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Index — Active List.
Tinker, Edward 72, 177 Tracy, Hon. Felix C. H.
Tinier, Gervase F. N.63, 412
Trotter, Gerald Frederic 215! Turner, I red. M. 30, 163, 363
Tinling, John A. H. L.
Tipping, Robert F.
Gartside 49, 409 Traherne, Geo. Gilbert..
Tippnge,E. A. Gartside iTraill, Edni. F. T....271
Hanbury 223a:— Gilbert R. A. John ... 444j
' ' Henry sp
262.Trafford, Edward A 32o|— 8,
Sigisruund ffm. J.
■ Frederick Win. Ohas. 427
■ George Fred. Brown 175't
7S, 177a —Henry Edw. O'Brien 175
— James Keith 32, 165'— George Harvey ...90, 419
— Philip Durham 16 — Harold Lake C 441
— ReginaldBaird 343 — Henry Blois 213
Robert Francis 41, 408 — HenryEd ward .Martin 239
Tisdall, Arthur Lance72, 177a — John Murray. 251 — Warren Francis ...70, 39S1 — Henry Hamilton F — 430
— Charles Arthur 2241— Thnmas Balfour 404 — William John 382]— Herbert Guy . 261
Tizard, Henry E 353 j— William Henry 277JTroup, Arthur George... 3981 - Horace Harrison 212
: — Robt. Daubeny Rose 230!— James Gibbon 58, 416
Trousdale, Everard H. 258!— John Digby 369
Robt. Cecil 2961 — John Earner 270
Tobin, Fred. John... 55, 344 — William Stewart 212-
— ■ Harry Walter 183 Trapani, Alfred 192'
— John .
■ Charles.
Tod, Alex. Geo. Wm. 261, 368;Travers, Arthur Hope... 22o|Trower, Arthur S 150!— John Fisher 215
1 — George Alfred 2iO| — Courtney Vor 54, 265
338! — Henry Cecil iSiiTroyte, Gilbert J. A. ... 322
Archibald Ashton
— George Russell ... So,
— John Kelso 4 2
Todd, Arthur George ... 395
— Chas. Campbell ...354. 373
— James Farqnhar 175a
— Octavius 379.
— Oswald Erik 250 — Robert Eaton 434
Todhnnter, Herbt. Wm. 267|Tredennick, George J.... 40.
— Martin Newman 28
— Percy Alexander , 284
— Paginal d George 519
Robari) Villiers 33^
WalterM.FitzHerbert 184
— William
Toker.Alliston C 6, 405lTredgold, John A. T.
Tollemache, L. Q. T. T. Treffry, Frederic ...
de O. P. Tollemache24in;Tiefnsis, George R.
Toller. Hamlet B. ... 257,3731— Hon. Henry VV..„..„. 223)
— Hugh "Mortimer 252iTruell, Edmund G. S.... 2340 •
— Hugh Price 139 Trueman, Arthur P. H. 230-
— Jonas Hamilton duB. — Chas. F. H
82, 2U5 ( — Henry Jno. Hamilton 239 -
— Joseph Oates 242, Truman, Chas. Montagu 153 Tnrton, Hugh M 438
Wm. Robiason 6 — Ralph Douglas 208
— William Harry 56, 208
Tuson, Charles Edward 279
— George Edward. 157
— Harry Denison 286
TuthilL Phineas 3 378
Tweddell, Francis 423
Henry 429
ruscott, John Jas 370
Toke.Roundell Tristram 297)— Jamei P. - 355, Trusler, James 1756
364: Trydell, Arthur Stuart.. 395
371;— Botet 425
7.Tryon, FrederickCharles
H 295
Edw. G 149!— Hon. John F. H. S. F. 224 — George C 219
Tomes, Clement T 2340J— Hon. Walter Alex. ... 2J5'Tucker,AlbertNapoleon 216 Tweedie, David Keltle... 175a
Tomkins, Ernest Leith... iSoiTregear, Fred. Charles 437! — Aubrey Charles 332!— Gerald Scott 225
■ Harry Leith 43 8 |— Vincent r. W 437 — Benjamin 402J— Henry Carmichael ... 329
• William Edward 432]— Vincent Wm 6, 403 — Sir Charles 5'— John Lannoy F irbes
■ Wm. Percival 4, 215 Treherne, Fras. Harper 380 — Charles H. Anup 240]— William John Bell
Tomkinson, Henry A.... i42|Trelawny, Jam;s K. S. 233 1 — Ernest Fred. Gordon 529,Twidale, WniJ}. E 174
Tomlin.MauriceHilliard 256 Tremayne, Hon. Arthur 282 •
Tomlinson, Fras. W. ... 230 j— John Hearle 154
Tudor Henry St. Geo. 444[Twigg, Edw. Francis .
