberts 19 Feb. 00
Alg. Marshall Stapvlcon fl ...i9 Feb. 00
John Cyril ColletteThomas 6 24 Apr. or
Philip Lyon 3 24 Apr. 01
G'uthbert Wdson Moore 8 ...24 Apr. 01
John Edward Page's 24 Apr. 01
Second Likutknanis.
Frederick James Philips 8 .. .11 June 00
Artbur Clegg F. Royle 22 July 01
George Edward Ram 3 Sept. 01
Claude Harold C. Adams 21 Oct. 01
Adjt. 4- Capt.—K. S. Pipe-
Wolferstan, Major South
Stafford Ret/t. .'. 15 Oct. 96
Qr. Master, — John Aherne,?
Hon. Lieut 20 June 00
Med. Off.—
Embarked for S. Africi, 9 Mar. 1900.
The York and Lancaster
3HD Battalion.
(Formerly the yd West York Light
Embodied 13 Dec. 99; disembodied
4 Dec. 00.)
Head Quarters, Pootsfract.
On 4 Dec. 1900.
Honchart Colonel.
Major General Frederick
Hardy,' rR] retired list 4 Apr. 88
John Gerald Wilson, CB.(t),
Hon. Colonel 20 Jan. 83
John Edmund Groom, Hon.
Lt.Colonel 4 June 92
Fras. Davison Bland, }>.!>.(t),
2nd in Comd. 6 Proc. Bit. 3 May 07
Ernest C'hamier Broughton.
ret. pay 2 Bn 29 Nov. 85
Reginald 3. Learoyd, (M),
ft), Railway Staff Officer,
South Africa 6 May 91
Ernest Fred. Lowthorpe,p.«. 1 6 Sept. 93
Hugh Owen Stcanston, p.s.
(tl), [f] South Africa 27 Jan. 97
Frederick Adrian Cathcart,
p.s. [t] (H) 27 Jan. 97
James Ernest Forster, p.s.,
(H) [tl South Africa 12 Jan. 98
Fras. H. D. Yickerman, p.s.
(H), (f) South Africa 4 Nov. 09
Henry Hwc\zs, Ins.of Musk. 9 Dec. ci
Fred. Geo. Aug. Henderson 30 Oct. 00
Cecil De Grey Murray, South
Africa 30 Oct. 00
Clercaux Arthur Chaytor,
Remount Dept 30 Oct. 00
Ronald Burns Shepherd,
Boyal Garrison Begimtnt 30 Oct. 00
John V. Meetkerke B iscoe3o Oct. 00
Kenneth Russell Davies ...30 Oct. 00
Robert Giryune Furley, i.y.
S. Africa 17 Aug. 01
David I'homson Welsh 17 Aug. or
Edw. Bertram Fawcett ...12 Dec. 01
Charles Heritage Price ...12 Dec. or.
Second Lieutenants.
Lionel Wilton Wolrige, South
Africa r7 May 00
Richard Henry Stott, i.y.
S. Africa =4 May 00
Geo. G. D' Arcy Macpherson,
i.y. S.Africa 5 Nov. oo
Geo. T. Elphinstone Keithr6 Mar. or
Hubert James East :2 Oct. 01
Adj. A- Capt.—E. J. Wood-
\ey. Capt. York if Lan-
caster Reg! 29 July 99
Qr. Master.— Robert Fitz-
Patrick, Hon. Captain ... 1 Apr. 83
Med. Off.-
The Durham Light Infantry.
3RD Battalion.
(Formerly the 1st Durham Fusiliers.)
(Embodied 5 Dec. 99; di (embodied
r2 June or.)
Head Quarters, Barna-d Castle.
Honorary Colonel.
Charles Frecilte Stlrlees,late
Capt. 3 Hussars 15 Mar. 73
Lt. Colonel.
E. S. V. Grimshawe,i>.«.(//)22 Mar. 01
Henry Powys Greenwood,
(H) p.s 7Sept.oi
Thomas George Sowerby,
Instructor of Musketry ... 2 Nov. or
Harry John Sowerby, DSO.
(H) Hon. Major 8 Nov. 90
Louis Edward Walker 4 Nov. 93
William Hilton Briggs (H),
S. African Constabnlari/ 4 Nov. 93
Edw.Cu jytor Sowerby, (H)xg June 9-
William Kemp Trotter, ret.
pay West Riding Rcgt. ...r6 Feb. 98
RodolphEeildeu 4 May 98
Henry Frederic Low 4 May 98
Charles Okey Greenwell ...30 Dec. 00.
Christopher Willson 22 Feb. or
Eiward Speu.-er C-irling ...r2 Mar. 01
Second Lieutenants.
Adit. 4- Capt. — L. E. C.
Elwej, DSO. Captain
1 Battalion 10 Oct. 01
Qr. Master— W. Y. Splaine,
Hon. Lieut. 10 Mar. oc
Med. Of.—
Embarked for S. Africa, rr Jan. 1900;.
returned to England, June rgor.
4TH Battalion.
Form erlu the 2nd or North Durham
(Embodied 23 Jan. 00; disembodied
4 Dec. 00.)
Head Quarters, Newcastle.
On 4 Dec. 1900.
Honobiby Cjlonel.
Most Hon. C. S. Marquis of
Londonderry, KG. Aide
de Camp to the King ;
Postmaster General 7 June 99
Mark H. Lambert, p.s. (H).
[t] Hon. Colonel 24N0V.97

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