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John Charles Bieis, Malay
States Guides '.27 June 94
Reg.Ed-w.Fras. S. Budding,
p.s.(H), Inst, of Musketry^ June c.4
Edw. Henrv Chapman, ;<..•.-. 3 Apr. 9;
Hy, Perry Pulleine. late Lt.
South Wales Sorddererg...!^ Feb. oc
Robert BellTurtor: 7 Mar. 00
Frank Lavallin Puxley 1 Aug-. 00
Alan Cecil Luptou 12 Jan. or
Wilfrid Hubert Chapman,
South Africa 25 Feb. ot
Frank Adam* Bauley, MM.
Infantry, South Africa ...16 Aug. 00
Erie Calder Clegg, Mounted
Infantry, South Africa ...16 Aug-, oj
Regd. J. Trounoer Bindlev 16 Aug. 00
Stuart Lrmley WKtttford,
South Africa 16 Aug-. 00
GeorgePrendergast Stevensi2 Jan. 01
< 'ecil Waudby 12 Jan. 01
Arthur Peruberton Turners Feb. 01
Archibald Wright 12 Apr. 01
Julian Henriques Samuel. ..13 July 01
Austin Wren Brown 13 July 01
Second Lieutenants.
Francis Latham 9 Apr. 01
Lyon H. Fanlconer Wisden 8 Jane 01
< 'ha-rles Lewis R. Aspinall 3 July 01
Henry E. Charley Walcott.
West Africa,/ Frontier
Force, with rod; of Lieut.?? July 01
Adit. — 3. F. V. Thorne,
Cavt. $Bn. Lancashire Fes. 1 July 01
Qe.Haster.—Jno. Sheridan,
Son. Lieut ,-. jjec. 99
Med. Off.— Sura. Lt. Colonel
Thos. Carter 2 J nn e 99
The Lancashire Fusiliers.
Formerly 7 th Eoyal Lancashire Rifles.)
(Embodied 19 Feb. 00 ; disembodied
; 7 Oct. 00; re-etnbodied 6 May 01).
Head Quarters, Bury.
Embodied, South Africa.
Honorary Colonel.
Prod. Finch Mackenzie 20 Nov. 95
He my Steuart Lockhart-
Ross, p.s. (II) jfi Nov g
Francis Joseph Radcliffe,
<U), S. Africa 2oSept.oo
Hy. Alex. Schank(-ff) ,6 Nov. 89
Godfrey Armitage, late
2nd Lt. 6 Dragoon Guards,
Inst, of Musketry ^1 Jan o->
Herbert Richard' Cobbctt,
South Africa .' 2Q Aug. 94
John James Whitehead,
r P-f- V) 2/ July 98
John Frederick Edward
Bowring, jm. , 5 j u] y , J0
Myles Higgm-Bu-ket 16 Mar. 01
Donald F. D. Maclean (71,
Hon.Mujor ., 8 Dec. 99
Aluic-ric Bayford Wigley ...25 Au^.oo
Kenelm Jjuttman - Johnson,
W. Africa Frontier Force. 14 Nov 00
Gordon Campbell Blair ... 14 Nov' 00
Arthur Hugh Watson 14 Nov! 00
Edmund Lawrence van
Someren 2l Dee . of>
>iorman Neill 16 Mar o-
WilHam lliggin-Birket 16 Mar.' or"
Gerald Shaw ioMar.01
Militia Infantry.
Second Lieutenants.
Albert George Dawson 6 Sept. 00
Horace Lloyd 14 Nov. 00
Aubrey B. Daniel Moore ...28 Nov. 00
Edward Cyril Boutflower...2o Mar. ot
William Percy Armitage ... 8 Apr. 01
Richard Lluellyn 15 June 01
Robert Andrew Eakin 30 May or
Adjt. 4- Capt.—ll. C. E.
Westropp, Major Man-
chester Regt 13 July 96
Quarter Master. — William
Bowes, lion. Lieut 17 Jan. 00
Med. Off —
Embarked for South Africa, 4 Jivneoi
6tic Battalion.
(Former/'/ 7th Roi/al Lancashire
(Embodied 13 Dec. 99.)
Head Quarters, Bury.
Honorary Colonel.
J. D. S. Dukeof Argyll. KT.
GCMG.,Governor and Con-
stable of Windsor Castle. ..16 Jan. 01
Lt. Colonel.
Fred. Chas. Romer,' CMS.
p.s. (H), (S), (Q) Ho,,.
Colonel 1S Doc. 115
Francis Lee Sanders,- (H) 26 Oct. 98
Hercules A. T. Lord Ros-
mead,-* retired pay Irish
Fusiliers 4 Feb. 98
Louis L. Rhys Samson, ret.
pay Lancashire Fusiliers ;
Rly .Staff Officer^. Africa 24 May 90
Edm'.dePentheny-O'Kelly, 2
South Africa 1 June 98
James Aspinall Turner 5 ...20 July 98
Geo. Arthur Qildea' (JI),
p.s 23 Mar. 9S
Reginald "V. Kempenl'eldt
Applin, 'p.s. [f] 23 Nov. 98
Douglas r'ras. Robinson. -
late Lt. R.N 16 Jan. 00
Percy HarlandAtkin, 11 Hon.