William Guise 18, 397]— Herbert Jos. Richard 529
William Paget i48,Trench, Bernard Fred. 401' — William Hancock ... 529a — James Stuart.
88, 290
— Reg. Hy. Dalrymple 175a
Toms, Francis B. R...58, 177
Tonge, William Corrie... 239!— Fred. A.LePoer... 40,
Tonnochy, Valens C. 46, 409 — Fred. John A.
— Chas. S. Musgrave ... 233,Tuckey, Seo. J. G. White
Christopher Chenevix 215 — Thos. Broderick A....
Derrick le Poer i75iTudor, Ernest Augustus
Fras. M. Chenevix ... 175
Tador 90, 210
31— Henry Hugh 172
176; — Lechmere Howell ... 266
Toogood, Arth. Seymour 234' — Geo. Fred. Chenevix 79,447 Tudway, Robert John48, 30;
• Cecil 3 2 7j
Tootell, Edward 401
Henry Walter.
Tooth, Douglas K. L. ... J50J— Mordaunt Y. Le Poer 28;
Topham, Albert Alfred 347 — Richard H. Chenevix 442
— Thos. Harrison.. 85, 2091— Stewart Johu 50, 284
Toppin, Harry Stanley 232 Trenchard, Hugh M.
— Sidney Miles 184] — Oswald Hy. B.sdee..
Tufnell, Arth.Wyndham 227
■ J. Richard Lowndes 1756- — Edward 130
George Murray 303
■ Hugh Richard 78, 273
— Robert Henry 55, 416
Twining, P. Geoffrey ... 210
Twiss, Arthur M 215
— Edward Francis 249
— Edward Kemble 242a
— Francis Arthur rSi
— George Edward 379
— Horace Wm. Francis 242
— Hubert Richard 393
— John Henry 87, 210
Wm. Louis Oberkirch 444
— Lionel C. Gostling 279,369 Twist, Alex. W. E
259 Tugwell, CI. Buchanan 294,— Ernest Frederick 154
215— Wm. Basil Pope 3i4JTwyford, Harold 141
Torbett,*Francis H. E. 307 [Trent, Fras. HarrisonS6, 277 Tuite, Mark Antony 76, 4141— Lionel Thos. C. ...Sg, 329
Tordiffe, Stafford H. W. 325 J— George Alexander ... 3oS,Tuke, Arthur William 529a Twynam,HumphreyM.84,277
Torkington, Chas. Coke 297iTresidder, Geo. W. W.... 1050 — George u\ Stratford 183I — Thomas MacGregor... 334
— G. Stnkeley 444|Trethewy, Thomas L. ... 282— George Jerry A 382jTyaclce, George 178
— Oliver Miles 269]— Walter Hugh 290: — Martin L 76, 208!— Nicholas 384
Richard Humphrey.. 236 Trevelyan, Henry 715 Tull, Frank Kellow 367
Torreggiani, A. C 192 — W. F 373!Tullibardine, Marquis of
Torrens, Henry Philip... 2 So .Trevor, Arthur P 438, 88,134
— Jas. Robert 162 — Francis W 378 Tullis, J. Drysdale 260
Torrie, Claud Jameson2 3 4a:— Harry 89, 4i8,Tulloch, Donald Fiddes 18c
■ — Lawrence J 47, 409] — Henry Octavius 380! — Jas. Bruce Gregorie... 315
— Thos. G. Jameson ... 445 j — Herbert Edward 315! — John Arthur S 210
Tothill, Francis W. G.72, 177J— Hubert B. Cosmo 247] — - JohnWalterGraham53,4i3
Tottenham.Chas.Bosvile 155]— Philip Christian Wm. 369;— Richard M. Gregorie 313
— Ponsonby John Loftus 292', — William Herbert 229; — Tom Gregorie 180
— Robert Loftus 425 Trew, Edward F 401 Tulloh, Geo. Swinton ... 273
— Wm. Ed. Willoughby 251a'— Richard James F. ... 215 — John Fell Stewart 314
Toulmin, Arthur If 402|Trewby, Seo. Donald.. 530, — Robt. Henry Wm.315, 374
Toulson, Clement P i38!Trewman, Geo. T 380 Tunnard, Luke 302
Trimnell, Wm. D. C.183. _
Tringham, Archibald M. 227
Tovey, Geo. Strangways 174
Tower, Conyers 137
■ — George Alfred 51, 207
— William Maitland 144
Townley, Charles R...36, 243
— William 115
Townsend, C. C 58, t 77
— Cnthbert Hanson 279
— Edmond 377
— Edward Neville 284|Tripp, Arth. W. H.... 79, 237
— Edward Copleston 92, 448J— Wm. Hy. Lainson ... 398
— Robt. Edw. Lawrence 275 iTriscott, Charles P.... 56, 177
— Samuel 379[Tristram, Chas. Edw.... 437
— Sam.C. Chetwodei8o, 368 — Miles Halton 154
Townshend, Bertie G. |Tritton, Alan George ... 222
Annesley 236J — Charles 84, 417
- Chariest ere F. ...40, 2351— Oswald 183
Tribe, Cecil Walfcl. 80,352, 368 Tupman, Jobn A 400
— Charles Walter +29 Tupper, Gas. Le M 163
Trim, Robert William ... 325iTurnbull, Brace 404
Trimble, Chas. Edw. ... 386I— Cha. Fred. A 3:
— John Brereton Owen 250 — George Oliver 4+4
Trimby, Thomas .„ 353I — Hugh V Corbett 207
— Patrick
Tyiden, William 50, 167
Tyler, Alfred Herbert... 213
— Arthur Malcolm 179
— Francis Cameron 173
— Frederick 306
— Henry Edward... 54a, 207
— James Arbathnot 87, 170
— John Charles 49, 207
— Ralph Edward 180
— Roper Maxwell 333
— Tvevor Bruce 7, 164
— W. E. Saumerez 296
Tyndall, Henry Stuart 441
— Robert 332
— Wm. Ernest Marriott 284
Tynney, Fred. A 238
Tynte, Mervyn A 353
Tyrell, Reo. Edward 506
Tyrrell, Arthur Fredk... 384
— Aug. Charles Lionel 353
— Cecil Herbert 446a
— Llewellyn W. H i62 : Turner, Alex. Scott 31c
— AlfredEdw 6,164
— Alfred G. Burn 429
— Alfred H. P 55, 176
— Archer L. M 72, 177
— Arnold Geoffrey 215
— Arthur Jervois 174
— Arthur Montagu 135
Benjamin 140
■ Walter Birrie 519— Chas. Robert 380
— Ernest 72, 208 JTrollope, Arthur G 229,— Bingham Alexander 357
— George Robert ...54a, 176 Tronson, Norman G. P
Townson, George H.
Charies 90,
2 93;
de C 253; — Charles Hampden
Towsey, FrancisWm.247,362iTrotman,C.NewshamB3, 400
Tracey, Arthur 55, 176 — Nathaniel Fiennes ... 39S
— Eric T. H. Hanbury . 221!— Wm. Mends Forte ... 379
— Wm. Maxwell 84, 227, 368'Trotter, Alg. Richard... 133
Tracy, Hon. A. H. C. —Edward Henry 219
Hanbury 83, 134!— Everard G. Stanley ... (42! — Frank Gordon
Charles Henry 186
— Edward 80, 186
— Edward Napier 404
— Ernest Vere 213
Francis Charles... 87, 232
.... 214
George G. Montague 146
— Gerald Ernest i8t
— John Frederick 182
— Reginald Bramley ... 184
Tyrwhitt.Fred. St. John 276
— Hon. Rupert 72, [77
Tytler, H. Christopher 426
— R. Adam Neilson 339
Hbsdell, Thurloe R ..175a
Ddal, Arthur U 366
— Evelyn Routh 298
Unifreville, Harry K. ... 285
- Percy • 31,
— Ralph Brunton 276
— SamuelO 284
Underhill, Chas. Faith-
orne 3 4 g
— Guilford E. C 185

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