Major 2, Dec. 01 25 May 89
Sir Albert V. F. Scymour,-
Bart 18 Jan. 01
Percy Beaumont- 18 Jan. 01
Hy. Wm. Gilford Dairsey-rS Jan. 01
Hugh Kardley Wi!mot 2 ...*..iS Jan. 01
George Henry Hardman 2
(Depot) ' 18 Jan. 01
Second Lieutenants.
Theodore Crean (Depot) ...28 Aug. 00 j
Wm. H. Gillespie Thorne... 10 May 01 |
Edmund Ashton Heape ...21 Dec. 01
Adjt. j- Capt.—K. F. Owcn-
Lewis, DSO. Captain
Yorkshire Re.jt r July 98
Quarter Master.— Alfred W.
Smith, 2 Hon. Lieut 23 Feb. yS
Med Off.-
Embarked for S Africa, 10 Feb. 1900.
Returned to England, 12 ct. 01 .
Lt. Colonel.
! William Hugh Campbell,
p.s. /Jon. Colonel 11 July 91
Hon. Geoffrey Chas.Twisle-
ton Wyktham-Fiennes,
p.s. (H), late Scots Fits. ...26 June 99
George James Fergusson Bu-
chanan, Hon. Lt.Col.
12 Oct. or. Reserve, South
-Ifriea 20 Dec. 00
R. L. >iugent-Dunbav, p.s. 4
Hugh Scott, p.s. ; Remount
Department 14
Chas. G. S. M'Alestee, p.s.
South Africa 13
Ralph George Riddell -
Can-.?, p.s. T3
John Edwards Vanghan, 3
p.s. late Lt. 2nd B11 27
1 IvoD.Walker-Heneage, ;>.>••. .■-•
Arch. Earl of Cassilis, p.s.
DL., South Africa 7
Dominick Sidney Brow n, p.s.
South Africa 23
Arthur M. Mitchell Camrj-
bell, ;;..-•. (H) :..2 3
George Fredk. Montague
Villiers, (H), lust, of
Musketry 4
Hon. James Boyle, S. Africa 26
Ian Broughton Hopkins ...11
Gerald Andrew Greig n
Squire Duff Taylor rr
Theodore Septimus Mason26
William M'Millan Black. ..26
Second Lieutenant.
Walter Burridge Brook ...17 Aug. 01
Adit. 4- Capt.—D. H. A. Dick.
Captain 1 Vu 2t Mar.oi
Qr. Master. — Mark Lindsay
Carnegie, Ron. Lieut. ... t Sept. 97
Med. Off—
July co
June 99
Mar. 01
Mar. 01
Mar. 01
Oct. or
Oct. 01
The Royal Scots Fusiliers.
3RD Battalion.
(Formerly the Prince Regent's Royal
Ayr and Wigtown Militia.)
( Embodied S Dec. 99 ; disembodied
4 Dec. 00.)
Head Quarters, Ayr.
On 4 Dec. 1900.
Honorary Colonel.
.1. 1'., Earl of Galloway,
KT. late Capt. R. Horse
Guards, p.s 24 June 91
The Cheshire Regiment.
3rd Battalion.
(Formerly the 1st Royal Cheshire Light
(Embodied 1 May 00; disembodied
4 Dec. 00.)
Head Quarters, Chester.
On 4 Dec. 1900.
Honorary Colonel.
Charles Hnsken France-
Hayhurst," DL. JP. late
Lt. 77 F 21 May 92
Lt. Colonel.
Arthur Hill, Hon. Colonel 21 May 92
Charles Percy Lees, p. s. ...12 May 97
Lea Jones (II), p.s. lion.
Lt. Colonel 16 May 9 3
Ed. Kinnersly Williamson,
p.s. Hon. Major 12 Oct. 89
Edward Townahend Logan,
DSO. South Africa 4 May 01
George Richard Hennessy,
p.s 9 Nov. 98
Wm. Campbell Anderson,
DSO. ret. pay 15 Hussars;
Comdg. $Bu. i.y. S. Africa,
with rank -of Lt. Colonel ...30 Dec. 99
William Gerald Ambrose,
p.s. District Commr. at
Lagos 17 Jan. co
Harold Paine 17 Jan. 00
Edward Ralph Harbord,
DSO. South Africa 10 Apr. 00
Francis Edward Christiann Apr. 00
FrankLewisL(oyd,S.Africaio July no
Walter Colby Eai-le, with 2
Provisional Bn. ... ..23 July 00
Charles Hilditch Toler,
Imtv. of Musketry (H) ... 7 Dec. 01
4 <> 2

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